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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:12723831

Over centuries, kung fu has been used for self-defense and to defend against enemies in war.

In Dengfeng today, ten kilometers from the Shaolin Temple, there are over 60 martial arts schools with more than 50,000 students. They come to the schools for a variety of reasons. The majority hope to become movie stars. Some come to learn skills that will ensure good jobs in the military or police force. A few are sent by their parents to learn self-control and hard work.

Master Hu Zhengsheng teaches at a small school in Dengfeng. Recently, he was offered an important role in a kung fu movie. It would have been good publicity for his school, but he did not accept. He doesn't agree with how kung fu is often shown in movies. Unlike many large schools, which teach acrobatics (杂技) and kickboxing, Hu teaches his students traditional kung fu forms. He teaches them the way his master taught him. But attracting new students to this style of kung fu has become a problem. Hu's afraid his art will soon die out. He has to remind his students that kung fu was designed for fighting, not to entertain.

“There are no high kicks or acrobatics here,” he says. “It is hard to convince boys to spend many years learning something that won't make them wealthy or famous.” Hu's students sleep in unheated rooms and train outside no matter what the temperature is. They hit trees with their bare hands and take turns sitting on each other's shoulders to build leg strength. To master kung fu, they must learn respect, and how to “eat bitterness”, a Mandarin expression meaning to “enduring suffering”. The life of a Shaolin master, Hu belives, is not easy or attractive.

Master Hu is in a difficult position. For old traditions to survive, the young must learn. Gradually, he has begun offering a few courses in kickboxing and the acrobatic kung fu forms, hoping to attract new students. Then, maybe, he'll be able to convince them to learn Shaolin kung fu the traditional way.

1. Which is the main reason why most people study kung fu?
A.To learn self-control.B.To win fame and fortune.
C.To get hight-paid jobs.D.To build up their strength.
2. What does “here” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.In kung fu movies.B.In the city of Dengfeng.
C.In master Hu’s school.D.In the art of kung fu.
3. What can be inferred from Hu's idea?
A.Traditional kung fu needs protection.
B.Kung fu can function as entertainment.
C.The life of a kung fu master is more than attractive.
D.The hardship in learning kung fu is discouraging.
4. What's Hu's attitude towards the future of kung fu?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Along the rocky Algerian coast, just east of where the bulky shape of Mount Chenoua slides into the Mediterranean, the sea and indifference may finally do what the Vandals did not. There, for more than 2,500 years, has stood Tipasa. It is considered as one of the most important archaeological sites in North Africa.

Tipasa fell into ruin in the sixth century. Both its main complex on the coast and an inland monumental tomb were all but forgotten in the olive trees and thin pines. Most of the ancient city, in fact, remains buried beneath sediment (沉积物) up to 12 feet thick. For the last few decades, however, what’s left of Tipasa’s past has been increasingly surrounded by the expanding modern town of Tipasa from three sides. And to the north, the waves lap ever closer.

“What’s special about Tipasa, a UNESCO–recognized World Heritage Site since 1982, is the charm of its landscape, the shared presence of history and archaeology, culture, nature, and architecture. It’s the spirit of the place,” said Lynda Aoudia Benali who has studied Tipasa and the ongoing challenges from both rapid urbanization and insufficient Site management.

Now, Tipasa is entering a new chapter, perhaps its last: It’s become a symbol of an entire continent’s heritage in crisis. Recently, a team reported the results of hard work mapping how sea level rise is affecting nearly 300 World Heritage Sites around Africa’s roughly 20,000 miles of coastline. About 20 percent of the sites examined, including Tipasa, are already at higher risk from flooding and erosion (腐蚀). By 2050 that figure is expected to more than twice.

The Site’s 2lst-century problems have only increased in the last two decades. UNESCO has repeatedly threatened to remove the site of World Heritage status. As recently as 2021, the organization noted a lot of problems at Tipasa, such as modern construction, including a proposed port, which threatened the site’s integrity.

1. What can we know about Tipasa?
A.It was built one thousand years ago.
B.It is the most important archeological site in Africa.
C.It is considered as a well-known tourist attraction.
D.It suffered complete damage in the sixth century.
2. What can we infer from Lynda Aoudia Benali’s words in Paragraph 3?
A.Tipasa has its unique characteristics.
B.Tipasa has experienced quick development.
C.Tipasa became a World Heritage Site in the 1990s.
D.Tipasa has been paid much attention to for its management.
3. What puts Tipasa at a higher risk according to the passage?
A.The overdevelopment.B.The abundant tourists.
C.The natural disasters.D.The severe pollution.
4. What will most probably happen to Tipasa?
A.Its modern construction will be completely stopped.
B.Its problems have been solved.
C.Its effects of climate change will be avoided.
D.Its World Heritage status is under threat.
2023-12-27更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The discovery of Liangzhu Culture

From December 1936 to March 1937, three archaeological diggings were carried out in the suburbs of Hangzhou,where loads of black ceramics and stoneware were brought to light.

Inspired by these relics, an archaeology lover named Shí Xingeng, who came from West Lake Museum in Hangzhou, wrote several detailed reports on the digging. However, he had to put his work aside when China started to fall into Japan's military aggression. Shi joined the resistance movement against Japanese invasion and died of disease in 1939. What passed away along with him during the war were many of Liangzhu's precious relics.

Fortunately, Shi's reports were finally published in Shanghai in 1938, which caught considerable attention of archaeological circles, In 1959,the name Liangzhu Culture was given to the independent regional culture by archaeologist Xia Nai. It represented an earlier civilization that had remained unknown to historians. The culture, as the radiocarbon dating applied to the relics proved, existed between 3,300 and 2,200 B.C.

It is commonly believed that the earliest known Chinese written language dates back to more than 3,000 year ago; when oracle bone script appeared in Shang Dynasty. But Liangzhu Culture might provide evidence of a written language that appeared in China at least 1,000 years ealiler.

In 2007, Liangzhu Ancient City was reported to be discovered in Hangzhou, where archaeological diggings revealed a large and early walled city in Chinese history. There were man-made hills and streams in the city area, which were very likely part of the early designed urban landscape. To protect the urban space which was formed by waterways and entrances both Inside and outside the city, a flood control system was connected to the river networks and 11 dams. In the fields outside the wall, archaeologists discovered rains of the residences, tombs, workshops, and docks with wooden boats.

1. What can we learn about Liangzhu Culture?
A.It was well preserved.B.It was named by Shi Xingeng.
C.Many of its relics were lost during the war.D.It was discovered In 1959.
2. Which of the following is the significance of Liangzhu Culture's discovery?
A.It proved that Chins has a long history.
B.It unearthed a great number of relics.
C.It showed the professionalism of Chinese archaeology.
D.It might prove the existence of an earlier Chinese written language
3. What can we learn about Liangzhu Ancient City from the last paragraph?
A.It was e well-designed city.B.It showed the rules left by flood.
C.There were no hills or streams in the city. D.It was the largest city in Chinese history.
4. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A history lecture.
C.A cultural website.D.An archaeological report.
2021-09-15更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Six “sacrificial pits (祭祀坑)”, dating back 3,200 to 4,000 years, were newly discovered in Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan, Southwest China’s Sichuan province. Over 500 artifacts, including gold masks, bronze wares, ivories, jades, and textiles, were unearthed from the site.

Sanxingdui site, first found in 1929, is generally considered as one of the most important archaeological(考古) sites along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. However, the work of excavation on the site only began in 1986, when two pits — widely believed for sacrificial ceremonies — were accidentally discovered.

Investigation in the area around No. 1 and 2 pits was relaunched in October 2019, and No. 3 pit was found in December 2019, according to Lei Yu, a researcher of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute who heads the ongoing excavation. Thirty-four research universities and research institutes have cooperated in this project. He said the new discoveries will help to better understand many unexplained findings in 1986.

More excavation followed in March 2020, and five more pits were found last year. And detailed research began in October. Excavation capsules with hi-tech equipment were set up in the pits in order to prevent the site from further damage.

Sanxingdui site covers an area of 12 square kilometers, and its core zone of an ancient city covers nearly 4 square kilometers. According to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, studies of Sanxingdui site will become a crucial project in an ongoing program Archaeology China, which tries to explain the origins of Chinese civilization and how diverse cultures communicate and come together.

1. What does the underlined word “excavation” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. How did archaeologists protect the Sanxingdui site?
A.By dividing the task of excavation into several parts.
B.By cooperating with research universities and institutes.
C.By using excavation capsule armed with hi-tech equipment.
D.By conducting more experiments around the site.
3. What can we infer about the pits from the text?
A.All sacrificial sites were discovered in the meantime.
B.The discovery of Sanxingdui site only began in 2019.
C.There are 6 sacrificial pits discovered in Sanxingdui site in all.
D.The size of the core zone is about 1/3 times of Sanxingdui site.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Sacrificial pits were unearthed in Sanxingdui Site.
B.Sanxingdui Site needed to be protected.
C.Sanxingdui discoveries tell us more about ancient China.
D.Hi-tech helped to explore Sanxingdui Site.
2021-11-19更新 | 103次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般