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1 . Braving the elements

On Dec.26, Gelinne, 60, was looking out the back windows of his home at the frozen lake. Then an airplane came into his sight. Gelinne looked up just in time to see that small air plane a few hundred yards away, losing control.

As the plane disappeared behind the trees, Gelinne, a former Navy officer, realized it was going to land in the lake. He flashed on a moment from more than 20 years earlier: Gelinne was at work in a bank. When a fire alarm rang, he escaped from the chaos but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and helped.

On this day, Gelinne didn’t hesitate. He ran down to the waterfront. The plane had skidded (侧滑) to a stop on the broad, frozen lake, far from shore. It was now sinking. The pilot was standing on the wing. Gelinne knew from his Navy training that even a few minutes in the icy water could kill the pilot.

Gelinne tested the ice with his foot and decided not to take any chances walking on it. So he pulled a boat out from under his back deck.

Then he set off, pushing his boat across the ice. It was tough work. When Gelinne reached the plane, it had broken through the ice and sunk; only its tail was visible. The pilot was standing on a tail wing, submerged up to his chest, surrounded by open water. Gelinne pushed his boat off the ice and into the water, paddling (划) toward the pilot.

Gelinne focused on keeping the pilot calm, joking, “Just hang on to the boat as if you were hugging your wife.” The pilot grabbed the boat’s bow, but Gelinne knew he had to get the pilot out of the water and up onto the shelf of unbroken ice behind him before the man lost too much body heat.

By now a police officer had arrived and radioed for help. A lifeboat appeared, breaking through ice as it arrived. It picked up the pilot and rushed him to safety. Later the boat returned to help Gelinne, now extremely tired, to shore.

“I’m 60 years old,” Gelinne says. “There was no way I could get him to shore.” Still, he was satisfied he’d gone the right way that day.

1. Why did Gelinne run outside without hesitation?
A.He had rescucing experience.B.He wanted to offer help in time.
C.He needed more time to prepare.D.He was amazed at what had happened.
2. How did Gelinne help the pilot?
A.He made a call to the police.B.He got the pilot out of the water.
C.He asked the pilot to grasp the bow.D.He picked up the pilot onto the shore.
3. What Gelinne did in the rescue proved him to be ____________.
4. What can Gelinne probably learn from the rescue?
A.Think twice before action.
B.One good turn deserves another.
C.It’s never too late to make things right.
D.One should always be ready to seize chances.
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2 . Peter, 60, loved his job as a bus driver. He had been one almost all his life, loving the little children who rode his bus daily. It made him feel much younger. His record was clean, without one accident, which made him a trustworthy driver.

However, Mr. Clark, Peter’s boss, was worried and thought that it was time for him to retire (退休). “You don’t have a choice here, Peter.” he said seriously. “We don’t want to invite any risk to the children.”

“But I have a perfect record,” reasoned Peter. “You know, for an elderly man like me, my job is the only thing that keeps me alive. I want to keep my job.”

“Would you take responsibility if something bad happened to those children?” Mr. Clark said.

Peter thought it over, and very reluctantly, he gave in to Mr. Clark’s request. Peter decided to retire a week later.

The day before his last day, Peter was dropping of the kids at his first stop when he looked out of the window and saw a lady who had passed out. He asked the kids not to leave the bus and got down to help the woman.

Just when he finished, he heard cries behind him. The children were looking out of the window and shouting. “Fire! Fire! Help!” “How could that have happened?” Peter was shaking in fear. With shaking hands, Peter dialed 911 and rushed to help the children. Covering himself with his jacket, Peter rushed into the burning car and took the children out one by one. Thankfully, the firefighters arrived soon and helped Peter, saving all students.

The next day, Peter found the whole school standing in front of his home. When Peter got close to them, Mr. Clark started clapping and everyone joined him. “You are a hero, Peter! You saved the lives of those young children.” he said. “You are the best driver. We hope you can keep the job!”

1. What made Mr. Clark worried?
A.He couldn’t talk Peter into retiring.
B.Taking school bus was unsafe for children.
C.Peter was too old to be a school bus driver.
D.The school bus driver must be changed actually.
2. What does the underlined “reluctantly” mean in Paragraph 5?
3. Why were the children shouting?
A.They were caught in the burning bus.
B.They couldn’t find Peter on the bus.
C.They were frightened by the woman.
D.They didn’t want a new school bus driver.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Putting Out the FireB.A Dangerous Bus Journey
C.Working After RetirementD.An Old Hero Driver
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3 . Just a few hours ago, the Italian ship Andrea Doria was sailing through thick fog toward the city of New York. Captain Piero Calamai kept watch. He knew that many other ships were nearby. He should have slowed down because of the fog but he decided not to. He wanted to arrive on time the next morning.

At about 11:00 P.M., another ship, the Stockholm, suddenly hit the Andrea Doria. It made a huge hole in the Italian ship. Some people were badly hurt. Others fell into the sea. But one girl was saved by the Stockholm.

Linda Morgan was fourteen. She lived in Spain with her mother and her little sister. She was going to visit her father in New York. She was excited about seeing her father.

Linda had loved the trip. She wanted to have dinner with the captain on the last night at sea.The captain did not sit at his table that night, though. He was busy guiding the ship through the fog. Linda did not get to talk to him.

When Linda went to bed, everything seemed fine. Her mother turned off the lights. Linda talked to her little sister. She thought about seeing her father the next morning.

What happened next was a terrible surprise. Linda woke up not knowing where she was. She was not in her bed. When she called to her family, no one answered. Both her knees were broken.

Linda had been saved by an amazing accident. When the Stockholm made a hole in the side of the Andrea Doria, it lifted Linda out of her bed. She landed on the deck (甲板) of the Stockholm instead of falling into the ocean. A sailor heard her cries and found her.

Right now, the girl is in the hospital. She is expected to get better. Her father is at her side, glad that his little girl was saved. The Andrea Doria lies under the waves at the bottom of the sea.

1. Why didn’t Captain Piero Calamai reduce the speed?
A.He didn’t want to be late.B.He went crazy because of the bad weather.
C.He thought the fog was not serious.D.He had rich experience.
2. Linda didn ’t have dinner with the captain because       .
A.she forgot itB.she was sick in bed
C.he was busy with his workD.he hadn’t been told about it
3. When the accident happened,       .
A.Linda was asleepB.the day was about to break
C.few people were killedD.the Andrea Doria hit a hole in the Stockholm
4. What can we learn from the text?
A.Linda hated the trip very much.B.Linda was saved by the Stockholm.
C.Linda lived with her father in Spain.D.The Andrea Doria wasn’t badly damaged.
5. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.A little girl’s braveness moved people.
B.Andrea Doria sailed through thick fog.
C.The Italian ship Andrea Doria was hit by Stockholm.
D.A fourteen-year-old girl was saved by accident after the crash.
2023-09-26更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西普通高中2022-2023学年高二上学期业水平考试英语模拟试卷(一)
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4 . It was the day before Thanksgiving and Kaleb Benham was wandering around outside his home in Noring California. His 90-pound pit bull, Buddy, was playing around nearby, doing what dogs do: getting into trouble. And this time, Buddy was getting into a whole lot of trouble.

The unmistakable sound that no one wants to hear alone in the woods caught Benham’s attention. It was the deep, strange roar of a black bear. Benham wheeled around to see the beast, which Benham figured weighed around 350 pounds, some 100 feet away. In an instant, the bear fastened on to Buddy’s head and started dragging him away.

Benham, a thin, fit 24-year-old, took off after them. “Honestly,” he told CBS13, “the only thing I could think of was ‘save my baby’.” Sprinting, he lowered his shoulder and plowed into the bear. But it only tightened its grip on Buddy. Benham grabbed the bear by the throat. Nothing. He tried getting its mouth open, but the jaw was locked tight. Benham resorted to street fighting—punching the bear over and over around its snout and eye. It worked. The bear dropped the dog and ran off into the woods.

Buddy was in bad shape. His face was bloodied and ripped up. His ears were dangling. He had a bite mark clear through his lip and one that barely missed an eye.

“My first thought was that I was going to lose him,” Benham said. He scooped up Buddy, put him into his car, and sped off to a nearby veterinarian. Buddy’s surgery took nearly four hours. Benham watched the procedure through a window. “I just stood there,” he said, watching as Buddy’s ears were stapled back on and skin flaps were stitched, and tubes were inserted into his head to drain fluid.

This was the second time Benham had rescued Buddy, says CBS13. The first was from a shelter a few years ago. “If it was your kid, what would you do?” he asked. Nodding toward Buddy, he added, “That’s my kid.”

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.A demanding surgery.B.A regular routine.
C.A fearless pet dog.D.A daring rescue.
2. Why did the author mention the weight of the bear in paragraph 2?
A.To show the difficulty of the rescue.
B.To indicate the obesity of the bear.
C.To prove the excitement of Benham.
D.To describe the fear in Buddy’s heart.
3. How was the dog finally saved from the bear?
A.Benham bumped into the beast with dropped shoulder.
B.Benham forced open the beast’s mouth with locked jaw.
C.Benham crushed the beast’s mouth and nose repeatedly.
D.Benham finally conquered the beast by grabbing its throat.
4. Which word can best describe the relationship between Benham and Buddy?
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5 . “Mayday! We got Mayday!” Frank Pisano screamed over the micro-phone to the air control tower at John Wayne Airport last June. One of the two engines on his 1975 Cessna had failed, and he was now on a collision course with one of the busiest highways in America—Interstate 405, just south of Los Angeles—and there was no stopping it.

Driving south on the 405, near the airport’s runway, was John Meffert. A fire department captain, Meffert, 47, was heading home from his shift. Then a low-flying plane caught his eye. After he took a second glance, a thought crossed his mind: “This plane’s going to hit me,” Meffert told Fox 8.

He was right. The plane knocked into the center highway, popped up a few feet, and then hit the front of Meffert’s SUV. It finally stopped after hitting the divider on the southbound side. Meffert pulled over. He was unhurt, so he turned his attention to the plane. He ran toward the smoke billowing from it—and then he saw Frank’s wife, Janan Pisano, pop her head up on the passenger side.

By the time Meffert reached the aircraft, part of the fuselage (机身) was on fire and Janan, who was covered in blood, was on the wing trying to pull her husband from the wreck. Meffert, afraid the plane would explode, guided her to safety behind it. At this point, traffic had come to a stop, and two nurses jumped out of their cars to help lead Janan farther away as Meffert ran back for the pilot.

“I’m going to get you out,” Meffert said as he positioned himself under the pilot’s arms and carefully lifted him from the seat. He dragged the pilot off the wing and carried him to the side of the freeway to safety, where they watched flames swallow the plane.

Remarkably, Meffert’s car was the only one hit by the plane. Had Meffert been a second or two faster, Frank told the Orange County Register, the left propeller (螺旋桨) would have torn the top off his SUV and killed him.

“I play all the what-ifs—going slower, going faster. It could have been in a very different situation,” Meffert told Fox 8. “We just had a lot of angels.”

1. What was the reason for the accident?
A.The plane hit a SUV.B.Frank was not a good pilot.
C.One of the engines didn’t work.D.The plane landed at a wrong place.
2. What damage did the plane do to Meffert?
A.It hit part of Meffert’s car.B.It set Meffert’s car on fire.
C.It caused Meffert covered in blood.D.It threw Meffert into the air.
3. Why did Meffert manage to carry the pilot out of the plane?
A.Because he knew how to perform first aid.
B.Because the plane couldn’t fly any more.
C.Because he didn’t want to cause a traffic jam.
D.Because the plane might explode.
4. How did Meffert feel about the outcome of the accident?
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是Jane Hodgson在途中看到有人发生意外并用所学的急救知识对其进行急救的故事。

6 . While driving home after work, Jane Hodgson noticed a car pulled over at the side of the road and a crowd beginning to gather around someone who was lying on the ground.

Jane, who had completed a first aid at work course, pulled over to see if she could offer any help — and it turned out to be lucky for the young injured girl that she did.

Describing the scene she came across, Jane says: “The onlookers were ashen-faced and looking lost. They were so shocked that they hadn’t even thought to call for an ambulance yet.”

After speaking to the emergency services, Jane started finding out what had happened and what injuries the young girl called Jenny had. The girl had been hit by a car and gone over the handlebars of her bike, landing on her head and shoulder. Her shoulder and arm were twisted (扭曲) underneath her.

“She hadn’t been wearing a helmet (头盔) when she got knocked down, and I thought that she should not be moved as I couldn’t be sure about a spinal injury (脊椎损伤), but after looking her over and checking the circulation in her injured arm I did feel fairly confident that she had escaped relatively unhurt.

“As we were waiting for an ambulance, the amount of pain the girl was in was increasing. To distract (分散注意力) her and minimize the risk of her going into shock I kept her talking. She held my hand tightly when the pain got too much and this helped. I told her I could handle it — we laughed about that,” describes Jane.

Later, a doctor from the local hospital’s ICU stopped at the scene too. The ICU doctor decided that Jenny should lie on her back, making her much more comfortable until the emergency services arrived.

Thinking back, Jane says: “For me, knowing that in a small way I helped that girl through what was a frightening experience is all the reward I need. I felt great to know I’d made a difference and I’d do it again.”

1. We can learn from the text that Jane Hodgson _____.
A.is an ICU doctorB.is a firstaid trainer
C.works in a local hospitalD.has learned some first aid
2. After looking over the injured girl, Jane found _____.
A.Jenny had a spinal injury
B.Jenny didn’t have serious injuries
C.Jenny couldn’t remember what had happened
D.Jenny lost her helmet when she was knocked down
3. When waiting for an ambulance, _____.
A.Jenny refused to talkB.Jenny went into shock
C.Jane was a little impatientD.Jane kept giving Jenny confidence
4. Which of the following can best describe Jane Hodgson?
A.Strict but caring.B.Tough and generous.
C.Proud but determined.D.Warm-hearted and helpful.
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7 . A 3 ­year-old boy who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. But Casey Hathaway told his rescuers that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. He said he was with a friend—a bear.

The child went missing on January 22 while playing with friends at his grandmother’s house in the southern state of North Carolina. When the other children returned to the house and Casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police. Police formed a rescue team to look for the young boy in the nearby woods. But two days went by and still—no Casey.

Then on January 24, someone called the police saying they heard a child crying in the woods. Police followed up on the information and found Casey at about 9:30 that night. Casey told the rescuers that he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his “friend”. The woods of North Carolina are home to many black bears, like this one.

Sheriff Chip Hughes spoke with reporters from several news agencies. He said Casey did not say how he was able to survive in the woods for two days in the cold, rainy weather. However, the sheriff said, “He did say he had a friend in the woods that was a bear that was with him.”

Hundreds of people helped in the search efforts, including some 600 volunteers, and members of the military. Officer Hughes told reporters that at no point did he think Casey had been kidnapped. Doctors at Carolina East Medical Centre treated Casey for minor injuries. He was then released to his family on January 25.

His mother Brittany Hathaway talked with reporters from a local news agency, “We just want to tell everybody that we’re very thankful that you took the time out to come search for Casey, ” said his mother.

1. Who did not take part in the search and rescue work?
2. Which of the following is true about the boy?
A.The boy was captured by others.
B.The boy described how he managed to survive.
C.The boy finally saw his family on January 24.
D.The boy stayed with a black bear in the woods.
3. What did the boy’s mother want to express through the local news agency?
A.They were grateful to all the people who helped to rescue the boy.
B.They were grateful to the doctors for treating the boy’s injuries.
C.It is the black bear that truly saved the boy.
D.There are many black bears in the woods of North Carolina.
4. Where is possibly the article taken from?
A.A book.B.A guide.
C.A newspaper.D.A magazine.
2023-04-24更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用: Unit 1 Looking forwards Presenting ideas 同步检测练 -2021-2022学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第四册
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍的是Jonathan Bauer和他13岁的女儿目睹了一次交通事故,并救起一位落水的女童,受到这件事情的启发,他的女儿成为了一名消防员以至于她也可以救人。

8 . It was a bright May afternoon along the Maryland coast. Jonathan Bauer, and his 13-year-old daughter, Ava, were driving with the windows down as they headed home on the bridge. Suddenly, the calm was disturbed by the squeal of tires.

Not far ahead of them, a pickup(皮卡车) was drifting from one lane to the other. It slammed into a concrete barrier, flipped over the car directly ahead of them, and came to rest hanging over the railing of the bridge. Bauer hit the brakes in time, but another car came sliding backward toward him and struck his car’s fender(挡泥板). Bauer stopped his car. “Ava, are you OK?” he asked. She was shaken, but otherwise unhurt.

And then a scream came from the pickup above the waters of the bay. The driver dashed to the railing. Bauer ran up beside him. The man pointed down, saying something in Spanish. There was a car seat in the water. Struggling next to it was a girl, about two years old, terrified, floating on her back and crying.

Matters quickly went worse when the girl rolled over onto her stomach. “Ava! Stay by the car!” Bauer yelled, drooping to remove his shoes. Would he get hurt? Could he reach the girl in time? No time to wonder. All he had in mind was the faith that she must be saved immediately.

A moment later he was bouncing off the sandy bottom-unhurt! Bauer swam to the girl and lifted her out of the water: mouth half open, eyes nearly closed, not breathing. Standing, he laid her against his shoulder and hit at her back with the flat of his hand. Water came streaming from her mouth and slowly her eyes were opened. He pulled her close, hugging her to shelter her from the cold.

A boat pulled up and hauled them aboard. Ava Bauer was so inspired by her father’s actions that four months later she became a firefighter so that she, too, could save lives. “That girl is going to live a whole life because of him,” she says. “It’s incredible.”

1. What can we learn about Bauer and his daughter from the first two paragraphs?
A.They had a great time along the Maryland coast.
B.They crashed their car into others’ on the bridge.
C.They suffered a severe hit and hung over the railing.
D.They witnessed a terrible accident on the way home.
2. Why did Bauer run forward next to the pickup driver?
A.He saw a girl struggling in the water.
B.He was asked to help the pickup driver.
C.He was caught by the cry from the pickup.
D.He was concerned about the falling of the pickup.
3. Which words can best describe Bauer?
A.Warm-hearted and modest.
B.Strong-willed and optimistic.
C.Determined and considerate.
D.Good-tempered and intelligent.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Leap of Faith
B.An Unexpected Crash
C.A Moment of Inspiration
D.A Well-organized Rescue
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . There have been several incidents at some events in recent years where people died because of stampedes (踩踏).     1     Indeed, it’s a frightening situation to be in and circumstances may make it impossible to escape. But there are several strategies that could help you avoid a potentially deadly outcome.

·Don’t panic and conserve your energy

Panicking will not help you free yourself from a developing stampede. Stay calm and focused.     2     If a stampede occurs, you’ll need all the physical energy you can muster.

·Keep pace with the crowd

If the crowd is moving in one direction, it’s best to go with the flow.     3     If the group becomes too tightly packed, you could run out of air for choking.

·    4    

One potential way to handle the situation is to shield yourself and allow the crowd to move past you. Look for a solid structure to stand behind such as a pillar or a wall, or other places to hide: behind a car or even a lamppost.

·Guard your head

    5     If you can’t, curl up on one side and protect your head. You do not want to be knocked unconscious in this situation.

Just remember to calm down, guard your head, and go with the flow of the crowd until you are able to safely escape.

A.Move away from barriers.
B.Find somewhere to protect yourself.
C.Yelling and screaming will tire you out.
D.You can use sign language to communicate with people around you.
E.If you happen to fall down in a large crowd, try to get up as quickly as possible.
F.Once you try to resist, the sheer density of the crowd behind you could crush you.
G.These may leave some people thinking there’s little you can do to survive a stampede.
2023-01-11更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江一中、深圳实验2022-2023学年高三两校三部1月联考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了出租车司机Wayne Boone发生车祸后自救的全过程。

10 . Wayne Boone knew he should be dead. His cab(驾驶室)had crashed into the guardrail on the far right edge, destroying the metal barrier that protected his truck from dropping into the water below, almost flying through the air. It all happened so fast. How was he still alive? Somehow, the back of his cab had got stuck on the bridge’s edge before it could complete its falling. His empty trailer(拖车), meanwhile, leaned to the left, sliding sideways at a 90-degree angle to the cab.

Whatever the force was that held the cab on the edge, Boone knew it couldn’t last. He was injured, but his body had yet to fully noticed the pain. He forced himself to focus. If he had any chance of escaping the cab and surviving, he had to get free from his seat belt. The cracked windshield(挡风玻璃)beneath him exposed the dark waters below. If he put any weight on the glass, he risked bursting through and falling the rest of the way. Under the howl of the wind, he heard voices from above. “It’s about to go!”   

Got to get free. Releasing his seat belt, Boone tried to hold on to the seat, but he immediately slid into the windshield. The glass shifted in its frame. He climbed upward, aware that he was getting cut along the way. He slipped again. And again. Each time his feet met the windshield, the glass gave a little more. The next time could be the last. Gathering all his strength, he pulled himself between the seats and threw himself back as far as he could behind the driver’s seat.

Minutes passed—to Boone, it felt like hours—before he heard the approaching whistle. To his ears, the harsh sound could have been angels singing. Hearing people shout with joy when they saw a firefighter deliver him to safety, Boone felt his heart full of gratitude. He was rushed to the hospital.

1. Where did the accident happened?
A.In the street.B.In the river.C.On the bridge.D.In the hospital.
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.The trailer was flying through the air.
B.Boone was badly injured during the crash.
C.A certain force could stop the cab falling finally.
D.Boone released his seat belt to jump into the river.
3. Why did Boone threw himself back to the seat behind the driver’s?
A.To say hello to the people above.
B.To stop the cab falling into the river.
C.To avoid falling through the windshield.
D.To protect the windshield from being broken.
4. What did Boone feel when he heard the approaching whistle?
2022-12-16更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市五校2022-2023学年高三上学期12月联考英语试卷 (含听力)
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