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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:126 题号:13109086

Jason Gates spends a lot of his time thinking about trash, and how we can generate less of it. Since 2013 his San Francisco-based startup, Compology, has used cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor what's thrown into dumpsters and trash containers at businesses such as McDonald's restaurants and Nordstrom department stores. The point is to make sure dumpsters are actually full before they're emptied and to stop recyclable materials like cardboard from being polluted by other junk so it, too, doesn't become waste.

We've found that most businesses and people have the right intentions about recycling, but oftentimes they just don't know what the proper way to recycle is, Gates, CEO of Compology, told CNN Business' Rachel Crane. To help them do it correctly, Compology puts trash-monitoring cameras and sensors inside industrial waste containers. The cameras take photos several times each day and when the container is lifted for dumping.

AI software analyzes the images to figure out how full the container is and can also let a customer know when something is where it shouldn't be, such as a bag of trash tossed into a dumpster filled with cardboard boxes for recycling. Gates said the company's cameras can cut the amount of non-recyclable materials thrown in waste containers by as much as 80%. With McDonald's dumpsters in Las Vegas, for instance, Compology's cameras and sensors showed the company was generally doing a good job recycling cardboard packaging. But occasionally garbage bags were thrown in there, too, Gates said.

Compology trained its system to sort trash with tens of millions of images, Gates said, and it uses pictures taken from within dumpsters that are now in use to get better at determining fullness and what's inside. So far, it has processed over 80 million images from the 162,000 cameras it has installed.

Over time, Gates hopes Compology can help standardize how waste is measured and reported -something that isn't currently consistent in the US. "You've been able to measure how much electricity, water, gas you've used for decades," Gates said. "What we' re doing is being able to meter how much waste you produce."

1. What is the key to waste reductions?
A.Stopping polluting junk when recycling.
B.Using artificial intelligence to throw correctly.
C.Ensuring waste containers full when emptying.
D.Producing less trash to protect our surroundings.
2. How do most business and people deal with trash-recycling?
A.They might classify waste containers into different categories.
B.They can be confused sometimes about proper methods of recycling.
C.They fully intend to do it and know the correct way to recycle the trash.
D.They always insist on recycling with the help of trash-monitoring cameras.
3. What is the purpose of Compology's research?
A.To turn waste into treasure
B.To sort put current trash
C.To regulate producing standard
D.To measure personal waste production
4. What can be the suitable title for the passage?
A.A monitor observing recyclable materials
B.An eco-friendly trash container transferring data
C.An intelligent camera contributing to trash reduction
D.A technology generating the non-recyclable materials
【知识点】 科学技术 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Accompanied by the background sounds of Chinese traditional instruments, Yuanxi — China Daily’s digital employee — introduced the 9,000-year-old stone carvings (岩画) from the Helan Mountains in Northwest China’s Ningxia Hui autonomous region on Oct 14.

The meeting between the virtual human and Chinese traditional culture is quite interesting,” an internet user commented on Sina Weibo.

With the rise of the metaverse (元宇宙), virtual humans have become a growing phenomenon in China. According to a research report by QbitAI, it is estimated that the overall market size of China’s virtual humans will reach 270 billion yuan by 2030.

Though they are not real, these virtual beings share similar identities with us and serve in different fields of our daily lives, including education, broadcasting, and business. For example, in June 2021, Hua Zhibing, a virtual human who can write poetry, was officially registered as a student at Tsinghua University. Throughout the 2022 Winter Olympics, China’s first AI sign language presenter served hearing-impaired (有听力障碍的) audiences 24/7.

Due to their perfect image and interesting setups, some virtual humans even get a large number of fans and become idols in real life. Luo Tianyi is one of them. As a virtual singer, Luo has over 5 million followers on Sina Weibo. When she held a concert in Shanghai in 2018, more than 10,000 fans waved glow sticks and cheered for her. Gao Yu, a fan of Luo, told Economic Information Daily that “just like chasing human idols, Luo’s fans also hold birthday parties for her and buy the products she promotes.”

While the future of virtual humans seems promising, problems also lurk (隐藏着) underneath. As the novelty wears off, some followers are getting tired of virtual humans’ never-changing expressions. “No matter how lifelike these virtual influencers look, they’re still not real people. It’s a little scary,” Gigi You, 23, from Guangdong, told Insider. Studies also showed that their “perfect” face and “perfect” life which humans are unable to achieve can also trigger (引发) anxiety and depression in individuals.

Generally speaking, virtual humans are often seen as the gateway to the metaverse and have demonstrated financial potential, but there’s still a lot of room for development, reported Xinhua.

1. What can we learn about Yuanxi?
A.She is the first digital employee in China.
B.She played Chinese traditional instruments.
C.She covered stories about stone carvings.
D.She was designed to promote Chinese traditional culture.
2. Why is Hua Zhibing mentioned?
A.To show the popularity of virtual humans.
B.To illustrate the similarities of virtual humans.
C.To describe the characteristics of virtual humans.
D.To explain the importance of virtual humans in our lives.
3. What does Gigi You think of virtual idols?
A.They lose appeal quickly.B.They are too good to be true.
C.They can make people anxious.D.They are never as real as humans.
2023-05-01更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Researchers at Cornell University are one step closer to building robots that are more like humans. This new method is one you might not expect. However, a soft robot muscle that "sweats" to regulate its temperature. "Sweating takes advantage of evaporated (蒸发)water loss to rapidly dissipate heat and can cool below the environmental temperature. So as is often the case, biology provided an excellent guide for us as engineers."

The fingerlike devices are 3D printed, water powered, and can be used to grab things. They are made of two soft chemical materials: a base layer of (CH3) 2 CH-C3H5 NO covered in a multihole layer of (C3H5 NO)n. When the fingers reach a temperature of 30°C (86°F), the base layer reacts by shrinking, squeezing the water through the top pores (毛孔)in the top layer. The drying up is so efficient that the surface temperature of the actuator can drop by 21°C in just 30 seconds. That's three times more efficient than in humans. When wind from a fan is thrown into the mix, they cool down around six times as fast. The evaporation also cooled the object held by the actuator hand.

"The best part of this artificial strategy is that the heat regulation is based on the material itself," said T. J. Wallin, co-lead author, a research scientist at Facebook Reality Labs. "We did not need to have sensors or other components to control the sweating rate. When the local temperature rose above the set point, the pores would simply open and close on their own. "

While the result is exciting, it is only a first step. The robot has its weaknesses. The sweat can make the robot hand slippery, so the team is examining textures to improve its grasp. When the sweating takes place, the robot's mobility is also blocked and needs to refill its water supply.

"I think that the future of making these more biologically similar materials and robots is going to rely on the material composition," said co-lead author Rob Shepherd, an associate professor of mechanical and engineering. "This brings up a point about the importance of research involving several different academic subjects or areas, where really no one group has all the answers. "

1. Which can best replace the underlined word "dissipate" in paragraph 1?
A.turn downB.put aside
C.drive awayD.take in
2. What can control the heating performance of the robot?
A.Its artificial material.B.Its accurate sensor.
C.Its sensitive devices.D.Its working surroundings.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The disadvantages of the robot.
B.The next step of the researchers.
C.The rules the robot has to follow.
D.The effect of the new development.
4. What can we infer from Shepherd's words?
A.The future of the robot is promising.
B.The similar materials are too difficult to develop.
C.Only working together can make the robot more successful.
D.The next step of his team is to search for suitable software.
2020-07-10更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Around 45% of plastic waste is recycled annually in the UK and is on the increase. However, one of the problems with present plastic recycling methods is that you end up with a lower-quality plastic with worse properties (特性)than the original. This means that plastic drink bottles cannot simply be recycled into new drink bottles continuously, but instead are used for other lower-grade products like park benches.

Now, British scientists have developed a new method of chemical recycling. They use lower temperatures and more environmentally-friendly starting chemicals than previous methods to turn plastics back into their constituent chemical molecules (分子).In this way, they can be used to make new plastics of the same quality as the original.

"Most plastic is now recycled using mechanical methods, where they are transformed into liquids before being made into something new," said a professor named Matthew Jones. "The problem is, melting plastic changes its properties and reduces the quality. Out method of chemical recycling overcomes this problem. Then plastics can be used all over again without losing any properties?"

The researchers are recycling some kinds of plastics, including plant-based PLA, a plastic used for food packaging and PET, which is used for drink bottles. So far, the technology has only been demonstrated on a small range. However, scientists are now working to produce larger quantities of starting chemicals.

"There is no single solution to the problem of plastic waste — the approach has to be a combination of reducing, reusing and recycling. Our method of chemical recycling could allow carbon to be recycled endlessly rather than digging more up from the ground in the form of fossil fuels, or letting it into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas," said Dr. Paul McKeown from the University of Bath.

1. What is the problem with the present plastic recycling?
A.The quality of recycled plastics declines.
B.Plastic drink bottles cannot be recycled.
C.The amount of plastic waste is increasing.
D.Recycled lower-grade products sell badly.
2. How do scientists recycle plastic waste with the new method?
A.By transforming it into fuels.
B.By heating it into liquid state.
C.By keeping its original properties.
D.By changing its molecule structure.
3. What can we learn from what Dr. Paul McKeown said?
A.Fossil fuels are endless resources.
B.The plastic waste problem has no solution.
C.Recycled carbon leads to greenhouse gases.
D.The chemical recycling is environment-friendly.
4. In which part of the website can we find the text?
A.Business.B.Tech & Science.
C.Lifestyle.D.Arts & Culture
2020-05-20更新 | 194次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般