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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:11510548

This past January, Lucy Liu reached a milestone in her art career(事业). The world-class actor, director and visual artist presented her work titled "Unhomed Belongings" in a museum exhibition for the first time.

Liu has been making art since she was a teenager and still sticks to a consistent studio practice alongside her work as an actress and director. She got her start while growing up in Queens in the 1980s, wandering New York City streets with a camera in hand. Her first artworks were photographs. After taking a class at New York Studio School, she turned to painting. "I felt like I wasn't able to express fully what I wanted with the photograph," Liu explained.

With painting, she discovered that her work didn’t have to be realistic or exacting, or meet certain expectations. "Everyone has a different format for how they want to show what they are thinking about, or what they are seeing to the audience," he said. "I just had to let go of the audience and just started thinking about what I wanted to see." Over time, Liu has also experimented with sculpture, silkscreen and textiles. She looks up to artists like Willem de Kooning, Agnes Martin and Robert Frank, but she feels that her lack of a traditional art-school background has helped her to naturally grow and experiment as an artist, which helps a lot to set her apart from other artists.

Much of Liu's work traces(追溯)back to her childhood. "Because we were an immigrant family and I am first-generation, I always had this imbalance of belonging," she explained. "I think at first it was the language barrier, not speaking English, but then it started becoming about how I look." Art, she explained, became a way to reflect on her younger self. "I think that art helps evaluate some of the psychology of yourself as a child, and to throw light upon some things you may never have understood," she said.

1. What was the milestone for Lucy Liu?
A.Her first film as an actress.B.Her work as a famous director.
C.The exhibition of her painting.D.Her art works of photographs.
2. Why does Liu prefer painting to photography?
A.She wants to study something new.B.She wants to better express herself.
C.She wants to promote her acting career.D.She doesn't want to photograph on the street.
3. What does Liu think makes her different from other artists?
A.Her acting career.B.Her identity as an immigrant.
C.Her experience in photography.D.Her lack of serious art education.
4. What can we know about Liu?
A.She is a pioneer in painting.B.Art helps her understand the world.
C.She had a carefree childhood.D.She had no difficulty acquiring English.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In my second year of high school, I took my first computer science course, which helped me realize I was interested in software. The idea of creating something from just lines of codes and logic was very fascinating. And I didn't put as much time into music as I used to, thinking practicing the piano was just a waste of time.

A year later, when I got back on the piano, I quickly noticed my musical ear was not as strong as it was before. I could no longer hear the difference between a perfect 4th and a perfect 5th or between a D and D flat. Then I had a firm decision to get my skills to where it used to be. After weeks of practicing, I didn't see much progress. I was extremely discouraged and felt that I would have to accept that I no longer will be able to play as well as I used to.

While watching hundreds of tutorials online on how to code in Swift I came up with an idea. What if I used the knowledge I gained from these tutorials to develop an app that would help train my musical ear. After hours of coding, I developed an app that would play a different series of notes, then the user would have to type in the corresponding notes to what they heard. When I was on the subway or had some extra time I could easily open up the app on my phone and use it to help my musical ear. In about 2 months, I regained the skills I lost.

This experience helped me see something that I never noticed before. Programming gives me a platform to express my ideas; in a similar way, playing the piano gives me a way to express my feelings. When playing through a song for the first time I hear many errors. Similarly, when I run my program for the first time there are usually many mistakes. In both of these cases, it takes patience to go through each measure or line to hear or find the error. I realized when I’m playing the piano I am also practicing my programming skills and vice versa.

1. What happened to the author a year ago?
A.He realized his strength.B.He invented lines of codes.
C.He developed another hobby.D.He was too busy to practice piano.
2. Which of the following can best describe the author?
A.Determined and creative.B.Hard-working and gifted.
C.Easy-going and generous.D.Independent and energetic.
3. What can we infer about the author from the third paragraph?
A.He received musical training online.
B.He improved himself by studying online.
C.He got inspired from the tutorials online.
D.He made good use of the app he downloaded online.
4. What can the author learn from the experience?
A.He came to realize it is important to develop some good qualities.
B.He understood the meaning of the saying “practice makes perfect”.
C.He found programming and playing the piano have something in common.
D.He felt it necessary to improve himself in programming and playing the piano.
2020-08-08更新 | 74次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】On his first day as an airport official tasked with COVID-19 prevention and control, Wu Ge was assigned to prepare a waiting area at Pu dong International Airport specifically for transit passengers.

The task would have been challenging for most people, but Wu took it and quickly distributed tasks to his colleagues. Together, they cleaned and disinfected the area, set zones for checking people's temperatures and filling out forms. It wasn't until the first passenger stepped into the waiting area that Wu finally took a break from his work.

Born in southwestern China's Chongqing, the 46-year-old began working at Pu dong International Airport in 2007 and is currently an official leading more than 300 staff members of the Shanghai airport authority's security check and protection department.

As the nation's busiest airport for overseas travelers. Shanghai Pu dong International Airport is currently battling the COVID-19 with closed-loop management. During this critical period, Wu and his colleagues have been assigned to a special task force in charge of separating overseas travelers into various categories, sending passengers to quarantine spots and safeguarding passengers during transfers.

"This job requires care, responsibility and hard work. Our teammates have sweat all over their bodies as they have to wear N95 face-masks and protective suits all the time. Each of us walks at least 30,000 steps every day. Sometimes we even hit 60,000 steps," he says.

Wu's work as the group leader is nonstop. Breakfast is sometimes the only meal he has in a day. Wu says he tries his best to reduce waiting time for passengers. He has also arranged for hot water and biscuits to be made available for passengers around the clock.

1. What was Wu Ge asked to do?
A.Reduce waiting time.B.Prepare hot water and biscuits.
C.Prepare a waiting area.D.Hel passengers fill out forms.
2. Which can best describe Wu Ge's assignment?
3. Why did Wu Ge and his colleague have sweat all over their bodies?
A.It was hot at that timeB.They carried passengers' luggage.
C.They had to walk a lot.D.They wore protective equipment.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Working at the AirportB.Fighting COVID-19 at the Airport
C.Living a Busy Life at the AirportD.Helping Passengers at the Airport
2021-03-13更新 | 84次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It can be hard to convince homeowners to use less water on their lawns (草坪), particularly during a hot and dry summer. But tell them it’s a competition for the ugliest lawn, and suddenly they may be more willing to give up using the sprinkler(洒水器).

This clever strategy was employed by the government of Gotland, Swedens largest island located in the Baltic Sea. Gotland sees its population double during the summer months as tourists arrive. This puts pressure on the island’s already-limited water supply, which is projected to decrease by 13% between 2021 and 2050, as demand is expected to rise by 40% by 2045.

The campaign, called “Gotland’s Ugliest Lawn”, urged homeowners to compete for the saddest, deadest and brownest yard. They were asked to avoid watering for an entire season, then post a photo of the lawn using a label that linked it to the campaign.

Mimmi Gibson, the acting marketing and brand manager at Region Gotland, said that “the ugliest lawn contest would remind the islanders not to waste water, and to talk about ways they can adapt their gardens to suit the existing conditions and the climate crisis”.

The winner for this year was announced in mid-August, and it’s Marcus Norstrom, who did not water his lawn once throughout the entire summer. His photo shows a large brown space   with some sparse yellow grasses sticking out——the kind of yard in which you would not want to walk barefoot (赤脚地)for risk of hurting your feet. The government must be feeling pleased ; its strategy has worked.

It’s an interesting strategy which attempts to normalize and even celebrate dead grass. It is reasonable to assume that the more people see it around their communities, the more acceptable it will become. They may also grow curious when they realize there are other ways to create and maintain an attractive-looking yard, even without irrigation(灌溉).

1. What’s the aim of the competition for the ugliest lawn?
A.To reduce the waste of water.B.To limit the growth of local lawns.
C.To strengthen citizens friendship.D.To enhance citizens, health awareness.
2. What do the numbers in paragraph 2 show?
A.Gotland is rich in water resources.
B.People will have no water to drink in 2050.
C.Gotland is faced with serious lack of water.
D.The population of Gotland grows faster and faster.
3. What’s Mimmi Gibson’s attitude towards the ugliest lawn contest?
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To explain the success of the strategy.
B.To tell citizens the danger of the ugliest lawn.
C.To discuss why its dangerous to waste water.
D.To show citizens what the ugliest lawn looks like.
2023-01-13更新 | 135次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般