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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. normal B. continued C. trapped D. remove E. short
F. urged G. commit H. anniversary   I. end J. increases K. record

2020 has been an extreme year for hurricanes , wildfires and heat waves around the world. New reports from United Nations agencies list this year's record-breaking weather and the burning of fossil fuels as causes of     1    global warming.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently    2     world leaders to make 2021 the year when humanity ends what he calls its “war on nature ”.He asked them to    3     to a future free of planet-warming carbon pollution.

The secretary-general's comments come as the U.N. prepares for a Dec. 12 online climate meeting in France on the 5th     4    of the 2015 Paris climate agreement .A main goal of that agreement is to keep     5     in the Earth's temperature during this century to between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius.

In a speech given at New York’s Columbia University , Guterres said, “The state of the planet is broken ,Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal Destructive fires and floods, cyclones and hurricanes are increasingly the new     6    .”

In a report ,the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said this year is set to     7     about 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the last half of the 1800s.Scientists use that time period as a starting point for warming caused by heat-trapping gases from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas. Most     8     heat goes into the world’s seas. Ocean temperatures are now at     9    levels. It also means 2020 will be one of the three hottest years on record.

Guterres saw hope that more than 100 countries have promised that by 2050 they will not be adding more heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere than trees and technology can    10    .China and U.S. President-elect Joe Biden have promised net zero carbon emissions.

2021-02-27更新 | 191次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般