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1 . Chinese scientists say they have developed a robotic fish that can remove microplastic particles from water environments. Researchers working on the project say the robots could help to clean up plastic pollution in oceans around the world.

The robotic swimmers are about 1.3 centimeters long. They are made of a soft chemical Compound. The robots are designed to absorb microplastics while moving through the water. The project was launched by a team at Sichuan University in southwestern China. The researchers said the robots have already performed well in shallow water and they plan to carry out more tests in deeper waters. The scientists reported their findings in a new study in Nano Letters. The publication comes from the American Chemical Society, a nonprofit organization supported by the U.S. Congress. The robotic fish were built to target microplastic particles, which are smaller than five millimeters. Studies have confirmed that microplastic pollution has been discovered in many natural environments. The material comes from the breakdown of manufactured plastic products and industrial waste.

The team said the robots can be controlled by light. Turning “a near-infrared light laser” on and off causes the fish’s tail to move back and forth, the American Chemical Society said. The robotic fish can swim up to 2.76 body lengths per second. The researchers said this is faster than most similar soft robots. Wang Yuyan was a member of Sichuan University’s research team. She told Reuters news agency that the small, lightweight robot is currently being used to collect microplastics for research purposes. But Wang added that the team plans to expand that use so the robot fish can remove larger amounts of microplastic waste from deep ocean areas. The fish can take in different kinds of microplastics and even repair itself when damaged, the researchers said. And if a robot fish is accidentally eaten by a real fish, it could safely digest the material, the team added. Wang said similar robots could be developed to be placed inside the human body to remove unwanted materials or disease.

1. Why has a robotic fish been created?
A.To remove disease in people.B.To clean up pollution in oceans.
C.To remove unwanted materials in body.D.To remove microplastic particles in water.
2. What will happen to the robotic fish when eaten by a real fish?
A.It will be harmless.B.It will repair itself.
C.It will take in microplastics.D.It will collect microplastics.
3. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The purpose of the robotic fish.
B.The function of the robotic fish.
C.A further introduction of the robotic fish.
D.Potential application of the robotic fish.
4. What is Wang Yuyan’s attitude to the future use of the robotic fish?
2022-11-17更新 | 328次组卷 | 5卷引用:宁夏平罗中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . The sunflower sea star has been listed as a critically endangered species following a groundbreaking population study led by Oregon State University (OSU) and The Nature Conservancy.

“These giant sea stars used to be easy to find and were a hit with divers. Unfortunately, your chances of finding one now are next to nothing in most of the areas near the United States—this listing is one step to extinction—and I don’t think they’re coming back without help,” said OSU’s Sarah Gravem, a research associate in the College of Science and the lead author of the study.

Populations of the sunflower sea star suffered dramatic crashes because of a marine (海洋的) wildlife epidemic event, which began in 2013. Scientists used more than 61,000 population surveys from 31 data sets to calculate a 90.6% decline in the sunflower sea stars and estimated that as many as 5.75 billion animals died from the disease, whose cause has not been determined. Moreover, the research showed no sign of population recovery in any region in the five to seven years since the event.

Sunflower sea stars are a key catcher of purple sea urchins (海胆) and the sea star decline has helped the increase in the urchin population in many regions. Too many urchins are linked to a decline in kelp forests(海藻林) already facing pressure from marine heat wave events, making the future uncertain for ecosystems that provide habitat for thousands of marine animals and help support coastal economies.

“Because most people are not out in the ocean every day, we don’t realize how much it’s being changed and impacted by humans. We need to think about how to keep our ocean healthy. While reducing the release of carbon dioxide is the most pressing need, rebuilding key catcher populations, like the sunflower sea star, can be an important piece of the puzzle too,” said study co-author Sara Hamilton, a Ph. D. candidate in the OSU College of Science.

1. What can we infer about sunflower sea stars from Sarah Gravem’s words?
A.They present a danger to divers.
B.They cannot recover on their own.
C.They cannot adapt to the new environment.
D.They attract many tourists to the United States.
2. What led to the sharp decline in the number of sunflower sea stars?
A.Human beings’ overfishing.
B.The arrival of a new species.
C.The rising ocean temperature.
D.The occurrence of a marine disease.
3. What is the relationship between suntlower sea stars and the sea kelp forests?
A.Their common enemies are sea urchins.
B.Sunflower sea stars feed on the sea keep forests.
C.Sunflower sea stars help preserve the sea kelp forests.
D.The sea kelp forests provide habitats for sunflower sea stars.
4. What might Sara Hamilton agree with?
A.More species should be introduced to the ocean.
B.Scientists play the most important role in protecting the ocean.
C.The influence of human activities on the ocean has decreased since 2013.
D.More action should be taken to increase the number of sunflower sea stars.
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3 . With greater climate catastrophe (气候突变) on Earth, it is natural for us to make every effort to stop the potential floods, snowstorms, and alarming reports from scientists. For many of us (myself included), part of that means running out to buy reusable straws, organic cleaners, and packaging-free products.

However, before you are delighted at “green” purchases, take a second to consider the results of a new study from Arizona University. By comparing the shopping habits, mental health and environmental impact of young people, the researchers reconfirmed a principle: Buying less beats buying “green” stuff without effort. And that is true whether you are looking at the impact that your purchases have on the Earth or on your own happiness.

It should not come as a shock that simply consuming less is better for the planet. After all, every new item a factory yields requires some resources to produce. Take plastic bag bans for instance. If your city is getting rid of single-use shopping bags, it can be attractive to pay for a fashionable organic cotton bag hanging in the check-out line of your local supermarket. However, experts insist that growing cotton is actually no better for the Earth than producing the conventional plastic bags. Then what is your best bet for carrying your groceries if you care about sustainability? Any bag you already own.

It is not just the Earth that will be happier if you buy less. You will feel more contented too, according to the new study. “People believe that they might well be self-satisfied about becoming environmentally conscious through ‘green’ buying patterns, but it doesn’t seem to be that way”, said the lead researcher Sabrina Helm. “Reduced consumption has effects on increased well-being, but we don’t see that with ‘green’ consumption.”

“Owning every new ‘green’ product on the market might make you feel contented, but if you relieve yourself of that burden of ownership, most people report feeling a lot better,” said Helm.

1. Why does the writer mention “green” shopping habits?
A.To call on a green lifestyle.B.To praise people’s green efforts.
C.To introduce a social trend.D.To present a half true “green” truth.
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The plastic bag bans are of no effect.B.Using any bag you have is the best bet.
C.Reduced consumption is better for the Earth.D.Growing cotton is far worse for the Earth.
3. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The sense of achievement.B.The sense of happiness.
C.The sense of relief.D.The sense of security.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Less is MoreB.The Greener, The Happier
C.Happiness GuaranteeD.What Are Green Products?
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4 . The winter migration (迁徙) season has arrived. With the cold wave heading down south, migratory birds from faraway places such as Siberia have begun to arrive at Dongting Lake, central China for the winter.

Dongting Lake in central China’s Hunan Province is the country’s second-largest freshwater lake. When the temperature rises after a short cold time, locals call the 10th lunar month “Indian summer.” During this time, the lake’s water level drops and sedges (莎草) grow, allowing wintering birds to plentiful food.

Song Yucheng, deputy chief engineer of East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, is proud of their protection work. According to him, the Eurasian spoonbills are the first to arrive at the heart of East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve. They line up and use sideways sweeps of their beaks to filter (过滤) out tiny fish and shrimp. When they fly to another spot looking for food, people can only see the vast expanse of a white sky.

“Now the weather is also very good, the sky is very clear, with green grass, clear water and white spoonbills wandering for hunting. It’s a beautiful picture of nature,” said Song.   

For the villagers living in the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, their farm fields are still full of busy and active fellows after harvest because there are about 100 swans settled down there. To provide these birds with an quiet and safe environment, the local government has stopped the vehicles and visitors from entering the area.

“Firecrackers are not allowed, and loud noises are also not allowed in the surrounding area,” said Long Yong, a villager from the Hehua Village, citing the local government.

1. The birds migrate to Dongting Lake not because _____.
A.Siberia is cold at winter.
B.It is the nearest to Siberia.
C.The protection work there goes great.
D.The warm temperature and plentiful food.
2. The underlined words in paragraph 3 is a name of ___.
A.an engineerB.a kind of bird
C.migration destinationD.birds food
3. From what Song said, we can infer_____.
A.Weather is always good here.
B.More birds are coming here.
C.The environment is beautiful here.
D.It’s good to draw pictures here.
4. The last two paragraphs tell about____.
A.government measures
B.fields harvest
C.village life
D.how to observe birds in nature
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了世界上许多地方的野火季节已经开始。野火产生的危险烟雾可以扩散到很远的地方。它会遮挡阳光,污染空气,并对人类和其他生物的健康造成损害。为此Brooke Edmunds对受到烟尘影响的植物在恢复过程中提出了解决方法。

5 . Wildfire season has begun in many places around the world. The dangerous smoke wildfires produce can spread far and wide. It blocks sunlight, poisons the air and damages the health of people and other living things.

Some of those living things could be the plants in gardens, says gardening expert Jessica Damiano, who writes gardening stories for the Associated Press. Damiano lives in New York City and recently experienced several days of very smoky air. Wildfires in eastern Canada were the source.

Damiano, like other people, limited the time she spent outdoors when the air quality was poor. She also wore a face covering when she had to go outside.

But the plants in her garden had no such escape. They had to breathe the poisoned air through the extremely small holes in their leaves.

Pollutants in smoke landing on plants can block sunlight, which is essential for photosynthesis (光合作用). Reduced photosynthesis results in reduced energy. That means slower growth. Additionally, smoke can also affect a plant’s ability to take in nutrients(营养物质).

Brooke Edmunds, a plant scientist and community horticulturalist with Oregon State University Extension, said plants that are affected by smoke for a short amount of time will usually recover quickly. “It depends on how close they are,” she said. “There could also be a localized effect, where one garden is covered in ash(灰烬), and a half-mile away, there’s nothing because that’s the way the wind was moving things around.”

The best thing home gardeners can do is keep an eye on plants. Edmunds suggests giving plants some extra love and care. “Wash the plants gently to remove pollutants left by smoke. Then give them a long, slow drink of water. Most will pull through,” Edmunds said. However, people should not use leaf blower machines to remove ashes from plants because they will risk breathing in what is blowing around.

1. What happened to Jessica Damiano?
A.She had her house burned in a fire.
B.She couldn’t afford face coverings.
C.She suffered from health problems.
D.She had to deal with poor air quality.
2. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The bad effects of smoke on plants.
B.The benefits of growing plants.
C.The role of plants in the environment.
D.The importance of water to plants.
3. What can we learn from Brooke Edmunds’s words?
A.Wind has little effect on plants.
B.Plants can sometimes make a quick recovery.
C.Ashes can spread more than half a mile.
D.Plants close to smoke usually grow well.
4. How should people protect plants affected by smoke?
A.By pulling them out of the ground.
B.By using leaf blower machines.
C.By washing them with great care.
D.By giving them a fast drink of water.
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I looked out of the door of my 100-year-old house and saw my newly built garden. I realized nothing is rubbish. I was full of joy and ___________.

I ___________ to look at the things in a different perspective that we usually think of as _________ —plastic bags, polluted water, rubber bands, and newspapers, clothes and furniture we ___________. I also began to think, act and live according to the belief that all things have the _________ of being reused as long as we try to _________ it. And I explored the worth of ___________. I mean recycling isn’t just about _________ rubbish like putting glass and paper in _________ bins. It also requires creativity, commitment and even love.

My neighbors would put the autumn __________ by the roadside to be picked up by the garbage truck. This didn’t __________ with my newfound concept of recycling trash, so I made a new ____________ with branches for moving boxes and put up a __________, saying, “Dump (倾倒) leaves here”. I watched carefully through the autumn as my neighbors __________ the leaves in my new garden and I also watered the grass __________ with rainwater and collected dogs’ waste as fertilizer. Then I __________ flower seeds. Finally, I had a new ____________ garden, full of colorful flowers.

Nothing has to be really __________. I even used my bath water to water my flowers, though it might be a little   __________ for my friends. But I think if we all can turn waste, sometimes a little dirty, into __________, the world will be a much better place.

A.packed upB.brought outC.threw awayD.gave away
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7 . In the blue-green depths of the sea off the coast of Tuscany, Italy, an unusual seafloor sculpture park is defending its watery setting.

Since fisherman Paolo Fanciulli’s teens, he has been heading out daily to fish in these coastal waters along the Maremma coastline. It was in the 1980s that he began to notice the clear signs: a seabed that was becoming barren (贫瘠的), with exhausted fish stocks. Until recently, he has been forced to share catches with a threatening part: illegal “bottom trawlers (拖网捕鱼的人)”, who randomly spoil a large quantity of ocean life as they fish, dragging a weighted net along the seafloor behind their boats.

Fanciulli’s style of artisanal fishing (手工捕鱼), in contrast, needs to be friendly to nature as damaging the ecosystem could reduce fishermen’s income. Fanciulli understood that the success of his fishing activity was linked to the good state of the environment. The underwater “House of Fish” sculpture park, which was started in 2015 was encouraged by this fisherman. “One of the most effective solutions is to physically prevent trawling through artificial reefs…so I started working on this project, trying to combine the protection of the seabed with something that could also give an added value to our environment, something as beautiful as a sculpture,” he said.

Rocks or sculptures can break weighted trawler nets. They can also play a role as artificial reefs, giving corals and other sea life a place to live. Thanks to the underwater sculptures, some species not seen in a long while such as groupers and lobsters have returned. The sculpture park represents both an artistic statement and a physical barrier to seafloor trawling.

Today, 39 huge stone sculptures dot the seabed along an area of Tuscan coastline near the town of Talamone. In the immediate future, Fanciulli hopes to continue his great solution in coastal waters. “Man is still destroying the seas,” he says, “and my task continues.”

1. What poses a threat to Fanciulli’s work of artisanal fishing?
A.Rocks on the seafloor.B.Frequent terrible weather.
C.A growing number of fishermen.D.Illegal trawling industry.
2. Why was the underwater sculpture park built?
A.To show artists’ creativity.
B.To develop the local green tourism.
C.To protect the ecosystem of the sea.
D.To warn against fishing in coastal waters.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The results of banning seafloor trawling.
B.The process of building the sculpture park.
C.The damaging effects of trawling on sea life.
D.The roles of the sculpture park under the sea.
4. What could be the best title for this text?
A.The first underwater park in the world
B.Fanciulli’s innovation in cleaning the ocean
C.A seafloor park: Artworks for sea protection
D.Waters with sculptures: Better habitats for fish
2024-01-10更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2023-2024学年高三上学期第五次月考英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . 假定你是中学生李华,最近你通过媒体了解到在地球上,野生动物的数量正在不断减少,其中一些甚至濒临灭绝。请你就该问题写一篇英文报道,刊登在校报上,内容包括:

As we know, many wild animals die out every day.

2023-02-16更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . In a county of Britain, a pair of pig farmers has managed to feed one million bees by turning over half of their land to wildflowers. Four years ago, brothers Mark and Paul Hayward decided to fill 81 acres of their farm land with wildflowers. This week, a study found they were feeding one million bees at any time.

“This was our target when we started, to, grow enough flowers to feed a million bees on a single day.” Mark said. “We are acutely aware that bees are under threat from modern farming methods and that East England is one of the worst places where bees are seriously suffering from lack of wildflower diversity,” he continued.

“Every third bite of food you eat can come from bees and we wanted to create an operation on our farm that did not push nature out but rather hugged it-as a central part of our ecology system and our food cycle,” he said.

The farm uses all kinds of seeds which can produce many different wild plants and of course, the bees can get food from different wildflowers.

“We are taking a very small role in helping society restore a balance and this starts with plant diversity to encourage insects, bees, small mammals(哺乳动物), and birds,” said Paul. “At the end of the day, we see ourselves as caretakers of this land. Between us we have six children and we owe it to them to farm sustainability(持续性)and set an example for the generations to come,” added Paul.

According to the Bee Conservation Trust, many types of bees have seen their populations decline by 70%, and two species have become extinct in the last century.

Gill Perkins, CEO of the Bee Conservation Trust said, “Thanks to Mark and Paul, at least here, a million bees can keep living, which is of great significance for ourselves now and future.”

1. What can we know about the brothers from the first two paragraphs?
A.They have about 160 acres of land.
B.They grow wild flowers for pigs.
C.They are not good at growing wild flowers.
D.They have to support 1, 000, 000 bees in their land.
2. Why are bees under threat in East England?
A.There is a shortage of water for bees.
B.Bees are not used to the modern society.
C.There are too many animals eating bees.
D.Bees can not find different wild flowers.
3. What is Gill Perkins’ attitude to the action?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Bees are in Danger Now
B.Two Brothers Feed a Million Bees
C.Only one Million Bees are Surviving in East England
D.Two Brothers Love Wild Flowers in East England
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The first time ever I realized that plastic was a serious matter for our planet was during a road trip in Western Australia, almost 12 years ago.

We________at a supermarket along the Coral Bay coast to buy some groceries and the lady at the counter told us they didn’t sell any shopping bags in order to prevent plastic in the________and to help preserving the endangered turtles living in that area. After a first reaction of surprise, we________all our shopping in our arms and left.

This was just one of the many experiences I’ve lived that made me more________about my impact and pushed me to adopt different habits to live and________more sustainably.

Our trip to Borneo was another life-changing________that has strengthened my resolution to a zero-waste lifestyle. While traveling in some Asian countries, we came to know that________drinkable water was always a challenge. So we had to travel with our water bottle, and we________to avoid using plastic during our trip.

Besides, we were also________impressed by our stay on Libaran Island. A sustainable turtle conservation________and the community had made big efforts to________ the beaches and creatively re-use plastic for ten years. Despite that, the shore is________daily with tons of plastic coming from the tides.

Facing this global issue________, raised in me a feeling of sadness and anger that soon turned into________: to do as much as possible to reduce plastic in our life. Small changes can________a difference!

A.dry upB.tie upC.clean upD.take up
A.on purposeB.for sureC.by mistakeD.in person
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