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1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。

In the past, human activities     1    (have) little effect on global warming, but now they have caused the rise of the earth temperature. All scientists agree that the increase in the temperature results     2    the burning of fossil fuels. One of some byproducts    3    (call) greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) which can trap more heat energy in the atmosphere.

Over the last 100 years, the temperature of the earth    4    (increase). The     5    (attitude) towards this rise are completely different. Some are positive    6    others are negative. Those who are positive think that without the greenhouse gases the earth would be     7    (cool) than it is,     8    would not be suitable to live on. Others think the rise of the earth temperature may cause severe storms, floods, droughts and so on.

    9    (actual), green house gases will continue to build up in the atmosphere. Luckily, we human beings are doing what we can     10    (reduce) green house gases. More importantly, individuals can make a difference.

2 . This new packaging material looks like conventional plastic, but it's actually made from fish waste and algae(海藻)--and unlike plastic, if it escapes into the ocean, a fish could likely eat it safely. The material, called MarinaTex, is the winner of this year's James Dyson Award.

"It began with my desire to work with waste," says Lucy Hughes, a recent graduate from University of Sussex, who once visited a fish processing factory to see the massive quantity of waste generated by the industry and find new ways to use it. She focused on fish skins and scales (鳞片). "When I had it in my hands, I realized this has got potential, she says. "It's super strong and flexible." Hughes spent months experimenting with fish waste in her kitchen, running more than 100 experiments to find a binder and a process that could hold together the proteins in the fish skins and scales. "I had a lot of failed attempts—a lot of things either were too easily broken or too soft or easily went bad," she says. She finally landed on a type of algae that can be locally got.

The material can be used to replace oil-based plastic in packaging such as bags or the half transparent windows used to show products in boxes. As her research continues, Hughes says that she'll be studying how MarinaTex works and how long it could be used to store food.

Unlike some "compostable" plastics, which need to be processed in an industrial composting facility to break down, the new material can break down in four to six weeks in a backyard compost bin. ''All the ingredients are food-grade safe," Hughes says." So, this breaks down much like a piece of food would break down."

1. Why did Hughes develop MarinaTex?
A.She wanted to look for a new plastic.
B.She would like fish to eat it safely.
C.She wanted to win James Dyson Award.
D.She wanted to make use of fish skins and scales.
2. What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The fish processing factory.B.The fish waste.
C.Fish scales.D.Fish skins.
3. What is the main advantage of MarinaTex compared with conventional plastic?
A.It is stronger and more flexible.
B.It can be used as plastic bags.
C.It has the nutritional value for fish.
D.It can break down very easily and fast.
4. Which one is the best title for the passage?
A.Working with WasteB.Developing New Ideas
C.Making Bags from Fish WasteD.Getting Rid of Plastic Pollution

3 . The band Coldplay has released (发行) a new album called “Everyday Life”. But the group has announced it won’t go on tour until it can figure out how to tour without making the climate worse.

Normally when bands have a new album, they go on tour to promote (推销) the album. They may fly from country to country and drive across countries in buses, performing in concert after concert.

Touring is an important way singers and musicians earn money. But tours are very hard on the environment. Flying is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases. During their last tour, the band flew to five different continents and played 122 shows. They traveled with 109 supporting workers, 32 trucks, and 9 bus drivers. Think about the pollution from Coldplay’s flights as well as the trucks, buses and huge amounts of electricity required to power the shows!

It’s hard to keep track of the pollution a band creates while touring, but most of the environmental cost comes from the fans. During their last tour, Coldplay entertained 5.4 million fans, all of whom had to travel to the concerts and bought “merchandise” like T-shirts, CDs and posters. Some bought food and drinks at the concerts, creating tons of plastic waste.

Instead of touring to promote the new album, Coldplay recorded two videos of the band playing their new songs live in Jordan and has put the videos of their performances up for free viewing on YouTube.

Coldplay, one of whose dreams is to have a show with no single-use plastic and have it largely sun-powered, says it won’t tour again until its members work out how to make their tours help instead of hurt. The decision will cost the band a lot of money in the short run, but it could pay off big for the planet.

1. Why is Coldplay’s last tour mentioned twice by the author?
A.To stress the necessity of the tour.
B.To describe Coldplay’s great popularity.
C.To introduce Coldplay’s basic information.
D.To show huge environmental costs of the tour.
2. How did Coldplay promote the new album?
A.By making a tour in Jordan.
B.By distributing free CDs to fans.
C.By posting their performances online.
D.By performing their new songs live on TV.
3. Which of the following best describes Coldplay’s decision to quit tours?
2020-03-26更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2019-2020学年高二上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . At the age of seven, while his friends were spending their allowances on candy and toys, Jose Adolfo Quisocola, from Peru, came up with the creative idea of an eco-bank, which allows kids of all ages to become economically independent and financially wise while also helping the environment.

Established in 2012, The Bartselana Student Bank is the world’s first cooperative bank for kids. Whoever wants to join has to bring in at least 5 kilograms(11 pounds) of solid waste(paper or plastic) and establish a savings goal. Once accepted, all bank “partners” are required to deposit at least one additional kilogram(2.2 pounds) of recyclables on a monthly basis and obey other requirements, such as attending financial education and environmental management workshops. The waste accumulated is sold to local recycling companies, who, thanks to some clever negotiation by Jose, pay a higher-than-market rate for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The funds received are placed in the individual’s account where they collect until his/her savings goal is reached. The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choose to leave it and continue to grow for a bigger target.

“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project, ” Jose recalls. “They did not understand that we are not the future of the country but its present. Luckily, I had the support of the school principal and an assistant in my classroom.”

The youngster’s persistence paid off. Today, the eco-bank, which now has the support of several local institutions, has ten educational centers and begins accepting applications from kids all across Peru. On November 20, 2018, the young boy was awarded the famous Children’s Climate Prize (CCP). “Jose’s eco-bank is a brilliant way of linking economy and climate impact, both in thought and practice. The potential impact is amazing,” a judge said.

Hopefully, Jose’s success will inspire more kids and adults to come up with new ideas that create value while helping the environment. As the boy says,” Together we can change the world…we just need an opportunity…”

1. For what main purpose was the eco-bank created?
A.To educate children how to spend their allowances.
B.To help children become independent from their parents.
C.To raise children’s awareness of environmental protection.
D.To encourage children to buy whatever they want.
2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The history of the eco-bank.
B.The requirements of membership.
C.The wise way to deal with waste.
D.The process of running the eco-bank.
3. What is the biggest challenge Jose met at the start of opening the eco-bank?
A.Lack of enough support.B.Lack of enough money.
C.Lack of relevant experience.D.Lack of relevant knowledge.
4. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.An Amazing Boy,Jose
B.Recycling does Count Much
C.An Opportunity to Change the World
D.An Eco-bank, Economical and Ecological

5 . Throughout history, humanity has existed side-by-side with viruses and bacteria. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, humanity has evolved to resist these bacteria and viruses. However, there are now new ways for them to infect us.

Climate change is melting permafrost(冻土) areas that have been frozen for thousands of years. As the permafrost melts, so too the ancient bacteria and viruses that have been frozen. These ancient bacteria and viruses, which previously lay inactive in the ice, may spring back to life as the earth’s climate warms.

In August 2016, a 12-year-old boy in the Arctic Circle died and at least twenty people there were hospitalized after having been infected by anthrax(炭疽).

Experts studied and concluded that over 75 years ago, a reindeer infected with anthrax died and its body was frozen and trapped under a layer of permafrost. It stayed there, with the disease inactive, until a heatwave in the summer of 2016. The heatwave melted the permafrost and exposed the reindeer body, which then released the infectious pathogen(病原体) into the nearby water and soil, and then into the food supply. More than 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected, which then led to a small number of human cases.

While you may think the incident is isolated to that area, the fact that long-inactive viruses and bacteria might wake up soon due to climate change will affect us all. Pathogenic viruses might be preserved in old permafrost layers, including some that have caused global epidemics in the past.

With climate change, who knows what deadly viruses and bacteria hidden beneath permafrost areas are threatening us. Perhaps it is time for everyone to do their part to stop global warming.

1. What does the underlined “new ways” refer to?
A.Ancient bacteria and viruses came back to life.
B.Bacteria and viruses have evolved into new types.
C.Bacteria and viruses become more resistant to medicine.
D.Ancient bacteria and viruses remain active in frozen permafrost.
2. Which is the right order of the case of anthrax in 2016?
① A 12-year-old boy died and many others were infected.
② Over 2,000 reindeer feeding near the body became infected.
③ The bacteria went into the nearby water, soil, and then food supply.
④ The permafrost melted and the bacteria in the dead reindeer woke up.
A.④ ③ ② ①B.④ ② ③ ①C.① ② ④ ③D.① ③ ④ ②
3. Why does the writer write this text?
A.To introduce an ancient virus, anthrax.
B.To call on people to stop global warming.
C.To encourage people to study ancient viruses.
D.To warn of the danger of melting permafrost.
4. In which section can we most possibly read this text on a website?

6 . After living in the city for nearly ten years, my family decided to be more self-sufficient (自给自足). Then we moved into a house in the country, where we met real challenges.

There was no electricity available in the area. The energy is generated by the wind and sun and stored in batteries. When we first moved in, we lost power almost daily. After this happened a few times, we came to realize how often we wasted electricity. Lights, fans and computers were left on when they were not in use. The refrigerator door was left open too long. The cell phone chargers were plugged in all the time. All of this used unnecessary power. We steadily increased our awareness of conversing (节约) power.

No water line is connected to the house. We have two large water tanks. Every weekend after we came here, we carried two smaller tanks to the nearby town and filled them with water, which we carried back and pumped into our big tanks. It didn’t take us long to understand that we had to use less water. We started taking quicker showers, turning off the water while brushing our teeth and collecting the water every time it rained.

In addition, we are also trying to make other changes, including reducing the amount of waste we produce, growing our own organic vegetables, and reusing things that we would normally throw away. These changes not only make sense financially but also give my kids a feeling of satisfaction in doing something good for the planet.

While living far away from civilization has been a big adjustment, there are many benefits. One of the greatest is teaching my kids the importance of conservation. We used to take water, power and gas for granted. Now we have learned to conserve. I hope that once my kids move out of the house, they will keep the habits that they have formed by living here.

1. Why did the family move to the country?
A.To reduce their expenses.
B.To change their way of life.
C.To get away from the noisy city.
D.To teach the kids to be independent.
2. The family started taking quicker showers in order to ________.
A.save timeB.carry less waterC.protect the tanksD.save water
3. What kind of benefit does the writer seem to value most?
A.Children’s awareness of conservation.
B.The good habits of protecting the planet.
C.The determination to take up challenges.
D.The ability to adjust to new environments.

7 . China is known for its long history, rich culture, and cute pandas. It’s also known for some of the worst air quality in the world. But the Asian country is now using a natural weapon against air pollution — trees.

In February, China’s government announced plans to cover at least 32,400 square miles with forest. That is about the size of Ireland. Some 60,000 soldiers will take charge of the tree-planting program. Most of the trees will be planted in Hebei Province. That is an area surrounding China’s capital, Beijing.

Huang Wei is an environmentalist who works for Greenpeace East Asia. She is optimistic about the plan. “Trees act as a sink to absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants,” she said. Carbon dioxide is a gas that traps the Earth’s heat. It contributes to global warming.

Why is China’s air filled with harmful chemicals? It’s because the country relies on coal-fired power plants. When coal is burned, PM2.5 is produced. PM2.5 is a pollutant. It can cause shortness of breath, heart attacks, and even death.

Just two years ago, pollution levels were so high in Beijing that schools and factories had to close. Huang hopes China’s tree-planting plan will reduce the nation’s suffering from air pollution.

The Chinese government is getting help from others in its drive to make the nation greener. Stefano Boeri is an Italian architect and urban planner. He is leading an effort to plant vertical (垂直的) forests in China.

Boeri’s designs have already taken root in the city of Nanjing, China. That’s where the Nan-jing Green Towers are under construction. The building has two towers. Thousands of trees and hanging plants will grow on the balconies and rooftops.

Boeri says his goal is to design buildings that help the environment and improve air quality. He also hopes to encourage a new generation of green architects.

1. What measure is China taking to improve the air quality according to the passage?
A.Planting more tress.
B.Closing the electricity factories.
C.Forbidding people to burn coal.
D.Designing new buildings.
2. What does Huang Wei think of the new plan?
3. Which of the following has the closest meaning to “contributes to” in paragraph 3?
A.Adapts to.B.Results in.
C.Refers to.D.Concentrates on.
4. Why is Stefano Boeri invited to China to design buildings?
A.Because his design can keep the polluted air outside the house.
B.Because his buildings are built in forest.
C.Because his design is special with two towers.
D.Because his design is environmentally friendly.
2020-03-22更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛胶州市2018-2019学年高一下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . ''It can't be done. '' Boyan Slat heard this over and over when he first proposed a way to clean up millions of tons of plastic polluting our oceans.

Slat, who grew up in the city of Delft in the Netherlands, was on a diving trip in Greece three years ago when he was deeply impressed by plastic. ''There were more plastic bags than fish, '' he says. ''That moment I realized it was a huge issue and that environmental issues are really the biggest problems my generation will face. ''

That fall, Slat, then 17, decided to study plastic pollution as part of a high school project. Soon, Slat learned that no one had yet come up with practical way to clean up this massive garbage patches. Most proposed solutions involved ''fishing'' up the plastic using ships equipped with nets—which, as Slat discovered, would likely take more than 1,000 years, cost too much, let off too much sea life along with the trash.

Slat proposed an alternative that mostly avoided these problems: a solar-powered system using a floating plastic tube which will go around the garbage and trap it is 600 meters long. Wind, waves and ocean currents will push the trash toward the tube. A ship will pick up the trash and take it back to the shore. Best of all, Slat predicted his system could clean up the North Pacific Garbage Patch within five to 10 years.

The following, Slat entered the aerospace engineering program at the Delft University of Technology and officially announced his ocean cleanup concept at TEDxDelft. But nothing much moved forward.

Slat organized a team of volunteers and employees for The Ocean Cleanup, which now numbers about 100. In answer to opposition, Slat and his team raised $100,000 from a crowd funding campaign and began testing a 40-meter collecting barrier near the Azores Islands last March.

Over the next three to four years, Slat will push toward a fully operational large-scale project by testing a series of longer and longer barriers.

1. What inspired the boy to study plastic pollution?
A.One of his high school projects.
B.Others' opposition to his proposal.
C.Humans’ failure in cleaning up the ocean.
D.The shockingly heavy plastic pollution in ocean.
2. What can we say about Slat's design?
A.It is powerful but only used in California and Hawaii.
B.It is huge but causes great damage to sea lives.
C.It makes full use of natural forces and is friendly to nature.
D.It was welcomed by all the public and worked very well.
3. What hasn't Slat done to make his idea into reality?
A.Presenting his idea at TEDxDelft.
B.Raising funds with his team.
C.Doing test.
D.Stopping plastic from washing into the ocean.
4. What does the author mainly do in this article?
A.Explain a strange idea.B.Introduce a fascinating person.
C.Describe a social phenomenon.D.Praise a point of view.
2020-03-11更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛胶州市2018-2019学年高二下学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了巴厘岛白椋鸟(Bali mynah)因羽毛美丽遭受捕猎和栖息地丧失,导致种群濒临灭绝,而后通过政府与饲养者合作的繁殖计划,成功增加野生种群数量,保护工作初见成效。

9 . In the last hundred years, the Bali mynah (巴厘岛白椋鸟) has been sought after for its white feathers and blue skin.

The capture for sale along with the bird’s habitat loss led to its being listed as “threatened” in 1988. In 1994 the Bali mynah was moved to “critically endangered”. By 2001, experts estimated only about six Bali mynahs were living in the wild, with thousands in captivity (圈养) across the world.

Now, conservationists are hoping to increase the mynah population by working with bird breeders and sellers to release them into the wild. Actually, in the 1980s, an organization now called Bird Life International started to work with the government to launch a breeding program for the birds.

Breeders can seek government permits to breed the birds. If approved, breeders are given mynahs and can keep 90 percent of the baby birds for private sale. The remaining birds are released at the National Park, where they will be closely watched by park officials.

Early mynah releases faced problems. Some birds were infected with some diseases; others were killed by natural hunters. Illegal hunting also continued — the national park’s breeding center was even robbed, with nearly 40 birds stolen.

Yet conservation efforts in the last ten years have seen greater success. Tom Squires, a famous conservationist said: “Bird keepers can still keep birds and follow their hobby without causing real problems for wild populations — which is better than species going extinct in the world.”

Agus Ngurah, also a well-known conservationist, praised the program. “With the community being the breeders… they are helping us to take care of the birds existing in nature,” he said.

Squires noted that there is clear evidence that some released birds have produced young ones. “So that leads me to believe that the population is certainly self-sustaining to an extent,” he said. Meanwhile, 420 Bali mynahs are now found living in the National Park.

According to Logan William, another conservationist, “The government should give something back to the community so they can feel the benefits from conservation, and the bird can also benefit.”

1. Why is the mynah hunted by humans?
A.They are pests.B.They taste good.
C.They look beautiful.D.They are countless.
2. What can we infer from the three conservationists’ words?
A.The government contributes the least.
B.Bird keepers can keep the birds freely.
C.The efforts of protecting the mynah have paid off.
D.The community can breed birds for profits completely.
3. How many reasons may cause releasing problems?
4. What might be the writer’s attitude to the breeding programme?
2024-07-17更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省泰安市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题

10 . The amount of rubbish that piles on our shore lines is hugely worrying and a growing problem for the planet. It seems like no matter how remote you hike and how high you climb, there’s always a dropped plastic container there waiting for you.

Mariah Reading, an American artist, spends the majority of her time outdoors looking for inspiration for her art, based in nature and our natural surroundings. On noticing the amount of waste filling her natural areas, she decided she had to reflect it in her works.

For her latest project, Mariah is looking at both the problem of wasteful littering and the way that art itself can be wasteful in materials, taking the dropped items that fill her natural spaces and painting them to reflect the place in which they were left.

Applying paint to create her masterpieces, Mariah has collected trash (垃圾) from different mountains and parks. “I’ve been considering my relationship with art and the large amount of waste it can produce,” says Mariah. “I wanted to find ways I can confirm art and its important purpose by working with recycled materials found in landscape environments.”

“Since the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service, I’ve especially appreciated and been inspired by the natural beauty the parks offer, and found how easily we can take these precious places for granted. I seek to gather as much trash as possible, sculpt it into a canvas (画布), and paint the scene where the trash originated onto the trash itself,” says Mariah.

As well as through this project, Mariah has explored nature in her art in various different ways and through exhibitions. Mariah’s work might not solve the litter problem, but it’s just another way that we can get people talking about the problem and the ways we can prevent it from growing any larger.

1. What gave Mariah the idea of the latest project?
A.The beauty of nearby scenery.
B.The rubbish-covered surroundings.
C.The potential security risks of beaches.
D.The high energy consumption of her artworks.
2. What’s the important purpose of Mariah’s art?
A.To keep people from wasting natural resources.
B.To remind people of the litter problem.
C.To encourage people to explore parks.
D.To make full use of rubbish.
3. What is special about Mariah’s new artworks?
A.They are made of oceanic rubbish.
B.They appear in the form of sculpture.
C.They reflect the trash places on trash itself.
D.They’re designed to inspire people’s love for painting.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Growing Problem of Rubbish
B.Mariah Reading: a Sociable Artist
C.An Artist Turns Waste into Amazing Works
D.Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service
2020-08-01更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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