组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:312 题号:19725309

It was the day before Thanksgiving and Kaleb Benham was wandering around outside his home in Noring California. His 90-pound pit bull, Buddy, was playing around nearby, doing what dogs do: getting into trouble. And this time, Buddy was getting into a whole lot of trouble.

The unmistakable sound that no one wants to hear alone in the woods caught Benham’s attention. It was the deep, strange roar of a black bear. Benham wheeled around to see the beast, which Benham figured weighed around 350 pounds, some 100 feet away. In an instant, the bear fastened on to Buddy’s head and started dragging him away.

Benham, a thin, fit 24-year-old, took off after them. “Honestly,” he told CBS13, “the only thing I could think of was ‘save my baby’.” Sprinting, he lowered his shoulder and plowed into the bear. But it only tightened its grip on Buddy. Benham grabbed the bear by the throat. Nothing. He tried getting its mouth open, but the jaw was locked tight. Benham resorted to street fighting—punching the bear over and over around its snout and eye. It worked. The bear dropped the dog and ran off into the woods.

Buddy was in bad shape. His face was bloodied and ripped up. His ears were dangling. He had a bite mark clear through his lip and one that barely missed an eye.

“My first thought was that I was going to lose him,” Benham said. He scooped up Buddy, put him into his car, and sped off to a nearby veterinarian. Buddy’s surgery took nearly four hours. Benham watched the procedure through a window. “I just stood there,” he said, watching as Buddy’s ears were stapled back on and skin flaps were stitched, and tubes were inserted into his head to drain fluid.

This was the second time Benham had rescued Buddy, says CBS13. The first was from a shelter a few years ago. “If it was your kid, what would you do?” he asked. Nodding toward Buddy, he added, “That’s my kid.”

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.A demanding surgery.B.A regular routine.
C.A fearless pet dog.D.A daring rescue.
2. Why did the author mention the weight of the bear in paragraph 2?
A.To show the difficulty of the rescue.
B.To indicate the obesity of the bear.
C.To prove the excitement of Benham.
D.To describe the fear in Buddy’s heart.
3. How was the dog finally saved from the bear?
A.Benham bumped into the beast with dropped shoulder.
B.Benham forced open the beast’s mouth with locked jaw.
C.Benham crushed the beast’s mouth and nose repeatedly.
D.Benham finally conquered the beast by grabbing its throat.
4. Which word can best describe the relationship between Benham and Buddy?


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There is nothing like a coast redwood. It is the planet’s tallest tree, up to heights of more than 320 feet into the sky. With trunks(树干)that grow to more than 27 feet wide, they can live for over 2,000 years. Some of them living today were alive during the time of the Roman Empire.

Coast redwoods have survived through thousands of years of natural floods, droughts, tsunamis and fires. They can thrive and recover from damage as long as they can count on rainwater and coastal fog banks that roll in every morning. And it is those critical water sources that are disappearing as temperatures continue to rise. The damp conditions the trees like are rarer than they used to be. Coast redwoods now occupy less than 10 percent of their original range.

Their loss will have some consequences, particularly in the vast amount of carbon they store. Redwoods can store 2,600 metric tons of carbon per hectare, more than double the absorption rate of the Pacific Northwest’s conifer trees(针叶树), according to a new research published in Forest Ecology and Management.

David Milarch, an arborist from Michigan, says he feels sorrowful about the disappearing redwoods. He spends his days tracking down the healthiest coast redwood specimens(样本)he can find, cloning them in his own lab, and then planting them in carefully chosen places where they can thrive. Milarch’s goal is both to strengthen the coast redwood gene pool with clones of the strongest individuals, and to store loads of carbon. It’s a complicated mission with a simple philosophy: save the big trees, and they’ll save us.

Milarch explains that we need a practical and measurable solution to fighting against climate change. He believes the redwoods are the answer. However, scientist Mark Maslin cautions against viewing tree planting as a magic bullet, since even fast-growing trees take a long time to grow and be mature enough to reach their maximum carbon-trapping time which climate change cannot afford. As a global society, the most important thing we should do now is to reduce our overall carbon emissions if we want to have any impact on the planet’s climate crisis.

1. What causes the decrease of coast redwoods?
A.Forest fires.B.Soil pollution.
C.Climate warming.D.Human overcutting.
2. Why does the author mention the research in paragraph 3?
A.To show the importance of redwoods to the environment.
B.To introduce the approach to reducing carbon pollutants.
C.To state the role of the Pacific Northwest’s conifer trees.
D.To explain the difficulty of protecting coast redwoods.
3. How does Milarch save the redwoods?
A.By seeking ideal specimens to clone.
B.By exploring ways to raise their adaptability.
C.By improving water sources in coastal places.
D.By creating a wet growing environment for them.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Harvesting genes from various redwoods.
B.Planting more redwoods.
C.The extinction of the coast redwoods.
D.Saving the coast redwoods.
2023-06-14更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Nature has a lot to offer.     1     Here are some valuable life lessons.

• Respect your roots. With time, a young tree grows into full-grown one, something that was so tiny and delicate develops into a strong tree capable of supporting others. However tall it grows, its roots are firmly buried where it once rose.     2    , Hopefully, we ought to give something back to those humble beginnings that developed us into who we are.

• Let the sorrows disappear. If you cut a hole in the tree, it will grow around it. Whatever may come in its way, a river will continue to flow (流淌). Similarly, whatever sorrow may break your heart, know that life goes on.     3    

• Learn to coexist peacefully. Nature provides every creature a chance to exist, however big or small it may be.     4     The tiger eats the antelope; without the antelope, the tiger wouldn't survive. Likewise, without tigers, the overpopulation of antelopes would cause them to starve to death.

    5     Just like the icy cold snow melts (融化)in the warmth of spring to give birth to fresh green leaves, come autumn these leaves age into shades of gold only to be once again buried in the cold winter. Change is unavoidable. It is important we enjoy what we have to the fullest because who knows how long it will last. Meanwhile, we shouldn't get so attached to things that parting with leads to heartbreak and sorrow.

What to learn from nature is limitless. Respect, admire her and emulate (仿效)her ways into your life.

A.Change is the only constant.
B.She inspires creatures to challenge themselves.
C.Trying to maintain the balance of nature is essential.
D.She teaches us values that may lead to a full and happy life.
E.The pain will weaken and enable you to grow in the process.
F.But the existence of one creature depends on the existence of the other.
G.We should learn to keep ourselves grounded, respect and hold on to our origins.
2021-05-27更新 | 107次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Many animals need to move across large distances. Often they do this as part of their natural migration(迁徙). Sometimes animals need to move to a new area when food gets low or conditions get worse. However, humans have taken over huge areas of the planet. Roads and highways cut up the remaining natural areas into many small sections, making it dangerous for animals to move.

Many people are working to help animals by creating “wildlife corridors(走廊)”, trying to reconnect smaller natural areas so that animals can move over larger areas. One important step in creating these corridors is building wildlife bridges and tunnels to give animals a way to safely cross dangerous roads. These changes don’t just help animals, but they also save human lives by avoiding accidents.

On China's Hainan Island, scientists created a bridge for gibbons, an animal that lives in southern Asia. But in 2014, natural accidents caused huge gaps in the forest, forcing them to make dangerous jumps. Scientists created a simple and cheap bridge, which solved the problem. In 2018, the experts in Utah, America built a wildlife bridge over the busy highway. A 4.8-kilometer fence was created to help guide animals to the bridge. Normally, animals take a long time to discover and begin using wildlife bridges, so experts didn’t expect the bridge to get much traffic for several years. However, to their surprise, many different kinds of animals have already used the bridge.

Now people in other countries are looking to try similar ideas. In Brazil, scientists want to create bridges to help animals cross the hundreds of miles of highway that cuts through the Amazon rainforest. In Uttarakhand, India, an eco-bridge made from all-natural materials has been built. Though it's high in the trees, it’s expected to help smaller animals on the ground by reminding drivers that they're in an important natural area with lots of wildlife. Already, the bridge has got a lot of attention, with many people taking selfies(自拍照)in front of it.

1. Why are the wildlife corridors created?
A.To avoid the attack from animals.B.To offer a way to protect animals.
C.To improve animals' living conditions.D.To bring more convenience to humans.
2. How does the bridge in Utah surprise the experts?
A.Animals need no guide to it.B.Animals take more time to cross it.
C.It has made the traffic dangerous.D.It is used by many animals sooner.
3. What do we know about the eco-bridge in India?
A.It has become a hit for tourists.B.It is made of man-made materials.
C.It acts as a reminder for the hunter.D.It serves as a sign of a natural area.
4. How is the text mainly developed?
A.By making a comparison.B.By listing some examples.
C.By showing causes and effects.D.By following the order of time.
2022-01-25更新 | 89次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般