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1 . My husband and I always wanted to go to the Caribbean but didn’t know much about the islands or how we were going to afford it. By chance, a friend of ours in Australia mentioned “pet sitting” and that it is something you can do all over the world.

We quickly created an account on a pet sitting website and began searching for options. There were only a couple of sits available in that part of the world, but we tried our luck, sent a request, and to our surprise, landed a three-month job in Grenada, so our year was going to be taken up with Caribbean pet sits.

Inspired by a Canadian couple, we decided to start our own travel blog. We began by writing about The British Virgin Islands, highlighting the beautiful beaches. However, for every photo album of a beautiful beach, there were 10 photos of trash (垃圾). It was hard to ignore the plastic pollution issue, especially on such primitive and remote beaches. So, we began to share photos of the trash we saw and how much we could pick upon our daily dog walks.

The more we looked into plastic pollution, the more we realized the severity of the global plastic pollution. From that point, we used our platform to create awareness and highlight ways to say no to plastic and travel plastic-free. We changed our daily routines, our way of living, and even our diets to accommodate more organic foods and little to no plastic packaging.

It’s been over three years now and we continue to do what we can. This journey has led us to some amazing places, working with great brands and even organizing a country-wide beach clean-up campaign in Grenada.

Our aim now is to keep on going. We love connecting with like-minded people. It’s been amazing few years that was sparked by a conversation about pet sitting. Who would have guessed?

1. Why did the author do pet sitting?
A.To cover travel expenses.B.To raise fund.
C.To conserve the environment.D.To shoot beautiful beaches.
2. What does the author intend to convey through her story?
A.Pet sitting is a new sort of occupation.
B.The Caribbean is a perfect travel destination.
C.Travel blog is a superb way to gain popularity.
D.Actions should be taken to fight plastic pollution.
3. What did the author think of her experience in the Caribbean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Shifting Lifestyles by Pet SittingB.Address Global Environment Pollution
C.Unexpected Gains from Pet Sitting TravelD.The availability of Pet Sitting in the Caribbean
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2 . Sixty-six years ago, there was one human-built object in Earth’s orbit. It was Sputnik, the world’s first satellite, launched in October 1957. Try to guess how many human-made objects are circling the planet now. Ready?

Your answer is wrong, unless you guessed 100 trillion. That’s a jaw-dropping number. It was provided by an international team of researchers writing in the journal Science. For years, this junk has formed an ever-growing mass near Earth. It’s a danger to spacecraft. The researchers are calling for a global treaty to limit the number of satellites and the amount of rubbish in space.

There are 9,000 active satellites in orbit, the scientists report. That could grow to more than 60,000 by 2030. The rest of that 100 trillion figure includes everything from used-up booster rockets and stray bolts to metal flecks and paint chips. Don’t think a paint chip is harmless. Travelling at 17,500 miles per hour, it can strike a spacecraft hard. The International Space Station is dotted with dents and holes. Astronauts often take shelter in an attached spacecraft to wait out a passing swarm of space debris (残骸). That way, if the station is severely damaged, they can escape in a hurry.

The mess we’ve made in space is like the mess we’ve made in the oceans. Think of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It’s a mass of floating junk twice the size of Texas. We’ve had centuries to make the ocean dirty. But it has taken just decades for us to do the same in space. That’s why the Science authors include experts in satellite technology and in ocean plastic pollution. “As a marine biologist, I never imagined writing a paper on space,” writes Heather Koldewey, who works at the Zoological Society of London. Cleaning up space, she says, has a lot in common “with the challenges of tackling environmental issues in the ocean.”

Coauthor Moriba Jah is an aerospace engineering professor at the University of Texas at Austin. “Marine debris and space debris,” he writes, “are both a human-made damage that is unavoidable.”

1. Why is Sputnik mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To provide background information.
B.To introduce the topic.
C.To make a comparison.
D.To tell a story.
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.What caused space debris.
B.The number of space debris.
C.The seriousness of space pollution.
D.What astronauts often do in space.
3. What does Heather’s words suggest?
A.Ocean pollution is very serious.
B.Ocean is the same as space.
C.Space pollution is getting worse.
D.She is going to write a paper on space.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.There is the same amount of marine debris and space debris.
B.Humans are to blame for the space pollution.
C.Marine and space pollution are unavoidable.
D.Humans can do nothing to prevent space pollution.
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3 . There are many kinds of pollution, which can be classified by environment, including air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. Modern society is also concerned about specific types of pollution, such as noise pollution, light pollution and plastic pollution. Pollution of all kinds may not only have negative effects on the environment and wildlife, but also do harm to human health and well-being.

Although environmental pollution can be caused by natural events such as forest fires and active volcanoes, use of the word “pollution” generally means that the wastes have an anthropocentric source—that is, a source created by human activities. Pollution has accompanied humankind ever since groups of people first congregated and remained for a long time in any one place. Indeed, ancient human settlements are frequently recognized by their wastes, Pollution was not a serious problem as long as there was enough space available for each individual or group. However, with the establishment of permanent settlements by great numbers of people, pollution became a problem, and it has remained one ever since.

By the middle of the 20th century, an awareness of the need to protect air, water, and land environments from pollution had developed among the general public. In particular, the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring focused attention on environmental damage caused by improper use of pesticides such as DDT. In response, major pieces of environmental law and regulation were passed in many countries to control the environmental pollution.

Great efforts are made to limit the release of harmful substances into the environment. Unfortunately, attempts at pollution control are surpassed by the scale of the problem, especially in less-developed countries. Noxious levels of air pollution are common in large cities. To control the pollution completely, we still have a long way to go.

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.The history of pollution.B.The types of pollution.
C.The causes of pollution.D.The effects of pollution.
2. What is the original cause of pollution according to this passage?
A.Natural disasters.B.Forest fires.
C.Volcanoes.D.Human activities.
3. What does the underlined word “congregated” mean in paragraph 2?
4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.No measures have been taken by the government to control the problems of pollution.
B.The book Silent Spring helped to improve the awareness of protecting the environment.
C.Silent Spring concentrated on the improper use of plastic bags.
D.The pollution has been controlled in less-developed countries.
2023-06-13更新 | 110次组卷 | 5卷引用:湖北省部分高中联考协作体2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Microplastics, or tiny plastic particles - have been found in human blood for the first time.

In a paper published in Environment International, researchers in the Netherlands analyzed 22 blood samples from healthy donors and found that 17 or almost 80% contain microplastics.

The team tested for five types of plastics. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), commonly used in disposable water bottles, was the most common plastic type and found in about 50 percent of the donors. The second most common, polystyrene (PS) which is used for food packaging, was found in about 36 percent. Alarmingly, the researchers found up to three different types of plastic in a single blood sample.

Previously, microplastic pollution has been recorded to the summit of Mount Everest, oceans, seafood, water and air. It is the first study to find such tiny particles in human blood. “The particles are transported throughout the body and stay in internal organs,” study author Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxicologist in the Netherlands says to the Guardian.

The health effects of taking in microplastics are currently unclear. Today, the only data available are laboratory studies that show its unfavorable effects on mice or rats when given large quantities of microplastics. As Professor Mark Taylor of Macquarie University in Sydney told The Guardian last year, “nobody really knows.” However, as he stressed., “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” If we’re to understand the effects, the first step underway at the moment is understanding levels of exposure.

It is estimated that since the 1950s, more than 70 million tons of microplastics have been dumped into the oceans due to industrial manufacturing processes. A WWF report also suggested we’re all unintentionally taking in 125 grams of plastic every 6 months. Despite the small number of donors in the study, pollution expert Fay Couceiro of the University of Portsmouth, who was not involved in the study, tells the AFP that the study was “solid and will stand up to examination.” Now, many countries are taking action to reduce microplastics in the environment.

1. What did scientists find in the study of 22 donors’ blood samples?
A.Half the blood samples contained microplastics.
B.PET was the most common plastic in the samples.
C.Altogether three types of plastics are detected in samples.
D.Donors were healthy despite microplastics in their blood.
2. What concerned scientists in the Netherlands?
A.Microplastics can damage human internal organs.
B.Microplastics have unfavorable effects on humans.
C.Multiple types of plastic were found in one sample.
D.Microplastics have polluted the peak of Mount Everest.
3. What does Mark Taylor’s words concerning microplastics mean?
A.Their effect is too weak to note.
B.Evidence shows no health impacts.
C.Lots of more study about them is needed.
D.Levels of exposure to microplastics matter.
4. What will the writer focus on in the following paragraph?
A.How microplastics get into the food chain.
B.How widespread microplastics have become.
C.Distribution of microplastics in the ecosystem.
D.Effective measures taken to restrict microplastics.
2023-06-02更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省重点高中智学联盟2022-2023学年高二下学期5月联考英语试题
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5 . Most cities were built on rivers. People originally settled in Paris because of the Seine, and in London for the Thames. A third of New York City’s surface area is water. For centuries, city folk used rivers for shipping, fishing and play. In a rare city without a big river, Johannesburg say, you notice its absence.

Yet in recent decades, we have ignored urban rivers. The Industrial Revolution ruined rivers for more than a century. Huge new urban populations filled them with waste water, factory emissions(排放物) and harmful gases of ships. In Newcastle in the early 1800s, salmon(鲢鱼) had been so plentiful in the River Tyne that apprentices(学徒) were said to have terms in their contracts stating that their masters shouldn’t make them at it every day. By the 1950s, the salmon were gone.

However, in recent decades, cities began cleaning up rivers. The Thames is now the cleanest it has been in 150 years and has seals and the occasional whale, sometimes alive. In cities like Chicago, riverside storehouses have been turned into fashionable restaurants and waterfront apartments. All in all, the latest trend is to change urban waterways into the natural play space so lacking in most cities.

But rivers also need to regain their original purpose as transport center. Passenger traffic may decrease as an urban issue if working from home becomes the norm during and even alter the pandemic. But there’s one form of urban traffic that just keeps growing: deliveries. Imagine using the enormous capacity of shipping to take delivery trucks off the roads. One of the newer Thames barges(驳船) with a capacity of 1, 750 tons can replace 44 large trucks, which uses much less energy and causes less noise pollution. In other words, we need to turn truck drivers into barge captains.

Rivers are the reason our cities are where they are. We just forgot about them.

1. What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
A.The reason for the rise and fall of cities.
B.The importance of rivers to cities.
C.The changes in cities along the rivers.
D.The locations of the famous rivers.
2. Why are apprentices mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To indicate masters were generous to them.
B.To blame them for the mass extinction of salmon.
C.To imply the River Tyne was in good condition then.
D.To praise their contributions to the Industrial Revolution.
3. What has happened over the past decades?
A.Waterfront apartments have been torn down.
B.Amusement parks have sprung up along urban rivers.
C.Riverside storehouses have served as places of leisure.
D.Waterways have been filled with emissions and abandoned ships.
4. What might the author agree to do?
A.Use barges to make deliveries.
B.Lay off truck drivers gradually.
C.Decrease working time from home.
D.Speed up smart urban traffic management.
2023-01-15更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市江岸区2022-2023学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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6 . It's no secret that inhaling(吸入)smoke is bad for your lungs. But now, scientists are suggesting smoke may also carry and spread infectious diseases. The theory, published in Science Magazine, is based on the research that found wildfire smoke is full of thousands of species of microorganisms(微生物).Some of these microorganisms, including bacteria and fungal spores(真菌抱子).are known to cause disease.

The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plants or animal matter and disturbs soils, it exposes thousands of species of bacteria and fungi that otherwise might not easily become airborne. You might think the high heat from fire would kill these organisms, but one study mentioned in the article found that some bacteria even multiply after fires. Scientists say the organisms stick with smoke particulates(颗粒物), allowing them to travel thousands of miles across continents.

Dr. Peter Chen, director of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, is interested in the theory but somewhat skeptical that the microorganisms in smoke would actually cause infections. Many bacteria and fungi don't cause lung infections, says Chen, but it's certainly possible that a significant number could worsen symptoms in someone with a preexisting lung condition. "I always thought it was the particulates in smoke that were causing these issues," says Chen. "But when I read this, I started thinking, could it be the microorganisms that are also worsening existing illnesses?"

Whether the microorganisms in smoke actually cause infections or simply worsen potential respiratory(呼吸的)issues, the article raises a new health threat that is "certainly alarming", says Kelsey Jack, an associate professor of environmental and development economics. This is especially true for lower-income populations, Jack says, because people with fewer protective means are often more exposed to the environment. If smoke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the people who work outside, or who have to go to the office on foot or by bike will inhale more smoke than those who drive.

But until more research is done, Chen says the best thing people can do is just follow existing recommendations when air quality is poor-including staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, using HEPA filters and running air conditioning.

1. What can we know about the microorganisms from Paragraph 2?
A.Some could reproduce after fires.
B.They could be killed by high heat.
C.They could possibly travel through air by themselves.
D.Some could copy the smoke particulates.
2. How do most microorganisms affect people according to Dr. Peter Chen?
A.They will cause lung infection.B.They might worsen lung diseases.
C.They will destroy living environments.D.They might damage respiratory systems.
3. Why are lower-income people suffering more than others according to Kelsey Jack?
A.They live in poor areas.B.They drive to and from work·
C.They have suffered from lung disease.D.They are exposed to polluted air more frequently.
4. What does Chen advise people to do in the last paragraph?
A.To wait for the results of more researches.
B.To ignore the air quality and to work out outdoors.
C.To follow previous suggestions on dealing with poor air quality.
D.To avoid using filters and air conditioning.
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