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1 . You may not consider yourself the patient type. Maybe your first-grade teacher pointed this out when you were pulling the door open before the bell even sounded. As a grown-up, maybe you press the “close door” button in the elevator many times.     1     Impatience has become a sign of a troubled society.

The time we save to get to our destination faster is not worth the price we pay for our health. As we all know, in traffic making rash decisions can send yourself and others to hell.     2    

A 2011 study, for example, suggests it may even be making us fat. If you want your satisfaction right now regardless of future benefits, you are going to have that extra dessert or that extra ice cream. In addition, there are plenty of links between impatient people and many health issues. You don’t need to do a lot of research to link impatience to high blood pressure and even heart disease.     3     And if you’re constantly anxious, your sleep could be affected, too.

    4     The first thing to do is to recognize that you have a problem. Impatience usually happens during several situations. One of them is that your environment isn’t conforming (符合) to your expectations. Another is that you’re not conforming to your expectations of yourself.

There are all kinds of every-day situations that test patience. Once you’ve found that cause, though, it will be a lot easier to break the bad habit. Most importantly, once we understand what makes us impatient isn’t within our control, we can change the way we understand that situation.     5     You’re already on your way.

A.You’re not alone.
B.It will help us stay healthy.
C.If you’ve made it, congratulations.
D.However, it’s not easy to be patient.
E.So learning to be patient is important.
F.It is important to be friendly to others.
G.Besides, being impatient could cause anxiety.
2021-07-18更新 | 141次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省青岛胶州市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题

2 . In the past five years, about 2.8 billion of school textbooks were sold per year, with total spending of 20 billion yuan ($3 billion), news magazine Outlook Weekly reported, citing data released recently by the National Press and Publication Administration.

If these textbooks are reused for one year, the costs saved can be used to help build around 40,000 Hope Schools in impoverished regions.

The figures show that in 2018, the number of retailed textbooks for primary and secondary schools was 2.93 billion copies, totaling 25.99 billion yuan. If all of them are reused, a total of over 20 billion yuan will be saved per year.

Zhao Dehua, in charge of a company recycling resources, said many college graduates sell the textbooks they have accumulated over the years at an average price of 1 yuan per kilogram. As these textbooks are mostly used to produce recycled paper, the cost is even higher than that of raw paper as the processing procedure of recycled paper is complicated.

At present, free textbooks related to music, art and P.E for the nine-year compulsory education have been reused, but account for less than a fraction of the total number of textbooks. Because of the supply chain obstruction, which increases the costs to match supply with demand, the lack of sound platform and service supporting system for the second-hand textbook trade, most of the textbooks used for compulsory education and higher education end up as waste.

“Every year, second-hand booksellers collect textbooks at a price of about 4,000 yuan a ton, which is more than twice the price of ordinary waste paper, but the number of people who come to collect second-hand books is still few,” Zhao Dehua said.

Besides, the incomplete policies and regulations might bring second-hand book sales platforms and sellers to legal risks.

“Establishing the system of textbook recycling can not only save resources, but also help to cultivate students’ consciousness and sense of responsibility,” said Zhu Pin, deputy head of a school of nine-year compulsory education in Jiangxi province. The school has set up a system for reusing the textbooks and the books are disinfected every week.

1. What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.College students sell textbooks in order to make profits.
B.Recycled paper is mainly used for environmental considerations.
C.The cost of recycled paper is greater than that of raw paper.
D.Certain groups of collectors tend to choose second-hand textbooks.
2. What is the problem of reusing textbooks?
A.It is blocked because of lack of funds.
B.The supply of recycled textbooks is not adequate to meet the demand.
C.The regulation of second-hand textbooks has not been carried out yet.
D.A large number of second-hand textbooks are not used properly.
3. What measures does the school take to use the second-hand textbooks?
A.The school frees recycled textbooks from bacteria regularly.
B.The school proposes regulations for wasting second-hand textbooks.
C.The school calls on students to participate in the system of textbook recycling.
D.The school requests the government’s support.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Textbooks recycled for less waste
B.Recycled textbooks used for compulsory education
C.Reusing textbooks good for environment and wallet
D.Reusing textbooks good for collection
2020-12-19更新 | 314次组卷 | 6卷引用:山东省青岛第五十八中学2021-2022学年高三上学期期末检测英语试题

3 . Princess quiz time! How did Snow White survive? How did Cinderella (《灰姑娘》) leave her evil stepmother? How did Sleeping Beauty finally wake up?

A kind-hearted person always comes to save the princess, like a prince or a godmother. Princesses cannot protect themselves, though they are very pretty and nice. They always need the help of others.

However, in fact, women can’t put their life in the hands of a prince-like man. They need to work and even fight for their own happiness. The traditional image (形象) of a princess is getting out of date.

Recently, Disney, a company famous for its princess movies, posted the “top 10 rules for being a modern princess”. You will not find any rules related to beauty or looks. The rules highlight loyalty, honesty and other moral values. The rules say princesses need to believe in themselves and try their best to get out of trouble, instead of waiting for a prince’s help.

It’s not the first time Disney princesses have caught up with society’s development. In 1950, when people’s hearts were broken by World War II, Disney created Cinderella. In 1990, Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast (《美女与野兽》) loved reading when education was a man’s special right in the past. Belle showed the improvement of women’s position in society. Now is Elsa from the film Frozen (《冰雪奇缘》), a symbol of modern princess.

“This is brilliant — ‘The top 10 rules of being a modern princess’ — (it’s) about time,” a group named Confidently Mom said on social media website Twitter. Princesses are still very beautiful, but inner character is the key to being a princess.

1. What should modern women be like according to paragraph 3?
A.They should care about their appearances.
B.They should turn to others for help.
C.They should depend on men to change their lives.
D.They should depend on themselves for their own happiness.
2. What are Disney’s rules for a modern princess centered on?
A.Her beauty.B.Her moral values.
C.Her education.D.Her position in society.
3. Why has Disney been changing the images of a princess according to paragraph 5?
A.To meet the need of the world peace.
B.To improve girls’ education.
C.To improve girls’ position in society.
D.To keep up with the development of society.
4. What does the group Confidently Mom think of the rules?
2020-04-24更新 | 79次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省青岛胶州市2018-2019学年高一下学期期中英语试题
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