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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:84 题号:13108189

Australia, France or… Mars? When considering a place to emigrate to, Mars might not be the best choice in your list, but according to an online survey, more than one in ten of British would accept a one-way ticket there. Yes, you read that correctly —because the Mars One mission is looking to emigrate to Mars, the first voyagers will not be able to return back to Earth. The organizers suggest applicants think over their applications, because the agreement didn’t come with a return ticket. But still thousands of people agreed to it.

The Mars One aims to construct a human settlement on Mars. Thankfully, applications for the program are entirely voluntary and potential astronauts can back out at any time during the strict selection process.

In order to apply, the candidate must be over 18, have A2 English level and be adaptable and curious. The following selection process consists of four rounds.

The first round is an online application including general information and a one-minute video in which the applicant answers some given questions and explains why he or she should be among the first humans to set foot on Mars. At the end of the first round, a team of Mars One experts will decide which applicants will pass to the next round.

The remaining applicants must then provide a medical statement from their doctor stating that they have met all the requirements. Successful candidates will then be briefly interviewed by Mars One’s chief medical officer Norbert Kraft.

One-hundred healthy, smart candidates are then in the third round which will test their team work ability and communication skills through a series of group challenges.

The final part of the testing process is the ability to stay alone. Even the best astronauts in history can hardly enjoy the silent space. Following this challenge, the forty remaining candidates will be reduced to thirty who will then undergo the Mars Settler Suitability Interview. Following on from the first selection series, international crews of up to six groups of four will become full time employees of Mars One.

1. What is the organizers’ attitude towards the online survey result?
2. What does the underlined phrase “back out” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Stop carrying out the agreement.B.Move out of space backwards.
C.Drive aircrafts backwards and leave.D.Fail to pay attention to the advertisement.
3. What do the Mars One experts mainly do in the first round?
A.Test the candidates’ English level.B.Check the basic information of participants.
C.Interview the candidates and collect the forms.D.Determine whether candidates are eager to learn.
4. What is the most challenging for the participants?
A.Their skills to communicate with others.B.Their excellent physical health at present.
C.Their abilities to cooperate with the team.D.Their long-time adaptability to being alone.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are nearly 2,800 working satellites in space, which we depend on for technology we use every day, such as video calls, online maps, satellite TV, and weather tracking. Scientists use them to study space and learn more about our planet.

But there are many other satellites in orbit (轨道) that are no longer working. They're among the objects cluttering (使杂乱) up space. Some of these eventually fall back toward Earth, either landing or burning up in the atmosphere. But much of this space junk (垃圾) circles Earth for years. Space junk is a problem. Debris (残骸)   floating around Earth puts technology and future space tasks at risk. Experts are working on ways to solve it.

Orbital debris, a type of space junk, is any human-made object that has slopped working but continues to float around the Earth. This includes satellites that are no longer used and pieces of spacecraft, such as rocket stages. It has been a large problem since the 1960s.

Space junk also includes broken pieces of objects. These occur when satellites hit against things. They also result from an object crashing into an old rocket stage that still contains fuel, causing an explosion (爆炸) . There have been more than 250 space explosions since the 1960s. These tiny broken pieces can damage working satellites, which can affect research in space.

Companies all over the world are working to clean up the area surrounding our planet. A company based in Japan will test the method of using magnets (磁石) to collect space debris. Another mission is led by a company based in Switzerland. It plans to carry out a debris-removal spacecraft in 2025. The craft will get hold of a piece of an old rocket, slow it down, and move it back to Earth. Eventually, the debris will burn out like a shooting star.

Governments are trying to help too. Some are updating their country's space guidelines to limit the amount of debris created. Space is so large that the problem won't be solved by a single organization or a single country. We have to work on this together.

1. What is the biggest harm that space junk does to human beings?
A.It will fall back toward the Earth.B.It circles the Earth for years.
C.It puts other space objects in danger.D.It will burn up in the atmosphere.
2. How will the Swiss company clean up the Earth orbit?
A.By making the orbital debris fall back to Earth.B.By putting the pieces all together.
C.By collecting space junk with magnets.D.By sending space junk into deep space.
3. What does the author suggest on cleaning up space junk?
A.Strict laws.B.Global efforts.
C.Stopping in space exploration.D.Setting up professional organizations.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Earth and its satellites.B.The problem of space junk.
C.Ways of cleaning up space junk.D.The various uses of man-made satellites.
2021-03-31更新 | 179次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A satellite is an object in space that orbits around another. It has two kinds — natural satellites and artificial satellites. The moon is a natural satellite that moves around the earth while artificial satellites are those made by man.

Despite their widespread impact on daily life, artificial satellites mainly depend on different complicated makeups. On the outside, they may look like a wheel, equipped with solar panels or sails. Inside, the satellites contain mission-specific scientific instruments, which include whatever tools the satellites need to perform their work. Among them, high-resolution cameras and communication electronics are typical ones. Besides, the part that carries the load and holds all the parts together is called the bus.

Artificial satellites operate in a systematic way just like humans. Computers function as the satellite’s brain, which receive information, interpret it, and send messages back to the earth. Advanced digital cameras serve as the satellite’s eyes. Sensors are other important parts that not only recognize light, heat, and gases, but also record changes in what is being observed. Radios on the satellite send information back to the earth. Solar panels provide electrical power for the computers and other equipment, as well as the power to move the satellite forward.

Artificial satellites use gravity to stay in their orbits. Earth’s gravity pulls everything toward the center of the planet. To stay in the earth’s orbit, the speed of a satellite must adjust to the tiniest changes in the pull of gravity. The satellite’s speed works against earth’s gravity just enough so that it doesn’t go speeding into space or falling back to the earth.

Rockets carry satellites to different types and heights of orbits, based on the tasks they need to perform. Satellites closer to the earth are in low-earth orbit, which can be 200-500 miles high. The closer to the earth, the stronger the gravity is. Therefore, these satellites must travel at about 17,000 miles per hour to keep from falling back to the earth, while higher-orbiting satellites can travel more slowly.

1. What is Paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.The appearance of artificial satellites.B.The components of artificial satellites.
C.The basic function of artificial satellites.D.The specific mission of artificial satellites.
2. What is the role of computers in artificial satellites?
A.Providing electrical power.B.Recording changes observed.
C.Monitoring space environment.D.Processing information received.
3. How do artificial satellites stay in their orbits?
A.By relying on powerful rockets to get out of gravity.
B.By orbiting at a fixed speed regardless of gravity’s pull.
C.By changing speed constantly based on the pull of gravity.
D.By resisting the pull of gravity with advanced technologies.
4. Why do satellites in higher-earth orbit travel more slowly?
A.They are more affected by earth’s gravity.
B.They take advantage of rockets more effectively.
C.They have weaker pull of gravity in higher orbits.
D.They are equipped with more advanced instruments.
2024-02-29更新 | 315次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】From the moon to Mars, scientists have been hunting for alien life in the solar system for decades. However,Venus was not regarded as an ideal place because of its hot temperature and dry atmosphere. But a recent discovery of truces of a gas in the clouds of Venus has excited astronomers, as it may serve as a potential sign of life.

On Sept 14, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada announced that scientists have detected phosphine (磷化氢) in the clouds of Venus. Phosphine is a color-less, toxic gas that has a smell of garlic. Though it contains poison, it is viewed as a possible sign of life because on Earth the gas is made by microorganisms(微生物) that live in oxygen-free environments.

“I was very surprised-stunned, in fact,” astronomer Jane Greaves of Cardiff University in Wales and lead author of the research told MSN, “There is a chance that we have detected some kind of living organism in the clouds of Venus.”

This layer of clouds is about 48 kilometers above the Venus surface with its temperature ranging from 30 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit (about-1 to 93°C). Scientists have assumed that if life exists on Venus, this cloud deck(云盖) is likely the only place where it would survive.

Scientists went through every possibility that could have led to the formation of phosphine gas in Venus clouds, including volcanoes,lightning strikes,small meteorites(陨石) falling into the atmosphere. But they ruled all of them out. It was concluded that there is no explanation for the existence of this gas in Venus clouds, other than the presence of life, USA Today reported. Although the detection of phosphine is not strong evidence for life, this finding is great enough to change scientists’ view on Venus, which is though to be a completely inhospitable(不适合居住的) planet.

1. What does the underlined word “toxic” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. What can we learn from the text?
A.The cloud deck is rich in phosphine.
B.The higher the cloud is above Venus, the warmer it is.
C.Various living organisms have been detected oil Venus.
D.If life exists on Venus, it is likely in the cloud deck.
3. What did scientists conclude about the phosphine gas detected on Venus?
A.It could be formed as a result of the falling of meteorites.
B.It could be a sign that there is life in Venus9 clouds.
C.It could he caused by volcanoes and lightning strikes.
D.It proves that Venus is another hospitable planet.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.A newly detected gas may indicate possible existence of life on Venus.
B.Scientists found the most hospitable place on Venus.
C.Phosphine that has been formed on Venus means alien life is present.
D.The environment on Venus changed in favor of life.
2021-02-03更新 | 146次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般