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1 . The question of whether our government should promote science and technology or the liberal arts in higher education isn't an either/or proposition(命题) , although the current _________ preparing young Americans for STEM(science, technology, engineering, math)-related fields can make it seem that way.

The latest congressional report acknowledges the critical importance of _________ training, but also maintains that the study of the humanities and social sciences must remain central components of America's _________ system at all levels. Both are critical to producing citizens who can participate effectively in our democratic society, become innovative leaders, and _________ the spiritual enrichment that the reflection on the great ideas of mankind over time provides.

Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education _________ about graduates' job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs. Under these circumstances, it’s _________ to look for what may appear to be the most “practical”way out. Major in a subject designed to get you a/an _________ seems the obvious answer to some, though this ignores the fact that many disciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, lead to employment and success _________. Indeed, according to surveys, employers have expressed a preference for students who have received a _________ education that has taught them to write well, think critically, research creatively, and communicate easily.

__________, students should be prepared not just for their first job, but for their 4th and 5th jobs, as there's little reason to doubt that people entering the workforce today will be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. The ones who will do the best in this new environment will be those whose educations have prepared them to be __________. The ability to draw upon every available tool and insight -- __________ from science, arts, and technology -- to solve the problems of the future, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, will be helpful to them and the United States.

In May 1780, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail expressing his hopes for the progress of the American experiment. “I must study Politics and War so that my sons may have __________ to study Mathematics and Philosophy. My Sons ought to study Mathematics and Philosophy, Geography, Architecture, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry and Music.” What Adams was really expressing was that a country must have a sufficient level of __________, stability and security before large numbers of its citizens can engage in pursuits __________ than the basic struggle for survival. Despite our economic difficulties, the U.S. is a wealthy nation. We have the capacity to create and maintain an educational system that trains students in science, math, history, art and other disciplines, at the very highest level.

A.drain onB.objection toC.advantage overD.emphasis on
A.compete withB.benefit fromC.equal toD.delight in
A.in the long runB.in the right positionC.in practical termsD.in great need
A.picked upB.referred toC.put upD.passed on
A.more logicalB.less instrumentalC.broaderD.easier
2022-04-22更新 | 502次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市七宝中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷

2 . Facing AI extinction

In a recent White House press conference, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre couldn’t suppress her laughter at the question: Is it “crazy” to worry that “literally everyone on Earth will die” due to artificial intelligence? _________, the answer is no.

While AI pioneer such as Alan Turing cautioned that we should expect “machines to take control”, many contemporary researchers _________ this concern. In an area of unprecedented growth in AI abilities, why aren’t more expects weighing in?

Before the deep-learning revolution in 2012, I didn’t think human-level AI would emerge in my lifetime. I was familiar with arguments that AI systems would insatiably seek power and resist shutdown — and obvious _________ to humanity if it were to occur. But I also figured researchers must have good reasons not to be worried about human _________ risk (x-risk) from AI.

Yet after 10 years in the field, I believe the main reasons are actually cultural and historical. By 2012, after several hype cycles that didn’t pan out, most AI researchers had stopped asking ‘what if we succeed at replicating human intelligence’, _________ their ambitions to specific tasks like autonomous driving.

When concerns resurfaced outside their community, researchers were to quick to dismiss outsiders as _________ and their worries as science fiction. But in my experience, AI researchers are themselves often ignorant of arguments for AI x-risk.

One basic argument is by analogy: humans’ _________ abilities allowed us to out-compete other species for resources, leading to many extinctions. AI systems could likewise deprive us of the resources we need for our survival. Less _________, AI could displace humans economically and, through its powers of manipulation, politically.

But wouldn’t it be humans wielding AIs as tools who end up in control? Not necessarily. Many people might choose to deploy a system with a 99 per cent chance of making them phenomenally rich and powerful, even if it had a 1 per cent chance of _________ their control and killing everyone.

Because no safe experiment can definitively tell us whether an AI system will actually kill everyone, such concerns are often dismissed as unscientific. But this isn’t an excuse for ignoring the risk. It just means society needs to reason about it in the same way as other complex social issues. Researchers also emphasize the difficulty of predicting when AI might _________ human intelligence, but this is an argument for caution, not complacency.

Attitudes are changing, but not quickly enough. AI x-risk is admittedly more _________ than important social issues with present-day AI, like bias and misinformation, but the basic solution is the same: regulation. A robust public discussion is long overdue. By refusing to engage, some AI researchers are neglecting _________ responsibilities and betraying public trust.

Big tech sponsors AI ethics research when it doesn’t hurt the bottom line. But it is also lobbying to exclude general-purpose AI from E. U. regulation. Concerned researchers recently called for a(n) _________ in developing bigger AI models to allow society to catch up. Critics say this isn’t politically realistic, but problems like AI x-risk won’t _________ just because they are politically inconvenient.

This brings us to the ugliest reason researchers may dismiss AI x-risk: funding. Essentially every researcher (myself included) has received funding from big tech. At some point, society may stop believing reassurances from people with such strong conflicts of _________ and conclude, as I have, that their dismissal betrays wishful thinking rather than good counterarguments.

A.take placeB.grow upC.sink inD.go away
2023-12-29更新 | 439次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市七宝中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-六选四(约400词) | 困难(0.15) |

3 . In the fog of uncertainty about how new technology will change the way we work, policymakers around the world have flocked to the same idea. No matter what the future brings, they say confidently, we will need to upskill the workforce in order to cope.

The view sounds reassuringly sensible. If computers are growing smarter, humans will need to learn to use them to humans’ advantage. Otherwise, they may run the risk of being replaced by computers.     1     .

Research published by the Social Mobility Commission shows that workers with degrees are over three times more likely to participate in training as adults than workers with no qualifications. That creates a virtuous circle for those who did well at school, and vicious circle for those who did not. If the robots are coming for both the accountants and the taxi drivers, you can bet the bean counters will be more able to retrain themselves out of danger.

    2     In the UK, the government introduced an “apprenticeship levy” a few years ago in an attempt to force employers to spend more on training. A surprising number have responded by sending their senior managers on “apprenticeships” at business schools.

It is no good criticizing employers for directing investments at their highly skilled workers. They are simply aiming for the highest return they can get. And, for some types of lower-paid work, it is not always true that technological progress requires more skills. The UK’s latest Employment and Skills Survey, which is performed every five years, suggests the use of literacy and numeracy skills at work has fallen since 2012, even as the use of computers has increased. The trouble is, when the computer makes your job easier one day, it might make it unnecessary the next. Many of those affected by automation will need to switch occupations, or even industries.     3    

It is time to revisit older ideas. The UK once had an energetic culture of night schools, for adults to attend after their day jobs. These institutions have been disappearing due to funding cuts. But a revival of night schools could be exactly what the 21st century needs.     4     They can also explore interests they never had a chance to nurture before.

It is still not clear whether the impact of new technology on the labour market will come in a trickle or aflood. But in an already unequal world, continuing to reserve all the lifeboats for the better-off would be a dangerous mistake.

A.Employers also invest more in better educated workers by launching employer-sponsored cmployee education programs.
B.According to an Oxford University study, nowadays employers are more likely to hire the first-year apprentices.
C.Rather than just “upskilling” in a narrow way, people could choose to learn an entirely new skill or trade.
D.But the truth is, the people who are being “upskilled” in today’s economy are the ones who need it the least.
E.People can effectively train or upskill themselves to meet their specific professional needs.
F.But a retailer or warehouse company is not going to retrain its staff to help them move to a different sector.
2023-05-08更新 | 357次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realities. Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.

In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Today’s families have budgeted to the limits of their new two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback – a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.

During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families, the picture is not any better. Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen – and newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.

From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.

1. Today’s double-income families are at greater financial risk in that ________
A.the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.
B.their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.
C.they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.
D.they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.
2. As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have ________
A.a higher sense of security.
B.less secured payments.
C.less chance to invest.
D.a guaranteed future.
3. According to the author, health-savings plans will ________
A.help reduce the cost of healthcare.
B.popularize among the middle class.
C.compensate for the reduced pensions.
D.increase the families’ investment risk.
4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________
A.financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.
B.the middle class may face greater political challenges.
C.financial problems may bring about political problems.
D.financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.
2021-08-15更新 | 1166次组卷 | 3卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷01
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 困难(0.15) |

5 . Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country’s GDP measures “everything except that which makes life worthwhile.” With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.

The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. Many argue that it is a flawed concept. It measures things that do not matter and misses things that do. By most recent measures, the UK’s GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures. If everything was going so well, then why did over 17 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what it could do to their country’s economic prospects?

A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question. Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens. Rather than just focusing on GDP, over 40 different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more rounded assessment of how countries are performing.

While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a number of consistent themes. Yes, there has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash, but in key indicators in areas such as health and education, major economies have continued to decline. Yet this isn’t the case with all countries. Some relatively poor European countries have seen huge improvements across measures including civil society, income equality and the environment.

This is a lesson that rich countries can learn: When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of a country’s success, the world looks very different.

So, what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough. It does not include important factors such as environmental quality or education outcomes—all things that contribute to a person’s sense of well-being.

The sharp hit to growth predicted around the world and in the UK could lead to a decline in the everyday services we depend on for our well-being and for growth. But policymakers who refocus efforts on improving well-being rather than simply worrying about GDP figures could avoid the forecasted doom and may even see progress.

1. Robert F. Kennedy is cited because he ________.
A.praised the UK for its GDP
B.identified GDP with happiness
C.misinterpreted the role of GDP
D.had a low opinion of GDP
2. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that ________.
A.the UK is reluctant to remold its economic pattern
B.GDP as the measure of success is widely disapproved in the UK
C.the UK will contribute less to the world economy
D.policymakers in the UK are paying less attention to GDP
3. Which of the following is true about the recent annual study?
A.It is sponsored by 163 countries.
B.It excludes GDP as an indicator.
C.Its criteria are questionable.
D.Its results are enlightening.
4. In the last two paragraphs, the author suggests that ________.
A.the UK is preparing for an economic boom
B.high GDP foreshadows an economic decline
C.it is essential to consider factors beyond GDP
D.it requires caution to handle economic issues
2022-03-17更新 | 768次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市2021-2022学年高二下学期期中英语综合复习题2
改错-短文改错 | 困难(0.15) |
6 . 英语课上,老师要求同桌之间相互修改作文。假设以下短文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
You must have heard about Dolly and have been amazed by the first cloned animal. But here came a problem; should we clone humans? When being asked about this question, a large number of people which are interested in the topic hold the view that it’s beneficial to clone humans. Therefore, some other people, me including, are against this idea. Cloning humans can bring negative effects and wrong informations. In the first place, they may not be treated equal as normal people, which I believe will make him suffer a lot. In second place, human cloning may lead in some social disorder, and it is quite dangerous.
完形填空(约260词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of a(n) ______ should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, ______ , most people make several job choices during their working live, partly ______ economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their positions. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should therefore ______ into a broad flexible training program that will ______ them for a field of ______ rather than for a single job.

Unfortunately, many young people, knowing ______ about the occupational world or themselves for that matter, choose their lifework ______ a hit-or-miss basis. Some ______ from job to job. Others ______ to work in which they are unhappy and ______ they are not fitted.

One common mistake is choosing an occupation for ______ real or imagined prestige.

Too many high-school students—or their parents for them-choose the professional field, ______ both the relatively small proportion of work vacancies in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal ______ . The imagined or realprestige of a profession or a "white-collar" job is ______ good reason for choosing it as a life's work. ______ , these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the majority of young people should give serious ______ to these fields.

Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants ______ life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security; others are willing to take ______ for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its ______ .

A.in case ofB.forC.because ofD.to
A.to whichB.thatC.for whichD.what
A.to have disregardedB.to disregardC.disregardingD.disregard
A.out ofB.towardsC.forD.from over
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 困难(0.15) |

8 . Lia Thomas, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, is an excellent swimmer. She often beats her rivals by tens of seconds, breaking records. Her success is based on three things. One is natural talent. Another is persistent training. And the third is biology.

For although she identifies as a woman,Ms Thomas was born male.Since humans cannot change their sex (unlike their self-identified gender),she remains that way.On the eve of her biggest competition, Ms Thomas finds herself at the centre of the bad-tempered debate about whether trans women-males who identify as women-should compete in women’s sports.That,in turn,is part of a broader argument: should brute (纯粹的) biological facts sometimes override people’s deeply held feelings about their identities?

This newspaper believes it is almost always unfair to allow transgender women to compete in women’s sports.The advantages bestowed by male puberty (青春期) are so big that no amount of training or talent can enable female athletes to overcome them.Florence Griffith Joyner’s 100-metres world sprinting record has stood for three decades.A male matching it would not even make it to the Olympics, let alone the final.In 2016,at an American event for high-schoolers, four of the eight boys in the 100-metres final ran faster.

Much of the male advantage is granted by testosterone (睾丸素), a potent anabolic steroid whose levels rise sharply in male puberty.For many years,many sporting bodies, following the lead of the International Olympic Committee, hoped to deal with the issue by allowing trans women to compete in women’s events provided they took testosterone-suppressing drugs.But the science suggests this does not level the playing field.Suppressing testosterone in adults, it seems, does little to undo the advantages granted by a male adolescence.

Sports must therefore choose between inclusion and fairness; and they should choose fair play. That does not mean, as is sometimes claimed, that trans women would be barred from all sport.One way to make that clear would be to replace the “men’s” and “women’s” categories with “open” and “female” ones.The first would be open to all comers.The second would be restricted on the basis of biology.

Sport is public, and results can be measured objectively. That means the argument that the material facts of biology should sometimes outrank a person’s subjective sense of identity is easier to make. But bias exists, as a Republican bill in Florida to restrict “instruction” in schools about gender identity or sexual orientation makes plain.

That should be resisted. Most of the time,it costs little or nothing to respect people’s choices about how they wish to present themselves.In the rare cases where rights clash (不相容), society must weigh the balance sensitively and with open eyes.

1. The author mentions Joyner’s 100-metres world sprinting record to show that ________.
A.most female athletes can’t rival trans women athletes
B.male puberty is the best time for sports competition
C.it is unfair for Ms Thomas to compete in women’s sports
D.this record can’t make a male reach the threshold of the Olympics
2. What does “that” in the last paragraph refer to?
3. What is the author’s attitude towards trans people in sports competition?
4. Which might be the best title for the passage?
A.Inclusion and FairnessB.Respect People’s Choices
C.“Open” and “Female” in SportsD.Biology Matters A Great Deal
2022-05-05更新 | 694次组卷 | 2卷引用:北京市中国人民大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
完形填空(约440词) | 困难(0.15) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。作者通过汉堡王在快餐业的改变引入本文的话题,介绍了 “商品偏爱”现象——我们倾向于认为,无论产品的销售数量是多少,都必须是适合消费的数,来建议我们消费者要合理消费。

9 . If you order a Burger King Stacker Quad,you'll be served with a hamburger with no trace of any vegetable in it,a fact boasted about in the TV ads that accompanied the launch of the product in the United States.The Stacker Quad may be extraordinary, but it is far from_________.Recent times have seen the launch of products that the industry calls"indulgent offerings"foods marketed specifically on the basis of how much meat and cheese and how few vegetables they _________, it is worth _________how strange these developments would have seemed just two years ago,when the _________ to fast-food was at its height. At that time,the American burger restaurant Wendy's added a fresh-fruit bowl to its menu.However, at the end of last year,the company quietly _________the menu,blaming a lack of demand for such healthy dishes."We listened to consumers who said they wanted to eat fresh fruit,"a spokesman told the New York Times,"but apparently they _________ .

The industry's_________, it seems, had been to listen to the market researchers instead of the food psychologists. People tell researchers what they think they want to hear,or what the respondents want to believe about themselves. But we know,_________ recent psychological research, that people drink more than a third more fruit juice when they pour it into a short, wide glass instead of a narrow,tall one,and that people will eat more of a product if it comes in a bigger package.We know that people will report that 'Black Forest Double-Chocolate Cake' taste better than"Chocolate Cake', even when the cakes themselves are exactly the same. _________, we know that just because people say they want to eat more healthily, it doesn't mean they really do want to.

Denny Marie Post,from Burger King, admits that the fast-food industry vastly __________the appeal of healthier product lines."Healthy eating is more a state of intention than it is of __________ ."she says.There is a very small percentage whose behaviour agrees with their intentions.Andrew Geier,a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, recently conducted an experiment in which he placed a large bowl of sweets in the lobby of an apartment building.Eat your __________. Please use the spoon to serve yourself read a sign he placed next to the bowl.He left it there for 10 days in a row,with,on alternative days, either a teaspoon or a large spoon that held a quarter of a cup of sweets.When they were using the __________spoon, people on average took two thirds more sweet. This __________is known as'unit bias'-the way we tend to think that whatever quantity a product is sold in must be appropriate amount to __________.

A.kept it toB.put it onC.made it intoD.took it off
A.thanks toB.in spite ofC.ahead ofD.in addition to
A.Sure enoughB.Above allC.After allD.In conclusion
2022-02-08更新 | 428次组卷 | 1卷引用:江西省景德镇市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期末英语试题(特色班)
完形填空(约370词) | 困难(0.15) |

10 . Ask Americans which they think is more important to success, effort or talent, and they pick effort two to one. Ask them which quality they’d _________ most in a new employee, and they pick diligence over intelligence five to one. But deep down, they hold the _________ view.

We know this thanks to a researcher, Chia-Jung Tsay of University Collee London. Tsay asked professional musicians to listen to audio clips (片段) of two pianists, one described as a “natural” . The other as a “striver” . Despite the fact that the two pianists were really one pianist playing different sections of the same composition — and just contrary to the listeners’ _________ belief that effort won over talent — the musicians thought the “natural” sounded more likely to succeed than the “striver”, and _________. Tsay found a similar _________ among people considering an investment proposal. Their preference for backing a “natural” entrepreneur (企业家) over a “striver” entrepreneur was _________ only when the latter was given four more years of experience and $40,000 more in capital.

From where does the _________ for naturals come? Angela Duckworth, a psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, offered her best guess: We don’t _________ strivers because they invite self-comparisons. If what separates, say, Roger Federer from you and me is nothing but the number of hours spent at “deliberate practice” — as the most-extreme behavioralists argue — our _________ of the U.S. Open could be interrupted by the thought There but for the grace of perseverance go I.

Whatever its origins, the preference has __________ implications. Certainly, it suggests that my deep terror of letting anyone see my half-written article drafts makes sense. It perpetuates (使持续) a myth that I’m a natural—the words just flow out,folks as fast as I can type! — and __________ the truth that the words come out fitfully and woodenly, gradually leading to a state of readability only after many seemingly fruitless stages. “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not appear so __________ at all,” Michelangelo observed.

This can __________ confusing career advice. “Try hard enough and you can do just about anything, as long as you don’t __________ to be trying very hard” is not the stuff we can see on the school walls. However, private __________ and public ease may be a recommended combination.

A.less satisfiedB.more curiousC.less reasonableD.more hirable
A.look toB.make forC.set asideD.take in
2022-04-23更新 | 407次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元中学2021-2022学年高二下学期线上期中测试英语试卷
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