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1 . In the endless sky, the unaided human eye should be able to perceive several thousand stars on a clear, dark night. Unfortunately, growing light pollution has impeded people from the nightly view.

New citizen-science-based research throws alarming light on the problem of “sky glow”-the diffuse illumination (漫射照明) of the night sky that is a form of light pollution. The data came from crowd-sourced observations collected from around the world as part of Globe at Night, a program developed by astronomer Connie Walker.

Light pollution has harmful effects on the practice of astronomy but also on human health and wildlife, since it disturbs the cycle from sunlight to starlight that biological systems have evolved alongside. Furthermore, the loss of visible stars is a great loss of human cultural heritage. Until relatively recently, humans throughout history had an impressive view of the starry night sky, and the effect of this nighty spectacle (壮观) is evident in ancient cultures.

Globe at Night has been gathering data on star visibility since 2006. Anyone can submit observations through the Globe at Night web application. Participants record which one best matches what they can see in the sky without any telescopes or other instruments.

Researchers find that the loss of visible stars indicates an increase in sky brightness of 9.6% per year while roughly 2% is measured by satellites. Existing satellites are not well suited to measuring sky glow as it appears to humans, because they can not detect wavelengths shorter than 500 nanometers (纳米). White LEDs, with shorter wavelengths under 500 nanometers, now are increasingly commonly used in outdoor lighting. But human eyes are more sensitive to these shorter wavelengths at nighttime. Space-based instruments do not measure light from windows, either. But these sources are significant contributors to sky glow us seen from the ground.

“The increase in sky glow over the past decade underlines the importance of redoubling our efforts and developing new strategies to protect dark skies,” said Walker. “The Globe at Night dataset is necessary in our ongoing evaluation of changes in sky glow, and we encourage whoever can to get involved to help protect the starry night sky.”

1. What does the underlined word “impeded” in the first paragraph mean?
2. What does the loss of visible stars lead to?
A.Poorer human health.B.Fewer wildlife species.
C.More delicate biological systems.D.Less nightly culture elements of the sky.
3. What does the author stress in paragraph 5?
A.Crowd sourced data are invaluableB.Shorter wavelengths are hard to detect.
C.Satellites play a vital role.D.White LEDs are widely used.
4. What can be inferred from Walker’s words?
A.Their consistent efforts pay off.B.The dataset needs to be updated.
C.The sky glow has been over-emphasized.D.More participants are expected to join in.
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2 . On Christmas Eve, a team of reindeer (驯鹿) will help Santa Claus deliver gifts to children all around the world. The reindeer, led by their fearless leader Rudolph, won’t be the only ones doing something special. Back in the highest Arctic, their cousins have a remarkable ability changing their eye color.

During the summer months, when the days are long and the sun is bright, reindeer’s tapetum lucidum (荧光膜), a mirror-like layer at the back of their eye, appears golden, which helps bounce the majority of light off the eyes, effectively acting like a pair of natural sunglasses. As winter comes, and the days become shorter and darker, the tapetum lucidum turns blue to absorb more light, allowing reindeer to improve their night vision and see clear in low light conditions.

With these adaptations, reindeer can adapt and thrive in one of the harshest environments on Earth. Unlike humans, reindeer can see well into the shorter Ultra Violet (UV) range. This UV vision enables them to spot food and predators more effectively in the snowy landscape. Lichens, a key part of their winter diet, absorb UV, so they show up dark against UV-reflecting white snow. Wolf and polar bear fur also absorb UV, so instead of disappearing against snow they pop out in high contrast, allowing reindeer to spot potential threats from a distance.

Reindeer change their eyes by adjusting their tapetum lucidum, which is made of collagen fibers. In winter, the collagen fibers become packed tighter, causing the tapetum lucidum to mainly reflect blue light. This change happens when reindeer dilate their pupils (瞳孔). In summer, the reindeer’s pupils return to a smaller size, which helps reindeer reduce the amount of light entering the eye.

But their unique adaptation may hurt them. Today, the increasing use of artificial lighting, especially during the winter months, poses a potential threat to their sensitive eyes. It can make reindeer lose their way, affecting their ability to survive in their challenging environment. So it is crucial for us to be mindful of our use of electricity and make efforts to minimize light pollution to ensure the well-being and survival of these magnificent creatures.

1. What do we know from paragraph 2?
A.The shape of reindeer’s eyes varies with seasons.
B.It is difficult for reindeer to live in low light conditions.
C.The tapetum lucidum helps reindeer adapt to seasonal changes.
D.Reindeer’s eyes appear golden in winter while blue in summer.
2. What is the use of UV vision for reindeer?
A.To help them see clear in dark nights.
B.To distinguish food of different colors quickly.
C.To protect their eyes from harsh sunlight in summer.
D.To better locate food and enemies during snowy days.
3. What does the underlined word “dilate” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To call on people to protect reindeer from light pollution.
B.To show the reasons for the decline in reindeer population.
C.To present humans’ great efforts to reduce artificial lighting.
D.To prove reindeer’s strong adaptability to harsh environments.
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3 . Recycling in general can be an effective way to reuse natural material resources. The U.S.’s high recycling rate of paper, 68 percent, has proved this point. But although some materials can be effectively recycled and safely made from recycled content, plastics cannot. Plastic recycling does not work and will never work.

The problem with recycling plastic lies not with the concept or process but with the material itself.   There are thousands of different plastics, each with its own characteristics. They all include different chemicals that cannot be recycled together, making it impossible to sort the trillions of pieces of plastics into separate types for processing. What’s more, plastic recycling costs more than new plastic because collecting, sorting, transporting, and reprocessing plastic waste is very expensive.

Despite this obvious failure, the plastics industry has begun a decades-long campaign to keep the lie that the material is recyclable, which reminds the public of the tobacco industry’s efforts to tell smokers that filtered (过滤的) cigarettes are healthier than unfiltered cigarettes.

Traditional mechanical recycling, in which plastic waste is ground up and melted (熔化), has been around for many decades. Now the plastics industry is promoting the benefits of so-called chemical recycling, in which plastic waste is broken down using high heat and turned into a low-quality fossil fuel. In 2018, Dow Chemical claimed that the Renewlogy chemical-recycling factory in Salt Lake City was able to reprocess mixed plastic waste through the “Hefty EnergyBag” program and turn it into diesel fuel (柴油). As Reuters showed in a 2021 survey, however, the pyrolysis (高温分解) process was not worth it.

We’re not making a case for hopelessness. Just the opposite(相反的). We need the facts so that individuals and policymakers can take action. Proven solutions to the plastic-waste and pollution problems exist and can be quickly copied across the country. These solutions include placing bans on single-use plastic bags and unrecyclable single-use plastic food-service products, and installing dishwashing equipment in schools.

Consumers can put pressure on companies to stop filling store shelves with single-use plastics by not buying them and instead choosing reusables and products in better packaging. And we should all keep recycling our paper, boxes, cans, and glass, because that actually works.

1. What is the problem with recycled plastic?
A.It costs too much to produce.
B.It can hardly be selected out.
C.It is generally of poor quality.
D.It can’t be stored in large numbers.
2. What is the plastics industry trying to do?
A.To compete with the tobacco industry.
B.To cut down the cost of recycling plastic.
C.To uncover the lie of the tobacco industry.
D.To prove the possibility of recycling plastic.
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.Traditional recycling proves to be safer.
B.Chemical recycling turns out to be a failure.
C.Chemical recycling can save energy resources.
D.Traditional recycling can deal with limited waste.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To show the difficulty in recycling plastic.
B.To introduce a new way of recycling plastic.
C.To stress the importance of recycling plastic.
D.To call for a ban on single-use plastic products.
2023-03-27更新 | 188次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省长沙市周南中学2023-2024学年高三上学期入学考试英语试题
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4 . There is an "environmental silver lining" as a result of the coronavirus (冠状病毒) —carbon emissions have been reduced by more than 4%, many wildlife markets around the world have been shuttered and air quality in some places has slightly improved, Dave Ford, founder of the environmental literacy organization SoulBuffalo, says.

But thanks to an increase in pandemic-related, non-recyclable materials such as take-out plastic containers and masks, 30% more waste has entered our oceans, he notes. "There's 129 billion facemasks being made every month—enough that you could cover the entire country of Switzerland with facemasks at the end of this year if trends continue," he says. "And a lot of these masks are ending up in the water." The masks look like jellyfish—in other words, food—to turtles and other wildlife creatures, thus, attractive to those animals and then endangering them, he says.

Very little of the plastic we use is actually recyclable. Sharon Lerner of The Intercept told Here & Now last year that "the vast majority of plastic that has ever been produced—79%—has actually ended up in landfills or burned, but not refashioned into new products." Even if the plastics we have can be reused, Ford says recycling programs across the globe are facing drastic budget cuts.

"We're starting to see recycling programs shuttered, waste picking communities operating at 50% or actually shutting down. They are the last line of defense between plastic and the environment," he says.

Last year, Unilever planned to cut its use of non-recycled plastics in half by 2025. In an interview with Here & Now, Richard Slater, Unilever's chief research and development officer, drew on the industry argument that plastic packaging is lighter, which means less shipping and therefore fewer dangerous emissions that cause climate change.

Yes, plastics are lightweight and can cut down on fuel spending. But on the other hand, plastic waste is being found in every facet of life—even in the deepest ocean.

1. What does "environmental silver lining" in Papagraph 1 refer to?
A.An environmental organization.
B.The closure of some wildlife markets.
C.The decrease of carbon dioxide emissions.
D.Benefits on environment from the coronavirus.
2. Why are facemasks appealing to some sea creatures?
A.They resemble the sea creatures' food.
B.They contain certain unique chemicals.
C.Many sea creatures like to chase plastic by nature.
D.There is a continuous shortage of food in the ocean.
3. What can we learn about the plastic waste?
A.Most of it is recycled into new products.
B.The majority of it is buried or burned.
C.129 billion facemasks end up in the ocean.
D.There is enough budget for plastic recycling.
4. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.Plastic can cut down fuel spending
B.Recycling programs are shutting down
C.The coronavirus has caused more ocean plastic
D.Solutions to ocean plastic pollution are being explored
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