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1 . Some Facts about Britain

School-leaving age

Children have to stay at school until the age of 16. There is no upper age limit.


You have to be 18 to buy alcohol in a shop, but if you’re 16 and you’re having a meal in a pub, you can drink beer or wine with it.

Motor vehicles

16-year-olds can ride a motorbike of up to 50 cc. At 17 you can ride any bike or drive a car.


You can smoke cigarettes at any age, but you can’t go into a shop and buy them until you are 18.

Armed forces

Men can join the army at 16, women at 17. If you’re under 18, you need your parents’ permission.


You can get married at 16 with your parents’ permission. Otherwise you have to wait till you’re 18.

Paid employment

You can take a part-time job at 14, and a full-time job at 16 (i.e. when you’ve left school).

Entering Parliament(议会)

The minimum age for becoming a Member of Parliament is 21.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.People and employment.B.Children and smoking.
C.Age and the law.D.Safety and traffic.
2. When a British boy is 14 years old, he can probably          .
A.take a part-time jobB.drink beer or wine
C.drive a carD.buy cigarettes
3. The minimum age for entering Parliament in Britain is           .
4. According to the passage, we may know that in Britain           .
A.people can get married at 18
B.people can buy alcohol in a shop at 16
C.children have to study at school until 18
D.a girl of 17 can join the army without asking her parents
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