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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:11419972

Students returning to Excelsior Springs High School Thursday will be met with biometric scanners. The school says the fingerprints are needed because of new education style that' lets students plot on their own schedules on a daily basis.

“The world has changed what our graduates need,” Excelsior Springs High School Principal John Newell said.

Excelsior Springs leaders started visiting schools in Iowa and Missouri the past year to figure out how they could better prepare students for tomorrow 's workforce.

They settled on flexible modular scheduling. High school students will still take core classes, but will be given a lot more time throughout the day to visit resource rooms staffed by teams of teachers to help them with homework or projects.

Over the summer construction crews knocked down walls to create new larger collaborative learning spaces. They hope to knock down barriers to learning.

“We’re not expecting to hear a quiet room with a lot of kids silently completing worksheets; we are looking for collaboration; we are looking for innovation; we are looking for projects, ”Principal Newell said.

But increased student autonomy created the need for accountability.

A student will come in here; their index finger will go on the pad, Newell demonstrated at the new biometric finger scanners being placed in each resource room .

School leaders settled on the biometric scanners fearing student ID cards could easily be handed to other students looking to skip class.

Each time a student decides to head to a different subject's resource room they'll have to scan their fingers.

“We can’t access the fingerprints; we can’t see them, Principal Newell said, addressing parents initial privacy concerns at an open house on Tuesday night.

“It's just one of those new-age things. It's going to come sooner or later; I'd rather it be later, but what can we do?” parent Mitchell Wilson said.

As for the new learning style, parents seem to be mostly in support of students setting their own goals and finding their own paths.

“It's going to show them responsibility, which they need to learn before they get out of high school,” parent Branan Allen said.

1. What changes are taking place in Excelsior Springs High School?
A.The students will get more career training.
B.The students will be given more freedom concerning learning.
C.There will be more core classes.
D.More teachers will help with students homework.
2. What does the principal expect of the flexible module scheduling?
A.More cooperation and creation.B.More homework and projects.
C.More involvement of parents.D.More lectures.
3. Why are new finger scanners used in Excelsior Springs High School?
A.To knock down barriers between students.B.To access more resources.
C.To ensure students attendance.D.To protect students privacy.
4. What's the main attitude of parents toward the reform?
A.Understanding and supportive.B.Angry and critical.
C.Skeptical and scared.D.Indifferent.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】You may have noticed a phenomenon among students today. Although there are exceptions, this generation is advanced intellectually, but behind emotionally. They are missing many of the marks of maturity they should have.

From an intellectual perspective, students today have been exposed to so much more than I was growing up —and far sooner. They’ve consumed information on everything before they graduate from middle school. Everything is coming at them sooner.

On the other hand, students have been delayed in their emotional growth. They seem to require more time to actually “grow up” and prepare for the responsibility that comes with adulthood. This is a result of many factors, including well-intentioned parents who always keep their eyes on their children, not allowing them to experience the pain of maturation.

There is another reason why teens struggle with maturation. Scientists are gaining new insights into remarkable changes in the brain that may explain why the teen years are so hard on young people and their parents. From ages 11-14, kids lose some of the connections between cells in the part of their brain that enables them to think clearly and make good decisions.

What happens is that the brain reshapes itself, going through changes that will allow a young person to move into adult life effectively. Teens experiencing these brain changes can react emotionally, according to Ian Campbell, an expert at the U. C. Davis Sleep Research Laboratory. Mood swings and uncooperative and irresponsible attitudes can all be the result of these changes. Sometimes, students can’t explain why they feel the way they do. Their brain is changing from a child brain to an adult brain.

Regions that specialize in language, for example, grow rapidly until about age 13 and then stop. The part of the brain responsible for high-level reasoning and decision-making aren’t fully mature until the early 20s, according to Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, a neuroscientist at Harvard’s Brain Imaging Centre. There’s a period of time when the child part of the brain has been reshaped, but the adult part is not fully formed. They are “in-between” —informed but not prepared.

1. What causes the mismatch between teenagers’ intellectual and emotional maturity?
A.They don’t get enough information.B.Their parents are too strict with them.
C.They have harder teen years than their parents.D.Their certain brain regions aren’t fully mature.
2. What is the effect of brain changes on students?
A.They are very emotional.B.They are weak in communication.
C.They behave like adults.D.They have great reasoning ability.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Students know exactly why they have mood swings.
B.Emotional development causes changes in the brain.
C.The brain areas for different functions grow at different rates.
D.Parents are unaware of adolescents’ emotional changes.
4. Which is the main idea of the text?
A.Teens today experience a series of changes to become adults.
B.Teens now have slower maturity emotionally than intellectually.
C.Parents’ attitudes delay teenage emotional growth.
D.Scientists have found new evidence on teenager’s brain changes.
7日内更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】What is a hero? We may think of the fictional characters with supernatural powers or great people who can influence world events. Now, as the nation continues its all-out efforts to fight against the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), medical staff have become heroes in the eyes of the public.

As of Feb. 19, a total of 32,000 medical staff outside Hubei Province have been working to treat patients around the center of the outbreak.

Zhang Dingyu, president of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, is one of these heroes. Since the hospital received the first seven patients in December, Zhang has been so busy that he barely gets any sleep. Even suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症), the 56-year-old doctor is doing his best to quicken his pace to save precious time for infected patients. “I have to run, racing against time to save more patients from the deadly disease, because I don’t have much time left in my life,” Zhang told Xinhua News Agency.

With the duty of saving lives, many medical professionals like Zhang have been working long hours for days, despite their fear and worry.

Lu Jingjing from Wuhan Children’s Hospital works at a temporary mobile hospital. She does not let her parents know that she is now working with 2019-nCoV-infected patients. When her parents ask for a video chat, Lu says she is working and lets her husband and children chat with them instead.

“It‘s dangerous but we should win the battle with the virus as soon as possible, so that medical staff and patients can go back home,” she told China Daily.

US writer Khalil Gibran (1883—1931) once wrote, “Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but the manifestations of strength and resolution.” It’s true for the medical workers.

Everyone has fear, especially when it comes to deadly diseases. But for medical staff, saving lives comes first and is enough for them to be brave and stay on the front. They may look like ordinary people in daily life, but in these extraordinary times, they are heroes.

1. What is the author’s main purpose of writing this article?
A.To explain what makes a modern-day hero.
B.To praise medical staff for their efforts to fight against the COVID-19.
C.To describe what measures China has taken to deal with the virus.
D.To show the difficulties faced by medical staff treating COVID-19 patients.
2. What do we learn from Zhang Dingyu’s words?
A.His illness has turned him into an impatient man.
B.His illness makes him work without fear.
C.He feels sorry for himself because of his illness.
D.He wants to help as many patients as possible.
3. Why doesn’t Lu Jingjing answer her parents’ video calls?
A.She is too busy and has no time for video chats.
B.She doesn’t want her parents to worry about her.
C.It’s not allowed to make a video call from the hospital.
D.There is no Wi-Fi signal at the temporary mobile hospital.
4. What does the underlined word “manifestations” in the second-to-last paragraph mean?
2021-03-23更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】More people get off the beaten track for relaxing break

Going against the tide of flocking to well-known yet generally jam-packed tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser-known resorts to seek unique, relaxed holiday experiences.     1    

    2     That is what Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy said. He said popular tourist spots are always packed and often raise their prices during holidays. As people become more mature travelers, they are increasingly reluctant to follow the herd.     3     And it is a good way to vacation. According to data from online travel agencies, the number of rooms booked at hotels in less-traveled cities during the holiday was up 30 percent year-on-year. In addition, lesser-known attractions are not as “commercial” and “standardized” as developed ones and are able to offer more authentic experiences and natural encounters, according to social media posts.     4    

COVID-19 is another key factor fueling reverse tourism. As precautionary measures continue, traveling has an unpredictable quality. Travelers have no way of knowing what lies ahead before departure, be it a perfect holiday or one interrupted by a sudden outbreak.     5    

The rise of reverse tourism is not a bad thing. It means that vacationers now have more options, which brings more possibilities to the tourism market.

A.The trend is set to force popular destinations to improve themselves.
B.Tourism used to be about sightseeing but now it is about experiences.
C.Some of them are simply looking to take a rest somewhere quiet for a couple of days.
D.Reverse tourism has emerged as a new trend; especially: among young holidaymakers in China.
E.During the week-long public holiday, large numbers of vacationers long to escape their busy city life.
F.They have thus become more cautious and tend to choose local attractions or places with fewer tourists.
G.And unlike popular destinations, some under-explored places with little online exposure can offer more surprises.
2022-12-11更新 | 216次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般