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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:12252116

Stephane Borie, Sarah Francis and Kathryn Francis, owners of the Checkers restaurant in Wales, announced they had returned the desirable star rating — regarded as the peak for any restaurant — before publication of the 2019 edition of the Michelin Guide on 1 October.

Sarah Francis and her partner, Stephane Borie, have three young children while Kathryn Francis has two.

“I don’t know how we’ve done it for all these years, juggling (同时处理) the kids with working split shifts and late hours,” said Sarah Francis. “It has been a joy to have the star and the most amazing news when we got it. It was great for trade and brilliant for the town. But more for us, it’s about taking the business in a new direction and putting our family first. It means we can work in the day and have our evenings to ourselves.

The restaurant will relaunch in November as Checkers Pantry, and will open for breakfast and lunch with drinks and cakes available throughout the day. Borie will continue to cook at the Checkers but also plans to add more dishes to his menu for private customers across Europe.

A top French restaurant, Le Suquet, stepped away from the listings last year, having held a three-star rating for nearly two decades. The chef Sebastien Bras said he no longer wanted to cook at his restaurant under the "huge pressure” of being judged by the inspectors. Michelin said it was the first time a French chef had asked to be dropped from its restaurant guide in this way.

Simon Wright, restaurateur, food writer and former AA food guide editor, said decisions such as that by the Checkers were “often a reflection of the enormous pressure and additional expectation that comes with a Michelin star".

1. From the passage, we can know the Checkers _________.
A.changed its partnership
B.came back to the Michelin Guide
C.came out among the top restaurants
D.first appeared in the 2019 Michelin guide
2. Why did the Checkers decide to return the Michelin Star ?
A.To make more profits.
B.To travel across Europe.
C.To rebuild the restaurant.
D.To spend more time with their families.
3. What do we know about Le Suquet ?
A.The chef didn’t cook well.
B.It gave up its Michelin star rating.
C.It was opened about twenty years ago.
D.It refused Michelin guide inspectors’ visit.
4. According to Simon Wright, a Michelin star means _________.
A.quality food and service
B.a privilege for a restaurant
C.a guarantee for better business
D.huge pressure and greater expectations


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】After almost an entire year of not going shopping and vacationing, you find the numbers reflected by your bank account meet your heart’ s desire.

Now the most important question comes, what to do with the earnings? Should you fulfill dreams of the present, invest in preserving the future or perhaps keep saving it for a rainy day?

Our elders always try to teach us the value of money and its moral weakness. One may be on a winning streak (连续成功) now, but it will not always be so. One will have days when there will be no sunshine but only rain, and their luck will hide behind those thick grey clouds. Save for those rainy days, they say. Do not spend too much, live within a budget, refrain from credit no matter how small and save for the future.

Since the very first time we earn our own money from a summer job or earning our first salary, the lessons start. In fact, the pocket money that we receive when we are children begins the process of learning how to best manage one’ s money.

People often think like this — one day when I have enough money, I will travel the world. Then, once we do earn enough money, tomorrow’ s plans start shadowing our present ones. However, is it wise to keep living for that future? Will we still enjoy or even be able to backpack in our 50s? How will we ever enjoy our present if we are constantly living for the future?

Good questions, aren’ t they? I say travel but don’ t let yourself run dry, treat yourself to some luxuries but also keep enough for your necessities, and enjoy your present but with a plan for the foreseeable future. Life is for the living, so live it sensibly.

1. Why do elders teach us to save money?
A.Because there are more rainy days in life.
B.Because no one can win streak.
C.Because good days may end.
D.Because money can’t buy everything.
2. What does the underlined phrase “refrain from” mean in Paragraph 3?
A.select fromB.hold back
C.rely onD.prefer to
3. Which of the following opinions would the author agree?
A.To enjoy yourself in the right time.
B.To wait to travel until we have enough money.
C.To go backpacking in our 50s.
D.To live for the future.
4. What should we do with the earnings according to the author?
A.We should save all for rainy days.
B.We should fulfill our dreams.
C.We should entertain ourselves.
D.We should live the present wisely.
2021-05-14更新 | 276次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to stick to your money diet

Even after you’ve set your mind to spending less, it’s easy to give in to an impulse buy.     1    .

Plan for some treats

    2    ,the more you’re likely to long for it, and then give in and splash out.(大肆挥霍)And often these treats can be costly.

Takeaway the temptation

Some of our favourite treats are the ones that require little effort—a takeaway is the perfect example. All you need to do is open your computer, tap a few buttons and in an hour or so food has arrived. But these are so expensive.     3    . You can prepare for those lazy evenings by batch-cooking in advance and freezing the leftovers.


If you know the ping of your favourite brand’s newsletter appearing in your inbox could make you head to their website, and then in all likelihood buy something, then there’s a very simple solution: unsubscribe.

Remove as many of these messages from your email and social media as you can.

Take a list

Whatever you’re buying, but especially at the supermarket, it’ll really help you avoid extra purchases by taking a list of what you actually need to buy. If it’s not written down,     5    .

A.Pay attention to emails and social media
B.The less you have of something,
C.And for the times you forget to do this.
D.Ignore emails and social media
E.Here are our practical tips on sticking to your budget.
F.then you don’t buy it.
G.Yet the opposite of this isn’t necessarily cooking from scratch.
2022-07-21更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Sundays, I walk to the supermarket. Mother hands me the grocery list and puts money in my pocket, hoping it will be enough. She's had a hard day, and I've had a hard week. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when I get to the store. I grab the bread, some milk, and other things on the list. As I turn to head out, I see a beautiful dress in the window. I turn away, bitter that I could never own such a dress.

Outside, I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress. It's not fair that I can never have what I want. I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return, just another list to do. In my anger, I fail to realize the apples are rolling across the road. Suddenly, I see a pair of hands, offering me an apple. Looking up, I see the tanned (晒黑的) face of this stranger. His clothes are mismatched, borrowed or stolen. But his eyes are soft and kind.

“Thanks,” I say. No other words are spoken as he continues to help me. I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish. Suddenly, he says, “Have a good day, ma'am.” And then he gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen. Right then, he looks years younger — and I feel a fool.

Look at me, feeling sorry for myself because I don't get what I want! Do I not think others are in the same boat, or worse? There are worse things than not having a beautiful dress.

My mother will hand me the list today. I will make the same journey and probably see something I want but cannot have. But before I start to feel sorry for myself, I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile, and I will grab the last item, and check out.

1. What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?
A.She is rushing to get home.
B.She comes from a poor family.
C.She never buys herself new clothes.
D.She enjoys doing the family shopping.
2. Why does the author feel angry as she walks home?
A.Her apples drop on the road.
B.She gets nothing for her effort.
C.She is expected to do too much.
D.Her family pay little attention to her.
3. The author speaks very few words to the man because _____.
A.she thinks he is a bad man
B.she has never met him before
C.she is in a hurry to do other work
D.she doesn't like the way he's dressed
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.A difficult daily job
B.Learn to understand
C.My greatest influence
D.Save money for the future
2019-05-27更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般