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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:88 题号:12714858

Crocodiles today look very similar to ones from 200 million years ago. There are also very few species alive today---just 25. Other animals such as lizards(蜥蜴)and birds have achieved a diversity of many thousands of species in the same amount of time or less.

Prehistory also saw types of crocodile we don't see today, including giants as big as dinosaurs, plant-eaters, fast runners and snake-like forms that lived in the sea. The rate of their evolution is generally slow, but occasionally they evolve more quickly because the environment has changed. In particular, their evolution speeds up when the climate is warmer, and their body size increases.

The body size of crocodiles is important because it interacts with how fast animals grow, how much food they need, how big their populations are and how likely they are to become extinct. The limited diversity of crocodiles and their apparent lack of evolution is a result of a slow evolutionary rate. It seems the crocodiles arrived at a body plan that was very efficient and perfect enough that they didn't need to change it in order to survive. This perfection could be one explanation why crocodiles survived Cretaceous period(白垩纪), in which the dinosaurs died out.

Crocodiles generally develop better in warm conditions because they cannot control their body temperature and require warmth from the environment. The climate during the age of dinosaurs was warmer than it is today, and that may explain why there were many more varieties of crocodiles than we see now. Being able to draw energy from the sun means they do not need to eat as much as a warm-blooded animal like a bird or a mammal(哺乳动物).

1. What influenced the evolution of crocodiles most?
A.Their number.B.The climate.C.Their habits.D.Food resources.
2. Why did crocodiles go slowly in evolution?
A.As a result of their good appetite.
B.Because of their perfect body type.
C.Owing to so many dinosaurs around.
D.Due to their limited ability to reproduce.
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that crocodiles ________.
A.are warm-blooded animalsB.like cold living conditions
C.eat less than mammalsD.are fiercer than dinosaurs
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The history of crocodiles,
B.Ancient animals' evolution.
C.Residents of the Cretaceous period.
D.The "stop-start" pattern of crocodiles' evolution.


阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I have seen how having an animal in your life can make things much better for all concerned. Here are some reasons.

A pet’s love never stops.

    1    . Even if you cannot return that unconditional love, just knowing that it is there will make your life better.

Caring for something other than yourself is emotionally healthy.

Giving and getting a little love, even if you have to say “sit down” 270 times a day, can take your mind off your troubles and help you to see what really matters.

    2    .

If you have a dog, you need to take it (and yourself) on walks. Dogs are happiest when they are walking. And it’s common knowledge that taking regular walks is also good for your heart and brain health.

Just the act of petting a creature lowers your blood pressure and helps you relax.

The next time you are feeling uncomfortable, I suggest going to your local shelter and giving some love to an animal there.     3    , but notice how you feel when the two of you are exchanging emotional energy. And don’t be surprised if you do adopt!

Saving a life will make yours better.

    4    , but what about the used ones? All my animals have been rescued, and they are as sweet as can be.

Maybe you think you don’t have enough room in your heart.

You may already have a family to love, and that is totally wonderful.     5     I know not everybody is an animal lover, but if you think you might be, don’t lose this chance.

A.You won’t have to take it home
B.Some people want lovely pets
C.Having a pet is also physically healthy
D.If you want more love in your life, consider a pet
E.Taking your dog for a walk can make your dog happy
F.Some people prefer their new puppy to be from a pet store
G.No matter what, your pet will always love you and remember you
2019-04-26更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Across North America, hundreds of bird species are victims of the cowbird, which adds its own egg to other birds' nests, tricking another species into raising its offspring. One tar get, the yellow warbler(林莺), has a special call to warn egg-warming females when cowbirds are approaching the area. Now, researchers have found the females act on that warning one day later—suggesting their long-term memories might be much better than thought.

“Animals are smart in the context in which they need to be smart,” says Mark Hauber, an animal behavior researcher at the University of Illinois. who co-authored the new study. He wanted to see whether yellow warblers had the capacity to remember their own important warning call known as a seet. The birds make the call only when a cowbird is near. When yellow warbler females hear it, they go back to their nests and sit tight. But it's been unclear whether they still remember the warning in the morning.

So the study team found 27 yellow warbler nests and exposed females to either silence, or one of two sounds: a recording of a seet call or a recording of a common warning—used for predators or competition-called a chip for 10 minutes. The next morning, the researchers observed the birds for 80 minutes: 20 minutes before sunrise and 60 minutes after, when the cowbirds are at their most active.

They found the warblers left their nests less often after hearing a seet call than if they had heard no warning. The chip call didn't seem to have any impact on how often they left the nest. Sixteen hours after the experiment, the birds were still behaving as if there's a cowbird threat. It allowed us to think that these kinds of signals carried long-term meaning. Of more than 200 species targeted by cowbirds, yellow warblers are the only so far known to have developed a warning call tailored to cowbirds.

1. When hearing a seet sound, female yellow warblers usually ________.
A.get ready to fight against the cowbirdsB.return to their nests to be on the lookout
C.make a similar seet sound to warn partnersD.remember their own important warning call
2. How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By listing numbers.D.By using an expert's words.
3. What is the finding of the study?
A.Yellow warblers don't like silent surroundings.
B.Yellow warblers are sensitive to the chip sounds.
C.Yellow warblers prefer the seet sounds to the chip sounds.
D.Yellow warblers have the ability to remember certain meaningful calls.
2021-12-08更新 | 122次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The sun is setting on a summer night. At the entrance to a deep, dark cave, a few bats fly out and begin swirling high up into the air. More and more of the small, furry creatures appear. Within a few minutes, a whole river of bats is pouring out of the cave, and they keep coming, millions and millions of them.

Sound like a scary horror movie? Believe it or not, this scene takes place every night, all summer long, at Bracken Cave in Texas, where 20 million bats fly outside to feed on insects.  “It is magical,” says Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation International in Austin Texas. “It is one of the most majestic animal movements on the planet.”

Every March or April, Mexican Free-tailed bats migrate up to 1,000 miles (1609 kilometers) from their winter home in Mexico to this cave, where they raise their young. Soon after they arrive, each mother gives birth to one pup. As many as 500 baby bats live crammed into one square foot (30.48 cubic centimeters) of space, and all those bodies create nice warm temperatures to keep them cozy and comfortable. If you’ve ever lost sight of your parents on a crowded playground, you may be wondering how mother bats recognize their children. They use their sense of smell to tell which pup is theirs when it is time for the babies to nurse.

The cave, a quiet place in winter, is full with life all summer—and not just with bat residents. Bat waste soon covers the floor, providing food for tiny organisms(生物体) like bacteria and fungi(真菌类). And then there are the bugs.

When the adult bats leave the cave at night to feed, they are helping humans. They eat tons of insects in a single night, including many pests that eat farmer’s crops. And they get rid of mosquitoes, too.

1. In the first paragraph, the author ________.
A.provides some information about batsB.stresses the danger of bats in summer
C.advises the reader to watch batsD.describes the movement of bats
2. By saying “Sound like a scary horror movie?” what does the author mean?
A.The above scene is somewhat unbelievable.
B.People tend to feel afraid of bats.
C.Bats are better horrible characters in films.
D.The cave mentioned is full of adventure.
3. According to the passage, the reader possibly expects that________.
A.no people know how many bats live in Bracken Cave.
B.bat waste causes much harm to the human environment.
C.a bat mother would have trouble finding her own baby.
D.farmers will never have a good harvest without the bats.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about the bats?
A.They are well protected by farmers.
B.They travel from Mexico to America yearly
C.They benefit from some tiny organisms.
D.They smell better than other animals.
5. From the second paragraph, we can know Kennedy’s opinion of the bat’s flying in group is ________.
2021-08-30更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般