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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:96 题号:12335505

Gift-Giving Customs

Whether it is for a special festival, to express thanks or to just let someone know that you care about them, giving gifts is a common custom. The purpose of giving gifts may be similar, but the tradition varies from country to country. A gift of respect in one place may be considered rude in another. Take a look at three unique gift giving traditions.


If you're invited to someone's home in India, you should bring a small gift, whether it's a box of chocolates or some flowers. Gifts shouldn't be wrapped(包裹)in black or white colors, because they are considered unlucky. Instead, use bright colors such as green, red or yellow. When giving money for any occasion, it should have an odd number (奇数)value. That's believed to bring good luck. Instead of receiving a gift with both hands, Indians generally only use their right hand because left hands are considered unclean.


For most Japanese, the ritual(礼节)of giving presents is more important than the gifts themselves. The correct way is to present or receive gifts with both hands. Every gift should be wrapped. That's because uncovered gifts are considered disrespectful. To show politeness and thanks, those who are receiving the gift may turn it down once or twice before finally accepting it. Gifts should be given in pairs, but four should be avoided just like in China. Lucky numbers also include eight. Eight is said to bring prosperity(兴旺).

Native America

While it may be common for guests to prepare gifts for hosts, this is different in Native American communities. From weddings to birthday celebrations, guests are the ones who receive gifts. Gifts are usually homemade arts and crafts(工艺)- made by hand to show love, respect and appreciation.

1. Which of the tradition will fit in India?
A.Bring the gift wrapped in white.
B.Use 600 dollars as gift.
C.Receive gift with both hands.
D.Chocolates in red box as gift.
2. The Japanese pay more attention to the          of giving presents.
3. Which of the following statements is right?
A.The traditions of giving gift is similar in different countries.
B.Japanese will receive the presents directly.
C.The hosts in America are expected to receive presents.
D.No matter where the gift-giving customs are, they convey good meaning.


阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Moving abroad can be a challenging experience. You leave your family,friends and everything you know behind. You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different.     1    .It's a time to discover new things,make new friends and begin a new adventure.

So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?

Live with a native speaker

    2    .First,you have a friend!Living alone can be a lonely experience,especially if you're far from home. I've also had the opportunity to meet my housemate's friends and socialize (交往) with them.     3    .In addition,you have someone to tell you about the cultural customs and interesting places in the area.

Socialize with the local people

The thought of making friends and mixing with the local people may seem scary at first but it's worth it.     4    ,attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange with people that are interested in learning your native language.


The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience. I've tried things that I've never tried before. My knowledge of different bread and cheese types has grown greatly.

A.Try the local food
B.But it's also exciting
C.I currently volunteer with homeless people
D.You can also speak the local language every day
E.Improve my French vocabulary and understanding
F.You can meet other people in the area by joining a club
G.There are many advantages of living with a native speaker
2017-08-15更新 | 75次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The “three ox spirit” (三牛精神) first appeared in President Xi Jinping’s speech at a New Year’s gathering last December. The ox is a symbol of diligence (勤劳), progress and strength. On Feb 18, the first working day of the new year, Hua Chunying, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, explained it on the social media to encourage people with the “three ox spirit”—the serving-the-people ox, the pioneering ox, the persisting ox.

Centuries ago, most people earned their living through farming. The ox was used to help in the field and carry heavy goods.

The ox has played an important place in Chinese culture. Ancient Chinese poets and writers often described the ox in literature. In the Classic of Poetry, the oldest collection of Chinese poetry, the animal was mentioned in nine out of the 305 pieces.

Oxen seldom bully (欺负) the weak or fear the strong. They work hard and make sacrifices (牺牲). A poem by Lu Xun (1881-1936) — “Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; Head bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children (横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛)” fully expresses the poet’s love to our country and the people.

So naturally, those who were born in the Year of the Ox are often expected to be hardworking and dependable. “They never want to be the center of attention or look for praise,” the website China Highlights noted.

1. When was the “three ox spirit” first appeared?
2. What is NOT in the “three ox spirit”?
A.The progressing ox.B.The serving-the-people ox.
C.The pioneering ox.D.The persisting ox.
3. Why did Lu Xun choose the ox to use in his poem?
A.Because the ox is weak.B.Because the ox is loving.
C.Because the ox is helpful.D.Because the ox is proud.
4. What are the people born in the Year of the Ox like?
A.They always want to look for praise.B.They want to be the center of attention.
C.They are hardworking and dependable.D.They bully the weak and fear the strong.
2022-08-17更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It’s not unusual for us to be together with our relatives on the weekends. But you know that holidays can be the chances for families to get together. Also, it may be a time to break your relationship because of some improper conversations. Now, Deborah Tannen, a Georgetown University professor, offers suggestions to improve communication at the holiday table. Lets take a look.

A round dinning table is best for promoting a lively conversation because everyone faces one another. So, avoid seating grandparents at the ends of a rectangular(长方形的)table, even though it is the traditional place of honor. The old may feel lonely there because they will be unable to hear or keep up with a conversation. So do female family members because they prefer to face each other when they talk. However, Men might look around at other things. “Guys may be more relaxed looking at the TV or other interesting things.” says Tannen.

When talking, you should notice the people who are not involved in it. If you feel you are doing all the talk, wait to give others a chance to start. If you feel you cant get a chance to speak, try to make yourself to start talking.

Besides, Some families find that gatherings will go better if they take part in an outdoor activity. Going to a park for a walk may be more enjoyable than sitting around talking.

1. According to the passages, seating the old at the ends of a rectangular table _______.
A.might stop them from talking
B.may make them feel uncomfortable
C.is a good way to show them honor
D.allows them to follow a conversation
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A.Men like to make more eye contact than women.
B.Women prefer outdoor activities over sitting around talking.
C.Men may be more relaxed while watching TV.
D.Women always want to doing all the talk.
3. The main purpose of the text is to _______.
A.introduce Deborah Tannen
B.give us some advice on how to spend holidays
C.suggest how we can talk and act properly when families are getting together
D.look at the person and listen to him when you are talking with others
2017-05-04更新 | 114次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般