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1 . The Tianjin Binhai Public Library was described by The Daily Mail as “the world’s ultimate library” in 2017, and “breathtaking” was the word chosen for it. One book at the library and you’ll see why. With its futuristic design and walls loaded with books, it’s the dream library of every book lover.

But as the awe continues, there’s a burning question lying in the back of our minds: When physical bookstores are closing down one by one, what makes libraries immune from digitalization? And do we still need libraries as we’ve got the Internet in our hands?

Reporter Ian Clark has the answer. “Libraries are not declining in importance - people are simply changing the way they use them,” he wrote. What Clark means is that libraries have shifted from simply being storehouses of books to a medium to help “bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots”. According to him, Libraries Are Essential. Since not everyone can afford a smart phone, a tablet or an Internet connection, and not everyone has the know-how to search the internet efficiently, it’s public libraries that make sure that these resources and technologies are available to a larger group of people. And one of the pitfalls that come with online materials is that they’re not always trustworthy. “Google doesn’t tell you what you’re not getting, so people need to evaluate the quality and completeness of what they see on their screens, ” Sarah Pritchard, dean of libraries at Northwestern University, told Northwestern Research Magazine. And libraries are usually where that “evaluation” happens.

But all of these practical functions aside, we still need the physical space that a library provides. It’s something that's called a “third place”, according to the Seattle Times. This is a place in which we can fully concentrate on our study and work without easily getting distracted. And compared to other “third places” like coffee shops, libraries have a “non-commercial nature” that allows you to relax completely. “Nobody is trying to sell you anything in the library. There is no pressure to buy and there is no judgment of your choices,” Anne Goulding, a professor at Victoria University in New Zealand, said. “There are few other spaces that you can just ‘be’ without somebody questioning your presence or your motivation.”

1. The attraction of the Tianjin Binhai Public Library lies in _______.
A.world's ultimate libraryB.design and book walls
C.every book lover's dreamD.reports on The Daily Mail
2. The underlined word “pitfalls” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
3. What would Ian Clark probably agree with?
A.Libraries have changed the way people read.
B.Libraries are as important as they used to be.
C.Libraries are better used by the poor than the rich.
D.Libraries are made more available to more people.
4. What advantages do libraries have over coffee shops according to Anne Goulding?
A.Libraries make people less likely to get distracted.
B.Libraries give people more motivation and inspiration.
C.Libraries provide people with a wider range of choices.
D.Libraries allow people to read without fear of being judged.
5. Where can you probably find the above passage?
A.In a news report.B.In an introductory speech.
C.In a science magazine.D.In a fashion brochure.
今日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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2 . Hiring processes can be considered as a battle between honesty and dishonesty. You might imagine this is a simple fight between truth — seeking companies and self-promoting applicants, and to a certain extent it is. But companies sometimes deliberately twist the truth in a way that is self-destructive.

Let’s start with job applicants. The point of a CV or a LinkedIn (领英) profile is to make reality as appealing as possible. If anyone who has reached a certain level of experience is a leader who is personally responsible for generating millions in revenue (收入), the world economy would be about 15 times bigger than it actually is. The average Briton spends four and a half hours a day watching TV and online videos. But the average job applicant uses their spare time only for worthy purposes, like volunteering in soup kitchens or teaching orphans to code.

The companies also tend to magnify the truth as applicants do. The typical firm will write a job description that describes the work environment as fast -paced and innovative, and then lays out a set of impossible requirements for the “ideal applicant”, who almost does not exist. Sometimes-as when ads demand more years of experience in a programming language than that language has existed for-these requirements include an ability to go back and change the course of history.

Tracey Franklin, a fan of “realistic job previews” (RJPs), says that one effective strategy is, in text or video, to give would-be employees a genuine sense of the negatives and positives of the job, as well as a clear idea of the company’s corporate culture. Such honesty can be its own reward. A paper in 2011 by David Earnest of Towson University and his co-authors concluded that RJPs lead to lower turnover (人事变更率) and higher employee satisfaction.

1. What do we know about a CV or a LinkedIn profile according to the passage?
A.They highlight relevant volunteer work.
B.They demonstrate genuine interests and hobbies.
C.They exaggerate one’s achievements and skills.
D.They accurately represent one’s qualifications and experiences.
2. What is the tone of the author in paragraph 2 and 3?
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.RJPs lead to higher turnover.
B.RJPs contribute to the stability of the employees.
C.Companies should avoid sharing corporate culture.
D.RJPs fail to influence turnover and employee satisfaction.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Hire, liarB.Apply, liarC.Labor, liarD.Fire, liar
今日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市沛县2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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3 . For many young students, the school break is not a time for play, but rather a period of intense working out at weight loss camps. The extreme popularity of these camps is a sign of the alarming trend in China — childhood obesity (过度肥胖). According to a report published by the National Health Commission in 2020, one in five Chinese youth aged 6 — 17 years is overweight or obese, up from just one in 20 in 1995.

This increase is driven by multiple social factors. For instance, heavy coursework at school and a ready availability of digital devices are fixing the country’s younger generations in a more inactive lifestyle. Also, an age-old belief that more food consumption equals better growth has led many parents to spoil their children with an unlimited supply of junk food and late night snacks. Besides, weight gain during their mother’s pregnancy, regularly skipping breakfast, high intake of sweet foods and drinks, and insufficient sleep can all add to the risk of becoming overweight.

Extra weight gained in childhood may likely be carried into adulthood and increase the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disorders and cancers. What’s more, the strong feeling of social disapproval related to obesity can also have a dangerous effect on a child’s emotional well-being and self-esteem (自尊). Some of overweight teenagers can’t even finish their primary education.

Therefore, parents should closely monitor their children’s weight from an early age so that they can intervene without delay when signs of obesity show. That does not mean that parents should rely on dietary restriction or slimming pills for dramatic transformations. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, limited screen time and sufficient sleep are enough to help children maintain a healthy weight.

1. How did the obesity rate for Chinese youth change from 1995 to 2020?
A.It more than doubled.B.It became four times.
C.It stayed the same.D.It dropped by half.
2. What contributes to the increase in childhood obesity?
A.A drop in physical activities.B.An limited supply of snacks.
C.Reduced intake of sugary drinks.D.Right amounts of restful sleep.
3. What should parents do to help their children avoid obesity?
A.They should stop their children having sweet foods.
B.They should limit their children's time spent indoors.
C.They should keep close track of their children’s weight.
D.They should ask their children to take slimming pills.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Childhood Obesity in ChinaB.Concerns about Public Health
C.Increase in Children’s HeightD.Healthy Lifestyle Recommended
昨日更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省大同市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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4 . Talking to your children about the misinformation (错误信息) they may find online is a great idea. Children don’t always have the judgment or critical thinking skills to test what they read or watch, but they’ll develop these abilities quickly if you help them figure out how to separate fact from fiction. We’re here to help you do just that!

Don’t wait for your kids to approach you with questions-instead, take a few minutes to sit down with them. Let them know that there’s a lot of content out there on the Internet, and not all of it is true. With everything going on in the world, remind your kids that they might be seeing a lot of confusing, false information going around on social media and other parts of the web.

It’s a good idea to turn news reports and TV shows into teachable moments. Look for small opportunities to start helpful conversations about misinformation with your kids. Take a TV show or newspaper article and transform it into a helpful, easy way to understand what misinformation is and how to avoid it.

Misinformation can be really upsetting and stressful for your kids to think about. Let them know that you’re always available to listen and answer their questions if they’re feeling confused. Reassure your kids that there are no stupid questions, and that you’re always willing to explain something to them.

Teach your kids a few tricks to fact-check misinformation online. Remind your kids to be on the lookout for strange-looking website like those ending with co. Tell them to read through the headline. If it has a lot of mistakes, or if it’s written in all capital (大写的) letters, there’s a good chance that it might be misinformation. Additionally, introduce your kids to official websites, which are quick and easy ways to fact-check information.

1. Why should people talk to their children about online misinformation?
A.There is no information holding true online.
B.There is no one else willing to teach the children.
C.Children lack the ability to judge the information sometimes.
D.Children can’t develop the judgment on their own.
2. Why does the author mention the approach in paragraph 4?
A.To relieve children’s financial burden.
B.To discourage children from asking stupid questions.
C.To remind parents to seize every chance to teach.
D.To encourage children to communicate with parents.
3. Which of the following is most likely to be misinformation?
A.A passage on the website www.i21st.cn.
B.A passage on the website www.pep.com.cn.
C.A passage titled with “Origins of the Mandela Effect”.
D.A passage titled with “SHOK! GAS RAN OUT YESTERDAY”.
4. Who is the text intended for?
昨日更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省清远市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题
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5 . Peru is prepared to approve new laws that would make it easier to investigate and punish researchers who engage in academic cheating, including paying to have their names added to a paper.

The move comes as Peru’s national science agency seeks to crack down on authorship buying and other dishonest practices. It recently removed two scientists accused of dishonest publications from a national registry that is key to receiving government sponsor, job promotions, and salary bonuses. And officials are investigating more than 170 other researchers at a Peruvian media report claimed were involved in academic misconduct, including 72 listed in the national registry who work at 14 universities in Peru.

The new laws will empower universities and government officials to punish such behavior. Dishonest publishing practices “ transcend mere moral misbehavior” because they enable researchers to obtain government and private funding without telling the truth, says Edward Málaga Trillo, a member of Congress who is the driving force, behind the bills, which lawmakers are expected to finalize early this year. “These individuals are operating academic cheating.” Peru’s academic community has been struggling with a rising tide of false authorship and related problems. One cause, some researchers say, is a 2014 law that aimed to stimulate research by rewarding researchers who boost their publishing output. For example, under a scoring system used by universities,researchers can earn five points for authorship in a high-impact journal, and two points when the journal is lower impact. A massing points can bring bonus payments and career promotion.

Signs of dishonest publishing can be obvious, notes Nahuel onteblanco,president of Cientificospe, a Peruvian group that investigates misconduct. Many of the papers cited by Punto Final have numerous co-authors from different nations with few prior publications on the same subject. “If your colleague consistently publishes 20 articles a year with co-authors from other countries, that’s highly suspect.” Monteblanco says.

1. What action did Peru take recently to address academic cheating?
A.Disqualifying 2 scientists from a national registry.
B.Fining 72 offenders for academic dishonesty.
C.Punishing 170 researchers for academic misconduct.
D.Withdrawing government fund from 14 universities.
2. What’s Edward Málaga Trillo’s attitude to the new law?
3. What do we know about the 2014 law in Peru?
A.It advocated a fair scoring system.
B.It applied to high-impact journals.
C.It aimed to punish dishonest publishing.
D.It led to an increase in false authorship.
4. The most suspicion might be given to a productive researcher with         
A.Career promotion.
B.Consistent research focus.
C.Co-authors from various countries.
D.Few citations by Punto Final.
昨日更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省辽宁省七校协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
书信写作-倡议信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假如你是校学生会主席李华,你校学生中存在网络霸凌现象,请用英语写一篇倡议书,号召同学们停止网上霸凌。内容包括:
1.词数 80左右;
参考词汇:cyber-bullying 网络霸凌
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题

7 . Packaging can play a greater role in keeping produce and other foods fresh, therefore minimizing food waste — especially if consumers can better understand those packaging technologies. That’s among the takeaways of research led by Michigan State University (MSU)’s School of Packaging, detailed in a recently released white paper.

In the United States, food waste in landfills doubled from 1990 to 2020, according to data shared by the US Environmental Protection Agency this year. Researchers cited data showing 40% of the food supply is wasted each year, with 43% of that happening at the consumer or household level.

Ameripen, the only organization exclusively focused on US public policy for the entire packaging industry, and the Environmental Research & Education Foundation funded research that included a survey of more than 1,000 people in the United States. Ameripen said it wanted to know what role packaging could play in reducing household food waste as well as understand consumer awareness of food packaging’s value and functions.

The survey asked consumers about their understanding of packaging forms and willingness to pay more for packaging designed to reduce food waste, among other areas.

The study found that whole fruits and vegetables, particularly bananas and lettuce, are the foods most wasted by households, with dairy products, prepared packaged foods and leftovers also common culprits (罪魁祸首). “Half-eaten packaged food products and food without packaging that went bad before it was eaten are the two primary reasons for food waste in American households, indicating there is opportunity for improved packaging design to help consumers with extending shelf life, reuse and size,” the white paper states.

Researchers reported that while consumers’ current understanding of packaging technologies was “limited”, they indicated “they would pay more for food contained in packaging that extends freshness and shelf life.”

“There’s a need to design packaging for produce that is currently not packaged; that most of the produce in this study was wasted is because there is no packaging at all,” MSU’s Korey Fennel said during the webinar (网络研讨会), also noting the importance of “intelligent packaging” that could indicate the shelf life of food products.

1. What does the underlined word “minimizing” in the first paragraph mean?
2. What does the author intend to do in the second paragraph?
A.Summarize the previous paragraph.B.Provide some advice for the readers.
C.Add some background information.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.
3. How did the researchers conduct their study?
A.By making observations.B.By asking questions.
C.By carrying out experiments.D.By referring to former studies.
4. What is the consumers’ attitude to purchasing packaged food according to the study?
昨日更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用: 湖北省鄂州市部分高中教科研协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期期中联考英语试卷
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8 . A recent study from Penn State has indicated that interactive screen time such as texting’ and gaming is harmful to adolescents’ sleep. The research casts light on how different types of screen usage can variably impact sleep patterns in teens.

The study was focused on the sleep habits of 15-year-olds. For the analysis, the team conducted daily surveys with 475 adolescents, inquiring about their screen-based activities; including communication methods and entertainment preferences. Besides, the researchers employed special instruments to accurately track the teens' sleep duration (持续期) over a week. These devices, typically worn on the wrist, provided insight into the participants’ activity levels to infer sleep patterns.

The study showed that teens spent an average of two hours per day communicating digitally and around 1 hour playing video games. The experts found that those engaging in interactive screen time before bed spent approximately 30 minutes longer falling asleep compared to those who avoided such activities. And that is what makes the researchers most concerned.

And it was not just interactive screen time before bed that affected kids’ sleep, said the researchers. For each hour that kids spent playing video games beyond their usual routine during the day, their sleep was delayed for about 10 minutes.

“For a child, losing 30 minutes of sleep at night is significant. It makes it especially arduous for them to get up in the morning for school,” said lead author of the study and postdoctoral scholar David Reichenberger. “Without enough sleep, kids are at increased risk of obesity, as well as poor cognition (认知), emotion regulation and mental health.”

“Addressing the problem of what parents can do to help protect their teens’ sleep, its a tricky situation. These tools are really important to everyone nowadays, so it’s hard to put a limit on them, but if you’re really looking out for an adolescent’s health and well-being, then you might consider limiting the more interactive activities, especially in the hour before bed,” said David.

1. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.What the participants did in the study.
B.How the participants were selected.
C.What the purpose of the research was.
D.How the research was conducted.
2. Which of the following has the greatest impact on kids’ sleep?
A.Playing video games for 1 hour during the day.
B.Engaging in interactive screen time before bed.
C.Communicating digitally for 20 minutes in the morning.
D.Delaying the regular sleeping time for half an hour.
3. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. Why does David regard the situation as “tricky”?
A.Digital devices bring both convenience and harm.
B.Interactive activities play an important part in modern life.
C.Being involved in screen time is harmful to children’s health.
D.Increasing kids’ sleeping time may affect their academic performance.
7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮南市2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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9 . One single night every January, volunteers all over America search parks, woodlands and pavements to count those without shelter. After seeing their own figures for homelessness increase by 20%between 2022 and early 2023. Jersey officials were shocked into action. Officials spent more on rental assistance for those at risk of becoming homeless. More services for people living rough have led to a rise in sheltered homelessness. The state also gathers real time data. In November New Jersey’s Office of Homelessness Prevention released its own figures , showing unsheltered homelessness falling across the state by 23% year on year.

Newark, New Jersey’s largest city and home to the state’s largest homeless population, recorded a 58% reduction in unsheltered homelessness since the start of the year due to the government’s financial support to reduce street homelessness, improve the shelter system and expand housing and prevention services.

Luis Ulerio, the director of Newark’s Office of Homeless Services, says “there’s just been a lot of hard work behind that number.” Mr. Baraka, the mayor (市长),converted a local primary school into a 166-bed facility. He built temporary housing out of shipping containers. A second cluster (群) of containers with supportive services, called Hope Village II, will open soon. The containers have been altered to look like little cottages. A third cluster is in the works Mr.Baraka wants to create a pipeline from shelters to transitional housing and then to getting long-term homeless people into permanent housing.

More services for people living rough have led to a rise in sheltered homelessness. The city also provides money for overdue rent to prevent homelessness. Beth Shinn of Vanderbilt University points out that it’s cheaper to give $ 200 to help make due rent for the poor than to pay thousands later. The city also relies on data , updated daily by those working with Newark’s homeless people. Real-time data is crucial , he says , in order to carry out interventions in state policy all on the frontline.

1. What can we learn about homelessness in New Jersey from paragraph 1?
A.It has greatly affected people’s lives.B.Official efforts are lacking to address it.
C.Great progress has been made to ease it.D.It is the most serious all over America.
2. How did Mr. Baraka help the homeless in Newark??
A.He designed and built the Hope Village series for them.
B.He turned a school and shipping containers into o homes.
C.He joined a permanent pipeline to the homeless houses.
D.He led the volunteers to count people without shelter.
3. What does the underlined word “altered” mean in paragraph 3?
4. What does Beth Shinn suggest about overdue rent?
A.Rent should be provided for the poor when it’s due.
B.No rent should be charged to stop overdue rent.
C.Real-time data should be in place to spot overdue rent.
D.A limit should be set to avoid large sum of overdue rent.
7日内更新 | 59次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象
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10 . Fourth Wing, a novel by Rebecca Yarros, gained attention on BookTok, TikTok’s book community, last year. Published on May 2, its sequel (续集), Iron Flame, followed just six months later on Nov. 7, bringing Yarros fame. Yarros released the first two books quickly because she had written part of Iron Flame beforehand. However, she decided to slow down the release of subsequent books.

The rapid release of these books sparked a debate about whether quality is sacrificed for speed in publishing. Yarros faced criticism for mispronouncing Scottish Gaelic words during a Barnes & Noble Q&A event on the sequel’s release day. Critics suggested better preparation, like hiring a Gaelic proofreader (校对员), to avoid such errors. Despite criticism, Fourth Wing soared to the top of the New York Times’ Best Sellers List within its first week, fueled by BookTok’s influence. This phenomenon parallels fast fashion’s trends, reflecting social media’s impact on reading preferences. Yarros’ ability to blend genres and appeal to BookTok’s favorite tropes contributed to the book’s success.

When books become hugely popular, publishers and authors often rush to take advantage of their success, expanding the series quickly. This rush mirrors the fast fashion industry, where items are rapidly produced to meet trends, sometimes sacrificing quality. Rushed publishing, influenced by platforms like BookTok, may result in insufficient time for writing and editing, potentially compromising the overall quality of the books. Despite concerns, popular books recommended on BookTok can still be enjoyed, whether they’re fancy hardcovers or simple paperbacks.

1. What can be learned from the first paragraph?
A.BookTok users demanded a faster release.
B.Fourth Wing was published on May 2 this year.
C.Iron Flame was published earlier than Fourth Wing.
D.Yarros released the first two books quickly due to pre-written content.
2. What advice might the critics give on mispronunciations?
A.Ignoring them.B.Preparing fully for them.
C.Expanding the release quickly.D.Releasing statements to defend them.
3. Why are the books recommended on BookTok still popular?
A.Because they produce the series rapidly.
B.Because they prioritize quantity over quality.
C.Because they produce quickly to make profits.
D.Because they make use of the success and meet consumers’ demands.
4. In which part of a website would you most probably find the text?
7日内更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市沛县2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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