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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:215 题号:12344580

If you are aiming to master anything quickly, you can learn from Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman. They offer practical advice you can use to improve your learning.

According to Einstein, improving your intellectual capacity should be fun and enjoyable-happy learners are quick learners. In 1915, he wrote a letter to his 11-year-old son (HansAlbert) who was learning the piano and said.

“I am very pleased that you find joy with the piano. This and carpentry are in my opinion for your age the best pursuits, better even than school, because those are things which fit a young person such as you very well. Mainly play the things on the piano which please you, even if the teacher does not assign those. That is the way to learn the most when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes.”

To learn anything faster or better choose topics you will enjoy — you have control over what you are learning. Make the learning relevant. You should be able to answer the question “Why am I learning this?” at any point.

Richard Feynman won a Nobel Prize and always wanted to know more and to learn more Known as the “Great Explainer”, he was famous for his ability to explain complex topics in simple ways.

The Feynman Technique, his approach to improving learning, features explaining or teaching what you learn to others. It can help you learn better and keep more of what you learn. According to Feynman, it is significant to have the ability to explain things simply — so simple, in fact, that you could explain it to an eight-year-old. Einstein agrees. He once said, “t you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

For thousands of years, people have known that the best way to understand a concept is to explain it to someone else. “While we teach, we learn.” said the Roman philosopher Seneca. Learners keep a greater percentage of what they learn when they explain or teach the concept to someone else, or use it immediately. Your ideas will never be more effective than your ability to-make others grasp them. When you share, you remember better.

1. Einstein wrote the letter to his son in order to________.
A.encourage Hans to play the piano well.
B.share some useful advice on how to play the piano.
C.support Hans’ learning the piano with enjoyment.
D.suggest Hans taking teachers seriously.
2. Why is the Roman philosopher Seneca mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To provide advice on how to teach concepts.
B.To illustrate the significance of teaching others.
C.To impress the readers with his meaningful quotes.
D.To show people’s exploration of concepts in history.
3. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?
A.Secrets of Learning Faster.B.Benefits of Teaching Others.
C.Contribution of Great Explainers.D.Importance of Learning with Enjoyment.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Conversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day with the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we are so often absorbed in conversation that we lose sight of its true purpose and value.

One important aspect of a good conversation is the words used to express thoughts and feelings. We are full of deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not enough for this expression, and many make little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that touches you deeply, yet you have the following conversation: “So, what did you think of the film?” “Oh, my God, it was so sad. I swear, I went through using up a box of tissues. I was in tears.”This dialogue is hardly an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no sign of how or why the movie truly affected you. Such commonly-used phrases are certainly not enough to describe a deeply moving experience. However, not only must you try to avoid overused words, you must also be careful in your selection. The purpose of expanding vocabulary is not to use the largest or most impressive words, but to find those best suited.

What is lacking in many conversations is the ability to talk to another rather than just talking with that person. A thoughtful person will find that even in the most ordinary of conversations, there are a thousand questions waiting to be asked if you have courage and a desire for change, in order to seek out the person behind the mask. Good conversations should not be made up of nonsense, but of a meeting of two sharing the human condition. It should bring a purer understanding of others and offer a release of emotions more than drive away unpleasant thoughts or kill time. If we want, we can reach beyond the superficiality(肤浅) of talking into the vast kingdom of wisdom.

1. The author used a movie as an example to show that ____________.
A.overused words can’t fully express feelings of a speaker
B.how and why a moving movie can deeply affect a speaker
C.only expanding vocabulary can describe moving experiences
D.the largest or most impressive words should he used by speakers
2. “Seek out the person behind the mask” in the last paragraph means___________.
A.remove the mask of othersB.distrust the others’ appearance
C.feel doubtful about the othersD.get the hidden truth beyond words
3. According to the author, a good conversation is ___________.
A.a way to free the unpleasant or pass timeB.a desire to raise more questions
C.an exchange of emotions and experiencesD.a route to the kingdom of wisdom
4. The best title of the passage could be ___________.
A.Vocabulary in ConversationsB.Art of Conversations
C.Ability in ConversationsD.Importance of Conversations
2017-09-08更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Are you planning to drive over a long distance? These tips for long road trips can help you get there safely and comfortably.

Store your sleep time.

Think about extreme tiredness before you begin your journey, not after. Get at least seven hours of sleep for two non-stop nights before the road trip to build up your energy reserves.     1    , when the body’s temperature is slightly lower and people are naturally sleepy.

Fuel up.

    2    . Carrying along a variety of vitamin-packed, healthy foods will allow you to get by on smaller snacks throughout the long drive, while the skipping the fast-food stops.”To stay alert(警觉的),carrots and almonds are my favourite,” says travel expert Gretchen Breuner.

Use food smells.

During long distance driving, keep peppermint(薄荷)smell nearby. When you need a help, take a sniff.     3    .

Plan your stops.

One of the most important tips for long road trips is to get out of your car and relaxed your legs every two hours or so.     4    . It doesn’t matter wheather they fall at mealtimes or can be timed to let you view interesting places.


Books on tapes help keep the brain active, without creating a dangerous distraction(干扰).Breus recommends listening humorous books or even comedy CDs. Laughing will keep you awake.

A.Make full use of it every day
B.Treat yourself to some sounds
C.Buy as many CDs as possible to kill time
D.Plan these stops into your long distance drive
E.This time, we mean fuel for you,not your car
F.Also, try to avoid driving between 1:00 and 3:00 pm
G.It has been shown to reduce tiredness and increase alertness
2018-12-21更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】If you’re putting together a team for a project, you might tend to pick people with cheerful, optimistic characters and flexible thinking. But a new management study indicates your team might also benefit from people who have the opposite emotions (情感), according to experts from some universities.

The study, co-authored by Jing Zhou, investigates (研究) the effects of "team affective (情感的) diversity" on team creativity. The paper is among the first research to show how, why and under what condition teams "affective diversity" promotes team creativity

Team members with what researchers call "negative affect" exhibit critical and continuous thinking that allows them to find problems needing solutions, as well as to search out and critically evaluate relevant information. On the other hand, team members with "positive affect" engage in broad and flexible thinking that expands their range of information and helps them see unusual and creative connections, the researchers say.

"At any given point of time, some team members may experience positive affect such as joy and inspiration, while others may experience negative affect such as frustration and worry," Zhou said. "Instead of trying to homogenize (使类同) team members' affect, teams should enthusiastically accept affective diversity.”

When a team experiences a high level of this "affective diversity", what Zhou describes as "dual-tuning (双调谐)" leads to greater creativity.

"Our study suggests that teams may be aided in using their affective diversity via involvements that focus on building the team's memory system, which can be accelerated when team members spend time together, share goals, receive information about member specializations and train on the task together," Zhou said.

1. What is the new management study about?
A.Teams benefit more from negative people.
B.People with cheerful characters make good teams
C.Teams only benefit from people with flexible thinking
D.People with negative feelings might also benefit teams.
2. How do team members with "negative affect" influence their teams
A.By addressing problems more efficientlyB.By assessing related materials seriously.
C.By encouraging broad and complicated thinking.D.By investigating unusual and creative connections
3. How can teams urge the team members' greater creativity?
A.By balancing team members' different emotionsB.By inspiring a high level of the affective diversity.
C.By praising positive affect like joy and inspiration.D.By avoiding negative affect like sadness and worry.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Use Your Team's Emotions to Promote CreativityB.Win Great Creativity by Searching for Its Reasons
C.Create an Excellent Team with Optimistic PeopleD.Homogenize Team Members' Affect Enthusiastically
2022-01-30更新 | 229次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般