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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:61 题号:18805420

Up to one fifth of the Amazon rainforest is emitting more carbon dioxide (CO2), than it absorbs, new research suggests. Results from a decade-long study of greenhouse gases over the Amazon rainforest appear to show around 20% of the total area has become a net source of CO2 in the atmosphere. One of the main causes is deforestation. While trees are growing, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere; dead trees release it again. However, the fact is that millions of trees have been lost to logging and fires in recent years.

The results of the study, which have not yet been published, have implications for the effort to combat climate change. They suggest that the Amazon rainforest, a vital carbon “store”, or “sink”, that slows the pace of global warming may be turning into a carbon source faster than previously thought. Every two weeks for the past 10 years, a team of scientists led by Professor Luciana Gatti, a researcher at Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), has been measuring greenhouse gases by flying aircraft fitted with sensors over different parts of the Amazon basin. What the group found was startling: while most of the rainforest still retains its ability to absorb large quantities of CO2 — especially in wetter years — one portion of the forest, which is especially heavily deforested, appears to have lost that capacity.

Gatti’s research suggests this south-eastern part of the forest, about 20% of the total area, has become a carbon source. “Each year is worse,” she told Newsnight. “We observed that this area in the south-east is an important source of carbon. And it doesn’t matter whether it is a wet year or a dry year. 2017 was a wet year, but it didn’t make any difference.”

A forest can become a source of carbon rather than a “store”, or “sink”, when trees die and emit carbon into the atmosphere. Areas of deforestation also contribute to the Amazon’s inability to absorb carbon.

Carlos Nobre, who co-authored Prof Gatti’s study, called the observation “very worrying” because “it could be showing the beginnings of a major tipping point”. He believes the new findings suggest that in the next 30 years, more than half of the Amazon could transform from rainforest into savanna (稀树草原).

1. Which of the following might Professor Luciana Gatti agree with?
A.Most of the Amazon rainforest absorbs more CO2 in wetter years.
B.The Amazon rainforest is on its way to becoming the biggest source of carbon.
C.Deforested areas tend to perform better in terms of absorbing carbon in dry years.
D.The Amazon rainforest has completely lost its ability to slow the pace of global warming.
2. What does the underlined word probably mean?
3. What part of the Amazon rainforest has lost most trees?
4. What might be talked about in the following paragraph? ______
A.Other worrying phenomena about the Amazon.
B.More explanations for the “Amazon tipping point”.
C.Other peopled opinions on effects of deforestation.
D.Comparison between old findings and new ones.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】U. S. teens spend more than eight hours a day on screens, and there’s growing concern over it. Now, a new study published by the American Psychological (心理的) Association, confirms that teens seem to feel better about themselves when they cut back.

Social media can feel like a comparison trap (陷阱),” says study author Helen Thai, a doctoral student in psychology at McGill University. Her research found that limiting screen time to about one hour a day helped anxious teens and young adults feel better about their body image and their appearance. “What I noticed in social media was that I couldn’t help but compare myself.” Thai says. Reading posts from famous people and influencers, as well as people in her own social network, led to a lack of self-confidence.

So, Thai and a team of researchers decided to test whether reducing time on social media would improve body image. They gathered a few hundred volunteers, aged 17-25. all of whom had experienced symptoms (症状) of anxiety or depression — which could make them easily influenced by social media. Half of the volunteers were asked to reduce their social media to 60 minutes a day for three weeks. The other half continued to use social media with no limits.

The researchers gave the volunteers surveys at the beginning and end of the study, including statements such as “I’m pretty happy about the way I look,” and “I am satisfied with my weight.” Among the group that cut social media use, the overall score on appearance improved from 2.95 to 3.15 on a 5-point scale. The change may seem small, but any change in such a short period of time is worth noticing.

“It’s encouraging that college students were willing to cut back screen time, even for three weeks,” psychologist Andrea Graham says. While this study included people with symptoms of anxiety or depression, Graham says it’s worth applying this approach to other groups, such as people with eating problems.

1. What is the probable meaning of the underlined sentence in para 2?
A.Teens are forced to post their own images on social media
B.Teens couldn’t help but spend too much time on social media
C.Teens tends to compare themselves with others on social media
D.Teens are fooled into believing false information on social media
2. How was the research conducted by Thai and a team of researchers?
A.By listing numbersB.By giving examples
C.By making comparisonsD.By analyzing causes and effects
3. What can we learn about the survey?
A.The study included people with mental health and eating problems
B.There was little difference in appearance score between the two groups
C.College students were not willing to reduce screen time for more weeks
D.Cutting social media use makes a difference to teens’ opinion of their image
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Less screen time, more self-confidenceB.Social media, a time bomb on your health
C.How to improve your image on social mediaD.Concern over social media addiction keeps growing
2023-06-27更新 | 185次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits — including making your brain sharper. Yes, it turns out that overweight may damage cognitive functions (认知功能) such as memory and attention. There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning, possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance. Losing weight, therefore, may help improve these mental functions, according to a new research led by John Gunstad, assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.

Growing evidence suggests that being fat is linked to cognitive deficits (缺陷). So Gunstad and his team guessed that losing weight might improve mental function. For their study, they measured memory and attention in a group of 150 overweight participants, some of whom had some kind of operation for weight loss and some did not. All of the volunteers completed mental skills tests to assess their abilities of memory and attention at the beginning of the study, and again 12 weeks later. To begin with, about 24% of the patients showed damaged learning and 23% showed signs of poor memory when tested. At the end of the study, those who had lost weight after operation improved their scores into the average or above average range for cognitive functions. Scores for the volunteers who didn’t lose weight dropped even further.

The study helped Gunstad to find out whether losing weight had any effect on mental function. Now that he’s seen the positive effect that weight loss can have on memory and attention, he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way — eating healthier and getting more active. He expects that losing weight in this way will have a similarly positive effect on the brain. “If we can improve the condition with operations, then we can probably produce the same change with behavioral weight loss as well,” he says.

1. There is less research on overweight and cognitive functions because researchers ________.
A.believe overweight only affects our body
B.have focused on ways to sharpen people’s mind
C.are clear about the relation between weight and mental functions
D.do not consider overweight a main cause for low cognitive ability
2. The result of Gunstad’s study shows that ________.
A.losing weight can improve people’s mental functions
B.losing weight has little effect on people’s memory
C.overweight people are likely to have psychology problems
D.overweight people’s abilities of concentration differ greatly
3. What is Gunstad planning to prove next in his research?
A.Slim people are smarter than overweight people.
B.Healthy diet is better than exercise in losing weight.
C.Overweight people will get smarter by taking more exercise.
D.Traditional ways of losing weight are better than operation.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Body Weight and HealthB.Losing Weight by Operation
C.Losing Weight to Sharpen Your MindD.Ways to Improve Mental Functions
2023-07-22更新 | 15次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Night light from street lamps and phones change the body clock, therefore weakening the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels and raising the risk of diabetes (糖尿病) by more than a quarter, new research has found.

The research was based on almost 100,000 men and women in China who were exposed to artificial light while it was dark outside. Those exposed the most were 28 per cent more likely to develop this condition because of the interference (干预) the light had on the body’s production of melatonin (褪黑激素) which affects our sleep patterns.

Evidence is growing that 24/7 lifestyles are seriously damaging our health by interfering with the production of melatonin. Long-time exposure to residential outdoor artificial light was linked to a rise in blood sugar levels. It was also associated with poorer function of the cells which control blood sugar.

Lead author Dr. Yu Xu, of Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, said, “Despite over 80 per cent of the world’s population being exposed to light pollution at night, this problem has gained limited attention from scientists until recent years.”

The study estimated more than nine million cases of diabetes in Chinese adults can be attributed to it. A total of 98,658 participants underwent interviews to provide medical, household income, education, way of life, and family history information. Body weight and height were measured to calculate BMI, and blood samples were taken to obtain levels of both fasting and after-meal glucose (葡萄糖).

Participants were assigned an average artificial outdoor light exposure level for the location using satellite images. They were divided into five groups based on highest to lowest exposure. On average, for every 42 people living in regions with the most light pollution, there was one more case of diabetes.

Dr. Xu said, “Exposure to artificial light at night is a common environmental risk factor in modern societies.” More than 99 per cent of people in the US and Europe live under light-polluted skies. Earth’s 24-hour day-night cycle has resulted in most organisms, including humans, having an inbuilt circadian (昼夜的) timing system, but light pollution has been found to change the circadian rhythm of insects, birds and other animals, resulting in early death and loss of biodiversity.

1. How can artificial light affect people’s health?
A.It can harm people’s eyesight.
B.It can affect people’s sleep patterns.
C.It can weaken the function of brain cells.
D.It can increase the production of melatonin.
2. What information about the participants was collected?
3. What helped with the study?
A.Previous findings.B.High technology.
C.International assistance.D.Artificial chemicals.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Artificial light is harming the world.
B.People are fighting against pollution.
C.The waste of electricity is the primary issue.
D.Most light pollution is from the US and Europe.
2023-06-05更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般