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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:56 题号:12371060

Besides the excitement of travel, one reason to study abroad is that you will experience new customs, holidays, foods, art music and politics firsthand.

“I learned the language and am now fluent, but perhaps more important was how much I learned about cultures, people and myself. I learned this from the viewpoint of an active member of the community and my host family , not from the tourists’ point of view,," said Andrew, who studied in Poitiers, France.

Another reason for studying abroad is that you'll gain self-confidence. Christina studied in Caracas, Venezuela, a city of 10 million people and a huge change from her hometown of 35,000! Christina says she learned how to better stand up for herself and her beliefs and to express herself in another language. What could make you more confident than that?

Living away from home can also help you adjust in the transition (过渡)to college and adulthood .Matthew says he returned from studying in Australia with confidence and a real interest in international affairs that really set him apart from his peers. "After having gone abroad in high school, I found the transition to college to be a breeze——moving 560 miles from home didn’t seem particularly frightening after having lived thousands of miles away.”

And speaking of college, improving your language skills might help you get into dream colleges and even land future jobs. Colleges and employers know that studying abroad provides leadership skills in a world that is increasingly globally interconnected.

Most of all, it's fun! You're not likely to suffer from general boredom while you're studying in a different learning environment.

1. What did Andrew pay special attention to while studying abroad?
A.The foreign fooD.B.The foreign culture.
C.The foreign customs.D.The foreign language.
2. The example of Christina shows that studying abroad can       .
A.change our habitsB.offer us opportunities
C.increase our knowledgeD.give us self-confidence
3. What made Matthew different from his peers?
A.His fluent EnglishB.His special character
C.His ability to deal with peopleD.His interest in the world events.
4. What does the underlined word “breeze” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Something very important.
B.Something very interesting.
C.Something very easy
D.Something very hard


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

You wake up in the morning, the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time. Then the telephone rings, you say hello, and the drama starts. The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to. You are still in a wonderful mood? Impossible!

Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness. It may not change what you think, but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.

Life brings ups and downs, but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer. They only feel glad when they make others feel bad. No wonder they can hardly win others’ pity or respect.

When you communicate with positive people, your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger (匕首) of a negative person is put in you, you feel the heavy feeling that all in all, brings you down.

Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people. This could be a co-worker, or a relative. In this case, say what needs to be said as little as possible. Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person, but all this does is to lower you to that same negative level and they won’t feel ashamed of themselves about that.

Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized. The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to (附着) you throughout the rest of your day, which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness. Life is too short to feel negative. Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible.

1. The purpose of the first paragraph is to ________.
A.make a comparisonB.offer an evidence
C.describe a daily sceneD.introduce a topic
2. How can negative people affect us?
A.By changing our ways of thinking.
B.By telling us the nature of life.
C.By influencing our emotion.
D.By comparing their attitudes to life with ours.
3. Some negative people base their happiness on ________.
A.making other people unhappy
B.other people’s pity for them
C.building up a positive attitude
D.other people’s respect for them
4. According to the passage, to reduce negative people’s influence on us, we are advised to ________.
A.change negative people’s attitudes to life
B.communicate with negative people as little as possible
C.make negative people feel ashamed of themselves
D.show our dissatisfaction to negative people
2016-11-26更新 | 92次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.64)
【推荐2】Anger is good for you, as lon g as you control it, according to new psychology research. A new study from Carnegie Mellon University shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts of stress and help you become healthier.
"Here getting emotional is not bad for you if you look at the case of anger," said Jennifer Lerner of Carnegie Mellon. "The more people display anger, the lower their stress responses."
Lerner studied 92 UCLA students by asking them to count back from 6,200. They must say out loud every thirteenth number. Researchers disturbed them by asking them to count faster or ask them other questions. If they made any mistakes, they had   to restart from the very beginning. Many students felt depressed about making so many mistakes or got angry because the researchers were interrupting them.
Lerner used a hidden video camera and recorded all their facial expressions during the test. The researchers describe their reactions as fear, anger and disgust.
Other researchers recorded the students' blood pressure, pulse and production of a high-stress hormone (荷尔蒙) called cortisol. People whose faces showed more fear during th e experiment had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone. Both can have lasting effects such as diabetes (糖尿病), heart disease, depression and extra weight gain.
When people feel fear, negative impacts increase, but when they get angry, those negatives go down, according to the study.
"Having that sense of anger leads people to actually feel some power in what otherwise is maddening (令人发狂的) situation,"
Lerner said. Lerner previously studied Americans' emotional response to the 911 terrorist attacks two months after the incident. She found people who reacted with anger were more optimistic. These people are healthier compared with those who were frightened during the event. So in maddening situations, anger is not a bad thing to have. It's a healthier response than fear.
1. Which statement will Jennifer Lerner agree with?
A.It's better to be angry than to be frightened.
B.Different reactions reflect different outlooks on life.
C.Don't control your anger and it makes you powerful.
D.Pessimistic people are generally healthier than opt imistic people.
2. What does the underlined word "both" refer to according to the passage?
A.Fear and anger.
B.Higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.
C.Blood pressure and pulse.
D.Blood pressure and cortisone.
3. The researchers made the experimented students angry by ______.
A.recording their performance secretly
B.asking them to count to 6,200 again and again
C.disturbing them and making them start all over again
D.criticizing them when they made mistakes
4. In what way can anger be beneficial to people?
A.By showing their optimistic side.
B.By reducing their stress.
C.By reducing high blood pressure.
D.By taking the place of fear.
5. What is the story mainly about?
A.The findings of new psychology research.
B.What you can do with anger in certain cases.
C.Different effects produced by anger and fear.
D.Healthier responses in maddening situations.
2015-02-10更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Recognizing when a friend or colleague feels sad, angry or surprised is key to getting along with others. But a new study suggests that being sensitive to people’s feelings may sometimes come with stress, challenging the popular view that emotional intelligence is uniformly beneficial to its bearer.

In the study, psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany asked 166 male university students a series of questions to measure their emotional intelligence. For example, they showed the students photographs of people’s faces and asked them to what extent feelings such as happiness or disgust were being expressed. The students then had to give job talks in front of judges who displayed serious facial expressions. The scientists measured concentrations of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) in the students’ saliva (唾液) before and after the talk.

In students who were rated more emotionally intelligent, the stress measures increased more during the experiment and took longer to go back to baseline. The findings suggest that some people may be too emotionally clever for their own good, says Bechtoldt, “Sometimes you can be so good at something that it causes trouble,” she notes.

Indeed, the study adds to previous research implying a dark side of emotional intelligence. A study published in 2002 in Personality and Individual Differences suggested that emotionally intelligent people might be particularly influenced by feelings of depression and hopelessness. Furthermore, several studies have implied that emotional intelligence can be used to manipulate others for personal gains.

More research is needed to see how exactly the relation between emotional intelligence and stress would play out in women and in people of different ages and education levels. Nevertheless, emotional intelligence is a useful skill to have, as long as you learn to also properly cope with emotions — both others’ and your own, says Bechtoldt. For example, some sensitive individuals may assume responsibility for other people’s sadness or anger, which ultimately stresses them out. Remember, as Bechtoldt says, “You are not responsible for how other people feel.”

1. What was the purpose of Myriam Bechtoldt’s experiment?
A.To define different types of human feelings.
B.To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever.
C.To demonstrate how to distinguish different feelings.
D.To identify gender differences in emotional intelligence.
2. What does Myriam Bechtoldt’s study indicate?
A.Emotional intelligence helps in job interviews.
B.Greater emotional cleverness means less trouble.
C.High emotional intelligence may cause suffering.
D.Psychological wellbeing is related to various factors.
3. What does the underlined word “manipulate” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What does the author suggest sensitive individuals do?
A.Shake off their worries over public affairs.
B.Learn to cope with people’s negative feelings.
C.Help people to deal with their troubles in life.
D.Avoid burdening themselves with others’ feelings.
2023-07-09更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般