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阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Be a Green Guest

When people take a vacation, they often take vacation from responsibility, too. Our behavior at hotels is one of the biggest problems. We have our linens(纺织品) washed daily for us, and are provided with an endless stream of hot water — what’s not to love about that? But all of this luxury equals serious consequences for the environment. More and more hotels are becoming eco-friendly. They offer programs and facilities that save water and energy. That’s a good start,     1    

•Just say “no” to hotel shampoos

In America alone, there are about 50,000 hotels. Hotel management normally leaves out two small bottles for each hotel room every day.     2     And what about all of that shampoo when you don’t finish the bottle? A better way is to bring your own shampoo from home.

•Turn off the lights.

    3     Do it at the hotel, too. Studies have shown that, in hotels, the majority of energy spent through lighting comes from the bathroom light being left on for more than one hour! After you’re done with your business, remember to hit the switch!


Sure, it’s a luxury to have sheets and towels cleaned every day, but that’s all it is. Washing a set of bed sheets and a pair of bathroom towels requires about 12-16 gallons of water. See if there is a policy for requesting that your towels and linens get washed weekly.     5     In others, you may ask the front desk for a personal request.

A.You do it when you’re at home, right?
B.Don’t shower too many times in hotels.
C.Don’t have your linens washed every day.
D.but they can do more to reduce these energy waste.
E.The little plastic bottles may not even get recycled.
F.but there is a lot more you can do to cut down the amount.
G.In some hotels, it’s as simple as hanging towels back up on a hook.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Wild beavers (河狸) are back! Experts say that the wild beaver families are doing well. The beavers are even boosting wildlife and the environment!

Over ten years ago, a family of beavers turned up in a part of the river Otter, in Devon. No one knew exactly where they came from. It was a big surprise wild beavers hadn’t lived in England for around 400 years!

In 2015, the government allowed the beavers to stay there as part of a test. They wanted to see if these animals could be reintroduced to the wild. The test ends in February. Some scientists from the University of Exeter already say the beavers help the wildlife in the area. One scientist called it “an amazing story”.

A lot of this is because of dams (水坝). Beavers build dams along the river. This creates deep pools in the riverbed and slows the water down. Scientists say this is perfect for many different types of plants and animals! Many plants are growing near the beavers. Different types of animals are also becoming more and more in the river. Beavers also help make flooding less, scientists say. The beavers’ dams slow down the speed of the river, especially after heavy rain.

Beavers aren’t the only animals that are being reintroduced to the wild! In 2019, red squirrels were brought back to an area of the Scottish Highlands. Further away, the world's rarest (罕见的) duck, the Madagascar pochard, is making a comeback. It was set free into the wild on the African island in 2019 and is doing well.

Who knows what other animals might be making a comeback?

1. The underlined word “boosting”in Paragraph 1 probably means “______”
2. Why did the government want a test first?
A.To reintroduce animals to the wild.
B.To introduce the beavers to the wild.
C.To build dams for the beavers in the river.
D.To grow more different plants along the river.
3. What can we know about the wild beavers?
A.They help plants grow.B.They eat up the plants.
C.They do harm to animals.D.They bring heavy floods.
4. How many kinds of animals have been reintroduced to the wild besides beavers?
5. How does the writer feel about the news?
2023-10-13更新 | 154次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019必修二Unit 5 Save the PlanetSection 4 Expanding Our Horizons 单元测试
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . All living things on Earth need water to live. Yet humans are facing serious water problems. According to the United Nations, today over 663 million people live without a safe water supply close to home.

To remind people of the importance of water, the UN first set up World Water Day in 1993. It is on Mar 22 each year. From Mar 22 to 28 is also the China Water Week. The first year’s theme is “Waste water”. It tried to call people to reuse waste water instead of wasting it.

In Australia people make good use of waste water. Most Australians have a grass lawn around their home instead of washing the car in the street. Many of them wash it on the lawn to keep the grass longer so that it covers the ground and reduce evaporation.

Rainwater may seem useless to you. But you can also reuse it. People in Germany collect rainwater to wash their toilets. Most houses in the country that are built in the last few years have rainwater collection devices (设备). Rainwater is collected from the root, and then linked to the toilet. But if you don’t have the device just put a bucket (桶) under your roof when it rains.

Water makes up 71 percent of Earth’s surface. But we can only use a very small part of it. Only about 3 percent of the world’s water is fresh water. It’s in lakes, rivers and underground.

Over 80 percent of the waste water in the world goes back into the nature. It has not been cleaned and pollutes the rivers and lakes. Unsafe water makes around 842,000 people die each year.

By 2030, about half of the world’s population could be facing water problem. By 2050, as many as seven billion people across the world could not have enough water supplies. The world’s population might be 9.3 billion by then.

1. The China Water Week in 2017 tries to___________.
A.collect rainwater to wash their toilets
B.remind people of the importance of water
C.put a bucket under your roof when it rains.
D.call people to reuse waste water instead of wasting it.
2. The word “reduce” in Paragraph 3 most probably means “___________ .”.
A.sit downB.cut downC.put downD.write down
3. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To share his rich knowledge about water.
B.To warn more people to save water.
C.To show how water problems change the world.
D.To tell people how to discover safe water supply.
4. Which of the following would be the title of the passage?
A.Water in the world has become less and less.
B.Unsafe water makes so many people die.
C.Our planet will face serious water problems.
D.Learning to save water to protect our planet.
2023-10-13更新 | 22次组卷 | 2卷引用:说明文-学考模拟题分类汇编
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What probably happened in Fountain Hills during the winter?
A.It didn’t rain much.B.All animals died off.C.Many chemicals were used.
2. Which was a result of the environmental damage?
A.People got sick easily.
B.Black birds were missing.
C.The farmland couldn’t produce food.
3. Why did a lot of bees disappear?
A.They were eaten by birds.
B.They were dying off themselves.
C.They were killed by the government.
4. What do the scientists offer to do?
A.Tell people the importance of bees.
B.Teach farmers how to grow food.
C.Bring bees from the town.
完形填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on (跨上) it and _______. But wait — isn’t this stealing? No, it isn’t._______ shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That is _______ this free ride is just fine with the city.

You _______ find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for _______ transportation, and they wanted to help _______ pollution. So, to get citizens (市民)_______ their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they _______ the Yellow Bike Project.

The _______ bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands (短程差事), to work ________ to school. Then, they leave the bike for the ________ rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people ________ the rules, because they think it is not wise to ________ the bike that’s already free.

Portland’s ________ was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were ________ in cities in six other states.

A.drive awayB.ride awayC.ride backD.run away
A.No oneB.SomeoneC.AnyoneD.Everyone
A.have toB.don’t have toC.can’tD.can
A.out ofB.intoC.upD.near
A.looked upB.made upC.put upD.set up
2023-10-13更新 | 84次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019必修二Unit 5 Save the PlanetSection 2 Learning Through Practice课后作业
6 . 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

Spring has come with all its beauty! Trees have turned green or flowers can be seeing everywhere. Last Friday, my friends and me went on a spring outing. It was such a great fun! We cycled along the streams and down the paths. It didn’t take us long to get the foot of the mountain, that we left our bikes. Then we begin hiking. As we reached the top of the mountain, we were shocking to see many plastic bottle and food bags here and there. All of us started to collect the rubbish and then took it down the mountain. We felt happily to have done our part for the environment.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了刘继晨开发Clear Plate小程序,为减少食物浪费做出贡献。

7 . According to the World Food Program, one third of the food of the world is lost or wasted. It’s up to some 1.3 billion tons every year, worth about $1 trillion. Moreover, a report in 2021 Sugests that 8 to10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions (排放) are associated with wasting food.

“For our parents and the older generations,‘clearing your plate’ is more about saving some food for a rainy day.”Liu Jichen, founder and CEO of Clear Plate, an anti-food wasting program, told us.

The idea for Clear Plate came to Liu after one dinner at a restaurant in late 2017. The customers who finished all the food they’d ordered would be given a card, and then they could exchange their cards for rewards. “Yet it was limited to one restaurant’s actions, so I thought, why not try it on a larger scale (规模)? And how?” Liu wondered. And then he teamed up with some of his friends,founded a startup and developed the Clear Plate applet.

“The Clear Plate team is trying to deal with the issue (问题) of food waste. After a meal, users of WeChat take photos of their clean plates, post these on WeChat, collect points, and then exchange their points for gifts or charity donations,” Liu explained.

Starting in 2018, Clear Plate has now more than 4.3 million users with about 45 million participations in anti-food wasting actions, reducing food waste by 1,700 tons and carbon emissions by 6,600 tons. Liu’s determination represents a small change of the Chinese lifestyle and more people are turning toward a healthier, greener and more low-carbon lifestyle.

1. How much food of the world is wasted every year according to the World Food Program?
A.About 1 billion tons.B.About 1.3 billion tons.
C.About 8 billion tons.D.About 10 billion tons.
2. What would customers get if they finished all the food they’d ordered according to Para.3?
A.A plate.B.A point.C.A photo.D.A card.
3. In which year did Clear Plate start according to the text?
A.In 2016.B.In 2017.C.In 2018.D.In 2021.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The program Clear Plate.
B.The World Food Program.
C.The world food wasting.
D.An introduction to WeChat.
2023-10-13更新 | 106次组卷 | 2卷引用:新闻报道-学考真题分类汇编
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 每年的5月22日是国际生物多样性日,是鉴于公共教育和增强民众生态意识而设立的。看了右侧的海报,你有什么感想?请以Thoughts Upon the International Biodiversity Day为题,写一篇短文。

1. 词数100左右。

Thoughts Upon the International Biodiversity Day

2023-10-13更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:图画作文-学考模拟题分类汇编
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了生物医学工程师Joseph Dituri要以科学的名义在水下呆100天,在这个项目中,迪图里试图记录长时间生活在高压环境中的影响。迪图里希望这一旅程能够为治疗与年龄有关的疾病做出贡献。同时除了研究,这个项目也是一个促进海洋保护的机会。

9 . Joseph Dituri hasn’t seen the sun for days. The biomedical engineer has been underwater, with the goal of spending 100 days there in the name of ________. Dituri is living in Jules’ Undersea Lodge in Florida. The100-square-foot hotel is his intended home until the mission finishes, where he’ll ________ his research.

The submerged stay, if ________, will also break the previous record of 73 days set by two Tennessee educators in 2014.

During the project, Dituri is attempting to ________ the effects of living in a high-pressure environment for a(n)________ period. The human body has-never been underwater that long, so he will be ________ closely. For example, he’ll be ________ to electrocardiograms, which measure the heart’s function. “I ________ there will be improvements to my health,” Dituri said. His assumption is not made ________—a previous study indicated potential ________ of pressure exposure to cell growth. Dituri hopes this journey could ________ the treatment for age-related diseases.

Beyond research, the project is also a chance to promote ocean ________ “The ocean is in a bit of trouble,” Dituri said in a video. “We also want to use the attention that the 100-day mission would draw to________ young people’s curiosity and passion.” Dituri will invite about 40 children to stay with him for 24 hours at a time.

________ I only stayed 60 days, I eventually would turn a whole bunch of kids on to the exploration of the sea. That would be a ________,” he said in an interview.

A.make forB.hold overC.refer toD.depend on
A.Now thatB.In caseC.Provided thatD.Even if
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Today, you can buy a pair of sneakers (运动鞋) partially made from carbon dioxide pulled out of the atmosphere. But measuring the carbon-reduction benefits of making that pair of sneakers with carbon dioxide is complex. There’s the carbon dioxide that stayed in the ground, a definite carbon reduction. But what about the energy cost of cooling the carbon dioxide into liquid form and transporting it to a production facility? And what about when your kid outgrows the shoes in six months and they can’t be recycled into a new product because those systems aren’t in place yet?

Researchers are trying to help companies figure out how to account for each step in a product’s life.

As companies try to reduce their carbon footprint, many are doing life cycle assessments to measure the full carbon cost of products, from the obtaining of materials to energy use in manufacturing, from product transport to users’ behavior and end-of-life disposal (处理). It’s an impressively complex measurement, but such bean-counting is needed to hold the planet to a livable temperature, says low-carbon systems expert Andrea Ramirez Ramirez of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Carbon use can be reduced at many points along the production chain—by using renewable energy in the manufacturing process, for instance, or by adding atmospheric carbon dioxide to the product. But if other points along the chain like transporting consume more energy or give off more carbon dioxide, Andrea notes, the final record may show a decrease rather than a reduction. A product is carbon-reduction only when its production actually removes carbon from the environment, temporarily or permanently.

In the rush to create products that can fight climate change, however, some companies have been charged with “greenwashing”—making products appear more environmentally friendly than they really are. Examples include labeling (用标签表明) plastic garbage bags as recyclable when their whole purpose is to be thrown away; using labels such as “eco-friendly” or “100% Natural” without official certification; and claiming a better carbon footprint without acknowledging the existence of even better choices.

1. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
A.By listing specific figures.B.By putting up questions.
C.By referring to documents.D.By offering some solutions.
2. What does Andrea think of measuring the carbon cost of products?
A.Difficult but meaningful.B.Expensive but promising.
C.Energy-saving and affordable.D.Time-consuming and valueless.
3. What can be defined as reducing carbon use in the production chain?
A.Using renewable energy in production.
B.Changing carbon dioxide into material.
C.Reducing carbon footprint in products’ life.
D.Cutting down carbon dioxide in transporting.
4. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Companies are sparing no efforts to reduce carbon use.
B.Plastic garbage bags must be labeled as “eco-friendly”.
C.Most products are less environmentally friendly than before.
D.There is a long way to cut some companies’ ”greenwashing“.
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