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1 . AI agents are prediction engines using the web as their memory. They do no more than predict which words are more likely to follow any other word or group of words in a given language. When you ask ChatGPT a question, it analyzes it into words and their sequence, returning answers that match those sequences opposite. It might sound like a simple trick, and it is, yet the secret sauce is the size of the database the AIs use to perform it.

Of the very various mix of content used to train ChatGPT, 60 percent was information collected from websites, blogs or social media. Another 20 percent was content shared on Reddit and evaluated relatively highly by the users. The rest was books typically found in the public field (mostly older and general purpose), with a bit of Wikipedia (3 percent) mixed in for good measure.

AI’s store for each word the probability that any other word will follow it. The quality and value of these predictions depend very much on how often and on how many circum- stances the software encounters any two (or more words) in the neighborhood, how long a sentence goes, and which sentence might follow another. When put together, these predictions favour the most influential texts of a given culture, which shaped generations upon generations of English language teachers and the students they educated.

ChatGPT speaks like a parrot because its delivery is not automatically adjusted. More re- search and engineering are needed to adjust the tool to each request’s real-life intentions and consequences. In academic learning, these situations should be the pre- and post-stages of the research process: finding arguments and packaging them for public consumption.

In their current forms, ChatGPT and its siblings (姐弟) are like those three-year-olds who can recite entire stories read to them only once. But turning a three-year-old into a learned Person takes 20 years of labour—some, structured education. It is time to stop reading Al agents stories and send them to a real school.

1. Which determines the accuracy of AI predictions?
2. How does the author support the theme of Paragraph 2?
A.By listing data.B.By giving examples.
C.By making comparisons.D.By quoting experts’ arguments.
3. What does the third paragraph mainly focus on?
A.Users of AI.B.Words’ frequency.
C.AI’s cultural nature.D.The length of a sentence.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.How a ChatGPT worksB.Where a ChatGPT is found
C.A ChatGPT needs packagingD.A ChatGPT has a long way to go
2024-04-15更新 | 95次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(三)英语试题

2 . Over the past few decades, technology has profoundly transformed the way we live and work. The digital revolution has brought about________ changes to industries, economies, and societies worldwide. As we continue to navigate this rapidly changing landscape, it is crucial to understand the ________ impact of technology on various aspects of our lives.

In the realm of employment, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are reshaping job markets. Routine tasks that were once carried out by humans are now________ by machines with remarkable efficiency. While this automation has increased productivity and reduced errors, it has also ________ concerns about job displacement and the need for upskilling.

The education sector has not been immune to technological advancements either. Online learning platforms and digital resources have________ traditional classroom settings. This shift offers flexibility in learning, but it also requires learners to possess strong________ skills to navigate digital environments effectively.

Communication has been revolutionized by technology as well. Social media platforms enable instantaneous global________, connecting people across borders. However, the rapid spread of information in the digital age has________ challenges related to misinformation and privacy breaches.

Healthcare has witnessed the integration of technology through telemedicine and remote monitoring. While these innovations improve access to medical services, they also raise questions about the ________ of personal health data and the potential loss of the human touch in patient care.

In the realm of creativity, technology has opened new avenues for artistic expression. Digital art, virtual reality experiences, and interactive storytelling have________ boundaries in the creative world. However, concerns linger about the ________ of originality and the potential loss of tangible artistic experiences.

The environment benefits from technology through innovations in renewable energy and resource management. Yet, the________ footprint of electronic devices and the challenge of electronic waste management underscore the ________ implications of the digital revolution.

In conclusion, technology’s far-reaching influence touches every aspect of our lives. Its ________ can be both empowering and concerning. To navigate this complex landscape, individuals, businesses, and policymakers must work together to harness the potential of technology while addressing its________ challenges.

2023-12-26更新 | 220次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省忻州市第一中学校2023-2024学年高三8月质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Modern humans have only existed for a relatively short time, and maybe we’d like to stick around a lot longer. But how can we do that?

Figure out climate change.

    1    There have been times in the past when it’s been hotter than it is today, and times when it’s been cooler. But there is something different about the past century. As far as we can tell from the record, there has been no time in Earth’s entire history when the climate has warmed so much in such a short amount of time.     2    There are: more frequent and more severe extreme weather events like tornadoes and hurricanes; droughts increasing; more changeable weather, with seasons beginning to lack regularity; and sea level rises. While climate change doesn’t necessarily pose an existential threat to human existence, it surely poses a threat to how we like to live our lives in modern society.

Figure out nuclear weapons.

A single nuclear weapon doesn’t pose a threat to all of humanity, but the thousands of them in the world right now certainly do.     3    Just consider all the “near misses” in recent history, where nuclear war was avoided thanks only to the quick thinking of individuals. We can only try our luck for so long. And one accident can lead to larger scale nuclear conflict.     4    

Figure out asteroids(小行星).

If you want to know the terrible consequences for ignoring space borne threats, just ask the dinosaurs how well it worked out for them. Asteroids have the ability to cause massive extinction events, wiping out vast numbers of entire species.     5     For humanity to make it to the long-term, we need to equip ourselves with asteroid detection and reduction strategies

A.The consequences can’t be avoided.
B.Countries are joining hands to solve it.
C.Now the chances of one nuclear explosion increase.
D.The earth’s climate has changed for millions of years.
E.While these kinds of events are rare, the risks are severe.
F.And we can see the effects of climate change everywhere.
G.We need to disarm as much as possible to reduce the risk of disaster.
语法填空-短文语填(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

More than 300 participants     1     were from international organizations, research institutes, universities and enterprises came together at the 6th International Agricultural Research Conference in Beijing on December 15,2022 to exchange ideas on how to make a     2     (contribute) to global food security, calling for more international cooperation in agriculture.

Themed “strengthening agricultural science and technology cooperation to jointly promote global food security,” the conference was hosted by the Center for International Agricultural Research (CIAR) and the Department of International Cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS),     3     (adopt) the form of virtual lectures and online broadcast.

Wu Kongming, president of CAAS, said that CAAS remains committed to providing Chinese     4     (solution) and wisdom to help address global challenges such as food security, poverty reduction and green development, and to do so through multilateral and bilateral international cooperation mechanisms.

According to Carlos Watson, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Representative in China, the conference offered     5     great and timely opportunity to facilitate(使便利)constructive discussion on international joint actions concerning global agricultural development and food security,     6     the face of challenges posed by the pandemic and climate change.

“Given China’s     7     (success) experience in the eradication(消除)of extreme poverty, digital innovations, and agricultural and rural development, China is     8     (unique) positioned to share its innovation experience, innovative technologies, and best practices with the rest of the world,” he said.

During the conference, experts discussed the current situation and future prospects of international cooperation in agricultural science and technology. They also discussed the policy environment, market environment, investment model and service demand for overseas agricultural investment, as well as strategies and measures     9     (ensure) global food security.

The International Agricultural Research Conference     10     (hold) for six consecutive(连续的)years since 2017.

2023-01-24更新 | 1115次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届山西省太原市高三1月第一次联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . It seems as if social media platforms have taken over our lives. According to a study, there were over 3.6 billion social media users in 2021. And that number is only expected to grow.

Although social media platforms have helped to keep friends and family connected, there is also a dark side to social media. To put it simply, it is a money making machine. This is partially because of social media influencers. A social media influencer is someone “who can shape audience’s attitudes through blogs, tweets, and the use of other social media”. You may be asking yourself, “Why would they want to do this, though?” The answer is simple: to make money. Social media influencers make money by promoting brands among their followers. In fact, influencer marketing is so profitable that the study reported that the industry is expected to reach $15 billion in value in 2022.

Social media influencers are now being called out because some of their actions have started to negatively impact the environment. One man in particular, who goes by Steve to remain anonymous (匿名的), noticed that some online influencers failed to follow rules when they went to national parks or public places. This included things like leaving garbage behind, or using drones (无人机) to take pictures from the sky.

Because of this, Steve made it his mission to stop social media influencers from hurting the environment with their bad behavior in order to get the “perfect shot”. In 2018, he made the account “Public Lands Hate You” to name and shame influencers who failed to follow the rules made to protect the environment. The account now has over 85 thousand followers.

He hoped that it could help some influencers find the light and right their wrongs. Steve said, “If everybody thought just a little bit more about their small actions and the impact those actions have on the environment and the people around them, I think that a lot of our bigger problems would be much more easily solved.”

1. What feature of social media influencers is mainly shown in paragraph 2?
A.Good communication.B.Chasing profits.
C.Creative shows.D.Volunteering service.
2. How does the writer present his idea in paragraph 3?
A.By giving examples.B.By offering data.
C.By making comparisons.D.By explaining reasons.
3. Why was “Public Lands Hate You” made?
A.To win wide attention and attract more fans.
B.To get the influencers aware of their wrong deeds.
C.To make public places inaccessible to influencers.
D.To inform the influencers of the places for perfect shots.
4. What is implied from Steve’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Well begun is half done.B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Every bit of effort counts.D.Actions speak louder than words.
6 . 最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。








Should We Help Strangers?

Recently our class had a discussion about whether we should help strangers. Different students have different opinions.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . A small recording studio in Communication University of China (CUC) is a movie production center, which creates movie audio descriptions to serve the visually disabled. From the landscape in the background to the movements of the characters, and even emotional changes of the roles, these creators describe every detail in the movies, so visually disabled people can “watch” them like every other normal moviegoer.

However, as there are over 10 million people living with visual disability in China, the number of theaters providing the service falls short of demand. At the same time, challenges still exist. The first issue that movies are now facing is the varying levels of quality, which has resulted in the failure of some projects. Copyright can be another huge problem. To expand the range of movies that can add audio descriptions, China has applied for entry to the Marrakesh Treaty, an international treaty about copyright permission for specially adapted literature works for people with visual disability.

“Soon we can make more movies for the disabled. Our next goal is to make these audio descriptions of films available at the same time as their main cinemas release, so people with visual disability can walk into the cinemas with their families and friends to cry and laugh together. They also enjoy art, life and movies equally like the rest of the world,” Fu Haizheng, project dean from CUC, told Global Times on Wednesday.

1. How does the studio help the visually disabled watch the movies?
A.Introducing the main plot.B.Offering background music.
C.Providing special languages.D.Adding detailed descriptions.
2. Why does China apply for entry to the Marrakesh Treaty?
A.To make Chinese movies go global.
B.To improve the quality of the films.
C.To have permission to adapt more movies.
D.To get sponsorship from an international organization.
3. What is the text?
A.A news report.B.A research paper.
C.A movie review.D.A theater poster.
2022-07-01更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省太原市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . A situation in which the student is troubled by his parents pressuring him to go into a job area that makes good money but he doesn’t want to go into that career area, is bad. The question is whether he should go into this job or not.

To start out, you need to go for what is best for YOU even if there would be some negative consequences. You can't be happy unless you make decisions that are right for you. If you do not make your own decisions and make decisions that will benefit you, your life would be a big lie to yourself.

Living a lie would not be a very good life. The truth is much better than living a lie or some fantasy world. If your whole life is a lie, then it is not a very beautiful life at all. In the song Lyin’Eyes, the woman is living a lie by pretending she loves this old man, when in reality" she is just in it for the money. As a result, her life is miserable and a big lie.

And finally, money can not buy happiness. A good example of this is from the song Lyin’ Eyes. The only reason the woman married the old man is for the money and gifts she would receive. This results in her life being not at all happy. This just goes to show that no matter how much money you have your life still might not be happy. It takes a lot more than a bunch of green paper to make your life a good one

In conclusion, doing what you want is best. If you don’t do what you want to, you won’t be happy with your life and your career.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.There is something more important than money in life
B.Young people should make their own career decisions
C.Parents should not pressure their children to live a lie
D.Young people are happy to make their own decisions
2. What does The song Lyin’ Eyes tell people to do?
A.to do what they are interested inB.to be a responsible citizen
C.to live a simple lifeD.to face negative consequences
3. What can we infer about the woman in the song?
A.She lived a happy lifeB.She had a happy marriage
C.She married a rich manD.She often lied to others
4. Which of the following is NOT used to support the writer’s conclusion?
A.You should make your own decisions.B.Living a lie would not be good.
C.Wealth doesn’t mean happiness.D.It’s wise to do what you want.
2022-06-01更新 | 329次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届山西太原高三英语押宝题英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Trees are symbols of hope, life and transformation. They are also increasingly labeled as a straightforward, relatively inexpensive, and best solution to climate change. Lately, society has been putting a lot of pressure on trees to get the whole world out of the climate change emergency. Accordingly, enthusiasm is worldwide popular among governments, businesses and individuals for ambitious projects to plant billions, even a trillion more, so as to help cut current emission (排放).

“Trees are having a bit of a moment right now,” says Joe Fargione, an ecologist with The Nature Conservancy based in Minneapolis. “There’s no anti-tree lobby. Trees have lots of benefits for people. Not only do they store carbon, they help provide clean air, prevent soil erosion, shade and shelter homes to reduce energy costs and give people a sense of well-being.”

Yet, as global eagerness for adding more trees grows, some scientists are urging caution. Before moving forward, they say, such massive tree projects must address a range of scientific, social and economic concerns. Poorly designed projects that don’t address these issues could do more harm than good, the researchers say, wasting money as well as public goodwill. “There’s a real feeling that forests and trees are just the idea we can use to get some unspeakable support for many, perhaps more complicated, types of landscape restoration initiatives”, says ecologist Joseph Veldmanan.

The concerns are myriad: There’s too much focus on numbers of seedlings planted, and too little time spent on how to keep the trees alive in the long term, or in working with local communities. And there’s not enough emphasis on how different types of forests store very different amounts of carbon. There’s too much talk about trees, and not enough about other carbon-storing ecosystems. And over the last decade, a diverse garden of tree-centric proposal has spread across the globe. That can lead to all kinds of problems, Joseph adds. “For me, the devil is in the details.”

1. According to Paragraph 1, what is the global fever?
A.Getting rid of the air pressure of the earth.
B.Launching environment-based movements.
C.Spending more time on global tree projects.
D.Planting more trees to handle climate change.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Tree-planting projects might be wrongly used.
B.There’s no scientific basis for planting programs.
C.Growing mere trees is just a waste of money.
D.Public goodwill is surely abused to a certain degree.
3. What does the underlined word “myriad" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. How does the author like the tree-based idea to solve climate change?
2022-04-17更新 | 239次组卷 | 4卷引用:山西省太原师范学院附属中学、太原市师苑中学2021-2022学年高二下学期第四次月考英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When I was a kid, I________the question. Adults always seemed terribly disappointed that I wasn't________becoming something grand or ________,like an astronaut.

Now, as an organizational psychologist, my job is to fix other people's jobs, and I've come to________that asking youngsters that question does them________

My first complaint about the question is that it________kids to define themselves in terms of work. If we define ourselves by our jobs, our________       depends on what we achieve. So when you are________what you want to be, it's not socially ________to say, “A father”, or, “A mother”, let alone, “A person of integrity”.

The second________is the implication that there is one calling(使命)out there for everyone. Research shows that________one leaves students feeling lost and________.After all, not everyone has that talent for grand jobs.

If you manage to________the above barriers, there is a third hurdle(难关):Careers rarely live up to your childhood________. In one study, looking for a(n)________job left college seniors feeling more anxious and less satisfied with the________.As Tim Urban writes, happiness is reality minus expectations. It's clear how expectations________our perceived happiness. If you are looking for extreme happiness, you're bound to be________

Asking kids what they want to be leads them to ________a career identity they might never want to earn.________ ,invite them to think about the different things they might want to do.

A.dreaming ofB.objecting toC.focusing onD.sticking to
A.picking upB.searchingforC.praying forD.taking over
2022-03-30更新 | 253次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届山西省临汾市高考考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般