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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:10738175

When Benjamin Cherkasky was in eighth grade, he quit the swim team. It wasn't because he lacked the passion; he just couldn't accept failures in matches. "I'm not Michael Phelps. Why am I even on the team?" he said. "My perfectionism prompted very high expectations, and that caused real suffering," he said.

Cherkasky is not alone in feeling that perfectionism can cause anxiety. So many millennials (千禧一代)suffer from the problems of being a perfectionist that psychologists are issuing warnings and schools are emphasizing the need to accept failure.

Jessica Pryor, a leading psychologist, said every generation is a sponge (海绵)for the messages it receives. "Millennials, more than any other generation in American society, are receiving clear messages about achieving," she said. "But there's an absence of the message that trying your hardest is still OK."

In college, Cherkasky found himself surrounded by so many intelligent people that he felt he should have been achieving a higher level than he was. "It makes you feel kind of crazy." he said. This type of thinking can lead people to putting in less effort, which as they fall behind, can create more anxiety. "It makes people feel kind of isolated." And that Cherkasky added, "can cause students to distance themselves from their school".

The American Psychological Association also found out that recent generations of college students have reported higher levels of perfectionism than earlier generations.

Researchers noted that social media adds pressure, along with the drive to earn money and achieve career goals. Perfectionists often create even higher goals, which can lead to a higher risk of failure.

1. What does the underlined word "prompted" in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Led to.B.Met with.C.Resulted from.D.went against.
2. According to Jessica Pryor, Millennials         .
A.are unwilling to work hard.
B.desire nothing but to succeed.
C.should learn to deal with pressure.
D.need the message that failure is acceptable when trying their best.
3. Cherkasky's experience in college is mentioned to show         .
A.the problems of college education
B.the bad influence of fellow students
C.the harmful effects of being a perfectionist
D.the pressure most college students experience
4. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?
A.To share some experiences of a college student.
B.To show the reasons for becoming a perfectionist.
C.To present the findings of a research on college life.
D.To raise public concern over a problem of millennials.


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Reading is an exercise for the mind. It is good for our vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching us math or science concepts and helping us learn history.     1     Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character’s suffering? If so, that is because you have empathy (共情) for the character. Empathy is a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts and it can be learned through various fictions.

Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. Many more areas of your brain light up when you’re enjoying a story, and your brain thinks you are in the story.     2    

Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill, called emotional intelligence (EI), can make it easier to communicate and connect with people.     3     One study found that people who read the Harry Potter novels, which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil, were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees (难民).

    4     After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class, a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from the war, students in St Michael’s High School were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organization Refugee Action. Their empathy also stimulated them to raise £1,000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because of war.

Reading encourages us to empathise with others, which could potentially lead to several beneficial outcomes. Not only are we more likely to engage in helpful behaviors when we feel empathy for other people, but others are also more likely to help us when they experience empathy.     5    

A.Apart from those, reading has another benefit.
B.In a way, all this increases our ability to read well.
C.This theory of EI has been put into practice in schools.
D.This permits people to understand the emotions that others are feeling.
E.This means you experience the characters’ thoughts as if they were real.
F.Research shows that building this intelligence can lead to greater tolerance.
G.For society to develop, communicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
2024-01-22更新 | 362次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When children complain "It’s not fair!" they’re not just doing it to be annoying—their brains prefer equality in the doling out of everything from candy to money.

Researchers at California Institute of Technology used an MRI to look at how the brain processes rewards. They were looking at how the brain reacts to "inequality aversion", or not liking it when things aren’t fair.

What they found was that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum-both associated with reward in the brain-reacted strongly to inequality even when the inequality was in their favor.

"It could have worked out in the opposite way, such that these reward processing regions might only have responded in a self-interested way and the reason that people showed inequality aversion in the lab is because they wanted to appear fair but in reality they only cared about themselves," says Tricomi, a professor of psychology.

The researchers gave some participants $50 while others began with nothing. Then, while they were in the MRI, they were presented with a series of possible money transfers. Sometimes they would be given more money; sometimes another person would get more. As the subjects thought about this money transfer, the researchers looked to see how their brains reacted.

As they’d expected, people who started out "poor" in the experiment had the strongest brain reaction when they were given money, and didn’t really react when money went to the "rich" person.

But in a surprise finding, the "rich" participants reacted just as strongly to the "poor" person getting money as they did when they themselves got money.

"Their brains weren’t simply wired for self-interest, but for fairness all around," says Tricomi.

1. How do people with inequality aversion react?
A.They dislike rewards.B.They prefer equality.
C.They prefer inequality.D.They hope to get rewards.
2. What was the purpose of the money transfers in the experiment?
A.To increase inequality.B.To reduce inequality.
C.To create a fair situation.D.To create an unfair situation.
3. What do we know about the people who started out "poor" in the experiment?
A.They were given no money at first.B.They were given little money at first.
C.They were given no money all the time.D.They were given little money all the time.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Our Brains Dislike InequalityB.Our Brains Prefer Having Less
C.Our Brains Respond Strongly to MoneyD.Our Brains Respond Differently to Money
2021-12-07更新 | 72次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Art therapy involves the use of creative techniques such as drawing, painting, coloring, or sculpting to help people express themselves artistically and examine the psychological and emotional undertones(言外之意). With the guidance of an art therapist, clients can “decode(解码)” the nonverbal messages in these art forms, which lead to a better understanding of their feelings and behavior so they can resolve deeper issues.

Art therapy helps people explore their emotions, relieve stress, improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and cope with a physical illness or disability. No artistic talent is necessary for art therapy to succeed, because the therapeutic process is not about the artistic value of the work, but rather about finding associations between the creative choices made and a client’s inner life. The artwork can be used as a springboard(跳板)for reawakening memories and telling stories that may reveal messages and beliefs from the unconscious mind.

As with any form of therapy, your first session will consist of your talking to the therapist about why you want to find help and learning what the therapist has to offer. Together, you will come up with a treatment plan that involves creating some forms of artwork. Once you begin creating, the therapist may, at times, simply observe your process as you work, without interrupting. When you have finished a piece of artwork—and sometimes while you are still working on it—the therapist will ask you questions of how you feel about the artistic process, what is easy or difficult about creating your artwork, and what thoughts or memories you might have had while you are working. Generally, the therapist will ask about your experience and feelings before providing any comments.

Art therapy is founded on the belief that self-expression through artistic creation has therapeutic value for those who are healing or seeking deeper understanding of themselves. Art therapists are trained to understand the roles that various art media like color can play in the therapeutic process and how these tools can help reveal one’s thoughts and feelings.

1. According to the passage, which of the following matters little in the therapeutic process?
A.The style of the work.
B.The emotions of the client.
C.The artistic value of the work.
D.The memories of the client.
2. A therapist draw a conclusion about the client by ________.
A.communicating with the client
B.designing a treatment plan
C.observing the creating techniques
D.recalling the experience and feelings
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Art therapists need to have strong belief in themselves.
B.Choices of art elements reflect people’s inner world.
C.Little training is needed to become an art therapist.
D.Clients are required to use different tools to show themselves.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A.To teach people to be art therapists.
B.To praise the devotion of therapists.
C.To explain the origin of art therapy.
D.To popularize knowledge of art therapy.
2021-08-03更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般