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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:13367843

On the edge of the Saudi Arabian desert beside the Red Sea, a city called Neom is due to be built. The city-complete with flying taxis and robotic domestic help—is planned to become home to one million people. And what energy product will be used to power this city? Not oil. Instead, Saudi Arabia is banking on a different fuel—green hydrogen.

A large US gas company, Air Products & Chemicals, announced that as part of Neom it has been building a green hydrogen plant in Saudi Arabia for the past four years. The plant claims to be the world's largest green hydrogen project.

Experts say that green hydrogen could be an ideal power source for many industries.

In Japan, a new green hydrogen plant opened near Fukushima—an intentionally symbolic location given the plant's proximity to the site of the 2011 nuclear disaster. It will be used to power fuel cells.

Europe is also investing in green hydrogen. The European Union drafted a strategy for large-scale green hydrogen expansion. "Large-scale deployment (部署) of clean hydrogen at a fast pace is key for the EU to achieve its high climate ambitions", the European Commission wrote.

Green hydrogen is a promising zero-emission technology for aircraft. But Airbus recently released a statement saying that significant problems need to be overcome, including safely storing hydrogen on aircraft, the lack of a hydrogen facility at airports, and cost.

And on the ground, green hydrogen has been identified as an alternative to some road vehicles. In the UK, hydrogen trains, trucks and buses are welcomed.

There are even plans for smaller-scale hydrogen systems that can power individual homes. In Australia, the University of New South Wales has created a home-based system that uses solar energy to create and store green hydrogen, which is changed into electricity as needed.

1. What do we know about the city Neom?
A.It is located off the coast of the Red Sea.
B.It will be crowded with robotic taxis.
C.It will be powered by a unique power source.
D.It has the world's largest gas company.
2. What does the underlined word "proximity" in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What can we infer about green hydrogen from the text?
A.Some experts state that it could be applied to almost any field.
B.The European Union took great interest in its fast- paced expansion.
C.It can be employed in all road vehicles as a zero-emission technology.
D.Storing it safely on aircraft was impossible to handle.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.Advertisement.B.Travel guide.
C.Science report.D.Newspaper.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There are a couple of ways to forecast the destructive potential of a hurricane so that people in the way can take adequate precautions (预防措施). Satellite images of cloud patterns can be analyzed to estimate peak wind speeds, but the estimates are often way off the mark. Specialized aircraft can fly into a storm to measure the winds directly, but the flights are costly.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology come up with a third way: listening to a storm underwater.

In a paper to be published in Geophysical Research Letters, Nicholas C. Makris and a former graduate student, Joshua D. Wilson, report a strong connection between the intensity (强度) of sound recorded by an undersea microphone in the mid-Atlantic and the wind power of a hurricane that passed over it. They say that such microphones, known as hydrophones, could be a safe and relatively inexpensive means of estimating hurricane force.

Dr. Makris and Dr. Wilson, who are now with Applied Physical Sciences Corporation, worked out the theory of underwater acoustic (声音的) monitoring of storms in a 2005 paper. “To be very frank with you, it’s a mystery what makes storms noisy underwater.” Dr. Makris said. The most popular idea currently is that it has something to do with oscillating air bubbles (气泡振动).

The researchers then went looking for experimental data to back their theory, and found it from a hydrophone placed at a depth of 2,500 feet by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration. It happened that Hurricane Gert passed over the area in September 2009, and a hurricane-hunter plane directly measured the wind speed at the same time. The hydrophone data showed sound intensity rose when the storm’s outside wind “wall” passed over, and again when the inside wall, the most destructive part of the storm near the eye, passed over. “We got a beautiful connection,” Dr. Makris said, “between the hydrophone data and the actual wind speeds as measured by the aircraft.”

Dr. Makris is conducting additional experiments, working with the Mexican Navy off the west coast of Mexico. The eventual goal, he said, would be permanent hydrophones in known hurricane zones or temporary ones that could be easily laid by plane or ship in the path of a coming storm.

1. Compared with the traditional methods, the new way of measuring is_____.
A.more expensiveB.more direct
C.less accurateD.less dangerous
2. Which statement is WRONG according to the article?
A.The scientists gained support from different fields.
B.Dr. Makris and Dr. Wilson have figured out what makes storms noisy underwater.
C.The relationship between sound intensity and the force of the hurricane has been found.
D.There are several ways for people to forecast the force of the coming hurricane.
3. Why is Dr. Makris now making other experiments with the help of the Mexican Navy?
A.To place permanent hydrophones in some zones.
B.To collect more images of cloud patterns.
C.To be secure in carrying out their experiments.
D.To get more information from the hurricane-hunter planes.
4. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Ways to Stop the Destructive Force of a Hurricane.
B.Measuring a Hurricane by Sound Underwater.
C.Connection between the Intensity of Sound and the Wind Power of a Hurricane.
D.Hydrophones, Safe but Expensive Means of Estimating Hurricane Force.
2020-12-25更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Hadi Partovi,founder of Code.org believes every student should learn the basics of computer science just like they do math,physics,or biology,regardless of what they want to do in the future.The expert says knowledge about the subject is important to understand how the world around us works and compares it to learning about photosynthesis(光合作用),even though not every student is going to be a botanist.To spark students’interest,he created the“Hour of Code,”which introduces the world of computing to anyone,from ages 14 to 104,in a fun,interactive manner.Observed annually during Computer Science Week,the event now draws tens of millions of kids from over 180 countries.

The“Hour of Code”,which can be scheduled anytime during Computer Science Week,begins with an introductory video on computer science.Participants can then select from hundreds of fun assignments that are sorted by both grade level and coding experience.Though each project is designed to last just sixty minutes,beginners can deal with as many challenges as they desire.

To help introduce computer science in classrooms on a more regular basis,Code.org has also developed a catalog of online courses that can be incorporated(纳入)in a school’s regular curriculum.Since the nonprofit began offering the courses in 2013,over 704,000 teachers have signed up to teach introductory computer science to over 22 million students worldwide.

Thanks to the efforts of the pioneer,about 40 percent of US schools now offer computer science as a subject.The numbers are even higher—an impressive 70 percent—if after-school offerings such as robotics clubs are included.Even more encouraging,eight years ago,just 19,390 students took an Advanced Placement Computer Science exam.By the spring of 2017,the number had jumped 415 percent to 99,868.

1. Why did Hardi Partovi create the“Hour of Code”?
A.To train computer scientists for the future.
B.To introduce the world of computing to teachers.
C.To add a programme to Computer Science Week.
D.To help people learn computer science in a fun way.
2. The“Hour of Code”is so called most probably because___________.
A.it is observed annually
B.it can be scheduled anytime
C.its projects last sixty minutes each
D.its tasks can be sorted by coding experience
3. What do we know about Code.org’s online courses?
A.Schools can use them regularly in their classrooms.
B.They help the developer make lots of money.
C.Over 704,000 teachers have been learning them.
D.They have existed for over 10 years up to now.
4. What do the numbers show in the last paragraph?
A.The efforts of Hadi Partovi.
B.The influence of robotics clubs.
C.The effect of Hadi Partovi’s efforts.
D.The development of many US schools.
2019-03-15更新 | 141次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A living robot has been created out of frog skin cells. Xenobots, named after the frog species Xenopus laevis (非洲爪蝴) that the cells come from, were first described last year. Now the team behind the robots has improved their design and demonstrated new capabilities.

To create the xenobots, Michael Levin at Tufts University in Massachusetts and his colleagues obtained tissue from 24-hour-old frog embryos (胚胎) after very small physical operation. Where the previous version relied on the contraction (收缩) of heart muscle cells to move them forward by pushing off surfaces, these new xenobots swim around faster. They also live between three and seven days longer than their previous generation, which only lasted about seven days, and have the ability to sense their surroundings to some extent, turning red when exposed to blue light.

The fundamental finding here is that when you free skin cells from their normal context, and you give them a chance to build other things than what they normally build,” says Levin. “To me, one of the most exciting things here is that they are plastic. This idea that even normal cells, not genetically modified (更改), are in fact capable of building something completely different.”

Because they are created from cells, the xenobots eventually break apart and are totally biodegradable (能降解的), says team member Douglas Blackiston, also at Tufts University. He therefore hopes that they can be used for biomedical and environmental applications.

Previous attempts at creating living robots, such as a wirelessly controlled cockroach, have involved dealing with live animals, raising ethical (伦理的) concerns. Xenobots differ from these because they are made entirely of living cells. “The approach here is maybe ethically the least problematic because everything starts with cells. They have no neurons (神经元),so it’s not an   animal,” says Auke ljspeert at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, who wasn’t involved in the research. “It’s really cells, so I find it maybe the cleanest way.”

1. How were the new xenobots created?
A.By making use of frog embryos.
B.By relying on heart muscle cells.
C.By sensing similar surroundings.
D.By exposing them to blue light.
2. Which has the similar meaning to the underlined word “plastic” in Paragraph 3?
3. What can be inferred from Douglas Blackiston’s words?
A.The xenobots can’t break down easily.
B.The xenobots need to be further perfected.
C.The xenobots can be applied in other fields.
D.The xenobots have already been widely used.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The new approach starts with some neurons.
B.Xenobots have raised least ethical concerns.
C.The wireless controlled cockroach is a failure.
D.Previous living robots involve few living animals.
2021-05-28更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般