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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:115 题号:13326180

“We are running out of space and the only places to go to are other worlds... Spreading out may be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans need to leave Earth.” These are the words of the famous scientist Stephen Hawking, spoken at a science festival in Norway in 2017, a year before his death.

Hawking was not alone in this view. Many experts feel that the only way for humanity to last far into the future is to colonize other planets. That way, if an asteroid, a terrible disease, nuclear war, or some other disaster strikes Earth, civilization as we know it would still have a chance. Mars is one of the most tempting destinations. NASA, the United Arab Emirates, the private company SpaceX, and the organization Mars One all have plans to send humans there. “Either we spread Earth to other planets, or we risk going extinct, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said at a conference in 2013.

But not everyone agrees that colonizing Mars or any other planet is such a great plan. The most common argument against going is that it’s just too expensive or dangerous. It will take huge amounts of money and other resources just to get people there, let alone set up a place for them to live. It’s not even clear if humans could survive on Mars. One of the biggest dangers there is deadly radiation that bombards the planet.

Maybe all the time and money people would pour into a Mars mission would be better spent on more urgent projects here on Earth, like dealing with poverty or climate change. Some experts argue that handling a problem like an asteroid strike or disease outbreak while staying here on Earth would be much easier and less expensive than surviving on a new planet.

In addition, moving to a new planet could harm or destroy anything that already lives there. Mars seems uninhabited, but it could possibly host microbial life. Human visitors may destroy this life or permanently change or damage the Martian environment. Some feel that’s too much of a risk to take.

What do you think? Should humans colonize outer space or stay home?

1. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Many experts insist that humans should take the risk.
B.Mars is the most attractive destinations for human beings.
C.Hawking firmly believes the only way to save humans is moving to Mars.
D.All the other experts don’t agree with Hawking’s idea.
2. Why do some experts disagree with the plan to colonize Mars?
A.It will cost much more money to settle on Mars than on Earth.
B.It is too long a distance from the Earth to the Mars.
C.Human visitors will bring diseases to Martian environment.
D.The deadly radiation that bombards the planet is the biggest danger.
3. What’s the writing purpose of the passage?
A.To raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment.
B.To present different opinions on whether to move to the Mars.
C.To arouse readers’ reflection on whether to colonize outer space.
D.To inspire people to deal with the environmental problems.
4. In which section of a magazine is the passage most likely from?
A.Fiction.B.Current affairs.C.Social Studies.D.Science.
【知识点】 天体和宇宙 议论文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The far side of the moon is a strange and wild region, quite different from the familiar and mostly smooth face we see nightly from our planet. Soon this rough space will have even stranger features: it will be crowded with radio telescopes.

Astronomers are planning to make the moon's distant side our newest and best window on the cosmic(宇宙的) dark ages, a mysterious era hiding early marks of stars and galaxies. Our universe was not always filled with stars. About 380,000 years after the big bang, the universe cooled, and the first atoms of hydrogen formed. Gigantic hydrogen clouds soon filled the universe. But for a few hundred million years, everything remained dark, without stars. Then came the cosmic dawn: the first stars flickered, galaxies came into existence and slowly the universe's large­scale structure took shape.

The seeds of this structure must have been present in the dark­age hydrogen clouds, but the era has been impossible to probe using optical(光学的) telescopes—there was no light. And although this hydrogen produced long­wavelength(or low­frequency) radio emissions,radio telescopes on Earth have found it nearly impossible to detect them. Our atmosphere either blocks or disturbs these faint signals; those that get through are drowned out by humanity's radio noise.

Scientists have dreamed for decades of studying the cosmic dark ages from the moon's far side. Now multiple space agencies plan lunar missions carrying radio­wave­detecting instruments—some within the next three years—and astronomers' dreams are set to become reality.

“If I were to design an ideal place to do low­frequency radio astronomy, I would have to build the moon,” says astrophysicist Jack Burns of the University of Colorado Boulder. “We are just now finally getting to the place where we're actually going to be putting these telescopes down on the moon in the next few years.”

1. What's the purpose of building radio telescopes on the moon?
A.To research the big bang.B.To discover unknown stars.
C.To study the cosmic dark ages.D.To observe the far side of the moon.
2. What does the underlined word “probe” in Paragraph 3 possibly mean?
3. Hydrogen radio emissions can't be detected on Earth because ________.
A.there was no light in the dark ages
B.they cannot possibly get through our atmosphere
C.gigantic hydrogen clouds no longer fill the universe
D.radio signals on Earth cause too much interference
4. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.Scientists have to rebuild the moon.
B.We will finally get to the moon's distant side.
C.The moon is a perfect place to set up radio telescopes.
D.A favorable research environment will be found on the moon.
2021-06-01更新 | 363次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约440词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。16岁的Kartik Pingle和18岁的Jasmine Wright两名高中生在距离地球约200光年的遥远太空中发现了四颗新行星,这使他们成为进行此类发现的“最年轻的天文学家”。文章介绍了他们发现这些行星的经过和对发现新行星的看法。

【推荐2】Two high school students have identified four new planets in distant space about 200-light-years from Earth, making them “the youngest astronomers” to make such a discovery.

Kartik Pingle, 16, and Jasmine Wright. 18, who both attend schools in Massachusetts, participated in the Student Research Mentoring Program (SRMP). With the help of Tansu Daylan, an MIT doctor for Astrophysics and Space Research, the students studied and analyzed data from the Transiting Exoplanct Survey Satellite (TESS). Together they focused on Tess Object of Interest (TOI) 1233, a nearby, bright sun-like star and here they found four planets rotating(旋转)around the star. “We were looking to see changes in light over time,” Pingle explained, “the idea is that if the planet transits the star, or passes in front of it, it would periodically cover up the star and decrease its brightness.”

While studying 1233, Pingle and Wright had at least hoped to find one planet but were overwhelmed with joy when a total of four were spotted. “I was very excited and very shocked.” Wright said. “We knew this was the goal of Daylan’s research, but to actually find a multi-planetary system, and be part of the discovering team, was really cool.” Three of the newly discovered planets are considered as “sub-Neptunes”, which are gaseous, but smaller than the Neptune that lives in our solar system. While observing the planets, the team determined each one completes their orbit around 1233 every six to 19.5 days. However, the fourth planet is called a “super-Earth” for its large size and rockiness this one orbits around the star in just under four days.

“We have long been studying planets beyond our solar system and with multi-planetary systems, the two young students are kind of hitting the jackpot. They are really blessed.” Daylan said. “The planets originated from the same disk of matter around the same star, but they ended up being different planets with different atmospheres and different climates due to their different orbits. So, we would like to understand the basic processes of planet formation and evolution using this planetary system.”

Daylan added that it was a “win-win” to work with Pingle and Wright on the study. “As a researcher, I really enjoy interacting with young brains that are open to experimentation and learning and have slightest bias(偏见).”he said, “I also think it is very beneficial to high school students, since they get exposure to cutting-edge research, and this prepares them quickly for a research career.”

1. How did the two students identify the four planets?
A.By helping professor Tansu Daylan with the data.
B.By analyzing the change of brightness of star 1233.
C.By studying Neptune that lives in our solar system.
D.By interacting with other young talented brains.
2. What is special about the discovery?
A.It was made by two high school students.
B.It was made with an innovative approach.
C.It was meant to be made by Tansu Daylan.
D.It found the largest number of planets at a time.
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “hitting the jackpot” in paragraph 5?
A.Making a discovery difficultly.B.Achieving the goal easily.
C.Succeeding in something luckily.D.Performing a task carefully.
4. According to the article, what benefits does the study bring?
A.It allows the scientists to work with young people without prejudice.
B.It equips future astronomers with better researching abilities.
C.It provides more perspectives and thus boosts more discoveries.
D.It arouses students’ interest in exploring the unknown universe.
2022-07-06更新 | 237次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】NASA said its Kepler spacecraft has spotted ''Earth's bigger, older cousin'': the first nearly Earth-size planet to be found in the habitable zone of a star similar to our own.

Though NASA can’t say for sure whether the planet is rocky like ours or has water and air, it's the closest match yet found.

The planet, Kepler-452b, is about 60% bigger than Earth, NASA says, and is located in its star's habitable zone, where life-sustaining liquid water is possible on the surface of a planet.

A visitor there would experience gravity about twice that of Earth's, and scientists say the possibility of it having a rocky surface are ''better than ever''. While it's a bit farther from its star than Earth is from the sun, its star is brighter, so the planet receives about the same amount of energy from its star as Earth does from the sun.

Kepler researcher Jeff Jenkins said, ''The planet almost certainly has an atmosphere, although scientists can't say what it's made of. But if the assumptions are correct, kepler-452b's atmosphere may be thicker than Earth's. ''

It takes 385 days for the planet to orbit its star. ''Because it has spent so long orbiting in this zone—6 billion years—it's had plenty of time to brew life,'' Jenkins said.

''That's an opportunity for life to arise, if all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life exist on this planet, '' he said in a statement.

Kepler-452b is too far away for humans to visit. But the discovery of this new Earth-like planet can tell us a lot about what’s possible for the future of space travel. ''The next step in the process is to do follow-up missions to find planets similar to kepler-452b, but much closer to Earth, '' said Peter Coughlin, a Kepler research scientist. ''We could do a lot more research into those planets, and even start to think about visiting one day. ''

1. The researchers are sure that Kepler-452b ________.
A.is larger than EarthB.has an atmosphere
C.has air and waterD.has many rocks
2. What is the similarity between Kepler-452b and the Earth?
A.They are both located in the sun's habitable zone.
B.Their distances from the sun are almost the same.
C.Their atmospheres are made of the same compositions.
D.They get almost the same amount of energy from their stars..
3. The underlined word ''brew'' in paragraph 6 most probably means ________.
4. What should be the best title for the text?
A.Kepler-452b Is Compared to the Earth.
B.NASA Discovers a New Earth-Like Planet.
C.A Spacecraft Was Launched to Find Super-Earth.
D.A New Planet With Life Is Discovered.
2020-06-15更新 | 102次组卷
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