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| 共计 1 道试题
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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After sixteen years of waiting, Brian finally got his driver’s license. Just about two months after receiving his license, Brian asked if he could take the family car and spend a day at the state fair with a friend. His parents agreed happily and wished him a pleasant trip. So with that, Brian pulled out of the driveway and waved goodbye to his parents.

Colin didn’t live far—maybe ten or fifteen minutes away. And it wasn’t long before both boys were on their way downtown to the fair. Their drive was on a winding two-lane road with a few small hills. They followed the road to the left, slowly curved back to the right, and then proceeded up toward the crest of a hill. All of a sudden, there was a crash. It all happened so fast.

“Are you OK?” Brian asked his buddy.

“I think so. What just happened?” Colin responded.

“We just had an accident.”

Slowly the boys began to regain their senses. Brian unbuckled(解开) his seat belt and stepped outside to assess the damage. It looked as if the entire left side of the car were one big dent(凹陷). The windows on the driver’s side were in a thousand pieces, and the doors were crunched. Soon the police arrived and surveyed the scene. The police dealt with the accident quickly, then they let all people leave and go back on their way.

The fair was unthinkable under the circumstances. Brain thought it’s best to get Colin home safe before making the journey to his own house. When they reached Colin’s house, Colin climbed out of the car and wished his shaken friend luck.

“Be honest to your parents and don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault.” Colin said, trying to be upbeat.

“I know... I think. But it’s not going to be easy to break this to them. It’s their car.”Brian pointed the car in the direction of his house and drove.


Brian’s mind began to fill with questions and confusion.


As he neared the house, he saw his parents outside working in the front yard.

共计 平均难度:一般