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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:99 题号:13565488

We are now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, due to the scientific technology's evolving     1     (rapid). Many of us are looking forward to seeing popular science fiction turn into a     2     (real) in the coming years. As is known to all, there have existed many great scientific inventions that are ready to go off the shelf. Either those that     3     (develop), or those that are in the process of designing. The imaginations we laugh at today will end up     4     (surprise) us in the future when they become real.

One of the most     5     (ambition) plans of China is to get 17 different countries to work for the idea of getting the western world linked to the eastern one via a high-speed rail line. We are not talking about connecting Eastern and Western China     6     train; we are talking about connecting London and Beijing. Another one is that the US might have created something     7     looks and sounds like a flying car,     8     (call) “flying Humvee”. But the rest of us still have to wait for this invention to turn up. Nevertheless, at least that should count as     9     achievement.

If you think there     10       (be) a great many other out- of-the-world inventions that are promising in the near future, please share them with us.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Earlier this year, a three-year-old boy from Guangxi died after     1    (leave)in a car for several hours in the hot afternoon sun.     2     this was a horrible tragedy, it isn’t a rare story across the world.

In the United States alone, at least 39 children     3    (die)in similar incidents so far this year, according to the figures published by independent organization NoHeatStroke. But could a high-tech device save a child     4     is locked in a car or help other people take the kid out before it’s too late?

Three high school students at Guangdong Experimental High School may have the answer to this question. They made a device using a sensor     5    (monitor)both the temperature and level of carbon dioxide in a car, which also blows out cool air     6     the levels become too high. The invention, which ensures the safety of passengers in cars, helped them win the gold medal at the 2017 Invention & New Product Exposition, an invention show in the United States.

While the device     7     didn’t sound very complex, it needed special skills to make it. Thanks to on-campus science and technology courses at their school, the students armed themselves with the knowledge     8    (need)to get the job done. They also spent their spare time     9    (research)on the internet and using smart phone apps.

The team stood out not only because of the advanced technology they used, but because of the human interest side of their invention, they noticed some social problems,     10    (think)about them and tried to solve them.

2019-11-11更新 | 73次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Food waste is one of the greatest challenges of our time, and fruit and vegetables are especially problematic, as about 52% of them go bad before     1    (eventual) reaching consumers. But one Malaysian company has come up     2     a simple solution(解决方案)to this problem — a tiny sticker that keeps fruit from     3     (go) bad for up to weeks.

You've probably seen stickers on fruit before,     4     not like the ones created by the Malaysian company. Those common stickers are typically     5     (use) only to provide consumers with     6     (inform) about the growers and how the fruit was grown, but Stixfresh has a completely different purpose. It contains something special and all-natural that slows down the ripening(成熟)process, keeping the fruit fresh and juicy for much     7    (long).

Stixfresh founder Zhafri Zainudin says that he thought of the idea for the stickers after visiting a friend     8     ran a fruit store. The man was worried about losing money every day because of bad fruit, but he knew that there was no way to stop nature from taking     9     (it) course. The Malaysian businessman worked with many     10     (university) to develop and test his sticker.

At first, Stixfresh stickers were only used to lengthen the shelf-life of mangoes, but the company later worked on other fruit, like dragon fruit, star fruit, apples and pears.

2020-12-04更新 | 135次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system that can identify people even if they     1     (wear) masks. Engineers at Hanwang Technology Ltd. say their system is the first to be created to     2     (effective) identify people wearing face masks.

Hanwang is now selling two main     3     (kind) of products that use the new technology. One performs “single channel” recognition, which is designed to be used at the     4     (enter) to buildings. The other product is a “multi-channel” recognition system, which can identify individuals in     5     crowd of up to 30 people “within a second” by     6     (use) groups of surveillance (监控) cameras. When people wear a mask, the recognition rate can reach about 95%. And the system’s success rate for people not wearing a mask     7     (be) about 99. 5%.

    8     was not immediately clear how Chinese citizens were reacting to the new technology. The Chinese government has already been using other surveillance tools in the fight against the new coronavirus (新冠肺炎).     9     some citizens have expressed opposition to such tools, many others seem to have accepted the methods as a way     10     (deal) with the current health emergency.

2020-06-29更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般