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1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

According to a recent survey, violence (暴力) did happen in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers were also     1     (annoy) at it. Experts hope     2     whole society should pay more attention to the mental health of     3     (teenager).

The topic of school violence is     4     (particular) hot now, and it calls for our great concern. We should try our best     5     (stop) violence happening at school because more and more students     6     personal safety could not be guaranteed (保证) would drop out of school. In fact, violence can     7     (learn). Children learn violent     8     (behave) from adults or from what they see on television or on the Internet.

If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence with violence, for it will lead     9     more fighting. I will tell my teachers and parents about it. I think they will help medeal with it well and protect me from the bad guys.

All in all, we students should be responsible for     10     (we) and keep away from violence.

2024-05-07更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第二实验中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . A study of 3,884 students from primary schools to colleges found that examinations made 83.1 percent of primary students anxious, and more than 40 percent of high school children were out of sorts (身体不适) because of stress and anxiety.

Moreover,75 percent of the high school respondents admitted, that they had problems talking to their parents and more than 55 percent of them found it hard to associate with other people, according to the study.

It is not difficult to conclude that our children are not happy.

Today’s kids are coming home from school weighed down with backpacks full of books and worksheets. They are spending hours at desk at night, seldom going outside to play and getting to bed late.

How can this be a good thing? Homework is eating away children’s time to play freely with neighborhood kids-and more importantly, their time to sleep.

Homework can enrich the education process. But like all things, too much of it may dampen (减少) a student’s enthusiasm for learning. To raise cheerful, contented and well-mannered children, parents need to put in a lot of time and effort. Their eyes should go beyond their children’s preparations for tests. Children need a break too. So let them be in control of parts of the day.

1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.High school students suffer more than primary school students.
B.Most of the students have no problem talking to their parents.
C.The teenagers suffer from heavy workload.
D.The students are not happy at home.
2. According to the text, what do the children have to do with too much homework?
A.They have to take their backpacks.B.They have to stay up late.
C.They have to eat more.D.They have more time to play outdoors.
3. What does the author suggest the parents do?
A.They should spend more time with their children.B.They need to ask their children to work hard?
C.They should not care about their children’s test results.D.They need to give children more free time.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward giving children too much homework?
5. What does the underlined word “backpack” mean ?
2024-04-12更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省辽源市田家炳高级中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the anti-smoking lobby(游说) was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.

There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel’s report: “Science never has all the answers. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”

Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by the time 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent person would take out an insurance policy now.

Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it’s obvious that a majority of the president’s advisers still don’t take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research — a classic case of “paralysis by analysis”.

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research. But research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial supports for private industry, is a promising start. Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.

1. What was an argument made by supporters of smoking?
A.Anti-smoking people were usually talking nonsense.
B.People had the freedom to choose their own way of life.
C.The number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant.
D.There was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death.
2. What can science serve as according to Bruce Alberts?
A.A protector.B.A judge.C.A critic.D.A guide.
3. What does the word “prudent” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. Why does the author associate the issue of global warming with that of smoking?
A.Both of them have turned from bad to worse.
B.The outcome of the latter worsens the former.
C.A lesson from the latter is applicable to the former.
D.They both suffered from the government’s neglect.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Social media provides materialists with ideal opportunities to compare themselves with others, which makes them subject to passive and addictive user behavior. This stresses them out and, ultimately, leads to low life satisfaction, according to a new study.

The researchers headed by Dr. Phillip Ozimek from Germany employed 1, 230 people for their online survey. In order to participate, respondents had to visit at least one social media channel at least once a week. On average, the participants stated they spent just over two hours a day on social media.

The team used six different questionnaires to determine the extent to which the participants had a materialistic attitude and tended to compare themselves with others, whether they used social media more actively or passively, whether they were addicted to social media, how stressed and how satisfied they were with their lives.

“The data showed a stronger materialistic approach goes hand in hand with a tendency to compare oneself with others,” points out Ozimek. This comparison is easy to make on social media, primarily through passive use—by looking at the content posted by other users. Materialism and passive use were also linked to addictive use of social media.

“Users are constantly thinking about the respective channels and fear they’re missing out on something if they aren’t online,” explains Ozimek. “This in turn leads to poorer mental health like stress. The final link in the chain is reduced life satisfaction.”

“Overall, the study provides further evidence that the use of social media is associated with risks, especially for people with a highly materialistic mindset,” says the psychologist. “This is particularly worrying, because social media can stimulate and increase materialistic values through influence r marketing. Meanwhile, the platforms attract materialists anyway, as they’re a perfect way to satisfy materialistic needs.”

“It’s definitely a good idea to be aware of the amount of time you spend on social media and to reduce it,” recommends Ozimek, who advises against giving up social media completely. “If you did, you’re likely to over-correct.” He also suggests recording materialism and social media use in patients undergoing treatment for mental health disorders. “While these factors are often irrelevant, they can be a starting point for additional interventions patients can try out at home.”

1. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Virtual World, the Real Danger
B.Showing Superiority Causes Heavy Media Use
C.More Social Media Materialism, Less Happiness
D.Materialistic Values: A Stepping Stone to Discontent
2. To qualify for the survey, a participant must ______
A.be a big spenderB.specialize in data analysis
C.be a regular social media userD.upload web surfing history
3. What kind of feeling is expressed by Ozimek in paragraph 6?
4. What does Ozimek propose concerning using social media?
A.Restricting the duration.B.Logging onto well-rated websites.
C.Abandoning it for good.D.Prohibiting patients from using it.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . You might think people all over the United States have Wi­Fi — wireless Internet service — and mobile phones. But there is no such service in Green Bank, West Virginia, a tiny town four hours from the US capital, Washington D. C. Fewer than 150 people live in Green Bank, which has two churches, an elementary school and a public library. It is also home to the largest radio telescope in the world.

There is a ban (禁令) on Wi­Fi in Green Bank, along with anything else that can create electromagnetic (电磁的) waves. Officials say the waves could disturb the signals (信号) the telescope receives.

For many Americans, a visit to Green Bank is a little like returning to the 1950s. To get there, you must read road signs because there is no GPS service in the town. People can connect with the Internet through telephones, but wireless service is not allowed.

The observatory (天文台) is one of the largest employers in the area. The National Science Foundation (NSF) spends about $8.2 million a year to operate the observatory, telescope and educational center.

Jonah Bauserman is a technician. If he supposes there is a signal that is not allowed in the zone, he drives to the house where the signal is coming from and checks it. But once a week, when the device is cleaned, some banned devices are allowed near it.

People in the town respect the work of the scientists. And they say they are happy to live without Wi­Fi and mobile phones. “You know, instead of sitting here with our phones and other devices we’re out fishing, hunting and going to each other’s houses.” Everyone knows each other and communication is almost always face to face.

1. What will you see when you pay a visit to Green Bank?
A.GPS service.B.Guide posts.C.Cellphone towers.D.Radio­controlled toys.
2. What is Jonah Bauserman’s duty in his work?
A.Following signals from cellphones.B.Cleaning the telescope once a week.
C.Listening for signals from outer space.D.Protecting the telescope from being affected.
3. What has the telescope brought to the local people?
A.Great wealth.B.Many job chances.
C.A healthier lifestyle.D.Much difficulty in life.
4. What may be the best title for this text?
A.An American Town Without Wi­Fi and Mobile Phones
B.Good Relationships Between People in an American Town
C.The Largest Radio Telescope in the World
D.A Better Life Without Wireless Devices
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A new study finds sales of sugary drinks obviously fell across several US cities, after they carried out soda taxes (汽水税) aiming those drinks — and those changes continued over time. Taxes ranged from 1 to 2 cents. For a 2-liter bottle of soda, that comes out to between 67 cents to $1.30 extra in taxes.

“While prior (先前的) studies have looked at the impact of soda taxes, they usually studied one city at a time. This new study looked at the overall effect of the taxes on several cities to get an idea of what might happen if these taxes were more widespread — or enlarged to the state or national level,” says Scott Kaplan, an economics professor and the study’s lead author.

Kaplan and his co-workers found that prices for sugary drinks went up by 33.1% and purchases (购买量) went down by basically the same amount. So when people had to pay more for sugary drinks, they reduced their purchases — the effect was large and continued.

As Kaplan notes, “Sugary drinks make up a quarter of all the added sugar we see in the average adult American diet. And that’s a really big amount.” Jennifer Pomeranz, a professor at the School of Public Health, says, “Taxes that aim sugary drinks are good public health policy because these drinks have no nutritional (营养的) value, but they are linked with diet-related diseases. Too much added sugar is linked to a host of poor health outcomes, including overweight and heart disease.” Last month, WHO called on countries to increase taxes on sugary drinks as a way to promote healthier diets.

Today, the sugary drink industry’s strategy of offering consumers more choices with less sugar is working, and nearly 60% of drinks sold have zero sugar. The calories that people get from drinks have decreased to the lowest level in decades.

1. What’s the difference between the new study and the prior ones?
A.The range.B.The challenge.C.The expense.D.The benefit.
2. How did the people respond to the rising prices of sugary drinks?
A.They bought them in overseas markets.
B.They turned to the government for help.
C.They cut down the drinks’ consumption.
D.They added sugar to drinks by themselves.
3. Why were soda taxes introduced according to Jennifer Pomeranz?
A.To better protect people’s health.
B.To encourage research into drinks.
C.To improve the nutrition of drinks.
D.To make more money for the government.
4. What can be inferred about the continuation of the soda tax policy?
A.It is a short-sighted decision.
B.It is a success story.
C.It benefits sugary drinks industry.
D.It upsets customers.
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Most children now chat daily either online or through their mobile phones.     1     Some are shy in real life but are confident to communicate with others online; others find support from people of their own age on relationship issues, or problems at home.

Sometimes the online world, just like the real world, can cause problems, such as bullying (恃强凌弱) or arguments.     2     But there are also a few people who use the Internet for illegal aims. Children must be made aware of both the good things and the dangers.

    3     Just as you decide which TV programs are suitable, you need to do the same for the websites and the chat rooms your children visit. Remind your children that online friends are still strangers. Reminding them of the risks will keep them alert (警惕的).

    4     So it’s likely that your children may know more than you do. We get left behind when it comes to the latest gadgets and the interactive areas of websites, like chat rooms and message boards.     5     Chatters love to use abbreviations (缩略语) such as: atb (all the best), bbfn (bye bye for now), Idk (I don’t know), xlnt (excellent).

A.Going online is great fun.
B.Computer studies are part of schoolwork now.
C.The language of chat is strange to many parents, too.
D.There are some websites that are not suitable for the children.
E.To keep children safe, your management must cover the family computer.
F.They are connecting to a huge number of other children all over the world.
G.Surfing the Internet takes up too much of the time that should be spent on lessons.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . There is always a lot of talk about what is fair, and what is not.     1     Yet, some of the 99% seem to believe life has somehow treated them unfairly, and some of the 1% feel life hasn’t treated them fairly enough. My questions are these: What is fairness? Is life fair? Should life be fair?

We definitely have no choice about how we come into this world. We have little choice early in life. But as we grow older, choices exist around. I have long believed that while we have no control over the beginning of our life, the majority of us have the ability to influence the outcomes we attain. Fairness is a state of mind, and most often, an unhealthy state of mind. Our state in life cannot, or at least should not, be blamed on our parents, our teachers, or our society.     2    

I agree that challenges exist. I agree that many have an uphill battle due to the challenges they face.     3     Rules and orders don’t create fairness, but people’s desire and determination can work around most life challenges.

    4     A friend of mine came to this country from Africa in his late teens, barely spoke the language, drove a cab while working his way through college, and is now the president of a technology services firm.     5     They do, however, demonstrate blindness to the mindset of the fairness.

A.Most people tend to insist that life should be fair.
B.There is no absolute fairness in life, but it’s relatively fair.
C.Life is full of examples of people who complain about life being unfair.
D.In fact, it’s largely based on the choices we make, and the attitudes we adopt.
E.But I disagree with the attempt to use fairness to solve all problems in the world.
F.Stories like this are all around us-they are not miracles, nor are they the rare exception.
G.It doesn’t matter whether we are born with a silver spoon, plastic spoon, or no spoon at all.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In the coming era of budget cuts to education, remote learning could become a common thing.

The appeal to those in charge of education budgets to trade teachers for technology is so strong that they tend to ignore the disadvantages of remote learning. School facilities are expensive to build and maintain, and teachers are expensive to employ. It’s true that online classes do not require buildings and each class can host hundreds of people, which can result in greater savings, but moving away from a traditional classroom in which a living, breathing human being teaches and interacts with students daily would be a disaster.

Physically attending school has hidden benefits: interacting with peers and communicating with teachers are important skills to cultivate(培养)in young people. Moreover, schools are more than simple places of traditional learning. They are also places that provide meals, places where students receive mental help and other support.

Those policy-makers are often fascinated by the latest technology in education and its potential to transform education overnight. But online education does not allow a teacher to keep a struggling student after class and offer help. Educational videos may deliver academic content, but they are unable to make eye contact or assess a student’s level of engagement. Distance education will never match the personal teaching in a traditional classroom. In their first 18 years of life. American children spend only 9% of their time in school. Yet teachers are expected to prepare them to be responsible citizens, cultivate their social skills, encourage successful time management, and improve their capacity to compete in a competitive job market. Given these expectations, schools should not become permanently “remote”.

The power of the classroom is rooted in the qualities of the people gathered in the same place, at the same time, including their nature, empathy, devotion and so on. Technology, no matter how advanced, should simply be a tool of a good teacher.

1. What is one possible benefit of students attending school physically?
A.Transforming traditional teaching.
B.Eating nutritionally-well-balanced-meals.
C.Growing into living and breathing human beings.
D.Developing relationships with peers and teachers.
2. What does the author think of the latest technology in education?
A.It may reduce face-to-face interaction.
B.It may make many teachers jobless.
C.It may add to student’s financial burden.
D.It may revolutionize classroom teaching.
3. What does the underline word mean in paragraph 4.
4. Why couldn’t technology replace a good teacher?
A.It lacks humanity.B.It can‘t meet personal needs.
C.It is still not advanced.D.It can’t track students’ growth.
2024-02-26更新 | 107次组卷 | 3卷引用:吉林省四平市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Recently it has dawned on the government that closing more than 1,000 of England’s railway station ticket offices would not be very smart politics.The transport secretary, Mark Harper,announced that train operators had been asked to withdraw the cost-cutting strategy, which the government itself had originally pushed on them.The writing was already on the wall in the summer,when public anger led to an extension of the consultation period on the proposed closures.By the time it ended,750,000 responses had been recorded,99%of them negative.

The public’s concerns were over future access to travel advice and information,assistance for disabled people,safety at understaffed stations,and consequences for the digitally excluded. But the passionate opposition also underlined a widespread sense that railway stations must be more than transit(交通)zones.Combined with a reformed ticketing system,that insight should now inform a positive approach to breathing life into England’s railways and attracting more people back on to trains.

As a report published this autumn by the Campaign for Better Transport sets out,there is an urgent case for fairer ticketing reform across the network.For over a decade,the relative cost of taking the train rather than the car has skyrocketed,as fares have risen while fuel duty has been frozen.Over a third of the public are confused by the numerous types of ticket available,and the complex regulations that apply to them.Why should an anytime return from Chelmsford to London cost &32.60,when to cover the same distance from Grays to London costs E 13.40?

The failed attempt to shut down ticket offices had its roots in a short-term ministerial response to falling revenues(收入).But as the country strives to achieve a challenging green transition,the government should work to establish a simpler,fairer ticketing system that offers imaginative rewards to take the train;and to develop an ambitious plan for our stations —one that reflects their important role in the lives of the travelling public.

1. What does the underlined words in the first paragraph probably mean?
A.The public expressed their anger.
B.The proposal was put up on a wall.
C.Unfavorable outcome was expected.
D.The government adopted the policy.
2. What can be inferred about England’s railways?
A.They have expanded their services.
B.They have undergone ticketing reform.
C.They have included more transit zones.
D.They have seen a decline in public favor.
3. What does paragraph 3 mainly focus on?
A.The popularity of car ownership.
B.The development of ticketing reform.
C.The problems of the ticketing system.
D.The application of complex regulations.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Rising Prices of Train Travel
B.Urgent Calls for Rail Revival
C.Failed Closure of Railway Stations
D.Tough Route to Green Transit Initiatives
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