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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:11169580

Isabella, whose mother died two years ago after her long battle with a rare illness, has to rely on her father as she approaches the pre-teen struggles every girl faces growing up. Yet, while her father, Philip, has been doing all he can, he has failed to master one skill that remains important for 11-year-olds such as Isabella: hair.

He originally just gave her a short cut because he didn't know how to do anything else. Once her hair grew back, however, Isabella learned to make a simple ponytail (马尾) on her way out the door each morning. It wasn't until she noticed her bus driver, Tracy Dean, braiding (编) another classmate's hair that Isabella gathered the courage to ask her for help.

Dean owes her good relationship with the community she serves to a previous cancer diagnosis (诊断). Seven years ago, she found out she had breast cancer, and one of the things that went through her head was: Who is going to take care of her little ones? Not that her husband couldn’t do it but that’s what moms do.

Dean's selfless deed has also taken social media by storm, rebuilding people's faith in each other, while also inspiring others to share their own stories of kind gestures within their own community.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and for Isabella, this means she now has a mother figure to look up to as she grows. “I feel like she's pretty much a mom to me,” Isabella said “And it makes me excited to see what she can do for me the next day.”

Dean's selfless act has also had an influence on Isabella at school, as her teacher, Mrs. Freeze, noted that Isabella had her head a little higher that morning after she asked for Dean's help. While this gesture will surely provide Isabella with the power she needs to remain positive for years to come, Dean can find great comfort in knowing that her help has made a lasting influence on Isabella in particular.

1. What was the trouble for Philip when bringing up his daughter?
A.To arrange her long hair.B.To dress her elegant.
C.To communicate with her.D.To help her with her study.
2. What is implied in the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5?
A.Everyone should care about their kid growth.
B.A small deed has made a big difference to Isabella.
C.Villagers should help each other in kids’ education.
D.Isabella has to be brought up by her fellow villagers.
3. How did Isabella feel after Dean helped her that morning?
4. What is the author’s attitude about this text?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是一个娃娃Baby Yoda给正在俄勒冈州科尔顿灭火的消防队员们带来了巨大的安慰和感动。

【推荐1】Oregon firefighters battling wildfires across the state have a new force on their team: a Baby Yoda doll, which has become a symbol of hope and joy among the first responders who have been tirelessly fighting the historic fires that have wiped out communities and killed at least nine people since early September.

It all began when five-year-old Carver Tinning and his grandmother Sasha Tinning from Scappoose, Oregon, came across the toy while searching for items to donate to Oregon firefighters.

The toy, along with a note saying, “Thank you, firefighters. Here is a friend for you, in case you get lonely. Love, Carver.” was handed to donation drive volunteers on September 12, 2020. The thoughtful gift brought tears to their eyes. “The fires were close to us, and everyone was really high on emotion,” says volunteer Tyler Eubanks. “We were all really inspired that Carver wanted to give a companion to the men and women who were out there risking their lives to fight the wildfires.”

Eubanks delivered the toy to a group of firefighters working to control a 25-acre fire in Colton, Oregon. He had initially intended to take a few pictures of the Baby Yoda in action for Carver, and then bring back the toy to the donation site. However, the firefighters decided to hold on to the doll and share it to lift the spirits of troops across the state and also of colleagues fighting fires in Colorado.

“He’s been a really big morale boost,” said Jaebyn Drake, a firefighter with the Oregon Air National Guard. “A lot of the people on my crew, I showed them the note and everything, and they just loved it. A couple of people broke down in tears ... It just really meant a lot to us, and it was really emotional for a lot of people.”

1. What can we know from Tyler Eubanks’s words?
A.He was a firefighter.B.He was really touched.
C.He participated in rescue.D.He was in charge of reception.
2. Why did Eubanks fail to return the toy?
A.Because he lost in touch with Carver.
B.Because the firefighters exhibited in public.
C.Because he was occupied in taking pictures.
D.Because the firefighters determined to keep it.
3. What is Jaebyn Drake’s attitude to the note and the toy?
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Small Toys Make a Big Difference
B.A Five-year-old Child Drew Wide Attention
C.Oregon firefighters Are Fighting with wildfires
D.Baby Yoda Joins Firefighters in Battling Wildfires
2024-02-27更新 | 16次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Allan Felix is running a big business — something hard to imagine after she lost her sight in her twenties. When she was 21 years old, she went blind due to certain illness. She recalled, “I hid in my home. I hid in the place; to me, that was the safest place in the world.”

Luckily Felix was not someone who gave up easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other senses. She touched and smelled everything she came across. She was soon able to do certain jobs herself, like milking the cows.

In her father’s farm, Allan Felix found a new way forward. She founded a company, bringing in organic wines from many different countries. She traveled from South America to Europe with the help of Hanley (a guide dog named Hanley). At first, Allan Felix resisted the idea of a Seeing Eye dog. But it’s hard to imagine her life or her business without him. She said, “When someone tells me something is organic and I don’t really believe it because I taste something funny on it, I’ll put it in front of Hanley’s face and if he likes the wine, he’ll actually go in and sniff it. If it’s not right, he’ll turn his head away. He goes to the vineyard with me. He scratches around. He makes sure that we see earthworms and butterflies. That’s how we know the soil is actually organic and that there are no chemicals.”

Felix told CBS News she believes the loss of her vision was a gift. She said, “It allowed me to pay attention to what I thought was important and also to be able to teach people the broken hang nail is not a big deal, you know what I mean? All things will round to him who will but wait.”

1. Why did Allan Felix hide in her home?
A.She was shy and didn’t want to meet strangers.
B.She feared that she would be hurt outside.
C.She disliked being exposed to the sun.
D.She got used to being alone at home.
2. What do you know about Hanley?
A.It is no more than a guide dog.
B.It likes drinking organic wine.
C.It can distinguish earthworms and butterflies.
D.It helps Allan a lot in her organic wine business.
3. What does the underlined phrase “the broken hang nail” mean?
A.A nail which is of no use.B.A task that is not easy to finish.
C.The difficulty you have to deal with.D.The gift that God gives you.
2023-01-08更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约690词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Although Bertha Young was thirty she still had moments like this when she wanted to run instead of walk, to take dancing steps on and off the pavement, to throw something up in the air and catch it again, or to stand still and laugh at — nothing — at nothing, simply.

What can you do if you are thirty and, turning the corner of your own street, you are overcome, suddenly by a feeling of happiness — absolute happiness.

Oh, is there no way you can express it without being “drunk and disorderly”? How stupid civilization is! Why should you be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a case like a rare, rare fiddle(小提琴)?

“No, that about the fiddle is not quite what I mean,” she thought, running up the steps and feeling in her bag for the key — she’d forgotten it, as usual — and rattling the letter-box. “It’s not what I mean, because — Thank you, Mary” — she went into the hall. “Is nurse back?”

“Yes, M’m.”

“I’ll go upstairs.” And she ran upstairs to the nursery.

Nurse sat at a low table giving Little B her supper after her bath. The baby looked up when she saw her mother and began to jump.

“Now, my lovey, eat it up like a good girl,” said nurse, setting her lips in a way that Bertha knew, and that meant she had come into the nursery at another wrong moment.

“Has she been good, Nanny?”

“She’s been a little sweet all the afternoon,” whispered Nanny. “We went to the park and I sat down on a chair and took her out of the pram (婴儿车) and a big dog came along and she pulled its ear. Oh, you should have seen her.”

Bertha wanted to ask if it wasn’t rather dangerous to let her pull a strange dog’s ear. But she did not dare to. She stood watching them, her hands by her side, like the poor little girl in front of the rich girl with the doll.

The baby looked up at her again, stared, and then smiled so charmingly that Bertha couldn’t help crying.

“Oh, Nanny, do let me finish giving her supper while you put the bath things away.

“Well, M’m, she oughtn’t to be changed hands while she’s eating,” said Nanny, still whispering. “It unsettles her, it’s very likely to upset her.”

How absurd it was. Why have a baby if it has to be kept—not in a case like a rare, rare fiddle — but in another woman’s arms?

“Oh, I must!” said she.

Very offended, Nanny handed her over.

“Now, don’t excite her after her supper. You know you do, M’m. And I have such a time with her after!”

Thank heaven! Nanny went out of the room with the bath towels.

“Now I’ve got you to myself, my little precious,” said Bertha, as the baby learned against her.

She ate delightfully, holding up her lips for the spoon and then waving her hands. Sometimes she wouldn’t let the spoon go; and sometimes just as Bertha had filled it, she waved it away to the four winds.

When the soup was finished Bertha turned round to the fire. “You’re nice — you’re very nice!” said she, kissing her warm baby. “I’m fond of you. I like you.”

And indeed, she loved Little B so much — her neck as she bent forward, her pretty toes as they shone transparent in the firelight — that all her feeling of happiness came back again, and again she didn’t know how to express it — what to do with it.

“You’re wanted on the telephone,” said Nanny, coming back in victory and seizing her Little B.

1. In paragraph 3 and 15, a “rare, rare fiddle” is used to show that ________.
A.Bertha is frustrated by not feeling free to express her musical talents
B.wealthy mothers are not allowed to look after their children
C.Bertha considers her baby girl an extraordinary child
D.people of a certain age are expected to follow a certain code of behavior
2. Nanny’s facial expression on seeing Bertha’s arrival in the nursery suggest ________.
A.a vain attempt to hide her joy at seeing Bertha
B.fear of dismissal from her job for untidy nursery
C.dislike for Bertha’s ill-timed visits to the nursery
D.a relief as she can at last eat her supper
3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 11 imply?
A.Bertha wishes to have care-giving time with her baby.
B.Bertha lacks emotional and psychological strength.
C.Bertha desires a closer relationship with Nanny.
D.Bertha suffers from an unrealistic hope of having more babies.
4. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Bertha and Nanny?
A.Bertha feels that Nanny is a competent nurse and will do anything liberate her from chores.
B.Nanny considers herself the baby’s primary caregiver and Bertha just an occasional visitor.
C.Bertha prefers to leave the child in Nanny’s care so that she can fulfill her inappropriate fantasies.
D.Nanny is tired of working hard for Bertha and would like to find other pleasant employment.
5. In Nanny’s eyes, what was Bertha like?
A.She is a kind employer but a strict mother.
B.She is a thoughtless person and inexperienced mother.
C.She is excited and is always lost in her overactive imagination.
D.She is forgetful and has no sense of class distinctions in society.
6. Which of the following sentences best describes Nanny’s possessiveness (占有欲)?
A.“She’s been a little sweet all the afternoon,” whispered Nanny. “...Oh. you should have seen her.”
B.“Now, my lovey, eat it up like a good girl,” said nurse, setting her lips in a way that Bertha knew.
C.“Now, don’t excite her after her supper. You know you do, M’m. And I have such a time with her after!”
D.“You’re wanted on the telephone,” said Nanny, coming back in victory and seizing her Little B.
2020-04-03更新 | 37次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般