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It was the summer when I turned 18. I was filled with excitement because of my new freedom of driving. I drove carefully with my new license. Along with this new privilege came new responsibilities. I would perform the same routine — call my parents and tell them where I was going, who I was with, and when I would be home. It became a typical cycle.

I had been working all day in the hot sun. I was exhausted and ready for a nap. But my stomach told me something different. So I called my friend Mike and made our way into town. After our meal, we had no idea that our day would soon change for the worse.

It takes one moment to shift your life upside down. I vividly remember I was driving fast. Too fast. I came to the conclusion two years later, that the mistake would be with me for the rest of my life.

Mike and I were driving down a dusty gravel(沙砾) road. I was driving a shiny black Saturn, which was the car I admired for long. I was very proud to be driving it. It was perfect in my eyes. I could see the rolling hills in the distance. Tall pine trees traveled on both sides of the road. With the music playing, we were enjoying ourselves. Somehow, without realizing it, I sped up the car.

Coasting(滑行) freely in my car, we came across a loose spot of gravel. My tyres were stuck in it and desperate to escape. My car started fishtailing. In panic, I pressed hard on the brakes(刹车) and instantly the car lost control. I got into panic, frozen with terror. Looking to the right, I took a glimpse of Mike. His body had leaned toward me. He was trying to prepare himself for the coming crash. The car was rushing left to right, coasting along the gravel like it was ice. Moments later, the front of my car crashed head-on into a tree.


I heard a loud sound of my car hitting the tree.


Luckily enough, Mike and I were not so seriously hurt.

2021-07-17更新 | 572次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省大连市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末英语试题
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It was the first warm day of spring, and the sun poured over the hill that borders Doyle and Rose Martin's countryside property outside Mifflinburg. It had rained heavily the day before, melting the better part of the long winter's snow, and the sun was now taking care of what the rain left behind. Water was running down the hill, filling the normally shallow rivers until they nearly jumped their banks. The stream that ran through the Martins' yard was usually ankle deep, but now it coursed (奔流) angrily at an unexpected speed, up to a man's waist (腰). And the water was rather cold.

The Martin boys, Henry,11, and Greg,7, would not waste such a lovely afternoon. After the school bus dropped them off, they ran outside to ride bikes along the stream. They were what people call free-range kids. Doyle and Rose had three boys, and they expected their children to learn independence and responsibility, the older ones looking after the younger. Now, Henry and Greg were chasing (追逐) each other on their bikes with little Gardell, who was not yet two, playing nearby. Doyle, a truck driver, was away from home. Rose was busy in the kitchen, where she could check on the boys now and then through the window.

Suddenly Greg burst through the door, his face wet with tears. “I can't find Gardell!” He screamed. “He was just with me!”

Rose rushed outside immediately and ran around with Henry and Greg calling Gardell's name anxiously.

Their neighbor Bob was reading a newspaper by the window when he heard the shouts. He looked out and saw Rose and her two sons running and shouting wildly. “Something must have happened,” Bob thought to himself and went outside quickly.

“What's wrong?” He called out to the Martins.

“We can't find little Gardell!” Rose shouted back, half crying.

Bob's heart sank.
“Here's Gardell!” Bob cried.
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The Littlest Hero

Angela Shymanski was in a hurry to hit the road. It was 8.30 am, the kids were fed and the car was packed with all the necessities for a road trip: a pop-up tent, toys and snacks for five-year-old Lexi, and, for ten-week-old Peter, a pink blanket and seven days' worth of clothes, all of which had been worn. No matter, thought Angela. It was 26 ℃ in central Alberta, the hottest June 8 on record, so her baby would be fine for the eight hours home to Prince George in nappies (纸尿裤)only.

The 28-year-old Canadian had driven these nearly 800 kilometers alone before to visit friends and family. Her husband of eight years, Travis, a worker at an oil factory, couldn't come on the week-long holiday, but Angela, a swimming and first-aid instructor, was eager to show off Peter to her friends.

It was an important trip for Lexi, too. The morning they had left Prince George on June 1, 2015 marked the beginning of the 100-day countdown (倒计时)to kindergarten.

Exactly one year earlier, Lexi received the most important lesson of her young life, preparing for a future emergency. Lexi absorbed every instruction. She knew how to react in an unexpected accident.

As she was driving along the Icefields Parkway, Angela missed her first turnoff (岔道), but decided to continue west on a slightly longer, more scenic route. The lost time would have been insignificant had it not been for a 30-minute stretch of road construction. The stops and starts had begun to bother Peter, who was now screaming in the back-facing car seat next to Lexi's. This calls for a nursery rhyme, Angela thought. She inserted a CD and hoped for the best.

“Zoom, zoom, zoom. We're going to the moon. Zoom, zoom, zoom. We're going to the moon.”

In no time, both children were napping in their car seats. Once out of the construction zone, Angela sped to just below the 100 km/h speed limit along the evergreen-lined road. The warmth of the sun, combined with the calming music, soon began to have a relaxing effect and made her sleepy, so Angela opened the window, hoping the breath of wind would keep her alert. She began searching for a rest stop.


Suddenly, in front of her appeared a sharp turn.


Lexi finally climbed to the highway her mother had driven off and spotted Jim.

2021-07-08更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省襄阳市、宜昌市、荆州市、荆门市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题
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In the summer of 2002, Linda was about to enter sixth grade after having recently moved. Being new to town, her mother decided to sign her up for Girl Scouts(女童子军). The benefits of the Girl Scouts were well-known:developing leadership skills, creating a strong sense of self, encouraging healthy relationships among others. One of the most important parts of the program involved developing healthy relationships, often leading to unbreakable bonds, sometimes through the Buddy(伙伴) Program.

Soon Linda joined Pisgah Girl Scout Camp in Brevard, North Carolina, where she was paired with a buddy named Rose in a four-person tent. At camp, Linda and Rose's lives were closely connected together. As a Girl Scout, Linda was taught to have someone to rely on, to know where she is going, to talk over things, and to make friends. Little did she know how important that single skill would be in her life.

One afternoon, a storm blew in and sent the girls all to their tents. Lightning(闪电) struck a tree outside the girls' tent. As bad luck would have it, Linda had been standing on her metal bed at the time. Lightning traveled from the metal clothesline between that tree and another one-burning all the bathing suits-went down into the tree roots, which were tied up into the floorboards of the tents, and hit her bed. Very soon, two-thirds of Linda's body was burned. Linda was lying on the floor badly burned and unable to move.

The other three girls in the tent were frightened to death. They screamed and ran from the tent, not noticing what was happening to Linda, but Rose quickly realized her buddy was not among them.


Without a second thought, Rose went back to look for Linda, only to find her on the floor of the tent.


They finally got back in touch, and together, they toured the camp where they had got to know each other.

2021-07-05更新 | 467次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖北省2020-2021学年高二下学期7月统一调研考试英语试题(含听力)
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A Narrow Escape

There was a huge three-acre pond just a few kilometers from where we stayed. Since moving into our new home in the countryside, my brother, Jim and I used to often slip out to the pond where we would meet another friend. Dad had warned us not to risk staying anywhere near the pond area, particularly after a friend informed him that a crocodile(鳄鱼)had been spotted there. We paid no attention to his advice, though. This was our favorite playground and we were certainly not going to give it up.

On this particular afternoon, the three of us had just finished swimming, Jim and Syed were unwillingly making their way towards the spot where they had left their clothes. I stayed back and was bathing in the waist-deep water when I suddenly became aware of small waves forming on the surface of the water. I raised my head and looked at the waves. My eyes caught a motion in the water. A log, I thought. Then I saw it—its nose and mouth and its two wild eyes. "Jim..." I wept. Then I screamed with all my strength.

Jim turned his head in my direction and immediately recognized the danger. "Get out of the water, Jeff. Hurry! It's just behind you."

I struggled clumsily in the water. After a few falls and rises, I reached the edge of the pond. I looked over my shoulder. Moving swiftly towards me was a giant crocodile. I froze. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Meanwhile, Jim and Syed screamed and started throwing stones at the crocodile and managed to draw its attention away from me. The crocodile went for them now. As it opened its jaws, I could see its pointed teeth. I tried to move but a stabbing pain(刺痛)short through me. I fell down heavily onto the ground, lying in a pool of blood.


Meanwhile, our screams were heard by two hunters who were not far away from us.


When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a totally unfamiliar environment.

2021-07-04更新 | 445次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省龙岩市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
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“What a lovely place for a summer vacation, said my friend Allison, as we stood on the cliffs of the coast. I nodded as my eyes rested on the lighthouse of a cliff (悬崖)connected to the mainland. Suddenly I heard a voice, <4Good morning,“ Turning around, I saw Allison's sister, ten-year-old Jenny. "What do you want to do? We have the whole day free,” she shouted.

“What about rowing our boat to the lighthouse?” I suggested.

The idea was met with favor and we went down the rest of the way to the beach. There our boat lay pulled up on the beach. Allison and Jenny quickly got into the boat as I pushed it into the calm waters.

We set out at a slow speed towards the lighthouse. We were about one fourth of a mile away from the lighthouse when, to my surprise, a huge black cloud was forming out at the sea and rapidly heading for our way. We looked and my heart almost stopped beating. I began rowing for the shore at a speed which would have won my race I ever entered.

Big waves danced on the sea which I had seen so calm an hour before.

“Better put our life jackets on!” Allison advised.

Jenny quickly reached under her seat and pulled out three life jackets. She put one on, and then handed another two to Allison and me. Rowing quickly, I couldn't stop to put mine on. Jenny did the task. I tried my best to row, but with waves crashing against the boat, it was no easy task.

“Do you think we will turn over? cried Allison's voice above the wind.

How I wanted to say no. Instead, I told the truth, t4We might, so prepare to swim for it.”

Jenny didn't say anything, but I knew she was frightened. Suddenly she cried out, “A big wave is coming!


Allison tried to turn the boat so we would hit the wave head on, but it was in vain.


When I awoke I didn't know where I was.

2021-06-28更新 | 594次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省宿迁市2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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It was late, about 10:15 p.m., when Janice arrived at the Bellport, New York train station. She’d just returned from visiting her mother who lives in Philadelphia. Brought up by the single mother alone since 4 years old, Janice made it a rule to visit her every other month. She quickly got off the train, walked into the parking lot and jumped into her car. All these were so familiar to her since she had traveled the route so many times. After a short break, Janice happily began the 20-minute drive home. She knew that her husband and seven-year-old son were eagerly waiting for her return.

She was practically driving on automatic pilot: a left onto Station Road, then a left on Montauk Highway, and then ― wham! Out of nowhere on that awful night, a minivan (小面包车) hit Janice’s car, knocking her backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. Janice sat in the car, injured but mostly just shocked by the impact (撞击) and by the vehicle’s airbags. Realizing what had happened after a few seconds, she was scared and tried to escape from the car. But she failed to open the door. Hopeless, she could only pray that someone might pass by and save her.

As it happened, Peter was getting ready for bed. He’d just closed his book and was going to bed when he heard the loud sound of metal on metal and shattering (破碎) glass coming from not far outside his bedroom window. A volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, Peter, 64, never stopped to think. He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the door in his nightclothes, knowing that there could be a car accident nearby and it was difficult for the police to reach there in a short time on such a dark night.

The first car he came upon, 2,000 feet from his front yard, was the minivan that had hit Janice’s. Peter rushed over to check if the driver was alive. Once he concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Janice’s car on the railroad tracks.

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All of a sudden, he heard a sound: the bells signalling an on-coming train.


As a volunteer firefighter, Peter calmly ran to the passenger side.

2021-06-17更新 | 456次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东省新泰市第一中学东校2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
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Pam Bales planned a six-hour hike through New Hampshire^ Mount. On the dashboard (汽车仪表板) was a detailed plan ensuring she could return before the arrival of some forecasted bad weather. Different from former hike, though, this time, she had packed for almost every accident and intended to walk alone.

At about 8 a.m., she'd checked the weather forecast. Bales knew from experience that her hike was realistic. Besides, she had two emergency plans and extra layers of clothing to better protect her core temperature as conditions changed.

Bales felt excited as she walked up into snowy paths. She was wearing a fleece tank top (绒衣)and hiking pants, and no gloves or hat because the air was mild. Thirty minutes later, she climbed into colder air and deeper snows. She now was in a quarter-zip fleece top and gloves. At 10 a.m.? the weather was showing its teeth. Bales added more layers to resist cold winds and dense fog. Making her way across the snow-covered ridge, she noticed something: a single set of footprints made by a pair of sneakers. Not giving them much thought, she walked on.

By 11 a.m.? Bales was getting cold. She decided to return to her car. On her way down, she again spotted the sneaker tracks, which suddenly made a hard left-hand turn off the trail. Now she felt genuinely alarmed. She was sure the hiker lost his way in the low visibility. If Bales continued to follow the tracks, she'd add risk and time to her return. But she couldn't let this go. She turned to the left and called out, “Hello!" Nothing.

Bales followed the tracks, rounded a slight comer and saw a man sitting motionless. He wore tennis sneakers, shorts, a light jacket and fingerless gloves. His skin was pale and he had a glazed (呆滞的)look on his face. uOh5 hello/5 Bales approached and said, "What's your name?” The man didn't react. Obviously, nothing was connecting for him and he was in really big trouble.

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Bales stopped being a curious and concerned hiker, and began a full-on rescue mission.


Over the next hour, the man began to move and speak.

2021-06-06更新 | 344次组卷 | 2卷引用:山东师范大学附属中学2021届高三打靶模拟考试英语试题
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It was August. We were on vacation, just my six-year-old son Kevin and I, for my husband was always busy. Having driven from our home in the city to a remote and peaceful place, we wouldn’t see friends or family—it would be a nice, safe, socially distanced week away. We had hiked about half mile to an attractive spot called Diana’s Baths, which afforded visitors an expanse of transparent water. The water flows and then falls off a series of big flat stones, making itself a small waterfall, about 7 inches high.

Several couples and their kids in swimsuits were playing to their heart’s content in the water. We joined them. I watched as some younger parents nervously drove their babies away from the stones edges. Fast-moving water made standing there quite dangerous, for I saw a certain kid with curly hair missed a step and almost fell down. The air was full of shouts and laughter. I felt so lucky that I didn’t always need to fix my eyes on my son. Kevin could navigate his physical space with more confidence and care. But I was still terrified when I saw Kevin jump between the slippery rocks.

But with the passing of time, I soon relaxed, and we were both having fun, my kid splashing and kicking in the cool water, laughing heartily as I put my head under the cold running water.

Then seconds later, every fear I’d ever had rose to the surface. I lifted my head, turned and saw Kevin sitting between two stones, with the rushing water flowing around him. I could see he was shaking sometimes because of the water rapids. I yelled at him to get out. He yelled back something that I couldn’t hear.

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Suddenly he disappeared in front of my eyes.


When Kevin returned to normal. I learned the woman was a nurse.

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On a sunny Saturday in June, Alyson, 3, squealed(尖叫) with laughter as she and her mother, Marlen, played hide-and-seek in the front yard of their home. With Marlen close behind, tiny Alyson flashed into the backyard of an elderly neighbor. About halfway across the yard, Alyson suddenly disappeared, seemingly swallowed whole by a barely visible opening in the ground. Marlen screamed.

The neighbor’s caretaker, Luz, 26, was preparing dinner in the neighbor’s kitchen and assumed the shrieks were the sounds of children playing. But she ran outside anyway and found Marlen sobbing and Alyson’s sister Damary, 25, kneeing on the grass, dialing 911.

“Alyson fell in the hole!” Damary cried to Luz. Luz gave a quick glance down the hole in disbelief and saw only darkness. Then she heard Alyson’s wails(哭泣) from deep underground. “Hang on there, sweety. We’ll get you out soon.”

Luz ran inside the house and down to the basement for a ladder,which happened to be not very long. She then settled for a gray extension cord(延长线) to use as a rope with which to rappel(用绳索下降) into the hole. Back in the yard, she and Damary used their hands to dig at the hole,   widening the opening from 7 inches in diameter to about 20 inches.Marlen sat on the grass,too distracted to help.

At the thought that Alyson might get hurt and was too young to grasp and climb the rope on her own, Luz made up her mind to go down herself. When the police detective Aaron arrived a few minutes later, Luz was already in the hole up to her waist.

“Get out of here,” the officer told Luz, lifting her up by the arm. “It’s dangerous for you.”

“It’s more dangerous for the Baby,” she argued, “She’s going to die.”

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The detective begged Luz to wait for help, but she determined.


Minutes later, the Fire Department and Rescue Squad arrived.

2021-05-26更新 | 559次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市南开中学2021届高三下学期第七次质量检测英语试题
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