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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:79 题号:11829702

Suppose that we lined up our roughly 14 million United States businesses in order of size, starting with the smallest, along an imaginary road from San Francisco to New York. There will be 4,500 businesses to the mile, or a little less than one per foot. Suppose further that we planted a flag for each business. The height of the flag pole represents the yearly volume of sales, each $ 10, 000 in sales is shown by one foot of pole.

The line of flagpoles is a very interesting sight. From San Francisco to about Reno, it is almost unnoticeable, a row of poles about a foot high. From Reno eastward the poles increase in height until, near Columbus, Ohio -- about four-fifths of the way across the nation -- flags fly about 10 feet in the air.

But as we approach the eastern terminus (终点) , the poles suddenly begin to rise. There are about 300, 000 firms in the country with sales over $ 500, 000. These firms take up the last 75 miles of the 3,000-mile road. There are 200, 000 firms with sales over $ 1 million. They take up the last 50 miles. Then there are 1, 000 firms with sales of $ 50, 000, 000 or more. They take up the last quarter of a mile before the city limits, flags flying at cloud height, 5,000 feet up.

At the very gate of New York, on the last 100 feet of the last mile, we find the 100 largest industrial firms. They have sales of at least $ 1.5 billion, so that their flags are already miles high. Along the last 10 feet of road, there are 10 largest companies. Their sales are roughly $ 10 billion and up: their flags fly 190 miles in the air , almost in the stratosphere (平流层) .

1. What is the author’s main purpose in this passage?
A.To tell the reason why the largest firms are in New York.
B.To show the geographical distribution of the US businesses.
C.To provide a general idea of the size of businesses in the US.
D.To tell us how the United States businesses are arranged.
2. What’s the correct order of the following places from east to west?
A.San Francisco, Reno, New York, Columbus.
B.San Francisco, Reno, Columbus, New York.
C.New York, Columbus, Reno, San Francisco.
D.New York, Reno, Columbus, San Francisco.
3. Among the three parts of the imaginary road, which part, considering all the firms in it, has the
largest total volume of sales?
A.The last 75 miles.B.The last 50 miles.
C.The last 100 feet of the last mile.D.The last quarter of a mile.
4. Which of the following diagrams shows the right order of size of the US businesses, according to
the text? (S =San Francisco   R =Reno   C =Columbus   N =New York   H =height   F = feet)
20-21高三上·河南南阳·阶段练习 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Taxpayers in America pay less in income tax than many Europeans, according to a Pew Research Center report. Belgium has the highest income tax rate, at nearly 56 percent of income, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD. Taxpayers in the U.S. pay less than 36 percent of their incomes into the national treasury. Taxes pay for services provided by the government. The U.S. ranks 25 of the 34 developed countries polled in the report.

An unmarried person with no children was used as an example in the report. In America, an unmarried person, with no children, making the average wage of $50,000 in 2014 paid 24.8 percent of their income in federal (联邦的) income tax and payroll taxes (工资税). A similar person living in Belgium would pay 42.3 percent of their income. The average among the 39 countries in the poll was 27.3 percent income tax.

South Korea and Canada had two of the lowest tax rates. The tax rate in South Korea for a married couple with two children is between 10 percent and 20 percent. An unmarried person in Canada with two children has a tax rate below 10 percent.

The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually April 15. This year, the deadline is April 18. American taxpayers complain that wealthy people and large companies pay too little tax, according to a Pew Research Center poll from 2015.

Americans pay tax to fund programs like Social Security and Medicaid, according to the Pew Research Center. Last year, American taxes paid for $888 billion in Social Security benefits. Social Security pays the elderly an income after they stop working. The government also paid more than $546 billion in Medicaid and Medicare benefits. Those programs pay for health and medical care to people who cannot afford it, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

1. According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.South Korea has the lowest tax rate.
B.Taxpayers in America pay less in taxes than many Europeans.
C.No countries in the world have a higher income tax than that in Belgium.
D.The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually between April 15 and April 18
2. The majority of people benefiting from the taxes in America are ________.
A.the elderly retirees
B.unmarried people
C.Married couples
D.wealthy people and corporations
3. How is Passage 2 mainly developed?
A.By giving descriptions
B.By analyzing causes
C.By describing process
D.By making comparisons
4. The best title for the text might be ________.
A.The Main Use of Taxes in America
B.US Taxes Low Compared to Other Countries
C.Taxes in America and Taxes in Other Countries
D.Taxpayers’ Complaints about Paying Too Much Tax
2018-04-08更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Global finance is being changed as billionaires get richer and cut out the middlemen(中间商)by creating their own "family offices”,personal investment firms that look for opportunities in global markets. Largely unnoticed,family offices have become a force in investing,with up to S4 trillion of assets(资产)equal to 6%of the value of the world's stock markets. As they grow even bigger,family offices are sure to face uncomfortable questions about how they concentrate power and feed inequality.

These trends are unlikely to fade. The number of billionaires is still growing-199 newbies(新手)made the grade last year. Family offices' weight in the financial system,therefore,looks likely to rise further. As it does,some concerns about them will rise.

The first is that family offices could endanger the stability of the financial system. A $100 billion fund backed by the super-rich,blew up in 1998,almost bringing down Wall Street. Scores of wealthy people collapsed(崩溃)in 2008. Still,as things stand,family offices look like the next disaster waiting to happen. They have debt equal to 17%of their assets,making them among the least leveraged participants in global markets.

The second worry is that family offices could expand the power of the wealthy over the economy. This is possible: were Bill Gates to invest in Turkey,he would own 65%of its stock market. But a healthy economy's aim is usually to diversify risk,not concentrate power,by taking capital(资本)from the original family business and putting it into a widely spread field.

It is the third danger that has most bite: family offices might have privileged(有特权的)access to information,deals and tax schemes,allowing them to perform better than ordinary investors. So far there is little evidence for this. If all this did lead to an unfair advantage,the effect,when combined over decades,would make wealth inequality disastrously worse.

Most authorities are beginners when it comes to dealing with family offices,but they need to ensure that rules on trading and the equal servicing are observed. And they should require family offices with assets of over,say,$10 billion to publish accounts detailing their workings. In return,they should be free to operate undisturbed. They may even have something to teach asset managers serving ordinary investors, many of whom may look at their monthly fees and wish that they, too, could get away from the middlemen.

1. What do we know about family offices in the first paragraph?
A.They made the global investments for billionaires.
B.Their influence on global markets will go unnoticed.
C.The rise of them contributes to equality in economy.
D.They contribute more to world economy than middlemen.
2. "The least leveraged participants"(Paragraph 3) refer to the financers who.
A.make the successful investmentsB.easily fall into the financial crisis
C.work well with the super-rich classD.play a positive role in global markets
3. What effects could family offices have according to the passage?
A.Their concentration of power brings potential risks to economy.
B.Their various privileges have greatly angered ordinary investors.
C.Their investments are beneficial to the stability of global markets.
D.Their workings could narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.
4. What should the authorities pay attention to when monitoring the family offices?
A.The quality of their investments.
B.The freedom of their operation.
C.The equality in trading and servicing.
D.The interests of ordinary investors.
2019-10-16更新 | 53次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Over the past 40 years, China has helped more than 700 million rural residents out of being poor, and the poverty rate — the proportion of people living below the Chinese poverty line — had fallen among the rural population from 97.5 percent in 1978 to 3.1 percent at the end of 2017, official figures shows. China’s achievements in poverty alleviation (扶贫) made the world look at China with admiration.

“For me, it is unbelievable that over 40 years, that is, over the course of one working lifetime, China has gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to one that is about to eliminate(消除) absolute poverty,” said Craig Allen, president of the US-China Business Council.

Varaprasad Sekhar Dolla, a professor of Chinese studies at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, also spoke highly of China’s achievements in poverty reduction. “If global poverty came down greatly in the last three or four decades, it’s partly because of the Chinese contribution to reducing poverty within its own national boundaries,” said the Indian scholar.

In the eyes of Khairy Tourk, a professor of economics with the Stuart School of Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, “many countries look up to China to learn from its experience.” “The Chinese experience is based on building a modern infrastructure (基础设施) and then on setting up special economic zones that would help underdeveloped countries to become more industrial,” he added.

In the government work report delivered at the opening of the annual NPC session (全国人大会议) on March 5, China promises to reduce its population of rural poor by over 10 million this year.

1. What’s the purpose of the numbers given in the first paragraph?
A.To show China has helped many rural residents out of poverty.
B.To imply many Chinese are suffering from poverty.
C.To show the great changes of China in the past 40 decades.
D.To indicate all Chinese will eliminate poverty this year.
2. What’s the attitude of Craig Allen to China’s achievements in poverty alleviation?
3. Which is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
A.The global poverty has come down except China.
B.China should try its best to help the world out of poverty.
C.China has made great contributions to world poverty alleviation.
D.China has eliminated poverty completely.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.China will make more progress in poverty alleviation.
B.China has done a lot in poverty alleviation.
C.China has realized its dream to help its people out of poverty.
D.The world speak well of China’s achievements in poverty alleviation.
2020-01-10更新 | 66次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般