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广东 高三 阶段练习 2017-07-26 486次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇范围

一、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65)
Hundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland, but there were too many Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.
One night, the leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonight, my men,” he said. “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die.”
They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they were very tired, too, and one by one, they fell asleep.
The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillside, taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more,the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle(蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment,they were on their feet and ready for a battle. The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.
The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.
1. The result of the war is that ________.
A.the Scots defeated the Romans
B.the Romans killed all the Scots
C.the Scots were defeated
D.the Scots were driven out of Scotland
2. At the shout of a Roman soldier, all the Scots who were asleep at the hill ________.
A.woke and rose immediately, ready to fight
B.put their feet into their shoes at once and were ready to fight
C.stood up without putting on their shoes and began to fight
D.began to fight the Romans hard
3. The Scots made thistle their national flower because thistle ________.
A.gave them happiness
B.had so many sharp needles all over it
C.helped the Scots in wiping out the Romans
D.is lovely, though not beautiful
2016-12-13更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.64)
"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you carry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."
Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer. I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station and got turned down every time.
In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an inexperienced person. "Go out in the sticks(边缘地区) and find a small station that'll give you a chance," she said.
I thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois. While there was no radio-announcing job in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I applied. The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn't hired.
My disappointment must have shown. "Everything happens for the best," Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to job hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.
As I left his office, my frustration boiled over. I asked aloud, "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?" Then he put me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game.
On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother's words: "If you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."
I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.
4. The author dreamt of becoming ________.
A.a manager in a station
B.a football player
C.a manager in a sports department in Dixon
D.a sports announcer
5. The reason why author failed to find a job in Chicago may be that ________.
A.at the very beginning, he decided to become a sports announcer
B.the stations in Chicago had hired others
C.he had no working experience
D.he preferred to work in his hometown
6. Which of the following words can be used to best describe author?
A.Diligent and polite.
B.Persistent and inexperienced.
C.Confident and handsome.
D.Hardworking and energetic.
7. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.How to find a job
B.Peter MacArthur gave me a chance
C.Mother’s words
D.A lesson of life
2016-11-24更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65)
Cell phone feels like a part of your body? A global survey has found that most people can't live without their mobiles, never leave home without them and, if given a choice, would rather lose their wallet.
Calling mobile phones the "remote control" for life, market research firm Synovate's poll said cell phones are so ubiquitous that by last year more humans owned one than did not.
Three-quarters of the more than 8,000 respondents polled online in 11 countries said they take their phone with them everywhere, with Russians and Singaporeans the most attached.
More than a third also said they couldn't live without their phone, topped by Taiwanese and again Singaporeans, while one in four would find it harder to replace the mobile than their purse.
Some two-thirds of respondents go to bed with their phones nearby and can't switch them off, even though they want to, because they're afraid they'll miss something.
"Mobiles give us safety, security and instant access to information. They are the number one tool of communication for us, sometimes even surpassing face-to-face communication. They are our connections to our lives," Jenny Chang, Synovate's managing director in Taiwan, said in a statement.
Mobiles have also changed the nature of relationships, with the survey finding nearly half of all respondents use text messages to flirt, a fifth set up first-dates via text and almost the same number use the same method to end a love affair.
Apart from the obvious calling and texting, the top three features people use regularly on their mobile phones globally are the alarm clock, the camera and the games.
As for email and Internet access, 17 percent of respondents said they checked their inboxes or surfed the Web on their phones, led by those in the United States and Britain.
One in 10 respondents log onto social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace regularly via mobile, again led by Britain and the United States.
"As the mobile becomes more and more an all-in-one device, many other businesses are facing challenging times. The opportunities for mobile manufacturers and networks however are enormous," said Synovate's global head of media, Steve Garton.
Not everyone is tech savvy, however: 37 percent of respondents said they don't know how to use all the functions on their phone.
8. According to the passage, the top two regular functions of mobile phones may be________.
A.camera and game
B.calling and texting
C.email and calling
D.surfing and texting
9. According to Jenny Chang, why is cell phone important for people?
A.There are many functions on their phones.
B.About half of all respondents end a love affair via text.
C.Mobiles make people feel safe, secure and help them to get information.
D.Mobiles used as the tool of communication is not popular with people.
10. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Cell phone plays an important part in body.
B.As for most of people, wallet is less important than cell phone.
C.More humans would rather own their wallet than cell phones.
D.Poll considered mobile phones as the “remote control” for life.
11. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean?
2016-12-13更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.64)
Attitude is an internal(内在的) state that influences the choices of personal action made by the individual. Some researchers consider that attitudes come from differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes come from emotional states. Here, we focus on the effects of attitudes upon behavior, that is, upon the choices of action made by the individual.
The kinds of actions taken by human beings are obviously influenced greatly by attitudes. Whether one listens to classical music or rock, whether one obeys the speed limit while driving, whether one encourages one’s husband or wife to express his or her own ideas—all are influenced by attitudes. These internal states are acquired throughout life from situations one is faced with in the home, in the streets, and in the school.
Of course, the course of action chosen by an individual in any situation will be largely determined by the particulars of that situation. An individual who has a strong attitude of obeying laws may drive too fast when he is in a hurry and no police cars in sight. A child who has a strong attitude of honesty may steal a penny when she thinks no one will notice. But the internal state which remains unchanged over a period of time, and which makes the individual behave regularly in a variety of situations, is what is meant by an attitude.
Attitudes are learned in a variety of ways. They can result from single incidents, as when an attitude toward snakes is acquired by an experience in childhood at the sudden movement of a snake. They can result from the individual’s experiences of success and pleasure, as when someone acquires a positive attitude toward doing crossword puzzles by being able to complete some of them. And frequently, they are learned by copying other people’s behavior, as when a child learns how to behave toward foreigners by observing the actions of his parents. Regardless of these differences, there is something in common in the learning and modification(修正) of attitudes.
12. According to the passage, we know attitudes _________.
A.are largely affected by one’s behavior
B.come from different situations in one’s life
C.remain unchanged in one’s daily life
D.could be chosen according to one’s will
13. Which of the following is TRUE about the learning of attitudes?
A.Attitudes are only learned through one’s success.
B.Copying others’ behavior is not a good idea.
C.Attitudes can be learned from one’s parents.
D.Attitudes learned in danger will last longer.
14. The author uses the examples in Paragraph 3 to show ________.
A.particulars of a situation may influence an individual’s action
B.people with good attitudes may sometimes do bad deeds
C.an individual may change his or her attitude fairly easily
D.people often make mistakes when they are not noticed
15. Which of the following can be learned from the passage?
A.Researchers believe that attitudes only come from emotional states.
B.Attitudes have a bad influence on actions.
C.An honest child won’t steal a penny.
D.Attitudes can be learned either by one’s experience or by observing the actions of others.
2016-11-24更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.64)

How to Memorize Things Quicker Than Other People?The following is my advice for you.Step 1: Preparation    16    For most people, this means choosing an area with few distractions, though some people do advance greatly by learning in public areas. Figure out what is most conducive to your learning so that you can get started.Step 2: Record what you’re memorizingThis is especially useful if you’re trying to memorize information from a lecture. Use a tape recorder to track all of the acquired facts being spoken and listen to it.    17    Obviously, this is most helpful for auditory(听觉的) learners, and it’s also useful because it ensures that you’re getting more context from a lecture that will help you learn the information faster.Step 3: Write everything downBefore you start trying to recall everything from memory, write and re-write the information. This will help you become more familiar with what you’re trying to memorize.    18    This is most useful for experiential learners.Step 4:    19    Now that you have everything written down in one set of notes, separate them into sections. This is ideal for visual learners, especially if you use color coding to distinguish between subjects.    20    

A.Separate your notes.
B.If you’re trying to memorize a speech, record your reading of the speech and listen to the record.
C.Doing this while listening to your tape recorder can also help you keep a lot of the data.
D.To memorize, first you should choose an area.
E.Section your notes.
F.This will help you break everything down and start classing the information being recorded in your brain.
G.To improve your memorization, pay close attention to which environment you choose.
2016-11-24更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷

二、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.64)

It is always interesting and inspiring to observe human behavior.Some behavior_____to be true to form more often than not.In the past years,we have always held a Christmas gift exchange at our house with at least ten of our_____.Each year,we all buy gifts_____ in Christmas paper.When everyone is sitting around a_____at home,all the gifts are piled in the middle of the floor.

People choose a(n)_____from a bowl that tells him or her when they can take their_____to choose their gifts.The person with the number one can choose any_____ and then,each person picks one in turns.Before they choose a gift,they have the_____ of taking the gift from the former person._____ when all numbers have chosen a gift,the person______the first number can then take a gift away from any other person.

What is always interesting is______ each person as they choose a gift.What happens______usually happens more often than not.The biggest gift always gets chosen first.It is hardly the smallest gift,______is it the fanciest gift-wrapping.What does this tell us about most human______ ?

Is the______always the best or worth the most? Is it that we think that something small is not worth as much or cannot______ our expectations?

Human beings,in fact,appear______ all sorts of packaging and size.Some are bigger and some are smaller;some are dressed______ and some are dressed poorly.Behind every human trapping though______ unforeseen characteristics,talents,desires,hurts,pains and dreams.

Just as Terry Josephson,a motivational speaker,says,“______ thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities.”

A.At the endB.In other wordsC.By the wayD.On the contrary
A.catch up withB.live up toC.get along withD.break away from
2016-11-24更新 | 180次组卷 | 2卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷

三、语法填空 添加题型下试题

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.64)
One day, about ten years ago, while     41    (work) at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw     42    elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked     43    (close) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and upper body,     44    (dress) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head     45    the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who     46    (give) me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of a sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,     47    smile just melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life was all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her world: a world of smiles, love and     48    (warm). I’m a successful business man now and whenever I think about the     49    (trouble) of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught    50    (I).
2016-11-24更新 | 199次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷

四、改错 添加题型下试题

改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65)
51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有l0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
A few months after returning the US from Germany, I took a college course in the France. Since I have learned to speak German good in Germany, I thought that it might be interested to begin studying another language.
In the first class, the teacher asked me to do a pronunciation exercise, in which he would say a word or two in French, and each student would do his best to copy. When he got me, he kept having me said more words, but I finally asked him why. "I find it great funs. It's the first time I've heard the American speak French with a German accent." he explained.
2016-12-13更新 | 194次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷

五、书信写作 添加题型下试题

书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.64)
52. 假如你是李华,刚来到一所新的高中读书,读书期间你住在校内宿舍。你的笔友Ken得知你的情况后,写信询问你在学校的住宿生活和学习情况。请你给你的笔友Ken写一封回信。
注意:1. 字数100词左右。
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文更连贯。
3. 开头和结尾已给出。(不计入总词数)
Dear Ken,
Thank you for your letter. _______________________________________________
How are you doing these days? Please tell me in your next letter.
Li Hua
2016-12-13更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2017届广东肇庆高三上期第一次统一检测英语试卷



试卷题型(共 9题)





细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-30.65历史知识  记叙文阅读单选
8-110.65日常生活   信息技术   说明文阅读单选
510.65学校生活  个人经历短文改错
共计 平均难度:一般