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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:12615507

Female seals don’t change their spots, according to a new study by University of Alberta biologists. In fact, individual differences in boldness remain consistent over time. The study is among the first to examine boldness in wild marine mammals in the field of animal personality. Animal personality influences many ecological processes, like how individuals interact with other species or respond to changing environmental conditions.

Researchers studied female seals on Sable Island, home to the world’s largest grey seal colony. Over a period from 2008 to 2016, biologist Christi Bubac and a field team led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada measured boldness responses in the female seals when defending their young.

“During the breeding season, we saw that females tend to behave consistently, not only between years, but also within the lactation period of a given year,” explained Bubac, lead author and PhD student in the Department of Biological Sciences studying with wildlife geneticist David Colman. “This provides an example of animal personality, with consistent individual differences observed over time.”

Bubac also examined how reproductive success is related to a seal’s boldness or shyness. Rey seals nurse for 16 to 18 days, so mother seals have a very short window to get baby seals as fat as they can. During this time, baby seals triple in body mass. Body mass is a good predictor of reproductive success because it indicates the puppies’ chances of survival. “On average, we found that bolder females stop feeding those that are two kilograms heavier, compared with the shyest females, improving their chances of surviving the first year of life,” said Bubac.

These results present some very interesting biological questions, explained Coltman, professor of biology. “This research shows that young grey seal moms that are bold tend to stop feeding larger puppies compared with shy moms. However, older grey seals also tend to be bolder. If bolder animals have bigger pups and live longer, why does variation in boldness remain? Why be shy?”

1. What is the purpose of the study of seals?
A.To test their effects on ecological processes.
B.To study how seals interact with each other.
C.To check how the environment affects mammals.
D.To examine marine mammals’ personality difference.
2. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?
A.Animals have remained their personality since they were born.
B.Female seals behave more boldly in the lactation period.
C.Seals’ boldness responses remain the same over time.
D.The study on seals’ personality has been very mature.
3. Which of the following may Christi Bubac agree with?
A.Bolder female seals adjust the nursing time to their babies’ weight.
B.Mother seals tend to get babies as slim as possible.
C.It usually takes mother seals 20 days to nurse.
D.Bolder female seals feed less than shy ones.
4. Where are we most likely to read the text?
A.In a travel guide.B.In a textbook.C.In a magazine.D.In an art gallery.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Are Baiji Dolphin Extinct?

Does the Yangtze River still have baiji, the graceful, grey dolphin with tiny eyes and a long narrow beak?

Since November 6, a team of scientists from China, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Japan have been searching for any sign of the freshwater dolphin on the middle and lower sections of the river. After six weeks, they came back empty-handed.

Wang Ding, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is the head of the team, said he has seen a sharp decline in the baiji population over the past few decades. However, he is still unwilling to call the species extinct, and adds, "We will try every effort to save them as long as they are not found to be extinct."

The baiji is shy and nearly blind and is one of the world's oldest dolphin species. It dates back some 20 million years and is found only in the Yangtze. It's listed as one of the 12 most endangered animal species in the world.

Around 400 baiji were believed to be living in the Yangtze until the 1980s. A 1997 survey spotted 13. Two years later their numbers were down to two.

The rapid disappearance of this dolphin over the past two decades coincided with (与……同时) the rapid expansion of economic development along the river. Research on some dead baiji collected in recent years showed that more than 90 percent of the deaths were caused by human activities.

One reason is that over-fishing has cut the dolphin's food sources. Dams built along the river and neighboring waterways have also kept them from swimming into and out of their habitats. Meanwhile, waste discharge(排放) has seriously polluted the river. And heavy river traffic has greatly reduced their living space.

The disappearance of the baiji would be the first instance of a large aquatic mammal(水生哺乳动物) being driven to extinction since hunting killed off the monk seal (僧海豹)around 1952.

1. Baiji dolphin used to live in ________ of the Yangtze River.
A.upper sectionsB.middle sections
C.middle and lower sectionsD.lower sections
2. The first paragraph shows writer’s ________.
A.dissatisfaction with our governmentB.eagerness to write the passage
C.anger for not having a baijiD.love of baiji
3. Which of the following countries didn’t join the action to search for baiji?
4. How many baiji dolphins were left by the end of last century?
A.400B.At most 2C.13D.2
5. Which of the following reasons doesn’t lead to the rapid disappearance of baiji dolphins?
A.Over-fishing.B.Dams built along the river.
C.Heavy Road TrafficD.Waste discharge.
2021-08-30更新 | 37次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Anyone who commutes(通勤)by car knows that traffic jams are an unavoidable part of life. But humans are not alone in facing potential backups.

Ants also commute—between their nest and sources of food. The survival of their habitats depends on doing this efficiently.

When humans commute, there’s a point at which cars become dense(稠密) enough to slow down the flow of traffic, causing jam. Researchers wanted to know if ants on the move could also get stuck. So they regulated traffic density by constructing bridges of various widths between a colony of Argentine ants and a source of food. Then they waited and watched, trying to find out at what point they are going to have a traffic jam.

But it appears that that never happened. They always managed to avoid traffic jam. The flow of ants did increase at the beginning as ants started to fill the bridge and then levelled off at high densities. But it never slowed down or stopped, even when the bridge was nearly filled with ants.

The researchers then took a closer look at how the behaviour of individual ants impacted traffic as a whole. And they found that when ants sense overcrowding, they adjust their speeds and avoid entering high-density areas, which prevents jams. These behaviors may be promoted by pheromones, chemicals that tell other ants where a trail is. The ants also manage to avoid colliding(碰撞) with each other at high densities, which could really slow them down.

Can ants help us solve our own traffic problems? Not likely. That’s because when it comes to getting from point A to point B as fast as possible, human drivers put their own goals first. Individual ants have to be more cooperative in order to feed the colony. But the research could be useful in improving traffic flow for self-driving cars, which can be designed to be less like selfish humans—and more like ants.

1. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Surviving.B.Commuting.C.Finding food.D.Avoiding jams.
2. How did the researchers control the traffic density of the commuting ants?
A.Through closer observation.B.By regulating their numbers.
C.By finding out the dense points.D.By controlling the widths of their path.
3. How can ants avoid traffic jam according to the research?
A.They follow a special route.
B.They level off at high densities.
C.They never stop or slow down on the way.
D.They depend on their natural chemicals to adjust their speeds.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Traffic jamsB.Survival of an ant colony
C.Unavoidable? Not for ants!D.Differences between human and ants
2020-10-12更新 | 531次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。科学家认为,自上世纪60年代以来,烟囱雨燕的数量下降了 70%以上,在过去的16年里下降了三分之一以上。为了保护烟囱雨燕,一些鸟类爱好者开始兴建带有烟囱的建筑,供烟囱雨燕在里面筑巢、居住。

【推荐3】Chimney swift (烟囱雨燕) numbers have fallen by more than 70 percent since the 1960s, scientists believe, and by more than one-third over the past 16 years. That large drop have made the International Union for the Conversation of Nature regard chimney swifts as“vulnerable(脆弱的)”. That is the last step before they are considered “endangered”.

Chimney swift numbers are becoming smaller as the shape and design of the nation’s buildings change. People are tearing down old factory buildings and schools. Many of these buildings have chimneys. Today, most American homes do not have chimneys. And many homeowners who do have chimneys cover up the top to keep out.

People across the United States are putting up tall, narrow buildings to help chimney swifts. They hope they will use these buildings as nesting areas and resting places.

Bird lovers, Georgean and Paul Kyle, are often praised for starting the present interest in building towers. “It does give us hope that if we put them up, they will use them,” the Kyles said. They have put up more than 100 towers in Central Texas. Eighty percent of those buildings before the birds’ March arrival get nests in their first year. Hundreds of migrating swifts make use of the towers.

But the link between the drop in chimney swift numbers and chimney loss is not clear. The flying insects that swifts eat also appear to be dropping.

Professor Rubega thinks the cause of the birds’ drop could be in South America. “Chimney swifts are basically a South American bird that stays in North America for four months, ” she said. Rubega said a big problem is that scientists have only a few reports of small numbers of chimney swifts in the upper Amazon Basin. So, they do not really know where the little birds spend the winter, let alone what may be happening to them there.

1. Where are chimney swifts used to living?
A.In rooms with humans.B.In useless old buildings.
C.In the woods near villages.D.In chimneys of buildings.
2. What do Americans do to help chimney swifts?
A.Give them much food.B.Build homes for them.
C.Add chimneys to new houses.D.Open chimneys for them to get in.
3. Which of the following does Professor Rubega agree with?
A.Chimney swifts suffer a lot in South America.
B.It’s necessary to build homes for chimney swifts.
C.Scientists know only a little about chimney swifts.
D.Chimney loss has nothing to do with the birds.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Chimney Swifts Numbers Are Dropping
B.Chimney Swifts Will Change Their Lifestyle
C.Chimney Swifts Prefer Their New Homes
D.Chimney Swifts Live in Peace with Humans
2022-07-29更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般