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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:44 题号:10435111

A teacher in the US asked students to finish the sentence: “ I wish my teacher knew...” However, we have recently asked teachers what they wish their students knew.

Jackie Schneider, music teacher, London

I wish my students knew that education is not a competitive sport. No child is a number. Levels tell you more about the school than the child. In the same way, some kids take longer to learn to walk and talk and some take longer to learn literacy and numeracy skills, which does not matter. Every child has the potential to be gifted and talented. I wish they knew that reading could bring them more joy than they could ever imagine and that their singing voice is beautiful.

Avais Qureshi, citizenship teacher, London

I wish they knew that life is about so much more than who approves of you and who doesn’t. A lot of kids are too hung-up on peer groups. I wish they knew that this time doesn’t return: they need to focus on their top tasks and getting the grades they need.

Nandia Helal, Langdon Academy, London

I wish my students knew how hard we work. I have them on my mind for 12-15 hours a day. If I’m out on the weekend, there’s always a sense of guilt----like I should be marking or planning lessons for the upcoming week. I never feel like I’m doing enough for their education.

Geoff Barton, head teacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds

I wish my students knew that while school and qualifications matter a lot, they are merely doors into our future: the really important things in our lives, and the people who will mean most to us, all lie ahead. Students should seize every opportunity now, in and beyond the classroom, to develop the skill, qualities and knowledge ready for the adventures that lie ahead.

1. Jackie Schneider thinks that _________.
A.it’s easier for kids to learn to walk than to learn literacy skills
B.it does not matter whether a kid learns quickly or slowly
C.education is something like a competitive sport
D.reading is more joyful than singing
2. Avais Qureshi wants kids _________.
A.to value others’ viewsB.to return to the traditional times
C.to be harmonious with peer fellowsD.to concentrate on their own business
3. What is Nandia Helal like?
A.She is a responsible teacher.B.She feels content with her teaching.
C.She wants her students to work hard.D.She thinks she has done too much for education.
4. According to Geoff Barton, _________.
A.qualifications matter much more
B.skills, qualities and knowledge are doors into the future
C.students develop different skills and qualities merely in class
D.students will experience really important things in the future
5. What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.My students.B.School and qualifications.
C.The really important things.D.The skills, qualities and knowledge.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。作者以博客文的形式记叙了为作者打开文学世界大门的优秀老师John Doyle的故事,并向老师致敬。

【推荐1】Mr Doyle strolled into our classroom — all limbs and high-end literature. And from the moment he opened his mouth, he started opening our minds.

We were a bunch of awkward twelve-year-old’s — in our first year of secondary school at JannaliBoys’ High in Sydney’s south. To say that JBHS wasn’t well-known for its attachment to academia would be an understatement (轻描淡写). To say it celebrated the arts over sport or humanities over science would be a flat-out lie. But in the grand tradition of all good public high schools, if you wanted to learn, there was opportunity. You just had to dodge (躲开) the fruit fights at lunch time to find it.

Mr Doyle was our English teacher and ‘The Wind In ‘The Willows’ was our text. While other English teachers would read each chapter out loud — their monotone barely penetrating (穿透) the heaviness of a Sydney summer afternoon — Mr Doyle would act out every part. Mole, Ratty, Badger and Mr Toad all came vividly to life in that little classroom. The words sprang off the page, the music of language was given life. And a lifelong love affair with books took root.

One afternoon, for no apparent reason, Mr Doyle marched us out onto the oval. Confused but excited, we lay down on the grass and stared up at the sky while Mr Doyle recited poetry. It was all very Dead Poets Society.

Then, after term one school holidays, we all came back to discover Mr Doyle had disappeared. Weeks later, he appeared in Pizza Hut commercial, and months after that, he starred in the Bodyline mini-series. We were all star struck. Knowing someone who was on the telly was the height of amazing back then.

I met up with Mr Doyle twelve years later. I had gone on to become a young journalist and he had gone on to become an admired and wildly-successful radio and TV broadcaster — better known to the country as Rampaging Roy Slaven.

John Doyle, you were #theteacherthatshapedme and I salute you.

1. What can we learn about JBHS?
A.It has a flexible school policy.
B.It is criticized for its tough discipline.
C.It lacks a satisfactory learning environment.
D.It is famous for its high academic standards.
2. What do the underlined words “Mole, Ratty, Badger and Mr Toad” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Fictional characters.B.The author’s classmates.
C.Book titles.D.Mr Doyle’s colleagues.
3. Which of the following words best describe John Doyle?
A.Caring and mild-mannered.B.Passionate and well-trained.
C.Talented and sympathetic.D.Dynamic and unconventional.
4. What type of writing is this text?
A.A biography.B.A blog post.C.A letter.D.A fantasy story.
2022-08-22更新 | 197次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Miss Arbury teaches history at the local high school. Learning history is not exciting for most kids, with a few cool things and lots of facts to memorize. But Miss Arbury’s classes have been the favorites at her school for over twenty years. Students arrive early, sit quietly, and wait for class to begin. What could possibly make noisy high school students so suddenly eager to learn?

Humor and history go together in Miss Arbury’s history class. When everything is ready, Miss Arbury, dressed in a British soldier uniform during the revolutionary war, enters the classroom. A few students begin to laugh as she walks to an old recorder. She presses the button of play and begins a funny rap about the Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence. She then challenges students to their responses. Miss Arbury is not a good dancer. She looks nothing like a British soldier. She is short, a little round and she herself admits that she is mostly tone deaf. But the kids love it.

At lunch time the cafe buzzes with kids laughing about Miss Arbury’s history class. She dresses up as a witch when teaching about the Salem Witch Trials. She wears a Winston Churchill mask when discussing the Battle of Britain. Her British accent is not even close, but the kids remember what she teaches.

At the end of the semester, the lesson becomes clear. In order to make the future better, we have to understand the past. Having a good laugh along the way makes the lesson much easier to remember.

1. What is special about Miss Arbury in class?
A.She reads many historical stories to students.
B.She asks her students to act like actors.
C.She is dressed up as historical characters.
D.She makes up interesting historical events.
2. What does the underlined sentence “she is mostly tone deaf” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.She can’t hear anything.B.She is unable to sing well.
C.She can’t express herself well.D.She has a problem with ears.
3. Which word best describes Miss Arbury’s class?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Laughter Is the Best Teacher.B.Learning History Is Easy.
C.Humor Is the Key to Success.D.Teaching Is an Art.
2023-11-05更新 | 39次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Dear Madam,

Welcome back to school. My child is so happy to be in your class this year. We know you care so much about your students. I want to tell you a little bit about my child. Although he really loves to learn, he is somewhat anxious about being back in school again.

My child is thought to be gifted and that has brought some unexpected challenges to him and our family. To many people, being gifted means he will do very well in school, but that hasn’t always been true for him. He is just a kid thinking differently, and he sometimes struggles in school. Last year, school wasn’t easy for him for a few reasons.

He may be ahead a few grade levels in some subjects, but not in all subjects. He just doesn’t do better in all areas all the time. And although he may seem older than his years, he doesn’t always behave like you would think he should. I’m sure you know how gifted children can be emotionally immature-that is exactly my kid.

Also, he can be really intense in class when you are teaching one of his favorite topics. He may raise his hand often and constantly talk about what he thinks about it. I’ll apologize in advance because he will also likely challenge you on information or facts which he feels are not quite right especially when it’s a topic he is hooked on. He is not being impolite and he isn’t just being a know-it-all, or a show-off, he is really just very excited to be learning about a subject he feels strong about. He just gets carried away!

Last year, he was teased about looking like a know-it-all in school by some of his classmates, which hurts him A LOT. Being teased is part of his fear of going back to school. He fears being called a show-off at school and he feels like he doesn’t fit in. His teacher said he often kept to himself and chose to work alone. I know as a teacher, you are incredibly busy, but could you keep an eye out for anyone teasing him or if he seems to be keeping to himself too much?

Lastly, his therapist mentioned that because of the teasing and maybe because he was bored last year in school, he is showing signs of becoming an underachiever. Please let me know if his grades start slipping.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand about my child. Don’t hesitate to call or email me if there are any problems with him at school. Believe me, we know very well how sensitive, emotional and intense he can be.

I hope you have a wonderful school year!


Mom of a Gifted Child

1. From the passage, we learn that the author’s son ______.
A.has fallen behind the other studentsB.fails to get along well with classmates
C.has lost interest in learningD.is rude to the teachers
2. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.He is too excited to control himself.B.He has been taken away from school.
C.He is so absorbed in observing.D.He has been overpraised.
3. How does the author feel about her child?
A.Pleased but hopeless.B.Annoyed but caring.
C.Proud but worried.D.Surprised but confused.
4. Why does the author write the letter?
A.To ask the teacher to reduce children’s burden.B.To call on the school to stop school teasing.
C.To explain how gifted her child is.D.To suggest that his child has special needs.
2021-05-13更新 | 33次组卷
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