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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:13531927

Scientists have created a healthy clone of a black-footed ferret by using DNA from a ferret that died over 30 years ago. The cloned animal is called Elizabeth Ann.

Large numbers of black-footed ferrets once lived in the American West. The ferrets live mainly on the prairie dogs they catch. But when farmers began killing off prairie dogs, lots of ferrets died, too. By the 1970s, most experts believed that black-footed ferrets were extinct.

Then, in 1981, a group of black-footed ferrets were found in Wyoming. The US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS) caught 18 of these ferrets to try to raise them in captivity so that they could be shielded. All but seven died.

At present, there're between 400 and 500 black-footed ferrets remaining. Some are still in captivity. Others have been released into the wild. But all black-footed ferrets living today are related to the seven animals saved from Wyoming.

Normally, when there're large numbers of a type of animal, they have many small differences. The DNA of the animals gets mixed up when different pairs of animals have babies. The small differences in their DNA can help protect the group as a whole. But because all living black-footed ferrets are closely related, they all have similar weaknesses.

But Elizabeth Ann is cloned from an animal that lived over 30 years ago, so her DNA is very different. Scientists hope that when this DNA is mixed back in, future black-footed ferrets will be healthier in general.

Elizabeth Ann was born on December 10, 2020. Blood tests have proven her to be 100% black footed ferret. It's the first native endangered species ever cloned in the US. Elizabeth Ann seems normal and healthy, and enjoys spending her days in her cage.

She won't ever be released into the wild, but soon, she may have some cloned brothers and sisters. And later, she'll probably have babies. Sooner or later, her children will have babies with wild black-footed ferrets, and her DNA will begin to spread.

1. What does the underlined word “shielded” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
2. What is the biggest threat to the captive black-footed ferrets?
A.Their unusual appearance.B.Their biological weaknesses.
C.Their poor living conditions.D.Unfriendly human activities.
3. Elizabeth Ann was most probably cloned from a wild ferret that died ______.
A.in the 1960sB.in the 1970sC.in the 1980sD.in the 1990s
4. What attitude does the author hold towards the future of Elizabeth Ann?
【知识点】 动物 说明文


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【推荐1】On Thursday, scientists in Indonesia announced the discovery of a rare frog that has no lungs and takes breath through its skin. Researchers believe that the little animal could provide some information about how environment can cause some animals to change so greatly over time.

The frog was found in a faraway part of Indonesia during a scientific research last summer. The unusual animal is the world’s first know lungless frog species. Only a few amphibians have been found lungless.

David Bickford is a biologist at the National University of Singapore. He led the research team that discovered the rare frog. Its living environment has been polluted by chemicals from agriculture. “These are about the most ancient and bizarre frog you can get on the earth,” he says.

Bickford says it’s possible that the frog may have changed in order to adapt to the cold, fast moving and oxygen-rich rivers in which it lives. The biologist adds that his “extreme change” was probably necessary to reduce the frog’s ability to float. That way, it could keep itself from being swept down the mountain rivers.

Scientists say that the new discovery has made it more important to protect the frog’s river living environment. In the last few years, illegal tree cutting and gold mining have caused the once-clean waters to turn brown with pollution.

“The gold mining is completely illegal and small size,” Bickford says. “But when there are thousand of them on the river, it really has a huge effect. Very soon the frog will be out of the river.”

1. The frog is unusual because       .
A.it has no lungs at all
B.it doesn’t use its lungs to take breath
C.it’s the world’s first lungless species
D.it can take breath either through its lungs or its skin
2. What does the underlined word “bizarre” probably mean in Paragraph 3?
3. What might have led to the change of the frog according to the passage?
A.Illegal tree cutting.B.Its living conditions.
C.The gold mining.D.Changes of the climate.
4. What does the author want to tell us from the last two paragraphs?
A.The frog will have to live on land.
B.The frog must develop its ability to float.
C.Industrial waste is the main cause of water pollution.
D.It’s high time to protect the frog’s living environment.
2020-04-01更新 | 21次组卷
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【推荐2】In an unusual move, wildlife workers in Florida are feeding manatees to keep them from starving. But feeding these massive sea creatures takes a lot of food. So far, the rescue workers have already given out 25 tons of lettuces. By 2025, there will be 50 tons of lettuces needed, said the rescue workers. They also said the figure will rise to around 70 tons by 2030.

Manatees are huge sea mammals that only eat sea grass and other plants that live in the sea. That’s one reason they’re sometimes called “sea cows”. They spend most of their time in warm, shallow water looking for food.

Sea grass began to disappear around 2011. Warming seas, combined with polluted water and fertilizers that have been washed off from farmlands have created huge growths of algae on the ocean’s surface. The algae blocks the sunlight that allows the sea grass to grow.

The problem is especially grievous in Indian River Lagoon. About 90% of the sea grass beds in the area have died off. Last year, 1, 101 manatees died. That was a record. Most died from starvation. Many of the manatees that remain are so thin that their bones can be seen. Often they have trouble swimming. So last December, government wildlife experts came up with a plan to get emergency food to the manatees. They decided to feed them green vegetables like lettuce and cabbage.

As a feeding spot, they chose a part of the Indian River Lagoon where Florida Power &Light has a power plant. The power plant releases warm and clean water, so it’s popular with the manatees.

The feeding station has been very successful. Around 350 manatees a day have come to get food. On some days, as many as 800 manatees have shown up.

1. How many more lettuces will manatees need by 2030 than now?
A.More than 25 tons.B.About 50 tons.
C.Less than 70 tons.D.About 45 tons.
2. What directly makes sea grass disappear?
A.A large number of algae.B.Remaining fertilizers.
C.Polluted water.D.Warming seas.
3. What does the underlined word “grievous” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To thank and praise the rescue workers.
B.To present a new finding about wild animals.
C.To show the terrible situation about Manatees.
D.To tell the improvements of living conditions for manatees.
2022-04-21更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It is not always easy to understand animal behavior, especially when it’s related to other species (物种). For decades, researchers have observed orca (虎鲸) attacking and even killing porpoises (鼠海豚) in the Pacific Northwest. But it confuses people that these expert hunters don’t eat them. So what’s going on here?

Southern Resident orcas are a different population of orcas that live in the Pacific Northwest. The lives of these orcas are closely tied to those of the salmon (鲑鱼). So if the salmon disappear, so too will the orca. But despite their preference for salmon, these whales are known to attack and kill other smaller marine mammals (海洋哺乳动物) without eating them.

To better understand this unusual behavior, an international team of researchers did a research and examined more than 60 years of recorded interactions between Southern Resident orcas and porpoises in the Salish Sea.

“Why don’t the Southern Residents just eat porpoises instead?” Deborah Giles of Wild Orca said. “It’s because fish-eating killer whales have a completely different ecology and culture from orcas that eat marine mammals. So we must conclude that their interactions with porpoises serve a different purpose, but this purpose has only been a guess until now.”

According to Giles and her colleagues’work, the orca may be attacking the porpoise as a form of social play. It is possible these large animals may be attacking the smaller mammals as a way to build up social cohesion (凝聚力). Similarly, the behavior could represent hunting practice, by which the orcas are practising their teamwork and cooperation skills for hunting salmon. Finally, the behavior could be a way of “mismothering” where the orca see the smaller porpoises as weaker or ill and so in need of care.

This work highlights the need for the protection of salmon populations in the area as well as the orcas’entire hunting range. The threat (威胁) to the salmon’s future is not just a threat to a single species, but an entire ecosystem.

1. Why did an international team of researchers do their study?
A.To find out a way to protect porpoises.
B.To make sure the reason why some orcas attack salmons.
C.To solve the problem of marine mammals’ living environment.
D.To better understand the strange behavior of Southern Resident orcas.
2. What are Southern Resident orcas’favorite food?
A.Porpoises.B.Marine mammals.C.Salmons.D.Whales.
3. According to Giles’research, which maybe a reason for the orcas’attacking porpoises?
A.It’s a kind of social play with porpoises.
B.It is a practice to kill porpoises as their food.
C.The orcas may dislike the smaller porpoises.
D.It’s a way for the orcas to practice their hunting skills.
4. What’s the writer’s attitude to the research?
2023-11-14更新 | 74次组卷
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