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1 .

Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life, mostly for the better. However, social changes are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes.

An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college. Surveys (调查) on this topic suggests that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories. The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago. This is usually interpreted as a sign that today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.

However, greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children.

In the context (背景) of this discussion, it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents’ involvement with their grown children. If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently, would this have been possible? Probably not. On the other hand, does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn’t present a generation ago? Many studies show that older parents — today’s grandparents — would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.

Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children. The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home. This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.

Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. This has many implications well beyondthe role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college. But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.

1. The surveys inform us of ______.
A.the development of technology
B.the changes of adult children’s behavior
C.the parents’ over-protection of their college children
D.the means and expenses of students’ communication
2. The writer believes that ______.
A.parents today are more protective than those in the past
B.the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages
C.technology explains greater parental involvement with their children
D.parents’ changed attitudes lead to college children’s delayed independence
3. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Technology or Attitude
B.Dependence or Independence
C.Family Influence or Social Changes
D.College Management or Communication Advancement
4. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Every day we are exposed to images, videos, music and news.In this age of visual and aural hyper-stimulation, the medium of radio is making a great comeback.
“We’re at the beginning of a golden age of audio,” said US-based podcaster Alex Blumberg in an article in The Sydney Morning Herald. In the last month alone, 15 percent of US adults listened to a radio podcast (播客).These statistics, released by Edison Research, show the successful evolution of traditional radio broadcasts to the present day’s digital podcast format.The term “podcast” was invented in 2004, but the trend only started gaining mainstream popularity in recent years.With the sharp increase in consumer demand for smartphones and tablets, podcast sales have jumped.
The appeal of the podcast partly lies in its multiplatform delivery and on-demand capabilities (功能).You can listen during those extra minutes of the day when you’re walking to the shops, waiting in a queue or riding the subway.Similar to television shows, podcasts are generally free to download and most offer new content every week.
Donna Jackson, 22, Sydney University media graduate, listens to podcasts two or three times a week, via iTurns.“I listen while I’m wandering around the house doing something else.It makes completing a boring task much more enjoyable… And it’s an easy way of keeping in touch with what’s going on in the rest of the world,” she said, “I mainly listen to BBC podcasts, but recently I’ve also been listening to This American Life and Serial.They have a special skill to really draw you in.”
Unlike television and music, the audio format has the potential to create a deep impression on readers.Blumberg says this owes to the podcast’s ability “to create close relationship and emotional connection.” Sydney University undergraduate Hazel Proust, majoring in social work and arts, agrees.“When you’re listening, it feels as if the voice of the podcast’s storyteller is talking directly to you.It’s comforting, ” said Proust.
It seems the age-old tradition of verbal storytelling is very much alive and well.
1. From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that ________.
A.traditional broadcast has come back
B.Americans love listening to the radio
C.podcasts have become very popular today
D.smartphones sell well because of podcasts
2. The writer mentions Donna Jackson mainly to ________.
A.tell how young people relax themselves
B.explain why young people like podcasts
C.introduce what programs podcasts are presenting
D.show how popular podcasts are presenting
3. Paragraph 5 is mainly about ________.
A.the influence of radios
B.the advantage of podcasts
C.readers’ impression on radios
D.people’s reaction to the medium
4. What is probably the best title of the passage?
A.Return of Radio
B.Opinions of Podcast
C.Features of Radio
D.Technology of Podcast
3 . Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high-tech devices, while driving, walking, shopping, even sitting in toilets. When connected electronically, they are away from physical reality.
People have been influenced to become technology addicted. One survey reported that “addicted” was the word most commonly used by people to describe their relationship to iPad and similar devices. One study found that people had a harder time resisting the allure of social media than they did for sleep, cigarettes and alcohol.
The main goal of technology companies is to get people to spend more money and time on their products, not to actually improve our quality of life. They have successfully created a cultural disease. Consumers willingly give up their freedom, money and time to catch up on the latest information, to keep pace with their peers or to appear modern.
I see people trapped in a pathological (病态的) relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them. I call this technology servitude. I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.
What is a healthy use of technology devices? That is the vital question. Who is really in charge of my life? That is what people need to ask themselves if we are to have any chance of breaking up false beliefs about their use of technology. When we can live happily without using so much technology for a day or a week, then we can regain control and personal freedom, become the master of technology and discover what there is to enjoy in life free of technology. Mae West is famous for the wisdom that “too much of a good thing is wonderful.” But it’s time to discover that it does not work for technology.
Richard Fernandez, an executive coach at Google acknowledged that “we can be swept away by our technologies.” To break the grand digital connection people must consider how life long ago could be fantastic without today’s overused technology.
1. The underlined word “allure” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.
2. From the passage, technology companies aim to ______.
A.attract people to buy their products
B.provide the latest information
C.improve people’s quality of life
D.deal with cultural diseases
3. It can be inferred from this passage that people ______.
A.consider too much technology wonderful
B.have realized the harm of high-tech devices
C.can regain freedom without high-tech devices
D.may enjoy life better without overused technology
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sometimes you may have a strong desire to do something strange or terrible. However, chances are that you don’t act on your impulse (冲动), but let it pass instead. You know that to take the action is wrong in some way and that other people will not accept your behavior.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change over the years, how certain behavior and attitudes once considered taboo can become perfectly acceptable and natural at another point in time. Topics such as death, for example, were once considered so upsetting that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with the publication of important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more aware of the importance of expressing feelings about death and, as a result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject.

One of the newest taboos is the topic of fat. Unlike many other taboos, fat is a topic that people talk about constantly. It’s not taboo to talk about fat; it’s taboo to be fat. The “in” look is thin, not fat. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking, slim manager to sell their image as well as their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor, and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy, self-discipline and self-respect. After all, how can people permit themselves to become fat? In an image-conscious society, thin is ‘‘in”, fat is “out”.

It’s not surprising that millions of people have become obsessed (着迷) with staying slim and “in shape”. The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the only reason for people’s obsession with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of people has changed since last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactivity and disuse, people’s bodies can easily become weak. In an effort to avoid such a fate (命运), millions of people are spending more of their time exercising. Parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists, and many companies are providing special exercise equipment for their employees to use during the work day.

1. What does the word “taboo’’ refer to in the passage?
A.A crime committed on impulse.
B.An unfavorable impression left on other people.
C.A strong desire to do something strange or terrible.
D.Behavior considered unacceptable to the society.
2. What does the underlined phrase “in” look probably mean?
A.The fashionable look.B.The hidden look.
C.The usual look.D.The inside look.
3. According to the passage, the common belief is that______.
A.fat people are full of energy
B.thin people are more successful
C.fat people prefer to have fat bosses
D.thin people are less image-conscious
4. People pay more attention to diet and exercise because of______.
A.their need to kill timeB.their love for sports
C.their concern for healthD.their belief in hard work
2016-11-26更新 | 943次组卷 | 6卷引用:北京市首都师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When I was seven my father gave me a Timex, my first watch. I loved it, wore it for years, and haven’t had another one since it stopped ticking a decade ago. Why? Because I don’t need one. I have a mobile phone and I’m always near someone with an iPod or something like that. All these devices(装置)tell the time—which is why, if you look around, you’ll see lots of empty wrists; sales of watches to young adults have been going down since 2007.

But while the wise have realized that they don’t need them, others—apparently including some distinguished men of our time—are spending total fortunes on them. Brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe and Breitling command shocking prices, up to £250.000 for a piece.

This is ridiculous. Expensive cars go faster than cheap cars. Expensive clothes hang better than cheap clothes. But these days all watches tell the time as well as all other watches. Expensive watches come with extra functions—but who needs them? How often do you dive to 300 metres into the sea or need to find your direction in the area around the South Pole? So why pay that much of five years’ school fees for watches that allow you to do these things?

If justice were done, the Swiss watch industry should have closed down when the Japanese discovered how to make accurate watches for a five-pound note. Instead the Swiss reinvented the watch, with the aid of millions of pounds’ worth of advertising, as a message about the man wearing it. Rolexes are for those who spend their weekends climbing icy mountains; a Patek Philippe is for one from a rich or noble family; a Breitling suggests you like to pilot planes across the world.

Watches are now classified as“investments”(投资). A 1994 Philippe recently sold for nearly £350, 000, while 1960s Rolexes have gone from £15, 000 to £30, 000 plus in a year. But a watch is not an investment. It's a toy for self-satisfaction, a matter of fashion. Prices may keep going up—they’ve been rising for 15 years. But when fashion moves on, the owner of that £350, 000 beauty will suddenly find his pride and joy is no more a good investment than my childhood Timex.

1. It seems ridiculous to the writer that_______________.
A.people dive 300 metres into the sea
B.expensive clothes sell better than cheap ones
C.cheap cars don’t run as fast as expensive ones
D.expensive watches with unnecessary functions still sell
2. What can be learnt about Swiss watch industry from the passage?
A.It’s hard for the industry to beat its competitors.
B.It targets rich people as its potential customers.
C.It wastes a huge amount of money in advertising.
D.It’s easy for the industry to reinvent cheap watches.
3. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Watches? Not for Me!
B.My Childhood Timex
C.Timex or Rolex?
D.Watches—a Valuable Collection
2016-11-26更新 | 654次组卷 | 3卷引用:北京交通大学附属中学第二分校2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . I am trying to muster (鼓起) the courage to toss away my mobile phone to enjoy a more peaceful and ring­-free life.

Can you imagine not having your mobile phone? In our high-­tech, in-­a-­hurry age, a cell­-free life is a hard concept to swallow. Our mobile phones can now access the Internet, and many people feel the need to express their every thought on their blog pages. If I gave up my cellphone, people would think I was mad.

I wish I had the strength to toss away my technology. I have an office phone, a home phone, an e­mail and if people want to contact me, they can. If I’m out, people can leave a message. Do they really need to find me 24/7? However, I’m a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings. The power of the ring is too strong and I can’t let it go.

Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life. For most people, they hold all contacts and many of us don’t write up address books any more. The latest phones carry our music, pictures, movies and everything else. We feel lost without this device and when we do misplace it, we feel cut off from our fellow.

“Where have you been?” said a friend, who saw me a week after I lost my cellphone, “I tried calling you, but you disappeared. You disappeared off the face of the Earth.” See, when you don’t have a mobile phone, you don’t exist.

I’m not really going to toss my mobile phone away, in fact. We humans are such social animals and mobile phones serve us well. So in 2009, I’ve decided not to serve my mobile phone. Like all machines, I can always turn it off.

1. What does the underlined phrase “toss away” mean?
A.give awayB.get awayC.break awayD.throw away
2. The writer mentions Frodo to________.
A.show it is difficult to get rid of the mobile phone
B.show how much he likes Frodo
C.suggest a cell-­free life is what he wants
D.introduce a film character to us
3. What do we know about mobile phones in the 4th paragraph?
A.Mobile phones can do anything for us.
B.Mobile phones have become very important in our life.
C.We could not live without mobile phones.
D.We would be cut off by our fellow without mobile phones.
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The writer is not really going to toss his mobile phone away.
B.When you don’t have a mobile phone, you don’t exist.
C.The writer decides not to serve his mobile phone.
D.We humans can control ourselves and machines.
2016-11-26更新 | 175次组卷 | 5卷引用:2010-2011学年浙江嘉兴一中高二上学期期中英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是说明文。文章主要是关于保障人类健康的问题,预防比治疗更重要,同时健康方面的教育也很重要。健康的饮食可以让很多人不生病,不会因为 生病而陷入经济困境.

7 . The rising costs of health care have become a problem for many countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the government’s health budget(预算)be used for health education and disease prevention instead of treatment. Actually, many kinds of diseases are preventable in many ways and preventing a disease is usually much cheaper than treating it. For example, people could avoid catching a cold if they dressed warmly when the weather starts getting cold. But many people get sick because they fail to do so, and have to spend money seeing a doctor.

Daily habits like eating more healthy food would have kept millions of families from becoming bankrupt if the patients had taken measures for early prevention. For example, keeping a balanced diet, such as not consuming too much animal fat and insuring a steady intake of vegetables and fruits, seems to be quite important.

One very effective and costless way of prevention is regular exercise, which is necessary for a healthy mind and body. Regular exercise, such as running, walking, and playing sports is a good way to make people feel better or reduce stress.

In addition, health education plays a key role in improving people’s health. By giving people more information about health, countries could help people understand the importance of disease prevention and ways to achieve it. For example, knowing one’s family medical history is an effective way to help keep healthy. Information about health problems among close relatives will make them aware of what they should do to prevent certain diseases through lifestyle changes, which will work before it is too late.

However, stressing disease prevention does not mean medical treatment is unimportant. After all, prevention and treatment are just two different means toward the same effect. In conclusion, we could save money on health care and treat patients more successfully if our country spends more money on health prevention and education.

1. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Prevention or Education?B.Prevention or Treatment?
C.Health or Illness?D.Exercise or Illness?
2. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “bankrupt”?
A.Unable to be cured.
B.Unable to pay one’s debts.
C.Stronger than ever before.
D.More successful than ever before.
3. We learn from the passage that             .
A.dressing warmly can prevent diseases
B.a balanced diet is cheaper than regular exercise
C.It’s better to have more health education.
D.the government’s health budget should be increased
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
CP(Central Point) P(Point) S(Sub—point次要点)   C(Conclusion)
2016-11-26更新 | 1062次组卷 | 10卷引用:北京市通州区2023-2024学年高二上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |
8 . In America, when people say “man’s best friend”, they don’t mean another person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal:A dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give happiness to people’s lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!
Animals can help people, too. Dogs can be taught to become the “eyes” for a blind person or “ears” for a deaf people. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer! They make people happier, too. Because of that, animals are brought into hospitals for “visit”.
Americans hold “Be-Kind-to-Animals Week” in the first week of May.
Pets shows are held during the week. Even if you don’t live in America, you, too, can do this. How? First, think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pet, take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also, be sure to keep your pet from those unwanted babies.
If you don’t have a pet, be kind to animals around you. For example, if you see a street dog, don’t kick it or throw things at it. Instead, just leave it alone, or better yet, make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to stop them. As people, we must protect animals who can’t speak for themselves.
1. “A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!” means that__________
A.pets have the right to inherit (继承) money.
B.money can give pets happiness.
C.it’s the best way to spend money.
D.some pets are taken as children.
2. Why are dogs brought to hospitals?
A.Because they are ill and need to see doctors.
B.Because they can make the patients happier.
C.Because they can find out the problems of the patients.
D.Because doctors can do experiments on them.
3. What’s the most popular activity in the “Be-Kind-to-Animals Week”?
A.Holding a pet show in the week.
B.Playing with pets the whole week.
C.Cooking delicious food for pets.
D.Making friends with other people’s pets.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A lot of people are interested in dogs.
B.Dogs can help people do many things. Z+X+X+K]
C.Pets are lovely and need care and protection.
D.We have done a lot of things for pets.
5. The words “man’s best friends” shows____________.
A.the friendship between people.
B.the friendship between people and animals.
C.the friendship between animals.
D.the friendship between men and women
2016-11-25更新 | 311次组卷 | 7卷引用:北大附属实验学校2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语)
9 . Two friends have an argument that breaks up their friendship forever, even though neither one can remember how the whole thing got started. Such sad events happen over and over in high schools across the country. In fact, according to an official report on youth violence, “In our country today, the greatest threat to the lives of children and adolescents is not disease or starvation or abandonment, but the terrible reality of violence”. Given that this is the case, why aren’t students taught to manage conflict the way they are taught to solve math problems, drive cars, or stay physically fit?
First of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult (侮辱). For example, a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a peanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isn't in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.
Once students recognize that conflict is unavoidable, they can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution (解决): stay calm. Once the student feels calmer, he or she should choose words that will calm the other person down as well. Rude words, name­ calling, and accusations only add fuel to the emotional fire. On the other hand, soft words spoken at a normal sound level can put out the fire before it explodes out of control.
After both sides have calmed down, they can use another key strategy (策略) for conflict resolution: listening. Listening allows the two sides to understand each other. One person should describe his or her side, and the other person should listen without interrupting. Afterward, the listener can ask non­threatening questions to clarify the speaker's position. Then the two people should change roles.
Finally, students need to consider what they are bearing. This doesn't mean trying to figure out what's wrong with the other person. It means understanding what the real issue is and what both sides are trying to accomplish. For example, a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich might happen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need to ask themselves questions such as these:How did this start? What do I really want? What am I afraid of? As the issue becomes clearer, the conflict often simply becomes smaller. Even if it doesn't, careful thought helps both sides figure out a mutual(彼此共同的)solution.
There will always be conflict in schools, but that doesn't mean there needs to be violence. After students in Atlanta started a conflict resolution program, according to Educators for Social Responsibility, “64 percent of the teachers reported less physical violence in the classroom; 75 percent of the teachers reported an increase in student cooperation; and 92 percent of the students felt better about themselves”. Learning to resolve conflicts can help students deal with friends, teachers, parents, bosses, and coworkers. In that way, conflict resolution is a basic life skill that should be taught in schools across the country.
1. This article is mainly about ________.
A.the lives of school children
B.the cause of arguments in schools
C.how to analyze youth violence
D.how to deal with school conflicts
2. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that ________.
A.violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime
B.a small conflict can lead to violence
C.students tend to lose their temper easily
D.the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight
3. Why do students need to ask themselves the questions stated in Paragraph 5?
A.To find out who is to blame.
B.To get ready to try new things.
C.To make clear what the real issue is.
D.To figure out how to stop the shouting match.
4. The writer’s purpose for writing this article is to ________.
A.complain about problems in school education
B.teach students different strategies for school life
C.advocate teaching conflict management in schools
D.inform teachers of the latest studies on school violence
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . The average computer user has between 5 and 15 username/password combinations to log in different kinds of accounts. Some demand you use a specific number of symbols and digits, while others require you to change your password every 60 days. The feeling of confusion resulting from memorizing these login information has grown so common that it actually has a name: password fatigue(疲劳).

Having to remember so many different passwords is annoying, but it can also be dangerous. Because it is virtually impossible to remember a unique password for each of these accounts, many people leave handwritten lists of usernames and passwords on or next to their computers.

    1     While these practices make it easier to remember login information, they also make it easier for thieves to hack into accounts.

Single Sign-On (SSO) confirmation and password management software can help solve this problem. With SSO, users only need to remember one password to log in to the main system.

    2     SSO software is typically used by large companies, schools, or libraries.

    3     If a user loses or forgets the password required to log in to SSO software, the user will then lose access to all of the applications linked to the SSO account. Users who rely on password management software face the same problems.

Although most websites or network systems allow users to recover or change lost passwords by providing email addresses or answering a prompt(提示), this process can waste time and cause further frustration. What is more, recovering a forgotten password is only a temporary solution.     4    

Some computer scientists have suggested computers rely on biometrics(生物测定学).     5     The use of biometrics raises questions concerning privacy and can also be expensive to practice.

Software engineers and computer security experts are still searching for the cure to password fatigue. Until they find the perfect solution, however, everyone will simply have to rely on the password system currently in place.

A.It does not address the larger problem of password fatigue.
B.These software programs have been built into many major web browsers.
C.The problem with password management software makes users feel powerless.
D.The SSO software then automatically logs the user in to other accounts within the system.
E.However, SSO confirmation and password management software also have drawbacks.
F.This is a method of recognizing human users based on unique traits, such as fingerprints, voice, or DNA.
G.Others solve this problem by using the same password for every account or using extremely simple passwords.
共计 平均难度:一般