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1 . Food brings us together and connects us to our families, friends, nature and to foreign cultures. Food is universal. Food waste, on the other hand, has become a universal problem, as it significantly contributes to climate change. Luckily, there are countries that have laws to require supermarkets or other businesses to donate unsold food.

About one third of all food grown for human consumption is thrown out or wasted according to the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO). This creates both environmental and financial problems, since traditional agriculture requires large amounts of resources including land and water. Food production is also a major cause of greenhouse gases and climate change.

Food waste occurs at every step of food production from the field to the store. In fact, fruits, vegetables, and roots have the highest waste. Donating food that is unusually wasted does not mean giving away damaged food. Sometimes it is simply a case of food being mislabeled, a can that has a torn label, or slightly bruised fruit.

To reduce both the financial and environmental pressure, Italy passed a law to encourage businesses and farmers to donate unsold food to charities. Companies that donate their leftovers will pay lower taxes on waste removal.

Waste management is also a very costly thing for governments. In fact, according to Global Citizen, in 2016, Italy spent over $13.3 billion on waste management. The idea behind the law is that when it is economic and convenient, companies will happily follow the law.

France was the first country to pass a food donation law in 2016. It required supermarkets that are at least 4,300 square feet to donate unsold food to charity. Since then, 90 percent of supermarkets began donating food, the number of which was 66 percent before the law.

To increase food donations, Israel passed a law in 2018 to ensure that unused food from restaurants, hotels and other places goes to the people that need it most.

1. What does paragraph 2 focus on?
A.FAO's guidelines.B.Human eating diets.
C.Global climate change.D.Food waste problems.
2. What is most likely to be given away according to the law?
A.Heavily broken canned food.B.Unhealthy vegetables.
C.Slightly bruised fruit.D.Damaged food.
3. What benefit will the Italian government get from the law?
A.It will sell donated food to make money.B.It will ask companies to pay higher taxes.
C.It will save money on waste management.D.It will attract more international companies.
4. What is known about the food donation law?
A.It seems difficult to pass in Israel.B.It takes effect gradually in France.
C.It is just applied in supermarkets.D.It is an unsuccessful try in France.
2021-02-06更新 | 89次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省荆州市六县市区2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)

2 . To answer a suit(诉讼)against its “no outside food and drink ”policy, Shanghai Disneyland said on Monday that the policy is similar to that of many other theme parks across China and that guests are welcome to enjoy their own food and drink outside the park.

The suit was brought by a law school student in Shanghai. She was told by park workers to either throw away the snacks she had brought in her backpack or finish them. In order to get into the park, she gave up the snacks, which were worth 46.3 yuan. What’s more, she failed to call the police and the municipal(市政的)official complaint hotlines.

The student, surnamed Wang, was a junior from East China University of Political Science and Law. She made the trip to the park in late January and brought the case(案件)to the People’s Court(法院)of Pudong New Area where the theme park is located. She called for the park’s rule to be changed and for the park to pay for her loss. The case was heard on April 23 and the decision is pending(待定).

Since a number of Chinese media reported the case over the weekend, the case has caused lots of discussions. They wonder whether it is reasonable for the world’s second largest Walt Disney park not to allow visitors to bring their own food. Most agree that the food and drinks sold in the park are too expensive, making the purpose of making money behind the policy appear too proud.

This is not the first time that Shanghai Disneyland has got sued(起诉)over the policy. In June 2018, a lawyer from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, tried to take the theme park to court by the same reason. But the court turned down his appeal.

1. What did Shanghai Disneyland think of its policy?
2. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that_______ .
A.the student had to give up her snack
B.the police answered the students call
C.the student got into the park, with the snacks
D.the government hotline answered the call
3. The Walt Disney park stops visitors from bringing their own food mainly because of_______.
A.the park’s safetyB.visitors’ health
C.making moneyD.playing games
4. This passage may be found in the section of " _______" in a newspaper.
2021-02-02更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西百色市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末教学质量调研测试英语试题(含听力)

3 . Knock knock. Starting from Nov. 1, people will be knocking on doors across the country to collect personal information. But don't panic. This is for the seventh national population(人口普查).

The Chinese population census takes place every 10 years. It gathers data including name, age, ID number, gender, education, job, marital status and housing situation.

Tracking down more than 1 billion Chinese citizens is by no means easy. This year, about 7 million staff will be needed to visit homes for registration work, according to Xinhua. New methods will also be used during this census, including online information registration, application of electronic devices and big data.

Compared with previous surveys, new methods will be convenient for people who are not living where they are officially registered, as well as those who do not want to be bothered by census takers' door-to-door surveys. The new methods also reduce census takers' workload.

The data is expected to give a full picture of the population, including its size, structure and distribution and recent changes. It provides support for making national development policies.

The census has a large impact on our lives. For instance, areas with a high number of children may receive more funding for public schools. Researchers can use the results to investigate population trends in different cities. The census will help to find out the number of foreigners living in China. It can also tell how many Chinese people have moved to other countries.

However, citizens' privacy concerns could be one of the biggest challenges. Some may not be willing to give their personal information to census takers because they are worried about what the data would be used for.

There are also worries about privacy leakage among the public.

In response to such concerns, Jiangsu's pilot work zone allowed residents to upload personal data on their own through WeChat, which avoids information leakage. The data will be delivered directly to the National Bureau of Statistics through a WeChat program, the Global Times reported.

1. Who can benefit from new methods during this census?
A.People whose work as census takers.
B.People who are living where they are officially registered.
C.People who prefer to be bothered by census takers' door-to-door surveys.
D.People who are worried about personal data.
2. What does the underlined word "it” refer to in paragraph 6?
A.The number.B.The census.
C.A large impact.D.China.
3. According to the passage, how did Jiangsu avoid information leakage ?
A.The National Bureau of Statistics requires residents to make their information secure.
B.Residents' personal information will be protected safely by census takers.
C.Residents can use WeChat to deliver their personal data to the National Bureau of Statistics .
D.Residents can refuse to provide their information as they like.
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To tell us people will be knocking on doors across the country.
B.To clarify the importance of privacy.
C.To report the results of the census.
D.To inform us national survey trials new methods.

4 . A teenager of 17 walks into a corner store and grabs a Coca-Cola, but the cashier refuses to sell it to him because he is underage. That rule is expected to soon become reality in parts of Mexico, as lawmakers in several states push legislation (立法)to keep junk food away from children. know it can sound a bit difficult but we have to take action now," says Lopez, a lawmaker in Oaxaca's Congress.

More than 70,000 Mexicans have died from COVID-19, the world's fourth-highest recorded death toll, tracked by Johns Hopkins University. 89% of those who died in Mexico had an underlying medical condition such as obesity, diabetes (糖尿病),high blood pressure and heart problems. That has led to a new urgency to change diets so that the younger generation doesn't suffer those illnesses.

The critics, however, say the leaders are using preexisting health conditions in COVID-19 patients to distract from a weak government response to the virus outbreak. Yet few people would deny that the country consumes large amounts of sugar-sweetened drinks and processed snacks with little nutrition --- or that Mexico has a major weight problem.

Oaxaca's governor approved the state's junk food prohibition last week. Legislators still have to complete the legal systems, and punishment could include fines and even jail. Lopez says legislators from all over the country have called her for advice. Many other states are debating a junk food ban. However, a nationwide law would not be easy. "There are powerful commercial interests that least want it to happen, but we must prioritize the well-being of our children,"   Lopez says.

1. What is Lopez 's attitude towards the junk food?
2. What does the underlined word "distract" mean in paragraph 3?
A.Keep distance.B.Avoid illnesses.
C.Break away.D.Shift attention.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Selling children junk food has been banned nationwide in Mexico.
B.Most Mexicans who died of COVID-19 had other health problems.
C.The younger generation doesn't suffer any weight problems.
D.People who break the prohibition in Oaxaca will only be warned.
4. According to the last paragraph, who are most likely to oppose the legislation?
C.Soft drink companies.D.State governors.

5 . E-cigarettes Ban:Good news for Tobacco?

The proposed ban on flavored e-cigarettes may drive many Americans back to cigarettes,said Christopher Palmeri and Jeff Green in the Los Ange Times.

Responding to an outbreak of hundreds of serious lung illnesses from vapes(电子烟)that killed a seventh person this week, FDA(食物药品监管局)will outlaw everything but tobacco-flavored-cigarettes, as Michigan and New York state recently did. Flavors like buttered popcorn and mango helped create "an explosion" in teen vaping. But hundreds of thousands of teens already addicted to nicotine-and 9 million adults who vape--may simply replace vaping with tobacco products. By banning favored vapes the government may be "closing the shed door after the horse has gotten out."

Nobody vapes "because the flavor is so amazing," said David Marcus in The Federalist com. That's why the ban is so clueless."If kids want to taste bubble gum,they can buy,you know,bubble gum." Vaping giants like Juul need to be honest about the fact that they’re in the nicotine business, and monitor themselves accordingly. They should spend billions ensuring that stores don’t sell to minors instead of touting the "scientific conclusion"that e-cigarettes are safer than smoking. The burning involved in smoking cigarettes creates tar and a bunch of chemicals not present in e-cigarettes' watery vapor. True, but nicotine is also a dangerous and addictive drug and vaping liquid itself contains chemicals that damage blood vessels(血管)."The idea of safe smoking" is"a lie," and the vaping industry's fruit- and candy-flavored pods" are proof of evil intent."

"The massive increase in teen vapers" is a reasonable concern, said Robert Gebelhoff in Washington Post.com.But the evidence suggests that the lung illnesses that led the government to act were caused by black-market products cut with dangerous substance.Banning favored vapes will only drive more nicotine addicts and teens to the black market,which will be happy to provide fruity pods. Instead of banning flavors, the government "should empower the FDA to fully regulate the industry." That would let science,"not panic,guide our policy."

1. What led to the proposed ban on e-cigarettes?
A.Popular flavors like mango led to teen nicotine addiction.
B.The lack of proper legal supervision in the vaping industry.
C.An increased number of deaths resulting from lung diseases.
D.The sharp increase in the sale of unhealthy tobacco products.
2. What might happen if the ban takes effect?
A.FDA would regulate the tobacco industry more effectively.
B.The vaping industry would be more strictly monitored.
C.The evil intent of the vaping industry would be revealed.
D.The tobacco industry might regain its previous glory.
3. The underlined word "touting"probably means________.
4. What is the writer's attitude towards vape ban?

6 . Who cleans the dishes in an advertisement for dish soap? Maybe you automatically imagine a woman doing the job. Similarly, men are usually the owners and drivers in promotions(广告宣传) for cars. It seems that advertisements have created gender stereotypes (关于性别的刻板印象) for audiences.

Some people think that needs to change. In June, Advertising Standards Authority(ASA)in the UK set out a new rule, which states, “Ads must not include gender stereotypes that are likely to cause harm, or serious or widespread offence.”

“The evidence we published last year showed that harmful gender stereotypes in ads contribute to how people see themselves and their role in society. ” Ella Smillie, the ASA's project leader on gender stereotyping, told the BBC.

In the ASA's list of ads,a German milk powder manufacturer(制造商), for example, wanted to stress that their product helps children develop. Its poster featured a baby girl as a ballet dancer and a baby boy as an engineer.

These stereotypical roles in advertisements may mislead people as to what they can do with their lives. “It may hold some people back from fulfilling their potentials, or from aspiring(渴望) to certain jobs and industries, bringing costs for individuals and the economy,” Smillie told the Guardian.

Some may say that advertising is only a small reason that gender stereotypes exist,and regulating (规范) them won't solve the real problem.

But it can be a start. “While advertising is only one of many factors that contribute to unequal gender outcomes, tougher advertising standards can play an important role in tackling(处理) inequalities and improving outcomes for individuals, the economy and society as a whole,” Guy Parker, chief executive of the ASA, said in a news release.

1. For what purpose did the author write the first paragraph?
A.To entertain readers.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To inform the bad news.D.To stress the importance of ads.
2. Why must advertisements not include gender stereotypes?
A.Because they can have a negative influence on the audience.
B.Because they can increase the costs of many manufacturers.
C.Because they can discourage people from making money.
D.Because they can help advertisers to promote their products.
3. How does the author explain the gender stereotypes in ads?
A.By making a comparison.B.By providing statistics.
C.By presenting research findings.D.By using examples.
4. Where would this passage most probably appear?
A.An advertisement.B.A legal document.
C.A business newspaper.D.A medical magazine.

7 . Home to 8.2 million people, 36 percent of whom were born outside the United State, New York, known as the Big Apple, is the biggest city in America. Nearly twenty times bigger than the capital, Washington DC, you might expect New York to be twenty times more dangerous, actually, it’s safer. Recent figures show that New York now has fewer crimes per 100,000 people than 193 other US cities. It's also healthier than it used to be. For example, the smoking rate has gone down from 21.5 percent a few years ago, to 16.9 percent today.

New Yorkers should be delighted, shouldn't they? In fact, many feel that New York is losing its identity. It used to be the city that never sleeps. These days it's the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least, not in public). The Big Apple is quickly turning into the Forbidden Apple.

If you decided to have a picnic in Central Park, you'd need to be careful—if you decided to feed the birds with your sandwich, you could be arrested. It's banned. In many countries a mobile phone going off in the cinema is annoying. In New York it's illegal. So is putting your bag on an empty seat in the subway. If you went to a bar for a drink and a cigarette, that would be OK, wouldn't it? Er ... no. You can't smoke in public in New York City. In fact, you can't smoke outdoors on the street or in parks either. The angry editor of Vanity Fair magazine, Gray don Carter, says, “Under New York City law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work, but not an empty ashtray.” He should know. The police came to his office and took away his ashtray.

But not all of New York's citizens are complaining. Marcia Dugarry, seventy-two, said, "The city has changed for the better. If more cities had these laws, America would be a better place to live."

The new laws have helped turn the city into one of the healthiest—and most pleasant places to live in America—very different from its old image of a dirty and dangerous city. Its pavements are almost litter-free, its bars clean and its streets among America's safest. Not putting your bag on subway seats might be a small price to pay.

1. The author writes Paragraph 1 mainly to tell the reader that New York is________.
A.bigger than Washington D.C.B.the best place in the world
C.safer and healthierD.the most dangerous city
2. What does the underlined word "banned" in paragraph 3 possibly mean?
A.quite popularB.not allowed in lawC.very impoliteD.quite common
3. What does Gray don Carter believe?
A.Some of New York's new laws are not reasonable.
B.A gun is much easier to get than an ashtray.
C.The police had no right to take away his ashtray
D.there should be a law to keep guns away from people.
4. What is the writer's attitude towards New York's new laws?
A.The writer supports them.B.The writer is against them.
C.The writer is not interested in them.D.The writer's attitude is not clear.
2021-03-05更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市园区星海中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Parents usually teach their children how to cross the street safely by looking both ways for cars. But do they also teach them to put away their cell phones?

Texting while crossing the street will soon be forbidden in the city of Honolulu, Hawaii. Beginning on October 24, you could be fined from $15 to $99 if you step into a Honolulu street while looking at your phone. Honolulu is the first major U.S. city to forbid what is called "distracted (分心的) walking." It recently passed a law in a seven to two vote. The law says: "No pedestrian (行人) shall cross a street or highway while viewing a mobile electronic device (设备)." In other words, do not look at a screen when you cross the street or you could be fined.

The law’s creators hope it will lower the number of people hit and killed by cars in the city. Mayor Kirk Caldwell told Reuters news agency, "We hold the unfortunate distinction (区分) of being a major city with more pedestrians being hit in crosswalks, particularly our seniors (老年人), than almost any other city in the country."

The law includes all electronic devices with screens: cell phones, tablets, gaming devices, digital cameras and laptop computers. The law does permit an exception. Pedestrians may use such devices in the street to call emergency services and rescue workers, such as firefighters and police officers.

Pedestrian deaths have been increasing as the use of cell phones rises. The Governors Highway Safety Association says pedestrian deaths in the United States increased 25 percent between 2010 and 2015. That trend (趋势) continued in 2016 with the number of pedestrian deaths rising to almost 6000, 11% higher than in 2015.

If you still want to text while walking, you could avoid being fined in Honolulu (and be safer, in general) by using a voice-controlled digital assistant such as Siri or Google Assistant. Or you could just wait until you are again, safely, off the street.

1. What is the new law about in Honolulu, Hawaii?
A.Pedestrians must follow traffic rules while on the street.
B.Texting is not allowed while crossing the street.
C.Cell phones cannot be used for the sake of safety.
D.Ways to reduce deaths caused by traffic accidents.
2. What will happen to a pedestrian if he looks at a screen when crossing the street?
A.He will be grounded.B.His electronic device will be taken away.
C.He will receive a fine.D.His identity will be made public online.
3. How do you understand the underlined sentence in paragraph 4?
A.Only voice-controlled digital assistants can be used while walking.
B.Only police officers can use such devices when emergency arises.
C.Only one such device can be allowed to use when crossing the street.
D.Only in case of emergency can a pedestrian be allowed to use a cell phone .
4. Why is it necessary to pass such a law in Honolulu, Hawaii?
A.To cut down on accidents caused by "distracted walking".
B.To make sure electronic devices will be properly used.
C.To make the city as safe as the other ones while walking.
D.To force parents to teach their children to walk with care .
2021-11-04更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省诸暨市2017-2018学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题

9 . Pengci (碰瓷) has been a disgusting matter for a long time. When driving on a road, if you see an old man or woman walking by the road, you may be afraid that he or she will hit your car on purpose, and then ask you for much money. Even worse, it has been reported that a pupil saw an old woman fall onto the ground, so he walked over to help her. But she grabbed him and said she was pushed down by him. Then she tried to extort much money from the pupil’s parents.

What a shame! How to deal with it? Our authorities have taken aim at pengci.

On October 14, three top judicial (司法的) organs issued a guideline to clarify the application of the law in extortion cases involving deliberately fabricated (捏造的) accidents or similar happenings. The guideline was issued by the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. For the first time, authorities have defined the pengci trick, in which people pretend they have been harmed by another party and then ask that party for money or property as compensation.

The guideline stipulates (规定) punishment for the two main types of pengci-fraud and extortion. Criminals who intentionally or negligently cause harm to others while carrying out pengci tricks may be charged with the crimes of intentional homicide, intentional injury, negligently (疏忽地) causing others’ death or causing serious injury to others, the guideline said.

The guideline also stipulates that whoever deliberately causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim, which meets the relating provisions (条款) of the Criminal Law, shall be punished as the crime of extortion by blackmail.

According to this guideline, we can avoid being extorted by ill persons and warm-hearted persons can help those who really need help.

1. What does the underlined word“extort”in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Threaten to get something illegally.B.Earn something by working.
C.Ask somebody for something.D.Give something for free
2. Why was the guideline issued?
A.To protect old men and women.
B.To punish criminals seriously.
C.To help students do good deeds.
D.To clarify the application of the law in extortion cases.
3. Which of the following sentences is right?
A.All the criminals referred to in this passage shall be charged.
B.The guideline stipulates one who causes a traffic accident by chance shall be punished.
C.Those who play pengci tricks usually pretend to have been harmed.
D.If a man plays pengci tricks, he may be very poor.
4. If you notice a person fall onto the ground in future, what will you do?
A.Help cautiously when necessary.B.Help without hesitation.
C.Look on nearby.D.Call the police quickly.
2021-02-14更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省南阳市2020-2021学年高一秋季上学期英语期末考试试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Bringing goods into the UK

You are allowed to bring some goods for personal use without paying tax or duty.

Arrivals from EU countries

You can bring goods from EU countries without being charged tax or duty if they are:

● transported by yourself; ● a gift or for personal use; ● bought with tax and duty included.

You can bring alcohol and tobacco from EU countries without restriction but an inquiry(调查) might be required depending on the amount of your goods.

Arrivals from outside the EU

You will be free of duty or tax on certain amounts of goods brought from outside the EU, as long as they are for your own use. Any goods that are beyond your allowance should be declared.

Alcohol & tobacco allowance:

Type of goodsCigarettesCigarsTobaccoBeerWine(not sparkling wine)SpiritsAlcoholic drinks
Amount20050250 grams16 litres4 litres1 litre2 litres

Allowance for other goods:

The maximum value of other goods you can bring is £390. Any single item that is worth more than the allowance will be charged duty or tax on its full value.

The rate of duty or tax on items above the allowance is:

● 2.5% for goods worth up to £630;

● decided by the type of goods worth above £630 — check by calling the VAT, Customs.

Banned and restricted goods

Goods banned include:

● illegal drugs; ● offensive weapons; ● endangered animal and plant species;

● meat and dairy(乳制的) products from most non-EU countries.

Food and plant products restricted include:

● products containing pests and diseases; ● products grown outside the EU;

● products not for your own use.

1. Which of the following products from outside the EU has the largest duty-free allowance?
B.Wine (not sparkling wine).
D.Alcoholic drinks.
2. How much tax shall one coming from China pay for a ring bought in America worth £500?
A.£ 2.75B.£ 12.5C.£ 110D.£ 130
3. Which of the following items shall be banned or restricted?
A.A set of Russian dolls.
B.A bottle of French wine.
C.A brick of Japanese cheese.
D.A package of Spanish cigarettes.
共计 平均难度:一般