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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . One of the problems damaging our planet is the number of things we throw away. A more recent addition to the list of things we throw away is e-waste —   electronic items that are broken and not recycled.     1    , but also because we lack the skills to repair them even if we know their value. Many millions of tons of televisions, phones, and other electronic equipment are abandoned each year. A UN report claims the 50 million tons of e-waste generated every year will more than double to 110 million tons by 2050, making it the fastest growing waste stream in the world.     2    .

Recently, there’s a growing trend for repair events and clubs which could be part of a solution to the growing amount of electrical and electronic junk. The BBC visited a Restart Project in London, which is one of many found around the world. One of its operators, Francesco Calo, said that “This project makes total sense.     3    . Besides, it helps people who cannot afford to get rid of items that have developed a fault.”

    4    . An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting (提取) these materials from electronic gadgets (小工具). Apart from just being recycled, the European Union, for example, is trying to encourage manufacturers to reuse some extracted electronic components.     5    . With phones typically containing as many as 60 elements, this could be part of the solution to our appetite for new technology.

A.First of all, this project prolongs the life of electric objects
B.It is partly because it’s cheaper to replace them than fix them
C.It is reported that many people have made a big fortune from it
D.Now solutions have been put forward to give this e-waste a new life
E.So it’s thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional recycling
F.As many electrical items contain valuable metals, another solution is e-waste mining
G.One of the reasons is that people don’t think their electronic items are fashionable enough
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . More than a million tons a year of America's plastic rubbish are not ending up where they should. As many as 1, 300 plastic grocery bags per person is landing in places such as oceans and roadways, according to a new study of U. S.

In 2016, the United States generated 46.3 million tons of plastic waste, by far the most in the world. Between2.7% and 5. 3% of that was mismanaged, according to a study in Friday's journal Science Advances. “If you took nearly 2. 5 million tons of mismanaged plastic waste and dumped it on the White House lawn, it would pile as high as the Empire State Building,” said Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineering professor.

Previous studies hadn't put the United States among the 10 worst offending nations for plastic waste in oceans. That's because the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency only tracks what goes into official parts of the waste stream such as landfills (废物填埋场) and recycling centers.

“The new study provides a more realistic view of our mismanaged waste,” said University of Toronto ecology professor Chelsea Rochman, who wasn't part of the study. “We consume a lot of plastic which then becomes plastic waste. We recycle very little of this material, which is a waste of resources.”

“A large but hard to quantify part of the problem involves the 51% of U. S. plastic waste shipped abroad for recycling to countries that routinely mismanage waste," Law said. The situation has been converting since many countries have become more limiting about taking U. S. rubbish imports. American exports of plastic waste have declined dramatically since their peak in 2016.

The government is spending billions of dollars trying to fix the problem, with modernized recycling technology and new business models to reduce waste while urging compulsory recycled content standards for new products and packaging.

“The best thing you can do environmentally is to produce no waste at all,” Jambeck said.

1. What can we know about the plastic waste in America?
A.It is improperly dealt with.B.It is increasing every year.
C.It is as high as a tall building.D.It is finding its way into landfills.
2. What did former studies fail to focus on?
A.How plastic waste is managed officially.B.Why all plastic waste isn't recycled.
C.When plastic waste reaches its peak.D.Where all plastic waste finally ends up.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “converting” in paragraph 5?
4. What problem might America face concerning plastic waste?
A.The lack of capital for waste management.B.The lack of modern technology.
C.The limit of waste exports.D.The seriousness of waste.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . White sand beaches of the Cocos Islands, which are known as a gorgeous tourist destination surrounded by greenish blue water, have now been filled with plastic wastes like abandoned plastic water bottles, toothbrushes, and cigarette lighters.

Jennifer Lavers, a marine scientist, went to these tropical islands with her research team. Knowing that lots of beaches were polluted by plastic wastes, the team conducted a careful scientific examination on the coast, only to find the problem caused by pieces of trash humans left was worse than expected.

Not all plastics are to blame. They are necessary in places like hospitals and airplanes, and make our vehicles lighter and more efficient. However, other plastics, especially disposable plastics, account for the growing mess on the beaches. Islands all over the world are jammed with plastics. And the Cocos Islands are no exception.

It requires the greatest effort of all time to control plastic pollution in modern society. No matter how tall the hurdles(栏架) are, something has to be done.

Apparently, demand for disposable plastics must be reduced greatly. “Why don’t we carry around bags that we can use over and over again?” asked Richard Gross, a chemist who researches innovative ways to make more sustainable plastics. “Let’s carry around reusable lunch boxes. We should understand how serious the situation is.”

Although it is important for individuals to make an effort to avoid using disposable plastics, it is also generally believed that only with international rules can such a deep-rooted, common, and worldwide scourge(灾害) be tackled.

However, the U.N., which engages in dealing with accelerating climate change and public health crises, obviously isn’t paying enough attention to calling for international action on plastic pollution. As a result, billions of plastic products will still be produced every year, many of which will end up in the ocean.

Nowadays, fish are eating plenty of plastics, and people eat those fish. It remains unrevealed how it will affect human health, but clearly the amount of plastics used has increased many times in the last several decades, and if this tendency goes on, by 2050 an enormous amount of carbon will be released into the already carbon-saturated(碳饱和的) skies.

1. Why does the author write about the Cocos Islands at the beginning of the text?
A.To tell the story of the islands.
B.To appreciate the islands.
C.To introduce the problem of plastic pollution.
D.To introduce a scientific study.
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.People don’t care about the problem.
B.The problem is too serious to deal with.
C.Action must be taken however difficult the problem is.
D.The problem is as difficult as jumping over tall hurdles.
3. According to the text, what is the U.N.’s attitude toward plastic pollution?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The beautiful Cocos Islands
B.The problems caused by disposable plastics
C.Scientific research on plastics
D.Plastic pollution on Cocos Islands
2021-06-11更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市湖滨中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Plastic is the workhorse material of the modern economy. Light and durable, it’s been used to make a vast number of products since its introduction over 100 years ago.

However, a study carried out by the World Economic Forum, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation(基金会) and McKinsey &Company showed the breakdown of the status of the global plastic system. A full 32% of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging produced annually is left to flow into out oceans.

The Ocean Cleanup, a startup founded in 2013, is the brainchild of Boyan Slat, who came up with the idea for the company when he was just 17 years old. Since then, it has received more than $2 million in funding(基金). The company plans to use a large device that will be fixed to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. This will have arms that spread out over 100 km, getting all of the plastic garbage pushed into its nets. This is then collected by a 10,000 metrecube container that will be emptied monthly.

Most recently, the Ocean Cleanup launched a team of explorers aboard a specially refitted C130 Hercules aircraft heavily loaded with specialized sensor equipment. It discovered that the problem was worse than expected with an abundance of plastics measuring up to 1.5m across and at a higher density than previously thought. The organization will continue to pilot the device and will start removing the pile before the end of the decade.

Once the plastic is out, what should we do with it? The foundation hopes that the plastic from the ocean will have a commercial value which can help to fund the project. Ocean plastic is not easy to use, for it’s mixed with everything from intact PET bottles to microplastics. However, some of the world’s biggest companies also see the chance to market products made of ocean plastic.

Transforming today’s plastic economy from its present form (takemakewaste) to a zero waste circular economy (takemaketakemake) is a difficult challenge. However, with cooperative action from producers, recyclers, governments and consumers alike and continuing innovation, it can be done.

1. What’s Boyan Slat’s idea about?
A.A way to collect ocean plastic waste.B.A new product made of ocean plastic.
C.A machine to recycle plastic garbage.D.An organization to research into plastic.
2. According to the World Economic Forum, how much plastic packaging is thrown into our ocean?
A.About 35 tons.B.About 25 tons.C.About 45 tons.D.About 55 tons.
3. What do some biggest companies expect of the ocean plastic?
A.It’ll sponsor the foundation.B.It’ll be recycled by the government.
C.It’ll be turned into treasure.D.It’ll take the form of takemakewaste.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A guidebook.C.A novel.D.A magazine.
2021-06-03更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省锦州市渤海大学附属中学新2021届高考高三第五次模拟考试英语试题

5 . If you wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜), you might not know the best way to deal with old ones. Washing them down the sink or flushing them down the toilet is not the way to go. Yet one in five people who wear contact lenses do just that. However, the plastic in their lenses can linger (存留), polluting both water and land.

Rolf Halden, an engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe, and his team created an online survey. More than 400 contact lens wearers took part. The questions asked how many got rid of their lenses inappropriately. About 20 percent — one in five — sent their used contact lenses down sink drain or toilet. Assuming all contact lens wearers in the U. S. do that at the same rate, the researchers then calculated how much plastic would be flushed away each year. Their estimate: 6 to 10 metric tons! That's about the weight of two to three adult African forest elephants. Contact lenses are a tiny part of the world's plastic pollution. But the unique plastic used in contact lenses could make them a big concern.

To figure it out, researchers exposed contact lenses to the microbes (微生物) used to clean wastewater in water-treatment plants. These microbes made the plastics begin to fall apart, but they weren't fully broken down. Instead, they created a lot of tiny pieces called microplastics.

Halden worries that these small plastic bits will cause trouble in the food chain. In water, the plastics from contact lenses sink. Animals could view these tiny bits as food. But because the plastic won't provide them with nutrition, this could threaten the health of animals who dined on it.

And that's already happening. Many studies have shown that corals, larval fish and shellfish are mistaking microplastics for food. Over time, they risk accumulating even higher levels of plastic in their bodies. Also the pollution has already shown up in bottled water, sea salt and fish sold for human consumption.

1. Rolf Halden's survey shows that ________.
A.contact lenses have won popularity with Americans
B.contact lenses have caused a huge part of plastic pollution
C.some contact lens wearers throw away their old lenses improperly
D.many contact lens wearers don't wear their lenses in the proper way
2. What did the researchers find about lenses in water-treatment plants?
A.They could be broken down completely.
B.They could be processed properly there.
C.They couldn't be affected by microbes.
D.Some of them became microplastics.
3. What does the underlined sentence “And that's already happening” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Tiny pieces are entering oceans.
B.Sea creatures are eating microplastics.
C.Animals are causing plastic pollution.
D.Contact lenses are damaging the environment
4. Which one of the following is most probably to be discusssed next?
A.People's eyesight is getting worse and worse.
B.Contact lenses must be banned immediately.
C.Animals in the sea are lacking in nutrition.
D.The impacts microplastic pollution has on human health.
2021-04-26更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题

6 . The company SpaceX has already launched hundreds of its Star-link satellites, with plans to put as many as 42,000 of them in Earth orbit. Its goal is to provide high-speed Internet to billions of people. Moving toward that kind of access is important, but it comes at a cost. Glittering with reflected sunlight, these first orbiters, sent up in the past year, are brighter than 99 percent of the 5,000 or so other satellites now circling Earth, and obviously there are going to be a lot more. This sudden increase is bad for astronomy: the probability of a Star-link satellite crossing a telescope’s field of view and ruining an observation will be quite high near sunset. For that reason, my fellow astronomers have signed a petition (请愿书) calling for governments to protect the night sky from this invasion.

In response to protests, SpaceX has promised to address the visibility problem by, for example, applying experimental coatings — essentially painting the satellites black — but the company’s aggressive launch schedule remains unchanged. And the satellites’ illuminated (被照亮) surfaces are mostly their solar panels — exactly the part that cannot be painted over.

Unfortunately, at present no regulations govern how bright a single satellite can be, let alone thousands of them together. Even if there were such regulations, one nation’s laws can not hinder (阻碍) another country’s launches. Space literally has no borders, and the sky will need to be protected at an international level. As a consequence, we hope that the United Nations will find a way to think outside of the box to save the sky for everyone.

When I was growing up in Montana, it was a game to be the first to find a moving satellite among the host of stars in the night sky. Soon it could be a game to recognize the constellations (星座) behind a swarm of moving points of light.

1. What is the writer’s attitude toward Space X’s launching plans?
2. Why have my fellow astronomers signed the petition?
A.SpaceX plans to send too many Star-line satellites into space.
B.The Star-line satellites will possibly ruin an observation near sunset.
C.The first orbiters are brighter than most of other satellites circling Earth.
D.Space X fails to provide high-speed Internet to people around the world.
3. According to the author, who should shoulder the responsibility to save the sky?
A.The United States.B.The United Nations.
C.The company SpaceX.D.Just one nation.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Preserve the Night SkyB.Ban Star-line Satellites
C.Observe the Stars AttentivelyD.Protest against Space X
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Before you throw your trash into the nearest can, think for a moment. Not all your garbage can be dumped into one trashcan. It needs to be sorted out with different things going into different bins. Waste classification, a practice that has long been normal in developed countries like Japan, is the new challenge for many Chinese urban residents. However, though initially you might need to rack your brains to figure out which trash goes into which can, in the long run, the result is well worth the effort.

Landfills, sites where waste is buried and covered over with soil, are a major method of disposing of residential waste in China. However, considering the environmental disaster associated with burying waste, there is a pressing need to reduce the amount of waste that goes into a landfill. Classification, sorting waste into different categories such as harmful waste, recyclables and kitchen waste, is a key solution.

Currently, 46 cities across China, are carrying out a program that aims to put in place a classification-based garbage disposal system by the end of 2020. It is hoped that this will reduce the quantity of waste that ends up in landfills by a large degree. Shanghai came into the media focus in early July after it carried out compulsory garbage sorting rules that those who fail to dispose of garbage properly should be fined. Beijing is reviewing its regulations to follow in Shanghai’s footsteps. The new rules may cause short-term inconvenience but they are meant to help residents follow the concept of garbage classification for the common good.

As the programs show, residents can gradually develop this habit with their growing consciousness and the help of advanced technology. In future, this practice should be adopted across China, in urban cities and rural areas alike. With public involvement, China’s garbage sorting program will contribute not only to the nation’s sustainable (可持续的) development but also to making the planet a better place to live in.

1. What is the most probable reason for classifying waste?
A.No site for burying waste.B.People’s habit.
C.Economic cost.D.Environmental pollution.
2. What is the purpose of the program?
A.To practise waste classification.B.To protect environment.
C.To save oil for farming.D.To reduce the quantity of waste.
3. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A program adopted across ChinaB.Shanghai carried out new disposal rules
C.Doing the best with wasteD.Protecting environment is necessary
2021-03-08更新 | 156次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市高新区苏州实验中学高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . About 12 million tons of plastic wastes are entering the oceans every year. This garbage pollutes the water, kills wildlife and breaks down into small pieces that fish and other creatures eat.

Now a group of Spanish fishermen will receive economic support to catch plastics. It is part of a new project. Carlos Martin is one of the fishermen taking part in the project. He and his partners collect the plastic in the ocean and bring it back to land every week. Martin thinks rivers carry a lot of plastics to the sea. He says his most concern is no more than that the plastics often get caught in the nets, which makes nets not work properly. They take on mud(泥), causing the nets to break because they weigh so much.

Under the new programs, one million pounds will support ocean cleanup efforts for fishermen like Martin. The money is coming from the European Union and the Catalan government. Sergi Tudela, the General Director of Catalonia Fisheries, is responsible for the cleanup project. He said, "We are hopeful that if we are successful in this project, we can apply it to other areas in the Mediterranean(地中海)."

Government reports show that the amount of plastic wastes washing up along the Spanish coastline has grown by 65 percent in just six years. Fishing equipment makes up a large part of the about 8 to 12 million tons of plastics left in the world's oceans every year.

Martin says the fishing community now understands how big the problem is. He says, "In the past we didn't see it that way. We took the plastic garbage and threw it back into the water. I think that after a few year here we have realized the problem. Nothing is thrown into the water; we collect everything and bring it to shore.

1. What worries Martin most about plastic wastes at the beginning?
A.They pollute the sea environment.
B.They affect the quality and taste of fish.
C.They prevent the fishing nets from working well.
D.They kill wildlife and reduce his fishing amount.
2. What does Sergi Tudela probably consider doing?
A.Getting more money to support the project.
B.Getting help from other European countries.
C.Spreading the cleanup project to more places.
D.Praising the European Union for their helping to the oceans.
3. What do Martin's words in the last paragraph imply(暗示)about the fishing community?
A.Its members do a lot of work for free.
B.It has stopped using plastic fishing equipment.
C.It has made positive changes to fight plastic wastes.
D.Its members find people sill throw the garbage carelessly.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.New programs are changing fishermen's life
B.Money is given to Spanish fishermen to clean up oceans
C.Traditional fishing equipment causes a lot of plastic wastes
D.Spanish fishermen are encouraging people to clean up oceans
2021-02-04更新 | 288次组卷 | 5卷引用:【浙江新东方】在线英语15
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . More Plastic than Fish in the Oceans by 2050

30 years from now our seas will be containing more plastic than fish.According to a report released by the World Economic Forum, plastic production around the world is expected to double within the next 20 years.    1     By 2050 it will be four.

About 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the sea every year.    2     Environmentalists estimate that there are about 160 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans today.By 2050 there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish.

    3     In addition it produces a huge garbage patch that floats on the surface, thus putting ships in danger and polluting beautiful beaches around the world.But the plastic that floats in the water is only a fraction of the whole amount.

Plastic is becoming more and more common in our world.    4     However, it is endangering our environment more than any other material.The World Economic Forum calls for more recycling and a better use of plastic.95% of all plastic that is produced is only used once, and then it is thrown away.Almost a third finds its way into our environment.

Oil is the raw material that plastic is made of.Currently, 5% of the world's oil production is turned into plastic.    5    

A.By 2050 it will rise to a fifth.
B.There, it can last for hundreds of years.
C.It has many uses and is cheap to produce.
D.More people have sensed its seriousness.
E.Today, one garbage truck full of plastic gets into the ocean every minute.
F.They were aiming to highlight the global issue of plastic pollution in the oceans.
G.Plastic that turns up in the seas endangers the fish population and other marine animals.
2021-01-16更新 | 192次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第二次大练习英语试题

10 . Scientists say they have found high levels of small plastic particles(颗粒) in Arctic snow. A German-Swiss research team collected snow samples(样本)from the Arctic and other areas. They included northern Germany, the Bavarian and Swiss Alps, and the North Sea island of Heligoland.When the researchers examined the samples in a laboratory, they were surprised to find very high levels of microplastics.

Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic. These plastic particles are generally smaller than 5 millimeters in length. They come from the breakdown of man-made plastic products and industrial waste.

The study found the highest levels of microplastics came from the Bavarian Alps. One snow sample from the area had 154,000 microplastic particles per liter. Samples collected from the Arctic had much lower levels. However, even samples from the Arctic contained up to 14,000 particles per liter.

The study also attempted to explore how some of the material could have been carried in the atmosphere. A limited number of earlier studies did find microplastics in the air of some cities, including Paris, Tehran and Dongguan, China.

Bergmann Melanie co-wrote the report on the new study. She believes the new study clearly shows that “the majority of the microplastic in the snow comes from the air.” The new study suggests that much of the microplastic found in Europe and the Arctic comes from the atmosphere and snow.

While there is growing concern about the effect of microplastics on the environment, scientists are still studying their possible harmful effects on humans and animals. “I hope the new study will lead to more research on this issue. I think   microscopic plastic particles should be included in worldwide observations of air pollution levels.We really need to know what effects microplastics have on humans, especially if inhaled with the air that we breathe.” Bergmann said.

1. Why did scientists collect samples from so many places in paragragh 1?
A.To make the research convincing.
B.To attract people to explore there.
C.To measure the length of microplastics .
D.To examine the samples easily in the lab.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.The risks of microplastics.
B.The transport of microplastics.
C.The breakdown of plastic products.
D.The description of microplastics.
3. What did the research team find about microplastics?
A.Many people threw them away at the Alps.
B.They were delivered to remote areas through air.
C.They could be caught sight of in the air.
D.They had no great effect on the environment.
4. What can be inferred from what Bergmann said in the last paragraph?
A.Scientists are worried about the the influence of microplastics.
B.We have found a practical solution to the environment problem.
C.The effect of microplastics on human must be urgently researched.
D.There is no need to change observations of air pollution levels.
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