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1 . The summer holidays have just begun, but it is a busy morning at Cadoxton Primary School, in Barry, an industrial town in Wales. It runs a summer programme for hard-up (拮据的) children, providing meals and activities over the holidays with the aim of helping kids to spend the time more meaningfully. As young people run laughing and screaming into the school cafeteria for breakfast, their parents hung out, some visibly relieved. Just three days into the six-week school holidays one mother says her nine-year-old daughter has already asked five times to go bowling. “Without the school’s help,” she says, “it would be a long and expensive six weeks.”

In the popular imagination, school summer holidays conjure up (使……呈现于脑际) a picture of carefree youthful exploration. But many parents rely on the term-time services that schools give their kids, such as tutors and meals. If the holidays approach, they can suddenly find their schedules and budgets stretched. Researchers also say that the long break often sets back children’s learning, and that children from poorer backgrounds are desperately affected due to their shortage of money.

Many poor children fall behind their wealthier peers over the holidays. “Summer is the most unequal time of the year,” says Matthew Boulay of the National Summer Learning Association. “Well-off parents can fill the gap left by school and consolidate (使巩固) their children’s unfamiliar knowledge well, keeping their children stimulated with summer camps, trips abroad or private tutors. Poorer families, apparently, find this harder, since their income is relatively low and demand for sponsored activities offered by governments,” he adds.

Holidays can be a financial stress, which is absolutely true. In countries where some children receive free school meals, summer means bigger grocery bills for hard-up families. Households where both parents work have to pay for extra childcare, too. The Family and Childcare Trust, a charity, says that in Britain, where childcare costs are the highest in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries. Parents will spend an average of 33 per child per week on childcare this summer, mainly because of the sharp shortage of governmental funding sponsor.

1. What is the purpose of the summer programme?
A.To lengthen students’ school life.B.To keep students busy all the time.
C.To provide students with free meals.D.To enrich students’ summer holidays.
2. What does the underlined word “stretched” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. Which statement does Matthew Boulay probably agree with?
A.Badly-off parents are likely to give up sponsoring their kids.
B.Well-off parents are unwilling to offer their kids extra tutors.
C.Students from poor family can well deal with the peer pressure.
D.Students from rich family can strengthen their learned knowledge.
4. Why must British parents pay for the childcare in summer holiday?
A.Because of insufficiency of free tutors.B.Because of shortage of social sponsor.
C.Because of shortage of free school meals.D.Because of lack of governmental support.
2024-03-03更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分名校2023-2024学年高三上学期新起点8月联考英语试题
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2 .

69% of the travelers try to put down their smartphones on vacation.1/3 of Americans always spend their time on the phone on holiday.16% of UK travelers always check their phones on vacation.Most important objects
USA:  Mobile phone
AUS:  Camera
UK:  Sunscreen

Holidays booking (预订)

3/4 of the travelers prefer to book trips online.84% of Americans say they are most likely to book online.3% of Australians book travel by phone.

1. What do one third of Americans always do during trips?
A.They always try to put down their phones.
B.They always use a lot of sunscreens.
C.They always take cameras with them.
D.They always spend time on the phone.
2. How many countries are mentioned in the text?
3. How do some Australians choose to book trips?
4. Where do most people prefer to get advice when making travel plans?
①From social media users.
②From other travelers’ reviews.
③From family and friends.
④From travel companies.
⑤From travel guides.
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The text is written to change travelers’ habits.
B.UK travelers use mobile apps the least during trips.
C.Sunscreen is the most important object for a US traveler.
D.Most travelers like to communicate with their friends on vacation.
2024-02-20更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:甘肃省河西成功学校2023-2024学年高三(高考复读)上学期第二次月考英语试题
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3 . Most parents are worried the first time they catch their kids out in a lie. According to child and teen psychiatrist Gayani DeSilva, lying can actually be a sign of healthy development in young children. “Kids lie for many reasons, and much of it is normal,” DeSilva says. “People are not born with the knowledge of communicating with others and getting their needs met. They’ll experiment with different communication styles and techniques until they find the ones that work best for them. Lying is one of those techniques.”

As kids get older, they become more aware of how their actions affect others, and many will lie less frequently. In spite of this, parents still need to lead their kids to form a habit of not lying. According to DeSilva, when children lie, look at them directly and ask what they need. After they tell you, gently remind them that telling you directly will be more effective than lying.

It’s also a good idea to model the behavior you want to see in your kids. In other words, don’t lie to your children. This will set you and your children on a course of open communication and trust.

In some cases, lying is a sign of a deeper issue. A child who is neglected will lie more than a child who has attentive and responsive parents. He’s not sure whether he’s loved. He may lie to please others. The same goes for a child who has experienced something unpleasant. He may lie to try to hide his shame, avoid admitting his needs, or to control his surroundings to ensure his safety.

By paying attention to the reasons behind a lie, parents can figure out what need to be done. For example, while Jack might lie about completing his homework in order to play video games, he also might be trying to avoid negative feelings connected with school work, and this is just where parents should start, says therapist Gideon Javna.

1. What can be inferred about lying from DeSilva’s words?
A.It has certain benefits for the healthy growth of kids.
B.It shows the understanding between kids and parents.
C.It can be an effective means of communication for kids.
D.It is so common for kids that parents can completely ignore it.
2. How can parents get their children to tell the truth?
A.By pretending to trust them at first.
B.By encouraging them to admit their needs.
C.By telling them directly the harm of lying.
D.By punishing them for their lying in a safe way.
3. The author mentioned the two kids in Paragraph 4 to show _____________.
A.It’s common for children to lie
B.It’s important to be a generous parent
C.lying can damage family relationships
D.lying is a reflection of one’s mental trouble
4. What should Jack’s parents do according to Javna?
A.Ask him to avoid playing video games.
B.Turn his attention to other positive things.
C.Give him a second chance to finish homework.
D.Listen to and help solve his problem related to school work.
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4 . Handing your baby a phone or a tablet to play with may seem like a harmless solution when you’re busy, but it could actually affect their development, a new study has found.

Having anywhere from one to four hours of screen time per day at age l is linked with higher risks of developmental delays in communication skills, fine motor skills, personal and social skills,and problem-solving skills by age 2, according to a study of 7,097 children published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. The study measured how many hours children used screens per day at age 1 and how they performed in these developmental domains (领域) at ages 2 and 4. Both measures were according to the mothers’ self-reports.

By age 2, those who had had up to four hours of screen time per day were up to 3 times more likely to experience developmental delays in communication and problem-solving skills. Those who had spent four or more hours with screens were 4.78 times more likely to have underdeveloped communication skills,1.74 times more likely to have poor performances in fine motor skills and two times more likely to have underdeveloped personal and social skills by age2. By age 4, risk remained only in the communication and problem-solving categories.

“One of the areas that is relatively understudied in the whole screen time literature is looking at the impacts of screen exposure on very young kids, especially when screens are introduced to babies,” said Dr. John Hutton, an associate professor of general and community pediatrics (儿科) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. “It’s definitely a global concern, and I think the findings should really be applied to other countries as well.”

“Technology use can take time away from interpersonal relationships that develop social skills since real people are more multidimensional than characters on a screen.” Hutton added. Looking at people’s faces is when our brains turn on to figure out how to interact with them.

1. What does the new study focus on?
A.A baby’s mental health.B.Children’s developmental skills.
C.A kid’s academic performance.D.Students’ creative abilities.
2. What is the main research method used in the study?
A.Analyzing data.B.Giving examples.
C.Reviewing literature.D.Doing experiments.
3. What does Dr.John Hutton suggest?
A.The impact of screen exposure should be studied.
B.The findings should be applied to certain countries.
C.Global attention should be paid to kids’ screen hours.
D.Screens should be introduced to more and more babies.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Faults Can Be Found with Screens
B.What Difficulties A Young Kid Will Face
C.How Screens Change Developmental Skills
D.How Screen Time Influences Kids’ Development
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5 . "While extroverts (性格外向者) often make great first impressions with their outgoing manner and lively personalities in interviews, that value and reputation at work diminish (削减) over time,” says Corinne Bendersky, an associate professor of management.

“Extroverts disappoint us over time when they're part of a team,” Bendersky says. “On a team you're expected to work hard and contribute a lot. But they're often poor listeners, and they don't collaborate.”

“On the other hand, introverts (性格内向者) work hard on a team because they care what others think of them. They don't want to be seen as not pulling their weight or contributing 100%,” Bendersky says.

So while companies may be attracted to hiring extroverts because they impress managers greatly in job interviews, bosses also may want to consider whether the extrovert they are considering will be a valuable team player, Bendersky says.

Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, two writers, agree and say managers should recognize the strengths of introverted employees, such as their ability to put themselves in someone else's shoes.

“These team members are often easygoing, which can make them exceptional mentors (良师益友) to more junior staff or particularly good sounding boards when you interact with them in one-on-one situations,” Su says.

“Managers must try to help introverts find their voice,” Wilkins says. “Help them see that speaking up is not about self-promotion or being in conflict but rather about offering the team key insights, making better decisions or increasing the efficiency for all.”

What about those extroverts who never seem to be at a loss for words? Should managers cut them off? Managers definitely should weigh in on how an extrovert is affecting others. Wilkins suggests saying something in private to make adjustments.

1. What do we know about outgoing people according to Bendersky?
A.They are good listeners.B.They are good at cooperating.
C.They often make great contributions.D.They tend to perform well in interviews.
2. Which can best replace the underlined part “pulling their weight” in Paragraph 3?
A.Trusting others.B.Making good choices.
C.Doing their full share of work.D.Trying to share their thoughts.
3. What is Su's attitude towards Bendersky's words?
4. What does Wilkins advise managers to do?
A.Promote more introverts.B.Learn to work more efficiently.
C.Encourage introverts to speak up.D.Avoid conflict among employees.
5. How is the text mainly developed?
A.By providing examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.D.By following the order of importance.
2023-10-27更新 | 143次组卷 | 3卷引用:天津市北辰区2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次联考(期中)英语试卷
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6 . While English is getting more important in our schools, Chinese has become popular among foreign kids. But Chinese can be more difficult to learn. At least 16-year-old Piao Chenglong thinks so. “English is easier for me. Chinese characters (汉字) have too many strokes (笔画),” said Piao. “But I want to learn it. I want to study at Beijing University when I grow up.” Piao is from Korea. He came to China in 2008.

In Korea, there are more than 300, 000 Chinese learners like Piao. Some Korean students begin to learn to write the language on their first day at school. To help students learn Chinese, Korea holds speaking competitions for high school students every year.

Chinese isn’t just popular in Korea. People from all the world want to learn it. The Ministry of Education of China says that nearly 130 million people from 85 countries are learning Chinese. This number will be increasing to 800 million in the coming years.

In America, Chinese is the second most popular foreign language after Spanish. Some American middle schools have Chinese classes. Students learn to make jiaozi and tie Chinese knots (中国结). Some even try to write and draw in the Chinese way!

People want to learn Chinese because China is becoming such an important country. Foreign countries want to understand China better to help them with business. The Chinese government is also helping the world learn Chinese. It has sent more than 200 Chinese teachers to more than 60 countries in the world. Many more Confucius Institutes (孔子学院) will be set up in the world. These institutes will teach Chinese to foreign students.

1. Which of the following is the topic sentence for the text?
A.Chinese has become popular among foreign kids.
B.Chinese can be more difficult to learn.
C.In America, Chinese is the second most popular foreign language after Spanish.
D.Students learn to make jiaozi and tie Chinese knots.
2. Where does Piao Chenglong come from?
3. According to the text, some American middle school students learn to do the following EXCEPT ________.
A.making jiaozi
B.writing and drawing in the Chinese way
C.tying Chinese knots
D.singing Chinese songs
4. Why do foreign people want to learn Chinese?
A.Because Chinese is getting more important in their schools.
B.Because Chinese characters have too many strokes.
C.Because the number of people learning Chinese will be 800 million.
D.Because China is becoming more and more important in the world.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 容易(0.94) |

7 . Last weekend, I said goodbye to another dear old friend. We had 12 fine years together, but our relationship was becoming dysfunctional(不正常的). Unwanted emissions and serious health problems were the final straw, leaving me with no choice but to make a trip to the knacker’s(收废汽车者的)yard.

I am now car-free for the first time in 20 years, and it feels strange. When I gave up meat, I did so mainly for environmental reasons, and I didn’t miss it at all. I would like to say the same about my car, but I can’t. It was first and foremost a financial decision: keeping the old car on the road was getting too expensive.

But doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still doing the right thing — I now have a chance to rethink how I move myself and my family around, and can try to find a more environmentally friendly means of transport.

Going car-free is, I think, a lifestyle change that many of us are going to make over the next few years, as car ownership becomes increasingly unnecessary, expensive and socially unacceptable. However, it is easier said than done. Now my car is gone. I still need to get around. But how? I already cycle to work and use public transport when appropriate. But there are some occasions when a car seems to be the only way.

I won’t buy one: I have joined a car-share program and will use taxis more often. I will hire a car if I need to drive a long distance. But then I am still travelling in fossil-fuelled cars(燃油汽车), like when I quit meat and ended up eating more cheese. I fear I may have swapped one environmental problem for another.

I am also afraid to think about the ultimate fate of my car. I have just offloaded more than a ton of metal, plastic, rubber, fabric, electronics, oil and petrol that will end up in a landfill. There are millions of similar vehicles in the UK alone that will have to go somewhere.

Maybe I am overthinking it. According to Charlie Wilson, a climate scientist at the UK’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, getting rid of a private car is no doubt a positive step to reduce CO2 emissions.

He points to research by the OECD’s International Transport Forum. “They showed that moving from a private vehicle fleet(车队)to a shared vehicle fleet can greatly cut the number of vehicles you need to deliver the mobility that we need and want. If that vehicle fleet is electrified, you can also bring CO2 emissions close to zero.”

So in other words, just get rid of your car.

1. What do we know about the author’s car?
A.It was old.B.It was green.
C.It was his first car.D.It was a second-hand car.
2. What do the author’s giving up meat and saying goodbye to his car have in common?
A.He did both for the wrong reasons.B.He thinks both help him save money.
C.He considers both are right decisions.D.He did both out of concern for the environment.
3. What does the author fear?
A.He may have to spend more on travel.
B.His lifestyle might be changed completely.
C.He might get bored with public transportation.
D.His decision may fail to help the environment.
4. What does Charlie Wilson say?
A.It is wise to do away with old private cars.
B.It is very easy to deal with old private cars.
C.Electric cars are the solution to traffic problems.
D.The OECD plays a key role in promoting car-sharing.
8 . 假定你是李华。目前有一些中学生周末做兼职,引发了热议。某英语报社以此为话题征稿。请你写一篇文章投稿,表达你对此现象的看法。
注意:1. 标题自拟;
2. 词数100左右;
3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 容易(0.94) |

9 . If having to make a choice between reading an e-book and a printed book, which would most people choose? Some would go for an e-book while some still prefer the hard-printed book.

Undoubtedly, e-books do have benefits. Firstly, changes to an electronic publication are relatively easy to make. They are quicker to obtain. E-books are more easily updated. The printed books on many subjects can become outdated very quickly. Secondly, e-books can be easily and quickly kept up to date. You usually get far more than just the e-books. Most e-books are sold with bonuses and related information that usually do not come with the purchase of a printed book. Moreover, they take up less space. Instead of a big library, you can fit literally thousands of books on your computer. It also makes it easier to share this information with families and friends.

For nearly twenty years, additionally, futurists have been predicting the development of printed books. The conventional view has been that digital e-books are on the verge of replacing paper books. However, this has not been the case. A printed book has its advantages too. Firstly, it is an object that can be carried and used alone. It needs no electric outlet (插座), no batteries, nothing. Secondly, e-books will always require some forms of support that the printed book does not need.

I believe that the online publishing has not taken off because people want real books. What is being published online more and more are pamphlets (小册子) and things that really do not need to be in print. These are stuff that people throw away afterward. More often, people do not want to read a book on the computer. What could be better than a paper book? It lasts a long time. These books are designed to last a long time without disappearing.

To sum up, there is no denying that the printed book is still very much preferred over its digital cousins. Reading electronic publications is just not the same when it comes to books. People are still very interested in real books and notebooks.

1. What can we know about an e-book?
A.It will never be out of date.B.It always gives you an added bonus.
C.It can deliver information quickly.D.It has taken the place of printed books.
2. Which statement would futurists probably agree with?
A.Printed books will disappear.B.Printed books can be used alone.
C.E-books have many restrictions.D.E-books have no drawbacks.
3. What is one cause of the failed online publishing?
A.The low demand for book industry.B.The expectations from people.
C.The guidance of policy.D.The desire for the printed books.
4. What does the author think of the future of the printed book?
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10 . If you're a runner who secretly hates running, here's some good news: settling into a leisurely jog rather than an all-out run may actually be better for your health in the long term.

A team from Denmark followed over 5,000 people taking part in the Copenhagen City Heart Study, and tracked whether they were non-joggers or joggers who kept a slow, moderate, or fast pace. The participants' health was tracked over the next 12 years, and so was their mortality (死亡率): 28 of the joggers and 128 of the non-joggers died.

The connection was this: Joggers of mild and moderate intensity had a lower risk of death than the fast joggers. In fact, the lowest mortality risk was that of the mild intensity joggers. The fast-paced joggers had about the same mortality rate as sedentary (久坐的) people. This suggests that there may be an upper limit to hard exercise, after which the benefits fall off.

"The U-shaped association between jogging and mortality suggests there may be an upper limit for exercise amount that is best for health benefits," said study author Peter Schnohr. "Anything more is not just unnecessary: it may be harmful." From the current study, jogging just three times per week, for less than 2.5 hours/week was associated with the lowest overall mortality risk.

There've been a lot of mixed messages about the "right" amount of exercise and what intensity is best. The World Health Organization has suggested that the current 150 minutes/week recommendations are strenuous for most people to tackle, and that expectations should be lowered, since, after all, anything is better than nothing. Everyone probably has a level of activity that feels best to him or her. But at least the growing consensus seems to be that more-if you're pushing yourself very hard-is not necessarily better. And it may even be worse.

1. What was the study designed to find out?
A.The advantages of jogging over running.
B.The common causes of death from exercise.
C.The difference between non-joggers and joggers.
D.The relation between exercise amount and health.
2. Who will face the highest mortality risk according to the study?
A.Those fast-paced joggers.
B.Those slow-paced joggers.
C.Those jogging 150 minutes per week.
D.Those jogging just three times per week.
3. What might Peter Schnohr agree with?
A.The early bird catches the worm.
B.Wealth is nothing without health.
C.To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.
D.Enough exercise brings about happiness.
4. What does the underlined word "strenuous" in the last paragraph mean?
2021-12-21更新 | 292次组卷 | 5卷引用:江苏省前黄高级中学、如东中学、姜堰中学2021-2022学年高三十二月份阶段性测试英语试题
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