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1 . The southwestern United States has experienced drought for more than 20 years. Arizona has increasingly pumped (抽吸) water from underground, but that meets less than half of what the state needs. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of new residents arrive every year, and more communities are built. One report shows that a large area near Phoenix doesn’t have enough groundwater for all the homes that developers want to build there. That means 800,000 people.

Some experts say the solution is to import water from outside the state. One idea is to build a $5.5 billion desalination (脱盐) plant on Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. The plant would remove salt from the water and pump that water to Arizona through a 200-mile pipeline. Supporters say this could provide a water supply for decades.

Environmentalists see a different future. Some of the salt taken out of the Sea of Cortez might end up back in the ocean, harming wildlife. The pipeline would damage land where people and animals live. And the desalination process uses lots of energy. This would create greenhouse gases, the very gases that are causing the conditions that have led to Arizona’s water problems.

Margaret Wilder is a professor at the University of Arizona, in Tucson. She warns that big projects like this one could be used to show much more unsustainable development in the desert in the future. Moreover, desalinating water would likely be a massive expenditure for Arizonans. Cities pay about $50 to $150 for 326,000 gallons. That’s enough for a family of three in Phoenix for a year. Desalinated water could charge 20 times as much.

Environmentalists say the government should focus on cutting the demand for water rather than increasing the supply. That would mean taking water-saving measures and limiting how many homes are built. Thousands of households in Tucson, Arizona, are collecting rainwater and using it for cooking, drinking, and in their gardens. Government leaders have taken notice. Tucson also helps residents pay for equipment that collects rainwater for home use.

1. What is the problem faced by the southwestern United States?
A.A population increase.B.A serious heatwave.
C.A waste of resources.D.A water shortage.
2. What do environmentalists probably think of the desalination project?
A.It provides a long-term solution to drought.
B.It would harm the planet from various aspects.
C.It fails to take people’s basic needs into account.
D.It draws people’s attention to environmental destruction.
3. What does the underlined part “a massive expenditure” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.People are unsatisfied with the government’s water measures.
B.Collecting rainwater is the key to meeting water demands.
C.People are exploring water resources with official support.
D.Public concern about water safety has increased.
7日内更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市官渡区尚品书院学校2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . Children with strong family connections are associated with a high likelihood of flourishing in life, a study found. “What is different about this study is that it shows that family connection is associated with thriving and not just surviving or avoiding harm,” said lead study author Dr. Robert Whitaker.

Researchers surveyed over 37,000 children in 26 countries. In the study, family connection was determined by a mean score of five categories: care, support, safety, respect, and participation. Flourishing was determined by a mean score of six categories: self-acceptance, purpose in life, positive relations with others, personal growth, environmental mastery and autonomy. The essence of family connection is children feeling that they are accepted and cared for at home, which allows them to learn what their strengths and weaknesses are in a safe environment as they are building their identity,Whitaker said.

Children with the greatest level of family connection were over 49% more likely to flourish compared with those with the lowest level of family connection, according to the study. The highest scores in both family connection and flourishing came from children who said they lived with both parents, had enough food or never had their family worrying about finances. Researchers then controlled the data for families’ poverty levels to remove the effect they might have had on the numbers. After controlling the data, the strength of family connection still impacted how much children flourished.

According to Whitaker, adults have a very powerful influence on the emotional climate in the home, so it’s important to create a space where children feel seen and heard. A great opportunity to strengthen family bonds is around the dinner table. Adults should create an environment where children feel comfortable speaking freely. While they are talking,grown-ups should show that they have a genuine interest in what their children are saying. Silence is also another powerful form of communication, Whitaker said. Children and parents spending time together in silence or even doing chores can create a connection.

1. What is the study mainly about?
A.The importance of family connection to children’s survival.
B.The relationship between family connection and children’s success.
C.The factors affecting children’ self-acceptance.
D.The impact of poverty on children’s development.
2. Who are more likely to achieve high scores in both family connection and flourishing?
A.Children who live with a single parent.
B.Children who have enough food and money.
C.Children who know of their strengths and weaknesses.
D.Children who have a whole family and economic security.
3. Which of the following might be an influencing factor in the result?
A.Family income.B.Parents’ educational level.
C.Children’s age and gender.D.The number of people in the family.
4. How can adults strengthen family bonds during mealtime?
A.By showing respect when children are talking.B.By talking about their own problems.
C.By keeping silent when disagreements arise.D.By backing children’s opinions forever.
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3 . Fast food chains have tried for years to appeal to customers who care about their health. They have added lighter food to their menus, such as salads and yogurt. Of course, the lighter food goes with the usual burgers, fried chicken and shakes.

Menus have changed over the past three decades. According to a recent study, fast food menus are less healthy than they were 30 years ago. The study suggests the problem is getting worse. The fat, salt content and size of fast food meals are the problem. They are often the reason for the rising obesity (肥胖) rate among adults in the United States. The researchers found that the average main dish weighed more in 2016 than in 1986. It also had more calories and more sodium (钠). One expert said, “The restaurants have not done enough. The big picture is that there have been some positive changes, but they are small. Overall, the changes have gotten worse.”

The average fast food dessert had more calories in 2016. It also weighed more than the average fast food dessert thirty years earlier. Restaurants are counting on bigger sundaes and cookies to increase the amount spent on each order. For example, McDonald’s recently introduced “donut sticks” dusted with sugar. Six sticks have 280 calories. But you can also order 12 sticks for less than the cost of two single orders.

The researchers found that, over the 30 years, there were more calories in items like chips, soup, and French fries. Sodium content rose even though portion(一份) size did not grow much. When consumed together as a single meal, the study found that the average main dish and side order account for nearly 40 percent of a 2000-calory daily diet.

1. Why do fast food chains provide lighter food?
A.To match the fast food.B.To attract more customers.
C.To reduce the cost of each meal.D.To improve the health of customers.
2. Why are more American adults getting fat?
A.They take in more calories from fast food.
B.They have little time to exercise regularly.
C.They eat much more dessert after every meal.
D.They eat fast food more frequently than before.
3. What is the example of “donut sticks” for in paragraph 3?
A.Showing the way of restaurants’ making cookies.
B.Presenting the popularity of restaurants’ new food.
C.Stressing the increase in restaurants’ food varieties.
D.Explaining the intention of restaurants’ adding dessert.
4. Which one could be the best title of the text?
A.Fast Food Is Still Killing UsB.Don’t Eat Any Fast Food Now
C.Try to Eat More Lighter FoodD.People Are Becoming Fatter and Fatter

4 . Sheep herding is a profitable industry in China. However, if farmers want to earn more, they have to solve a range of problems such as scale expansion, processing and marketing, which is almost impossible relying on only their individual strength. But farmers in Nanxiaozhai village in the Shanxi city of Huairen, have found a solution.

Guo Jianqiang, a resident in Nanxiaozhai, said he started his business in 2013 by raising about 300 sheep. The number has since increased to 1,000. “I earned an income of 2 million yuan ( $309,000) last year and the amount is expected to reach 9 million yuan this year,” he said.

Guo attributed the growth to the establishment of a sheep cooperative, which helped to expand operational scale and sales channels with the joint force of stockholders.

According to Guo Zhidong, Party secretary of the village, Nanxiaozhai now has a total of 89 such cooperatives. The cooperatives have also developed a full industrial chain for sheep, ranging from raising, slaughtering and land processing to their sale.

Nanxiaozhai has a long history in the sheep industry, according to the village Party chief, who explained that was a natural choice out of the village’s environmental conditions. In Nanxiaozhai, residents used to farm on the infertile land and the grain yield could hardly support their existence.

It was Wang Yueming, Cao Zhiguo and other villagers who started their business as sheep dealers in the late 1970s. “They could earn up to 20 yuan for selling a sheep,” Guo Zhidong said. “That was a very large income at that time.” Later, about 80 percent of the villagers were engaged in the business but they found purchasing sheep from neighboring villages became more difficult because of limited output. So they began to raise sheep themselves.

The village business has boosted the sheep industry in Huairen city as a whole. Statistics show the city’s annual output of sheep is about 6 million heads, making it a renowned sheep-producing base in Shanxi.

1. What is the problem faced by farmers in Nanxiaozhai?
A.Finding better places to sell lamb.
B.Making larger profits on their own.
C.Satisfying the demand for more sheep.
D.Destroying the environment with herds.
2. What does the underlined word “slaughtering” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What can we say about residents in Nanxiaozhai?
A.They are proud to be sheep dealers.
B.They adapt to the conditions successfully.
C.They are opposed to buying sheep elsewhere.
D.They benefit substantially from working the land.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Rise and Fall of Nanxiaozhai Village
B.Sheep Herding Brings Prosperity Flocking
C.The Switch from Sheep Industry to Farming
D.Establishing Cooperatives Boosts Connections
2024-01-17更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市五华区云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
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5 . Why do we find ugly-cute animals so attractive? And what makes odd-looking creatures so cute?

Evolution (进化) plays a role. According to Austrian zoologist Erin Fekete, human attraction to childish features, such as big eyes, large heads and soft bodies, is an evolutionary adaptation that helps ensure that adults care for the young, assuring the survival of their species. Odd-looking animals such as blobfish, pugs, aye-ayes and bulldogs all share these childish qualities that cause a loving response among humans and a nature to raise and protect. And these childish characteristics increase a person’s “protective behavior, attention and willingness” to care for the individual and reduce the “possibility of aggression towards a child”, says Cyril Drouet, a researcher.

Ugly-cute animals often have other value— some, like the blobfish, live in extreme environments that they have adapted to in remarkable ways. Scientists are keen to study these animals to understand whether their biology might provide fresh ideas that could lead to treatments for human health conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

But while many ugly creatures are strongly adapted to their life in the wild and can provide numerous benefits to the ecosystems they live in, they often still don’t get as much attention as more traditionally cute and beautiful animals, which leads to many of the ugly-cute species being ignored in terms of research.

There are other culture-led factors that also cause our attraction for ugly-cute animals. “The ugly-cute thing is very fashionable.” says Rowena Packer, a lecturer of animal behavior. “This is partly caused by social media, with many social media influencers showing off pet pugs and French bulldogs on Instagram.” she says.

But there are some serious worries around this trend. Veterinarians (兽医) are calling on people not to keep a flat-faced dog, because they suffer from serious health problems. Pugs and French bulldogs which have been selectively kept experience breathing difficulties, repeated skin problems and eye diseases. So while childish features such as big eyes may make us smile, we might want to reconsider our attraction for “ugly-cute” pets.

1. What does the underlined word “aggression” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Threatening behavior.B.Strange behavior.C.Friendly behavior.D.Smart behavior.
2. Why are some ugly animals overlooked in terms of research?
A.They are of no interest to scientists.B.They are less cute and attractive.
C.They do not have unique biological feature.D.They are not well-adapted to their environments.
3. What can be inferred about the role of social media in promoting the popularity of ugly-cute animals?
A.Influencers have started a campaign to raise awareness about ugly animals.
B.People prefer to post pictures of ugly animals on social media rather than cute animals.
C.Social media didn’t make it easier to spread information about animals.
D.The ugly-cute animals shared on social media could raise people’s attraction for them.
4. How does the author feel about the current trend of keeping flat-faced dogs?
2023-12-27更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昭通市云天化中学教研联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。 主要介绍的是Brown University的研究者 Mary Carskadon发现青春期孩子受生理因素影响而倾向于晚睡晚起,作为对该研究的响应,很多地方政府推迟了初中和高中的上课时间。

6 . 1 It is commonly believed that teens’ preference for waking up and staying up later was driven by social forces—the pressures of school, the pleasures of partying. Mary Carskadon at Brown University, Rhode Island, however, assumed that biological factors might be responsible.

2 To test that theory, she surveyed 2000 schoolchildren across the US on their preferred and actual bedtimes and wake times; the times of day when they felt most or least attentive and energetic; and their physical development. The results pointed to biology. Sixth-graders ( aged 11or 12) scored higher on “eveningness” and lower on “morningness” than younger children, even though they occupied the same social background—a tendency that connected with their stage of puberty (青春期). In earlier studies, Carskadon had shown adolescents need more sleep than younger kids to avoid daytime sleepiness. Therefore, she and her team concluded, the practice of ringing the morning bell earlier at middle schools (for 1 1 to 13-year-olds) and high schools (for ages 14 to 18) than at elementary schools “may run exactly oppose to children’s biological needs”.

3 Carskadon went on to confirm her findings using more direct methods, such as measuring levels of melatonin (褪黑激素) in teens’ saliva (唾液) round the clock. In response, a growing number of local governments in US began pushing back start times in middle and high schools. Further research linked such moves to higher test scores, as well as lower rates of depression, substance use, illness and vehicular accidents.

4 In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that middle and high schools start the day no earlier than 8: 30 am. The American Psychological Association and the American Medical Association later followed suit. In 2019, California became the first US state to pass laws based on those guidelines. This May, Florida became the second. Meanwhile, school districts from Australia to South Korea have launched similar reforms.

1. What did Carskadon believe caused teenagers waking up and staying up later?
A.Social factors.B.Academic burden.
C.Biological elements.D.The pleasure of having parties.
2. What conclusion was drawn from Carskadon’s tests?
A.Her assumption was totally baseless.B.Younger children tended to stay up later.
C.Younger children and teens had a lot in common.D.Physiological stage affected teen’s sleep behaviors.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.Pushing back middle school start times is beneficial.B.Direct methods are adopted in Carskadon’s research.
C.Carskadon’s research needed further improvements.D.Some middle schools started their school later now.
4. Which of the following best explains the underlined phrase in paragraph 4?
A.Broke down barriers.B.Acted in the same way.
C.Convinced the authority.D.Raised people’s awareness.
2023-12-21更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省下关第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
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7 . “If you feel unloved, go mountain climbing, after which you will feel so exhausted that you won’t think about it.” Recently, a self-made sign post at Yuelu Mountain in Changsha, Hunan province has trended on social media platforms. Many people go to the mountain to take pictures with the sign. Mountain hiking has become a new trend for people looking for beautiful autumn views.

One can find the sign on a small road near the west gate of the mountain. The sign has also become a must visit for travelers. One netizen joked that it is vital to climb the mountain. Another said if you feel unloved, go working, and then you will also be exhausted and get paid.

A staff member from the Yuelu Mountain scenic spot management office said the office did not put up the sign, but it has become famous.

A milk tea store at the foot of the mountain has launched an “unloved” specialty and many travelers bring bumper stickers that say “unloved” while looking for the “unloved” sign, the staff said.

The sign was actually put up by mountain climbing lovers. The “heart-shaped track” on Yuelu Mountain has also trended at social media platforms recently, with netizens exploring a new track to climb the mountain, which forms the shape of a heart. While one can reach the mountain top, which is about 300 meters high, in about 30 minutes via a concrete road, the heart-shaped track is much longer and takes about three to four hours to complete.

ICE (pseudonym), 28, said she and her friends tried the heart-shaped track a few days ago and did not feel very tired. “Many people do not exercise often and are not in very good health, so the sign is a way to joke about mountain climbing,” she said.

1. Which word could best describe the milk tea store keeper?
2. Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Many people feel unloved nowadays.B.Working is more rewarding than hiking.
C.Being exhausted is the best cure for a broken heart.D.People have different interpretations of the sign post.
3. What can be learned about the “heart-shaped track”?
A.Whoever takes it could find true love.B.It is more demanding than another route.
C.Both the sign and the track are practical jokes.D.The management office designs the track this autumn.
4. What could be a suitable title for the passage?
A.A Signpost Shoot to Fame OnlineB.Hiking is A Good Way to Find Love
C.Yuelu Mountain, A Famous Scenic SpotD.Mountain Hiking, A Fashionable Trend
2023-12-21更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省下关第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
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8 . Taking an “eco-break” was once almost the same as a weekend’s hedge-laying or a summer spent conserving wildlife. Here is how things have changed: being a green traveler today is no longer restricted to one-off gestures but, rather, it’s a state of mind. Influences include, but are not limited to what we pack, how we reach our destination, where we stay and what activities we take part in.

Such change has come about thanks to both a growing understanding of climate change and the pioneering efforts of some travel operators to show the joy of going green. Luxury camping specialists Feather Down Farms and Forest, for example, led the glamping (豪华野营) revolution. Digital platforms such as Under the Thatch and Canopy & Stars have made booking low-impact rural accommodations easier. Adventure operators such as TYF, Intrepid and Much Better Adventures set the agenda for sustainable outdoor relaxation.

But the increased appetite for travel and the trend for replacing annual trips with multiple shorter breaks has seen a rise in carbon-intensive air travel. Meanwhile, key overland routes have been discontinued (such as ferry services to Scandinavia and overnight “train hotels” through France and Spain), and cuts in local transport services have severely impacted car-free access to rural areas. Dishonest and immoral businesses have also jumped on the “eco” travel wave, muddying the waters.

There are, however, signs we’re entering a golden age of green travel. Richard Hammond, founder of the Green Traveler website, shares over 20 years’ worth of expertise in his new guidebook outlying methods to explore the world sustainably. Many travel companies are also starting to provide tools to help travelers tell the genuinely green from greenwashing operations (Booking. com and Google, for instance, are working with not-for-profit Travalyst to flag up officially-approved and eco-certified hotels in their search results) while the upcoming national rollout (推广) of electric car charging, the modernization of cross-channel ferry services and the return of rail means choosing lower-carbon overland travel is becoming practical and more appealing.

1. How have things changed for being green now?
A.Each stop on a route is planned with care.
B.Many aspects of our travels are influenced.
C.Wildlife preservation is not as essential as before.
D.The health conditions of tourists are considered.
2. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning some travel operators?
A.To compare their jobs in different fields.
B.To offer the readers select recommendations.
C.To impress the readers with outdoor activities.
D.To show their joint contributions to green travel.
3. What does the underlined word “greenwashing” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Going GreenB.Costing the Earth Less
C.Experiencing Rural LifestylesD.Adventuring Into the Golden Age
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9 . Most of us know what it’s like to get presents. Whether it’s for a birthday or other celebration, it’s hard to beat the excitement of opening a carefully wrapped box to find something that’s both unexpected and suits you perfectly. Now, imagine if you could get the same feeling when you go shopping for yourself. That’s the feeling that mystery boxes hope to reach.

Mystery boxes are not a new idea—they were a feature of department stores in Japan in the early 20th Century. They contain different products sold at a lower price than their combined value. The key thing is that customers don’t know what’s in the box before they buy. All kinds of mystery boxes are available: fashion boxes, food boxes, beauty boxes, even loot boxes, which are virtual items for video games.

The pleasant surprise is not the only attraction of mystery boxes. They also allow people to try things that they otherwise wouldn’t. Seasonal vegetable subscription(订购)boxes might lead people to learn to cook new meals. They can also potentially offer great savings—as the recommended selling price of the contents is often far higher than the purchase price. For sellers and suppliers, the benefits are clear- it allows them to sell unwanted things for a profit. British fashion mystery box businessman Mario Maher highlights how mystery boxes can help reduce the amount of waste in the fashion industry. People might discover product ranges that would otherwise be thrown away.

There is an obvious disadvantage to mystery boxes -when you buy them, you don’t know what you’ll get! It may be that the goods inside are not to your taste, but there is also the potential for cheats to use the unpredictability of mystery boxes to send items that have a much lower value than the price of the box.

So, are mystery boxes a fun way of reducing waste and making shopping more exciting, or more an opportunity for disappointment, or worse—tricks?

1. What do loot boxes probably contain in Paragraph 2?
A.Something unwanted.B.Gifts received from friends.
C.Virtual prizes for game players.D.Something best suitable for you.
2. What is the effect of mystery boxes according to Paragraph 3?
A.Helping throw away plenty of waste.B.Bringing down the prices of products.
C.Encouraging people to try new things.D.Leading people to gather unwanted things.
3. What is the author’s attitude toward mystery boxes?
4. What can we learn about mystery boxes?
A.They can be invaluable.B.They are a modern trend.
C.They can change our lifestyle.D.They are a double-edged sword.
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10 . In a world where the lines between work and home are increasingly blurred(模糊的), remote work is becoming a critical part of our daily routines. Whether you switch between working from home and the office, distant work has become a preferred method of working for many. With the rise of secure, efficient, and automatic tools, remote work is becoming more commonplace than ever before.

One such example of this is the popular secure video conferencing platform, Zoom. Zoom’s software is efficient and easy to use, making it a favorite among remote workers. The platform allows users to video conference with colleagues or clients in real-time, regardless of their location. It automatically encrypts(加密) all data transmissions, ensuring that information remains secure during remote meetings.

Another example is the rise of smart home devices, such as smart thermostats(恒温调节器) and security cameras. These devices can be automatically controlled by a secure remote command system, allowing users to adjust thermostats, monitor home security, and even instruct smart home devices to obey specific commands remotely.

Remote work can also offer a more ergonomic(人类工程学的) approach to working. By using adjustable desks and chairs, remote workers can switch between sitting and standing throughout their daily routine. This can help improve overall health and well-being while working from home or remotely.

Despite the efficiency and convenience remote work offers, it also poses some potential risks. One such waning is the potential for distancing between colleagues and clients. It’s important to remember to schedule regular face-to-face meetings to maintain personal relationships and build stronger relationships.

In conclusion, remote work has become an increasingly popular method of working in recent years, offering employees greater flexibility and efficiency while working from home or remotely. Secure, efficient, and automatic tools have made remote work more practical and convenient than ever before. However, it’s important to recognize the potential risks of remote work and take measures to avoid them. Switching between remote work and traditional office work can offer employees a more ergonomic and efficient approach to working.

1. What is the function of paragraph ONE?
A.Draw a conclusion.B.Introduce the topic.
C.Arouse readers’ interest.D.List the arguments.
2. What are NOT the examples of remote work in the passage?
A.Zoom.B.Security cameras.
C.Wechat.D.Adjustable desks and chairs.
3. What does pose mean in paragraph 5?
4. What are NOT the features of remote work according the LAST paragraph?
A.Flexibility and efficient.B.Practical and convenient.
C.Secure and automatic.D.Traditional and ergonomic.
2023-10-13更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学西山校区2023-2024学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
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