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语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

When the Titanic was built, people assumed it would never sink. So,     1     it sank on its first journey, the news surprised everyone greatly. The Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland. Its makers spent a great deal of money     2    (build) the extraordinary ship. When it was finished, it was the     3     (large) and most comfortable ship ever built.

The Titanic set sail on 10 April 1912. “I had wanted to set foot on the Titanic ever since it was built,” said Molly Brown, a Titanic     4    (survive). “I never imagined it would sink!” On 13 April, the Titanic was sailing     5     full speed towards New York. The captain,     6     had received warnings about icebergs all day, had dismissed the warnings as they arrived. At 2.20 a. m.,the Titanic sank into the sea. It had hit     7     iceberg just over two hours before. Of the 2,208 people aboard the ship, only 705 survived.

Explorer Robert Ballard     8    (search) for the Titanic for more than 20 years before he found it. “When new technology was developed, we used it to send     9    (camera) down into the sea.     10    (final),we found the ship.”With the cameras, he was able to find the hole along the side of the ship which had caused it to fill with water and sink.

2021-07-03更新 | 93次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市天心区长郡中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期末英语试卷
完形填空(约440词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Did Tea and Beer Bring About Industrialization?

Professor Macfarlane has spent decades trying to understand the mystery of the Industrial Revolution. Why did it happen in Britain at the end of the 18th century?

Macfarlane compares the question as a puzzle. He ________ that there were about 20 different factors and all of them needed to be present before the revolution could happen. The chief ________ can be found in history textbooks. For industry to ________, there needed to be the technology and power to drive factories, large urban populations to provide cheap labor, a ________ economy, and a political system that allowed this to happen. All these factors must have been necessary but not sufficient to cause the revolution. Most historians, however, are ________ that one or two missing factors are needed to solve the puzzle. The missing factors, Macfarlane supposes, are tea and beer.

Historians had noticed one interesting factor around the mid-18th century that required the ________. Between 1650 and 1740, the population in Britain didn’t increase, but then it grew rapidly. The population burst seemed to happen at the right time to provide labor for the Industrial Revolution. But why? When it started, it was ________ efficient to have people living close together. People got diseases, particularly from human waste. Some historical records ________ that there was a change in the incidence (发病率)of waterborne disease at that time. Macfarlane thought whatever the British were drinking must have been important in ________ disease. The English drank beer for a long time, and they were protected by the strong antibacterial agent in hops (啤酒花), which were added to make beer. But in the late 17th century a tax was ________ on malt, a basic ingredient of beer. The poor turned to water and gin, and in the 1720s the death rate began to rise again. Then it suddenly dropped. What caused this?

Macfarlane looked to Japan, which was also developing large cities at the same time. Waterborne diseases were far fewer in Japan than in Britain. Could it be the ________ of tea in their culture? Macfarlane then noticed the history of tea in Britain provided an extraordinary ________ of dates. Tea was relatively expensive until Britain started direct trade with China in the early 18th century. By the 1740s, about the time the infant death rate was falling, and the drink was common. Macfarlane ________ the fact that water had to be boiled, together with the stomach-purifying properties of tea so clearly ________ in books, meant the breast milk provided by mothers was healthier than it had ever been. No other European nation drank tea so often as the British, which, by Macfarlane’s ________, pushed other nations out of the race for the Industrial Revolution.

A.take offB.keep upC.look overD.knock out
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Crazy Horse grew up riding horses and hunting buffalo (野牛). But it was his being brave in the battle that earned him the name “Crazy Horse”. This was also his father’s name.Crazy Horse was one of the greatest Native American chiefs. When the United States government tried to force Native Americans to live on reservations, Crazy Horse fiercely defended his people’s land and their way of life.

Today, Crazy Horse is remembered mostly for a victory over United States Army troops. The loser in that battle was even more famous. His name was George Armstrong Custer. The battle in which Crazy Horse defeated Custer is often called “Custer’s Last Stand”. A monument to Crazy Horse is being carved out of a mountain in South Dakota. The statue of this hero will be 600 feet (180 metres) high. The head is finished. It alone is as tall as a nine-story building.

Crazy Horse was born in a Sioux Indian camp near present-day Rapid City, South Dakota, in about 1849. Even as a child, he was known as a hunter and fighter. Before he turned 12, he killed his first buffalo. Soon after, he made his first raid (袭击) on a Crow Indian Camp. In 1874, gold was discovered on Sioux land in South Dakota. People flooded in, despite a treaty that kept white settlers off this sacred Sioux land. Crazy Horse and another Sioux chief, Sitting Bull, decided to fight. On 25 June 1876, Lieutenant Colonel Custer and his troops advanced on Sitting Bull’s camp on the Little Bighorn River in Montana. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse led their fighters in a fierce attack. Custer and his men were quickly wiped out in the Battle of the Little Bighorn. After the battle, government officials were determined to force the Sioux onto reservations. Most of the Sioux surrendered. However, Crazy Horse refused to abandon his independent way of life.

During the winter of 1876 and 1877, the Army chased Crazy Horse and his people over the Great Plains. By then, very few buffalo were left, and Crazy Horse could not feed his people. On 6 May 1877, he and his followers gave up their weapons and horses at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Crazy Horse was promised that his people could have their own reservation in Wyoming. This promise was broken. The enemy was afraid that Crazy Horse might try to fight again. Crazy Horse was arrested (逮捕). When he protested, a soldier killed him. Crazy Horse died shortly afterwards, on 5 September 1877.

1. The “loser” from the second paragraph refers to________.
A.Crazy HorseB.George Armstrong CusterC.Last StandD.Sitting Bull
2. A monument is being carved mainly to praise Crazy Horse’s ________.
A.bravery in the battle against the governmentB.hardship in the battle against his enemy
C.contributions to the governmentD.his independent way of life
3. Why was Crazy Horse arrested?
A.He and his men had found no food to eat.B.He was unwilling to keep his promise.
C.His enemy thought he might make trouble.D.He protested against the government.
4. The “reservations” in this passage must be ________.
A.places officially offered in big citiesB.places of the whites’ native home
C.new places kept as Indians’ schoolsD.limited places left for the Native Americans
2021-04-30更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省娄底市第一中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般