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1 . There have been numerous wake-up calls about the effects of climate change on sea life. As ocean waters heat up, they are making coral lose color. Growing levels of carbon dioxide are making seawater more acidic. Now climate change is starting to affect fish's sense of smell, a phenomenon that will worsen in the coming years if global warming continues growing.

A sense of smell is what the fish can't do without. They use it to find food, detect upcoming danger, escape from predators (捕食者)find safe environments, and even recognize one another. "Future levels of carbon dioxide can have large negative effects on the sense of smell of fish, which can affect fish population numbers and the entire ecosystem, ”said an ocean life expert. "This can be prevented, but we must reduce carbon emissions now before it's too late.”

Experts believe that about half of carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels--have over time ended up in the oceans, lowering the pH of seawater, and making it more acidic.

Researchers found that sea bass (鲈鱼)exposed to the more acidic conditions swam less and were less likely to react when encountering the smell of a predator. Also, they were more likely to "freeze", a sign of anxiety, according to the study. They found the longer the fish were in high CO2,the worse they got along. The researchers also measured the ability of the fish to detect certain odors (气味)in different levels of acidity (酸度)。 The study showed that their ability to detect and respond to some odors connected with food and threatening situations was more strongly affected than other odors.

The research is important because 20 percent of the protein consumed by 3 million people comes from seafood, and about 50 percent of this comes from fish caught from the wild. “Therefore, increases in carbon dioxide in the ocean have the potential to affect all fish species, including those that many people rely on food and livelihood, "the ocean life expert warned.

1. What do we know from the first paragraph?
A.Global warming will continue in the coming years.
B.Global warming is starting to affect fish's sense of smell.
C.The temperature of seawater is rising to a dangerous level.
D.Few people are worried about the impact of climate change.
2. Why does the author attach great importance to the sense of smell of fish?
A.It can affect the survival of fish.
B.Fish can stay safe with their sense of smell.
C.Fish rely on their sense of smell to find food.
D.Fish can find each other by their sharp noses.
3. Why does the author mention human activities in the text?
A.He wants to blame human beings for global warming.
B.He wants to criticize human beings for overuse of fossil fuels.
C.He concludes that human activities can destroy the sense of smell of fish.
D.He concludes that human activities can improve the ecosystem of the ocean.
4. What is the author's attitude toward the future of fish industry?
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is mentioned first as a cause of pollution?
2. According to the man, what is making the rivers too dirty to swim in?
A.Household waste.B.Chemical waste.C.Waste water from factories.
3. What can we do to get more people to take buses?
A.Improve the bus service.B.Charge less.C.Both A and B.
2020-10-10更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省衡水市桃城区第十四中学2020-2021学年高一上学期一调考试(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Light pollution is blocking a starry view of the night sky for more than half of people across England, a research has found.

Fifty-seven percent of stargazers(观星者)struggled to see more than 10 stars, while just 2% of participants said they experienced a truly dark sky enabling them to count more than 30, according to the research by the Campaign to Protect Rural England(CPRE). People in the countryside were encouraged to count how many stars they could see with eyes within the constellation(星座)of Orion, which is visible only in the winter months.

Campaigners said the results of the star count, supported by the British Astronomical Association, showed the problem of light pollution and how it affected one of the countryside's most magical sights-a dark, starry night sky. They said the results of the research to map England's night skies suggested more could be done by the government, local councils and the general public to lessen the negative effects of artificial light from streets and buildings.

Emma Marrington, dark skies campaigner at the CPRE, said, “We're hugely grateful to the people who took the time to get out and take part in our star count. But it's deeply disappointing that the vast majority were unable to experience the natural wonder of a truly dark sky blanketed with stars. Without intervention, our night sky will continue to be lost under a covering of artificial light, ruining the health of the natural world.”

She added, “The star count results show just how far-reaching the light from street lights and buildings can be seen. Light doesn't respect boundaries, and careless use can see it spread for miles from cities.”

She suggested better-designed lighting, street light dimming(暗淡)systems and partnight lighting where some street lights are turned off during the small hours should provide an opportunity to limit the damage caused by light pollution, reduce carbon emissions and save money.

1. What effect does the light pollution bring about to England?
A.It leads the stars to disappear.
B.It makes the countryside dim.
C.It makes the environment terrible.
D.It prevents the people seeing stars.
2. What causes the light pollution according to the text?
A.The overuse of artificial light.
B.More and more buildings.
C.Less and less outdoor activities.
D.The spread of light in the countryside.
3. How does Emma feel about the stargazers' efforts?
4. What is Emma's suggestion for dealing with the light pollution?
A.Changing the streets' design.
B.Turning off lights at night.
C.Spreading light further.
D.Using street lights wisely.
语法填空-短文语填(约120词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With the     1     (develop) of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of illnesses because     2     air pollution.

Air pollution is caused by the     3    (follow ) reasons: about half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give off poisonous gases. 25% of air pollution is caused by factories.    4     reason is the smokers. Smoking not only does harm to their health     5     to others. Besides these, about 10%of air pollution     6    (cause) by other reasons.

We should take some measures to fight     7     pollution. New fuel can be used     8     ( take ) the place of gas. We can plant more trees. If everybody realizes the     9     (important) of environment and does something to stop pollution, the problem will     10     (solve).

2020-07-08更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省沧州市任丘市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期入校教学质量检测英语试卷

5 . It might be hard at first glance to see what things like toothbrushes, tires, cigarettes, and shoes have in common. But look closer and you’ll find that, like so many objects in our daily lives, they’re often made to a greater or lesser degree of the magic stuff (东西): plastic.

That stuff is now a planetary problem. Sometimes, because the plastic is mixed with other materials — including other plastics, such as in shoes — it’s difficult or impossible to recycle. In many places, recycling or burying in a landfill isn’t an option, not to mention all the waste that ends up in rivers and oceans. And so, more often than not, after a short useful life, plastic objects enter what’s likely to be a centuries-long afterlife as rubbish.

They’re thrown into rivers and washed into the sea. They break down into tiny bits called micro plastics. Sea animals big and small eat those pieces. Some pieces get mixed in with sea salt and we wind up eating them, with uncertain effects. We breathe in even smaller pieces called nano plastics: Scientists recently discovered them on remote mountaintops and even in the Arctic, where they are carried by winds and mixed with rain and snow.

The magic stuff has now become the stuff of nightmares.

Increasingly the challenge is to have the former without the latter. “Reduce, reuse, and recycle” has been the environmentalists’ answer for half a century. Businesses that sell plastic products or packaging, however, have little motivation to encourage reducing or reusing, and recycling — once thought a cure-all — can be complex and expensive. But with plastic pollution now a global problem, the stakes (风险) are raised, and so is public awareness.

Plastic waste has started to worry us. Business owners are creating new options for avoiding it. The point is not to demonize(妖魔化)things that were invented for good reason and with good intentions; the point is to find a way to have our plastic and not eat it too.

1. Which of the following can best describe plastic in our life according to Paragraph 1?
2. What can we infer about the solution to plastic pollution in the last 50 years?
A.It hasn’t worked properly.
B.It has been totally ignored.
C.It hasn’t gained support from the public.
D.It has encouraged the businesses to recycle.
3. Which of the following will the author agree with to solve plastic problem?
A.A ban on plastic production.
B.A law punishing plastic littering.
C.An alternative material replacing plastic.
D.A new method of using without pollution.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A magazine.B.A guidebook.
C.A novel.D.A diary.
2020-04-19更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届河北省邯郸市高三备考检测英语试题

6 . Light pollution is blocking a starry view of the night sky for more than half of people across England, a research has found.

Fifty-seven percent of stargazers struggled to see more than 10 stars, while just 2% of participants said they experienced a truly dark sky making them be able to count more than 30, according to the research by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE). People in the countryside were encouraged to count how many stars they could see with eyes within the constellation of Orion, which is visible only in the winter months.

Campaigners said the results of the star count, supported by the British Astronomical Association, showed the problem of light pollution and how it affected one of the countryside's most magical sights-a dark, starry night sky. They said the results of the research to map England's night skies suggested more could be done by the government, local councils and the general public to reduce the negative effects of artificial light from streets and buildings.

Emma Marrington, dark skies campaigner at the CPRE, said "We're hugely grateful to the people who took the time to get out and take part in our star count. But it's deeply disappointing that the vast majority were unable to experience the natural wonder of a truly dark sky blanketed with stars. " Without any action, our night sky will continue to be lost under a covering of artificial light, ruining the health of the natural world.

She added: "The star count results show just how far-reaching the light from street lights and buildings can be seen. Light doesn't respect boundaries, and careless use can see it spread for, miles from cities.”

She suggested better-designed lighting, street light dimming systems and part-night lighting where some street lights are turned off during the small hours should provide an, opportunity to limit the damage caused by light pollution, reduce carbon emissions and save money.

1. What causes the light pollution according to the text?
A.More and more buildings.B.Less and less outdoor activities.
C.The overuse of artificial light.D.The spread of light in the countryside.
2. How does Emma feel about the stargazers' efforts?
3. What is Emma's suggestion for dealing with the light pollution?
A.Using street lights wisely.B.Turning off lights at night.
C.Spreading light further.D.Changing the streets' design.
2020-11-23更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省保定市定州市2020-2021学年高二上学期期中英语试题
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 假如你是市一中学生李华,你要向本市一家媒体写信,反映你校周边环境污染问题,呼吁有关部门采取措施,保护环境。请根据以下内容写一封100词左右的投诉信。
话题参考词汇:排放污水: drain waste water       释放有毒气体: emit poisonous gas
有关部门 related departments
Dear editor,

I’m Li Hua,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

阅读理解-七选五(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
There are thousands of coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the world; Unfortunately, however, they are now in serious danger. More than one-third are in such bad shape that they could die within ten years.    1    Here are the three main causes discovered.
The first cause is pollution on land. The pollutants run with rainwater into rivers and streams, which carry the poisons into the ocean.    2    So they will be easily infected (感染) with diseases.
    3    Higher ocean temperatures kill the important food source (来源) for the coral—the algae, the tiny greenish-gold water plants that live on coral.    4    This process has happened more and more frequently in recent years.
The last factor contributing to the disappearance of coral reefs is people. People sometimes crash into reefs with their boats, breaking off large blocks of coral.    5    Moreover, some people even break coral off to collect for souvenirs since it is so colorful and pretty.
A.Global warming is another reason.
B.Many might not even last that long!
C.Divers who walk on reefs can also do serious damage.
D.Reefs provide a home for 25% of the fish in the ocean.
E.Chemicals from the poisons kill reefs or make them weak.
F.Steps must be taken now to stop over-fishing and pollution of the oceans.
G.When the algae die, the coral loses its color and it also dies in the end.
2016-11-26更新 | 878次组卷 | 3卷引用:2014届河北省邯郸市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the size of the state of Texas. Texas has a land area of more than 678,000 square kilometers. So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big. All together, this mass of waste flowing in the North Pacific Ocean is known as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch (太平洋垃圾带). It weighs about 3,500,000 tons. The waste includes bags, bottles and containers-plastic products of all kinds.

The eastern part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is about 1,600 kilometers west of California. The western part is west of the Hawaiian Islands and east of Japan. The area has been described as a kind of oceanic desert, with light winds and slow moving water currents (流,流动). The water moves so slow that garbage from all over the world collects there.

In recent years, there have been growing concerns about the floating garbage and its effect on sea creatures and human health. Scientists say thousands of animals get trapped in the floating waste, resulting in death or injury. Even more die from a lack of food or water after swallowing pieces of plastic. The trash can also make animals feel full, diminishing their desire to eat or drink.

The floating garbage also can have harmful effects on people. There is an increased threat of infection (感染) of disease from polluted waste, and from eating fish that swallowed waste. Divers can also get trapped in the plastic.

Its existence first gained public attention in 1997. That was when racing boat captain and oceanographer Charles Moore and his crew sailed into the garbage while returning from a racing event. Five years earlier, another oceanographer learnt of the trash after a shipment of rubber duckies got lost at sea. Many of those toys are now part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.

In August, 2017, a team from the University of California, San Diego became the latest group to travel to it. They were shocked by the amount of waste they saw. They gathered hundreds of sea creatures and water samples to measure the garbage patch’s effect on ocean environment.

1. The first paragraph is written to ______.
A.lead in the topic of the textB.inspire readers’ imagination
C.develop readers’ interest in TexasD.talk about reasons for water pollution
2. What does the underlined word “diminishing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. Which column can you find the passage on a newspaper?
A.Sports and entertainment.B.Media and culture.
C.Environment and society.D.Science and technology.
4. The purpose of writing this passage is to ______.
A.warn people of the danger to travel in the pacific
B.analyze what caused the waste patch in the pacific
C.give advice on how to recycle waste in the ocean
D.introduce the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The plan had been made to create a beautiful nature park with a large man-made lake on the outer parts of the city of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province. However, thanks to a terrible trick played by nature, what the officials have ended up with, is a natural sandy mess!

The government wanted to create a beautiful place where people of this busy industrial city could come to relax. But things did not quite turn out that way---shortly after digging up thousands of tons of sand, the underground water dried up. As a result, the dry sand has changed into a Sahara-like desert. While official reports show that the sand is piled up to 10 meters high, some people say that it is ten times more or about a 100-feet high in certain areas.

If that is not bad enough, the sand hills that now spread across an area the size of four football fields, have influenced the environment. What’s worse is that on windy days, the dry sand moves into the city center, making it almost impossible to drive and forcing people to wear face masks and protective eyewear to prevent the sand from getting into their eyes, nose, and mouth.

In an act of trying to keep the sand and provide the illusion(幻想) of green fields, the officials have even tried covering it with a green plastic netting. However, that has not done much to improve the terrible situation!

As you can imagine, many of Zhengzhou’s residents are upset by the disaster. They think that desert wasteland that looks nothing like the green landscape they were promised, has resulted in polluting their pleasant city environment. Some think it is even stopping businessmen from coming to the city.

1. The author may agree that it is_________ to build a large man-made lake.
2. The dry sand has changed into a Sahara-like desert because________.
A.the weather in Zhengzhou is too dry
B.there are enough trees in Zhengzhou
C.they haven’t finished digging the lake
D.there is no underground water
3. What kind of pollution have the sand hills caused?
A.Light pollution.B.Water pollution.
C.Air pollution.D.Sound pollution.
4. What do Zhengzhou’s residents think of the man-made lake?
共计 平均难度:一般