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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:178 题号:12251570
Dear Matt,

I don’t have anyone to play with at break. My classmates all have their company, and no one is interested in talking to me. I’m shy and very lonely. I find it hard to make friends. what should I do?


Dear Friendless,

Take the initiative. The things that you want in life won’t always just happen for you. Often, we need to take action to make a positive change in our lives. This also happens to be true for making friends. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do starting today to build friendships with your classmates.

It’s true that it’s easier for some people to make friends than others. Like you, I am also a fairly shy person. Sometimes, it takes effort to go out and meet people. You will have to overcome your shyness by talking to people. It may be frightening and uncomfortable at first, but it’s the only way to develop your confidence and begin to make friends.

Making new friends starts with talking. You will need to get close to others to start a conversation. Do you have any common interests with your classmates? Find them. It could be something as simple as a TV show, music or sports.

Are you involved in any after-school clubs, sports or activities? There are friends out there for all of us, and they will come more naturally. I used to play on a soccer team for many years when I was younger. Working towards a common goal-winning the game in this case—helped the teammates to work together. I made many friends this way.

During the break, maybe you can introduce a new game or activity that others would be interested in. Make sure your body language shows that you are open and willing to talk with others. Don’t be afraid to speak loud before a group of people. Also, don’t be afraid to simply ask if you can join your classmates in whatever game or activity they’re now engaged in.

You can do it.


1. Who is Matt?
A.A reporter.B.An adviser.
C.A classmate of Friendless’.D.A soccer coach.
2. Matt gives the following suggestions to Friendless EXCEPT _______.
A.starting talking to others.B.watching a TV Show.
C.joining in after-school activities.D.introducing what interests others.
3. Why does Matt share his experience on a soccer team with Friendless?
A.To invite Friendless to join his team.B.To explain the benefit of playing soccer.
C.To tell that he used to be good at sports.D.To show joining a team helps make friends.
4. According to Matt, what can help to show one’s willingness to talk?
A.Using body language.B.Keeping asking questions.
C.Creating a new game.D.Speaking in a low voice.
5. Where is this text taken from?
A.An Encyclopedia.B.A brochure.C.A newspaper.D.A story-book.


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How to Build Patience Abilities

What’s the purpose of building patience abilities? In a word, happiness. Better relationships, more success. But indeed it takes efforts to build them successfully.     1     Thus, when the big ones come, we will have developed the patience we need for hard times.

    2     We, human beings, are still constructed with our old reptilian (爬行动物的) brain that protects our physical and emotional survival. The urge to protect ourselves and what we consider valuable is absolutely habit-forming. So the first step in growing patience is to get in touch with the addictive quality of the opposite of patience—anger, impatience, blame and shame. We all have them, and we can grow beyond them.

Upgrade our attitude towards discomfort and pain.     3     We try to change the other person, situation or thing that we think is causing our discomfort. But the problem is that it is not the outside thing that’s the source of our pain, but how our mind is set. So the solution to pain is an inside job.

Pay attention when the impatience or pain starts. Most of us don’t really realize it when we are feeling even the smallest—but very present—painful feelings. We ignore the fact that we’re in pain and focus completely on fixing the problem.     4     Focusing on what’s actually happening, you can notice the worry of not wanting what’s happening, the resistance.

Practise positive self-talk. When you find yourself impatient, or angry with yourself, you can remind yourself that you are growing. You can say to yourself, “It’s true. I don’t like this.     5    

A.This is uncomfortable, but I can tolerate it.
B.Patience is good for you in every aspect.
C.Don’t blame yourself for being angry sometimes.
D.Pain has its purposes and pushes us to find solutions.
E.Understand the addictive nature of anger and impatience.
F.Effective ways are recommended to train ourselves to work with little pain and annoyance.
G.But to care for ourselves, get curious’ about what’s happening in the moment inside you.
7日内更新 | 5次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】With all the pressures of life, relaxing can be difficult, No matter what your lifestyle is,you can find ways to relax.     1     .

Meditate (冥想)

Try progressive muscle relaxation. The key to effective meditation is to find a quiet spot away from noise. Start by wearing loose clothes and taking a few slow breaths. When you feel relaxed, focus on your right foot. Think about how it feels. Then, slowly tense the muscles in your foot and hold for 10 seconds. Then you relax your foot and feel the tension releasing as your foot feels loose.     2     .

Breathe deeply

Deep breathing is one of the most effective relaxation techniques.     3    . Sit straight in a chair in a quiet room, and think about how your feet feel on the floor, the posture of your back, and the clothes against your skin. Then turn your attention to your breathing.

Listen to soothing (舒缓的) music

    4    . Try closing your eyes and lying down while listening to something that relaxes you. Put in your favorite CD, make a playlist of fun songs, or listen to the music that makes you happy. Sing along to the songs for added relaxation, If you prefer music, try piano or violin instrumental music.


Spend a few minutes every day writing about your day. You can keep a journal about everything and anything. Write pages if you feel like it, Make the activity about clearing your stress and allowing yourself to relax. You can write things like, “You are awesome” or “I love myself”.

A.Take a bath
B.Keep a diary.
C.Here are some useful tips
D.Exercise can help boost your mood
E.Do the same thing to your left foot later
F.Sounds can have a powerful relaxation effect
G.Deep breathing can be done anywhere at any time
2024-01-24更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It is difficult for teens to see beyond the present. Goal setting challenges them psychologically, because il involves having to wait for a long time to see the results. They should learn that anything good is worth working for and that it is only over time and effort that we see the true results of all of our hard work.     1     Here are a few tips Io follow when teaching your child to set effective goals.

    2     Ask your child what is most important to him. For example, if he wants to play on the high school football team but is a little less athletic than he needs to be. a productive goal might be to improve his throw, increase his running speed or gain a few pounds. If he wants to make all As. but currently has Bs, brainstorm ways to improve. The goals kids set should always reflect what is most important to them.

Be realistic. It is great to dream, but it's better to choose a goal that is achievable than to continually strive unattainable goals. Using basic behavioral psychology principles, if kids repeatedly try but fail they will lose much of their motivation to try.     3    

Compete with yourself.     4     Instead, teach them to challenge themselves to do better than they did in the past.

Mark off achievements as you go. Kids should realize that each milestone they reach takes them that much closer to their end goal.     5     The little accomplishments we do day by day bring us closer to our bigger goals.

A.Consider priorities.
B.Vary the focus of the goals.
C.Very few things come to us immediately.
D.Kids shouldn't feel they are in a contest with other kids.
E.Goal setting for teens should center on the most important things.
F.An important lesson to teach them is that they will reach their goal.
G.Realistic goals challenge them to reach higher than they have before.
2021-04-22更新 | 56次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般