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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:135 题号:12407767

It’s nothing new that you can find many files or services you can download or use from the Internet. The question is: Is downloading legal or not? In most cases the answer is negative, because sharing and downloading are illegal. Of course, you can find files for legal downloading, but you have to pay for them.

It seems innocent if you click on the download mark, but it isn’t. It should be compared with stealing in a store. Would you steal a magazine, an MP3player or a car? Downloading from the Internet is a theft, and sharing files, once you have stolen them, only makes it wore. For example, if everybody only downloaded, movies wouldn’t make money and the studios wouldn’t invest millions of dollars to make new ones.

Many people may think it better, easier and cheaper to do downloading. I think, that is the main reason why Internet users prefer sharing something to buying them. In the modern world we love convenience and what could be more convenient than getting music, films and games without having to leave your house? You don’t need to pay for what you get, there is no registration, and you don’t have to wait until shops open or the CD/DVD you want is posted to you. However, you could be in big trouble if you are caught. You could go to prison as a result of acting unlawfully, but so far only a tiny amount of people have been charged for downloading illegally. The majority of people who download illegally, and use the files for their personal use, will not get in trouble. And that's why it’s important for people to understand what the long-term consequences are if they don’t want to pay for their music, films and TV. Will film and music companies still spend millions of pounds every year if they have no chance of making a profit? The answer is plainly “no”.

Finally I would like to say that the Internet offers a lot of services for money, but people will always try to get them for free. To summarize my thoughts, I’d like to highlight that illegal downloading is both unfair towards producers and dangerous for those who practice this kind of activity. You have to decide whether to buy or download.

1. Many people download files free from the Internet because ________.
A.they follow others’ examples to do such things
B.they don’t think they may be charged by the producer
C.they think everything on the Net can be shared by others
D.they think it is legal, convenient and easy
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.Downloading helps movies become more popular.
B.Downloading free files is as illegal as stealing.
C.Sharing files on the Internet is dangerous.
D.Sharing files on the Internet can make a profit.
3. What does the underlined word “highlight” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text?
A.He advises readers to download legal files.
B.He asks readers to limit the amount of free downloading.
C.He wants to make it clear that downloading for free is against the law.
D.He tells readers how to avoid being charged for downloading.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Lately, everywhere you look, people are running around with fitness trackers(健步跟踪器)on their wrists. Along with a smartphone and an accompanying app, these trackers can report how many calories you've burned and the distance you've traveled. Still curious about yourself? You can also learn the number of stairs you've climbed and steps you`ve taken, metrics(度量)it had never occurred to me to wonder about.

Not one to resist peer pressure(同辈压力), however, I paid S100 for a Fitbit Flex. I chose that brand on the basis of research: asking my friend Sari which tracker she was using.

The Fitbit website offered instructions on setting up my new tracker. I entered my height and gender(性别)and certain information I considered none of its business: birth date and weight. Then I established goals. The American Heart Association recommends we all walk 10,000 steps a day-about five miles, and so does Fitbit. I decided 6,000 steps was a good place for me to start.

I changed my tune when, on day one, I hit 5,000 steps and tiny LED lights flashed on my wristband. Confident enough now, I went back to my phone and upped my goal to 8,000 steps. OK. So I got a little obsessed(着迷). On day live at a department store, I decided to check my progress. My target umber was just 275 steps away! I walked around the dress department watching my smartphone register each step I took. I hate to tell you how much pleasure this gave me.

Now I always wear my tracker, not because I've grown to love fitness but because 1 like being fashionable and self-absorbed(自恋的). Last night I was leaving a restaurant when Fitbit emailed to congratulate me on walking more than 10,000 steps. Who wouldn't love a tool that turns your every footstep into an accomplishment(成就)?

1. Why do people wear fitness trackers while running?
A.To measure the amount of exercise.
B.To be informed of the right direction
C.To show off their latest equipment
D.To receive emails of congratulations.
2. The author started from 6,000 steps because__________.
A.it is the suggestion from Fitbit Flex
B.it is the best choice for beginners
C.the author wasn't confident at first
D.the friend Sadri asked the author to do so
3. What does the author think of the experience of using the tracker?
A.Joyful and encouraging.B.Painful and expensive.
C.Meaningless and uncomfortable.D.Exciting and astonishing.
2020-11-20更新 | 3次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Around the new year, many people are making and checking their list, trying to ensure they have gifts for their beloved ones. Most people have a few names that keep getting pushed to the bottom of their lists because they can’t think of anything for them. Usually, the people who are most difficult to choose presents for are men.

But why? The reason is that men are given more social permission to buy what they want for themselves, so if there is something they want they have probably already bought it.

Below the surface, however, is the fact that men are socialized to find their self-worth in taking care of women and children, and not to want anything for themselves from anyone else. That is why men, when asked, often insist that they don’t need anything for themselves.

It is easier for men to accept gifts meant to help them be more productive in their role of taking care of the family which they can explain as “not really being for me”. For example, men may be gifted household tools, or ties in recognition of their role as a breadwinner. On the other hand, men rarely are given gifts that are designed just to give them pleasure but have no productive value.

In general, men’s ability to be playful or allow themselves to experience pleasure is significantly impaired. They can be comfortable with pleasure as long as it is productive in some way, or if it benefits other people like a vacation for the kids. However, any play or pleasure that is not for someone else’s benefit or productive is often a real challenge for men.

Young boys certainly know how to play and experience pleasure, but somewhere along the way they forget how. In the delightful movie Hook(1991), Robin Williams plays Peter Pan after he grows up into a workaholic lawyer who has completely forgotten how to be a little boy and have fun. Captain Hook comes from Neverland and catches his children, and the only way Peter can rescue them is to reconnect with his ability to be a little boy.

1. What does the author think of the reason given in paragraph 2?
A.It needs to be tested further.
B.It has little to do with the reality.
C.It fails to touch the real cause.
D.It doesn’t take everything into account.
2. Which of the following gifts are men likely to accept?
A.Gifts that increase their efficiency at work.
B.Gifts that remind them of their childhood.
C.Gifts that promote their role in the family.
D.Gifts that provide them with great pleasure.
3. What does the underlined word “impaired” in paragraph 5 probably mean?
4. Why is the movie Hook mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To give a suggestion.B.To make a comparison.
C.To tell a story.D.To recommend a movie.
2022-11-15更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】China has put in place a new policy that limits online video game playing for young people to three hours a week. The new rules restrict online gaming for those under the age of 18 to one hour on Friday evenings, weekends and public holidays. They were announced by General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP), which is responsible for regulating video games. The new rules place the responsibility for carrying out the policy on the gaming industry. The limits don’t include punishments for individual gamers.

China is the world’s largest video gaming market. Chinese media reported that about 63% of Chinese minors (未成年人) often play online games. About 13%of underage mobile game users are believed to play them for more than two hours a day on weekdays. The Chinese government has worried for years about young people becoming addicted to games. Treatment centers have been set up for people thought to have developed “gaming disorders”.

The first government restrictions took effect in 2019. Those rules limited minors to one hour and a half of gaming time a day and three hours on weekends. The policy also limited the amount of money minors could spend on virtual items in gaming each month. The limit ranged from $28 to $57, depending on the age of the gamer.

Current rules require minors to use their real names and national ID numbers when they are signing in to play. Gaming companies created systems to identify minors. However, many young gamers found ways to avoid the requirement, such as signing in under the names of adult family members. Therefore, the GAPP said online gaming companies would have to prove they had effective identification systems in place. Measures will be taken to make sure they follow the new limits. The agency said it would also increase punishment for gaming companies not following the rules.

Some young Chinese gamers criticized the new rules on social media. Some parents, however, told the news agency that they supported the new limits.

1. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
A.Minors addicted to online games may get punished.
B.Minors can only have access to online games on holidays.
C.The new policy forbids minors from playing online games.
D.Gaming industry plays a vital role in conducting the policy.
2. What is the purpose of paragraph 2?
A.To promote the spread of the new rules.
B.To express the concern about online gaming.
C.To offer the background of the new policy.
D.To arouse public awareness of minors’ health.
3. Why does the gaming industry need to strengthen the identification system?
A.A few gaming companies tend to break the rules.
B.Some minors may register with adults’ ID numbers.
C.Adult family members may conduct illegal operations.
D.The existing regulation has no effect on the minors’ addiction.
4. How do some young Chinese gamers feel about the new policy?
2023-11-16更新 | 31次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般