组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法/策略
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:135 题号:11394680

People with interesting personalities often have more opportunities open to them because of their ability to maintain the attention of others. When you meet or talk to them,you may feel as though your personality is dull and uninspiring.     1    

Listen to what others have to say. Most people enjoy talking about their lives and themselves,so become more interested and you will seem more interesting.     2     Look them directly in the eyes and ask them questions or comment on what they have just told you,instead of just waiting for your turn to talk about yourself.

    3     Watch the news,read books,and pay attention. If you don’t know about a particular topic,research it and form an opinion on it. People like to be around others who can carry on conversations about lots of things.

Look for the humour in every situation. A sense of humour can work wonders for a dull personality,so laugh as often as you can and you’ll be a more naturally attractive person. Laughter can also reduce your stress to a degree.     4    

Accept and love yourself and others. When you dislike yourself and your personality,other people pick up on this,and they may assume they shouldn’t like you,either.     5     Judge other people less as well; gossip and speaking poorly of others seem like good short-term entertainment,but in the long run it can make you seem dull and untrustworthy.

A.Form opinions on everything.
B.Make everyone you speak to feel important.
C.Your brain will see these situations as reality.
D.Search for the best in yourself and everyone else.
E.When you feel better, you’re more fun to be around.
F.You’d better make a few simple changes to your outlook.
G.But it’s relatively easy to develop those personalities that you find so interesting.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】According to scientific research, willpower is not a talent that a lucky few are born with.     1    . Here are a few ways to increase your willpower.

Know yourself

You should identify your "willpower profile". Some people are introverts (性格内向) while others are extroverts (性格外向). Introverts tend to get engineered by thoughts and ideas.     2    . For extroverts, signing up for a group where everyone has a common goal can help.

Pick one goal at a time

    3    . What can you do about such conflicts? Don't work on multiple resolutions. Intentions are most effective when you work on one goal at a time. People trying to work on many intentions at once are less successful.


People who are not moving towards their goal are often afraid of something they imagine may happen. Researchers recommend paying attention to "physical responses", such as feeling mysteriously tired or queasy (感到恶心的), when faced with taking action on your goal. Chances are that you might be too anxious.

Find your motivation

Researchers found that study participants suddenly discovered extra self-control to do a task after they were told they would be paid for their effort or that their effort would benefit others. So knowing your "why" can help you get out of bed for a morning run.     5    .

A.Make a plan
B.Face your fears
C.It is a skill to be practised
D.Finding out what you are good at is especially important
E.Working out your "why" can help you find your willpower
F.For them, scheduling time to reflect on progress can be helpful
G.At work you have to deal with lots of tasks and an unusually demanding boss
2022-01-24更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you ever wish you could change something about your body? If so, you're not alone.     1    But when you get stuck on what you don't like, it can really bring down your self-esteem (自尊).So, want to look and feel your best? Here are some ways:

Accept your body

Nobody’s perfect. Everybody wants to be liked and accepted just as they are. Don't body-shame yourself. When you say something negative about your own body, it hurts your self-esteem.     2    It hurts just as much as if someone else said it.

Be kind and respect yourself.

Like your body

Find things to like about your looks. Maybe you like your hair, face, or hands. What about your shape, shoulders, or legs? Your eyes or your smile?    3    If you get stuck, think of what your good friends like about how you look. Accept those things and let yourself feel good.

Take care of your body

Eat healthy foods. Learn what foods are good for you, and how much is the right amount. Eating right helps you look your best. When you treat your body right, you feel good about yourself. Be active every day. Your body needs to move to be strong, fit and healthy.    4     You can run, walk, swim or dance. Pick activities you like and have fun. Keep to a healthy weight.     5    Always talk to your parents or doctor first.

But don’t try to diet on your own. Your doctor can suggest ways you can stay at a weight that’s right for you.

A.Attend to your body’s needs.
B.Tell yourself what you like and why.
C.You can be active by playing a sport.
D.Pay attention to something you can change.
E.Lots of people feel unhappy with some part of their looks.
F.Being a healthy weight helps you feel good about your body.
G.That’s true whether you say it out loud or think it to yourself.
2020-08-19更新 | 215次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Ways to make your bedroom unique

Tired of your room looking the same all the time? Here are some ideas to make it match your own unique style.

See the transformation as a process,not a quick change.    1    You don't have to follow all the suggestions in this article but if you do, it'll probably take you a while, Try to be patient.

    2    . Before decorating it's important to make sure your room is organized. Small drawers and dividers can make it easier to be organized and quicker to put stuff away.

Evaluate what you already have. Look around your house and see what materials you already have on hand. Cool holiday lights, lengths of fabric, paint, unwanted furniture, bulletin boards, pillows, and mirrors can all be fun additions to your room that your family might have sitting around unused.     3    . Throw away stuff you do not need.

Develop a theme. A theme can be as simple as a color or a mood, or it can center on a certain time period or fictional character     4    .

Rearrange your furniture.    5    . Think about ways to maximize(使最大化)your space and leave more room open in the middle. If you're out of ideas, check out IKEA or other department stores, and pay attention to how they arrange furniture to maximize space.

Get some different comforter and pillows. Change the way your bed looks by finding a different comforter and some new pillows for it. Shop online or at a store or browse through a thrift store. If you're feeling industrious(勤勉的),you can even sew your own.

A.Organize your room.
B.Put away your furniture if possible.
C.Redecorating a room can take a lot of work.
D.It's better to think about where to put your bed before decorating.
E.Pick out some items that you might want to include in your new room.
F.Changing the positioning of your room can help it feel different and more unique in very little time.
G.Whatever you choose, it should make your room feel like your own, individualized space.
2019-02-08更新 | 33次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般