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| 共计 456 道试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |

1 . Where probably are the speakers?

A.In the street.B.In the police office.C.In the doctor’s office.
2023-03-09更新 | 546次组卷 | 6卷引用:浙江省湖州、丽水、衢州三地市2022-2023学年高三上学期11月教学质量测试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 困难(0.15) |
2 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Lost at sea

Two men from the Solomon Islands have been rescued after spending 29 days lost at sea.

The men     1     (travel) to another island when heavy rain and wind took them out to sea. The two men survived on oranges they had packed, coconuts they found in the sea and by gathering rainwater.

“I look forward to going back home     2     I guess it was a nice break from everything,” one of the men, Livae Nanjikana, told The Guardian.

Nanjikana and Junior Qoloni took off from Mono Island on Sept. 3 in a motorboat to travel 200 km to Noro on New Georgia Island. However, soon after they set out, their boat was hit by heavy winds and rain, which made unclear the coastline they were following     3     a guide. 

“When the bad weather came, it was bad, but it was     4     (bad) and became scary when the GPS died,” he said. “We couldn’t see where we were going and so we just decided to stop the engine and wait,     5     (save) fuel.”

When the rain had finally passed, Nanjikana and Qoloni had already drifted far out to sea. They spent the next 29 days     6     (live) off of limited supplies and by gathering rainwater with     7     they could make use of to keep themselves alive.

A fisherman found and rescued the two men on Oct. 2 off the coast of New Britain, Papua New Guinea, about 400 km from     8     they had started.

Nanjikana and Qoloni     9     (bring) to a local health clinic for treatment and are staying temporarily with a local man, Joe Kolealo, until they     10     return home.

2021-12-18更新 | 1399次组卷 | 2卷引用:二轮拔高卷02-【赢在高考·黄金20卷】备战2022年高考英语模拟卷(上海专用)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . It was the day before Thanksgiving and Kaleb Benham was wandering around outside his home in Noring California. His 90-pound pit bull, Buddy, was playing around nearby, doing what dogs do: getting into trouble. And this time, Buddy was getting into a whole lot of trouble.

The unmistakable sound that no one wants to hear alone in the woods caught Benham’s attention. It was the deep, strange roar of a black bear. Benham wheeled around to see the beast, which Benham figured weighed around 350 pounds, some 100 feet away. In an instant, the bear fastened on to Buddy’s head and started dragging him away.

Benham, a thin, fit 24-year-old, took off after them. “Honestly,” he told CBS13, “the only thing I could think of was ‘save my baby’.” Sprinting, he lowered his shoulder and plowed into the bear. But it only tightened its grip on Buddy. Benham grabbed the bear by the throat. Nothing. He tried getting its mouth open, but the jaw was locked tight. Benham resorted to street fighting—punching the bear over and over around its snout and eye. It worked. The bear dropped the dog and ran off into the woods.

Buddy was in bad shape. His face was bloodied and ripped up. His ears were dangling. He had a bite mark clear through his lip and one that barely missed an eye.

“My first thought was that I was going to lose him,” Benham said. He scooped up Buddy, put him into his car, and sped off to a nearby veterinarian. Buddy’s surgery took nearly four hours. Benham watched the procedure through a window. “I just stood there,” he said, watching as Buddy’s ears were stapled back on and skin flaps were stitched, and tubes were inserted into his head to drain fluid.

This was the second time Benham had rescued Buddy, says CBS13. The first was from a shelter a few years ago. “If it was your kid, what would you do?” he asked. Nodding toward Buddy, he added, “That’s my kid.”

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.A demanding surgery.B.A regular routine.
C.A fearless pet dog.D.A daring rescue.
2. Why did the author mention the weight of the bear in paragraph 2?
A.To show the difficulty of the rescue.
B.To indicate the obesity of the bear.
C.To prove the excitement of Benham.
D.To describe the fear in Buddy’s heart.
3. How was the dog finally saved from the bear?
A.Benham bumped into the beast with dropped shoulder.
B.Benham forced open the beast’s mouth with locked jaw.
C.Benham crushed the beast’s mouth and nose repeatedly.
D.Benham finally conquered the beast by grabbing its throat.
4. Which word can best describe the relationship between Benham and Buddy?
完形填空(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Every birthday had been a different new experience for me. But I wondered_________no one greeted me that day. It seemed all had forgotten my birthday. So I pretended to be _________.

I pepped(窥视)through the comer of my eyes. I could hear them_________, pretending to have forgotten my birthday. But I knew their _________and I was not going to fall prey.

“Samantha, you want to celebrate your birthday...”

I rolled_______, trying to rise from bed, but something held me back. This was the day of my life when I felt like a(n)_______. It was the day of demands turned into_______. So I was not going to miss it for_______. I opened my eyes fully and got up when suddenly someone_______me back to bed.

“Doctor please come quickly...” I could hear the lady________as a nurse whispering on the telephone. All around me were oxygen masks and other medical equipment. Slowly I realized I was lying in a(n)________.

Soon the doctor came rushing. He closely________me and smilingly asked, “Samantha, do remember how you came here?”

I tried hard to recollect but the doctor patted on my hands and said, “it’s________ if you don’t remember.”

The door opened and my parents along with my sister Miranda walked in. All their ________ tired, over cried and depressed. My mom hugged and kissed me on my forehead. “Queen Samantha I am at your________. Happy birthday.” I could feel Miranda cold as she held my hands. My dad stood silent.

My entire body was bound with________. I closed my eyes and tried to recall. The last thing I could remember was a________ driven truck drove towards my car.

Within minutes I felt my body growing weak, and I struggled for________. Everything looked vague till I could see and hear nothing except for a misty________. He welcomed me with a smile.

“Welcome to my kingdom, my little lamb. I have waited years for you”. I held his hands tightly as He led my way to a new________.

A.up and downB.in and outC.round and roundD.back and forth
2022-05-09更新 | 341次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届四川省成都石室中学2021-2022学年高三下学期三诊模拟考试英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Peru demanded compensation (赔偿金) Wednesday from Spanish energy giant Repsol over an oil spill (石油泄漏). It might be caused by sudden and big _________ from a volcanic eruption near Tonga in the South Pacific because volcanic eruption can cause waves.

Authorities _________ three beaches on Monday _________ 6,000 barrels (桶) of oil were spilled during the _________ of an oil-transporting ship at the Pampilla oil-processing factory off the coast near Lima. The Repsol oil spill “is the worst _________ disaster in Lima in recent times, and has caused serious _________ to hundreds of _________ families. “Repsol must make an immediate _________ for their loss,” the authority said on Twitter. “This terrible situation has put plants and animals _________ in two protected areas,” it noted. Peruvian authorities found lots of dead sea animals __________ in oil. The spill happened on Saturday at the oil-processing factory in the Lima region, __________ a 3-kilometer stretch of beaches.

Officials of the factory __________ described the spill as “limited” and said it was working with authorities to __________ the beaches. “Controlling barriers that cover all of the affected __________ have been set up. And a team of __________ in sea and land have been sent,” said the factory, which __________ the spill on the waves caused by the volcanic eruption more than 10,000 kilometers away but not a bit on the mishandling of the workers who moved the oil barrels off the __________.

The oil-processing factory could face a __________ of up to $32.3 million, the __________ ministry of Peru said on Monday. And the prosecutors (公诉人) have opened an __________ into the company for environmental pollution.

A.in advanceB.in airC.at riskD.at work
A.clean upB.take upC.build upD.cut up
2022-02-24更新 | 339次组卷 | 2卷引用:贵州省贵阳市2021-2022学年高三适应性考试一(一模)英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 容易(0.94) |
6 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Where are the speakers?
A.In the office.B.At home.C.At the airport.
2. Why did the man miss his flight?
A.He got up late.B.The traffic was bad.C.His car broke down.
3. How did the man go home?
A.By taxi.B.By subway.C.By bus.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料 ,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段 ,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was in the eighth grade, I became interested in mountain climbing. Then I climbed my first mountain— a fairly gentle 3,900-foot peak near where I live in surrey, British Columbia. I loved the challenge of conquering something bigger than myself. I like climbing more and more. Soon I’d climbed nearly l00 peaks. My parents were happy I’d finally found a hobby.

Two years ago, on December 30, when I was 16, I drove to Oregon to climb 11,240-foot Mount Hood with my friend Mel Olsen. It’s safer to start winter climbs at night when there’s less risk of the sun melting the snowpack (积雪). That day, we started at 3 a.m. The temperature was about 14 degrees. Along the way, we met two other climbers, and the four of us continued on together.

After about five hours, we reached Devil’s Kitchen, a plateau at about l0,000 feet. By this point, the wind conditions were nasty (极糟糕的). My exposed skin felt as though it were burning. The trail we followed grew narrower and steeper. At around 9 a.m. , we reached an ice step. I volunteered to go first. I placed my left foot on it.

Confident I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise, and a whole slab of ice broke off the step, right under my foot.

In an instant, I fell backward, rolling down the mountain as if I were a character in a video game. After a few seconds, I came to a stop on a shallow slope just above the Devil’s Kitchen. I’d fallen 600 feet. My clothes were torn into small pieces, my helmet was broken, and my face was bloodied from cuts and scratches. Fortunately, for the most part, I was fine, except that I was suffering from a sharp, great pain in my left leg.

l. 续写词数应为 l50 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

I yelled for help.


This accident made me have a deep reflection, but I was back climbing again.

2022-10-29更新 | 260次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖南省郴州市高三上学期第一次教学质量监测英语试卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
8 . 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

Ken Scott kicked off the covers and leapt out of bed at his home in the Rocky Mountain town of Mullan, Idaho. He’d just heard on the radio that the nearby Silver Mountain Resort had been blessed with nearly a foot and a half of new snow. As an experienced ski addict, he didn’t want to miss this big golden opportunity. These conditions are what skiers live for.

When Scott reached Silver Mountain’s locker room, he came across his friend Paul, a former ski instructor who had also been a regular on these slopes for more than two decades. Both of them were exhilarated. Before setting off, it was Paul’s routine to check his phone tightly fixed inside his parka (风 雪外套). For the next hour the pair skied on various runs under a lightly dull sky, making fresh tracks. They were both in a playful mood, laughing as they tackled the steep runs.

Almost immediately, the snow beneath their feet gave way. In a millisecond, Paul realized what was happening. “Avalanche! (雪崩)” he yelled to Scott, who was not far behind. Scott responded. The sudden snow slide caused fear in his voice. “This is happening!” Instantly, both were hit by a mass of snow that would hit and carry them some 500 feet down the mountain. Scott felt it surrounding and enclosing him, moving quickly up his back and over his shoulders, then heavy against his neck. Snow filled the space in front of him and piled up around the whole of him. Paul, too, was swept downhill.

They remembered the avalanche survival lessons they had learned. Keep your head up. Try to swim. Stay on top of the snow. But the snow was too powerful and they felt themselves rolling like a load of clothes in a washing machine. When Scott finally came to rest, he was lying on his left side and completely buried, skis and poles still attached.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:

Paul was luckier, ending up partially buried and probably surviving.

Paragraph 2:

Recalling the terrible experience, Scott thanked his friend and the rescue team.

2022-01-20更新 | 273次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆外国语学校、西南大学附属中学校2021-2022学年高三上学期“一诊”模拟联合考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On a late afternoon, Brandon finished feeding his cows on the farm and decided to go back with his two sons, Louie, 6, and Everett, 3. As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of their father. Suddenly Brandon was aware he forgot to close the door of the barn (牲口棚). He told the boys to wait for him at the gate and returned to lock it. When he was at the gate minutes later, he saw only his youngest son.

“ Where’s Louie? ” he shouted.

“He fell in the hole!” Everett said.

Brandon quickly realized what had happened. Noooo, he thought. Louie can barely swim! He ran to the well and heard Louie splashing, trying not to . Instinctively, he jumped in.

Somehow Brandon managed to grab on to a pipe that ran down the side of the well, which slowed his fall and kept him from crushing (挤压) his son.

Finally, Brandon hit the freezing water at the bottom of the well. He popped his head out of the water and grabbed Louie, who was panicking and trying to stay afloat in water that was too deep for either of them to stand. Knowing they could tread (踩水) for only so long, Brandon lifted his son onto his chest as he packed his own back against the narrow walls for support.

“All right, Dad, you can pull us out now,” Louie said.

If only it were that easy. There was no way he could climb out. The pipe that he’d grabbed during his fall was too slippery to be of any use. There was only one way out.

Looking up to see Everett peering down at them from the top of the well, Brandon shouted, “Everett, you’re going to have to be a big boy and save us. Run to the road and stand by the mailbox until someone stops. Tell them we need help. ”

Everett did as he was told. He stood alone by the side of the road, waving to stop someone.


After a while, Chris and Mark, nearby farmers, were driving by the farm.


Twenty minutes later, Louie emerged (出现), then Brandon, both cold and wet.

书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

One of my most memorable trips took place during the summer vacation about three years ago, when my sister, my aunt and I took a trip to Spain because we were moving. On the day of the trip, I lay in bed thinking about my friends whom I was going to leave behind and thoughts were flooding in.

When we arrived at the hire station, we seemed to have some problems with our luggage because it was too much for a taxi, so we had to book a van (厢式送货车) to take our luggage to the airport. We waited for a long period to find a perfect van that would fit our luggage.

Before leaving, I felt very bad because I was going to a different country and was going to miss all my friends and family. I was not comfortable and cried.

The journey was almost perfect at the beginning, but soon it began to rain. Because of the rain, the drivers could not see far away, which caused a huge traffic jam. I was sitting by the window with a can of Coke that I had bought in the store earlier. My aunt and sister fell asleep, and during this time. I felt bored and thought about other things that bothered me. My eyes turned to the mountain in front of us.

A bus suddenly appeared in the picture. It was very close to us. Cars sped past us without any speed limit. Beside me was a very deep lake: I wondered to myself what if something or someone fell inside it. Suddenly, a bus in front of our van stopped, and because it was raining heavily and the van was going fast, no one could see what was going to happen. Then, bang, we bumped into each other. Our van overturned, but luckily, it didn’t fall into the lake. People came to help us get out of the van because we were blocked and the driver was half-dead.


We struggled to get out of the van and everything we had was gone.


I was losing a lot of blood and then the emergency aid came.

2022-01-23更新 | 486次组卷 | 7卷引用:辽宁省2021-2022学年高三一轮复习联考(五)新高考全国II 英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般