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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:143 题号:13660041

Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881—1973 ) was one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. It was said that everything his brush touched turned to gold. But in truth, his works could be worth more than any precious metal. Picasso created more than 20,000 works in his life, including two of the world's 10 most expensive paintings.

Between 1907 and 1913, Picasso and his colleague Georges Braque started a revolution(革命) in painting. Before that, paintings were like windows—they were painted to look as if they had depth. You could tell which objects were "close" to you and which objects were "far away". But Picasso and Braque didn't want to paint like that any more. To them, a painting wasn't a window to the world; it was marks and lines on a flat surface. Why, they thought, should an object like a guitar be shown only from one angle (角度)? A guitar can look very different depending on which angle one looks at it from. Their answer was to show all the angles. They broke the guitar up into pieces. Their style of painting is called cubism (立体主义).

But why did they feel such a need to change things? Well, the world around them was changing, too. Science was turning people's ideas upside down. Albert Einstein's theory proved that what we knew about time and space was wrong. The world was becoming different; artists needed to start seeing and painting it differently.

The famous and terrifying painting Guernica (1937) shows a terrible scene during the Spanish Civil War. In the painting, you can actually see the sky falling. Picasso couldn't have painted it without the skills he learned during his cubist period. Breaking a guitar up into pieces was his preparation for showing the world being blown to pieces.

1. What is mainly discussed about Picasso in this article?
A.The high price of his paintings.
B.His difficulties in career.
C.The popularity of his paintings.
D.His achievements in art.
2. In what way did Picasso and Braque paint?
A.They painted objects with different depth.
B.They made their paintings look like windows.
C.They painted an object from different angles.
D.They broke objects up into pieces and painted them.
3. What caused Picasso and Braque to start cubism?
A.Einstein's theory.
B.The changing world.
C.A broken guitar.
D.Spanish Civil War.
4. Why did the author mention the painting Guernica?
A.To show the theme of Picasso's paintings.
B.To express Picasso's anger at the war.
C.To describe the preparations Picasso made before.
D.To present the artistic effect of cubism.
【知识点】 说明文 艺术家


阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】We all know it isn't healthy to stay up late but many people still cannot get enough sleep, especially the young. Over 60 percent of Chinese youths aged 6 to 17 sleep less than eight hours a day, according to a report showed by the Chinese Sleep Research Society (CSRS) on March 17. Among 13- to 17-year-olds, the figure is more than 81 percent.

The study covered nearly 70,000 children and tens aged 6 to 17 across the Chinese mainland,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan. According to the study,too much homework is a major cause for a lack of sleep among young people. Another major cause is the frequent use of electronic devices(设备),such as phones.

Primary school student Li Li said she goes to bed each day around midnight after finishing her homework and playing mobile games for a few hours.

Lack (缺乏)of sleep among children and teenagers has raised concern. “It can lead to weakened immunity(免疫力) ,and memory,and can also influence physical growth, ”Wang Zan, a member of the CSRS, told People’s Daily.

To reduce students’ homework, the Ministry of Education suggested that junior high students should spend no more than 90 minutes on homework and senior high students must do their homework in a proper time limit.

1. ______ of 13-to 17-year-olds could sleep less than eight hours a day.
A.Over 6 percentB.Over 60 percent
C.Over 81 percentD.Over 90 percent
2. One reason why Chinese youths can’t get enough sleep is________.
A.serious sleeping problemsB.a great deal of housework
C.too many after-school activitiesD.much use of electronic devices
3. Which is not the result of lack of sleep according to Wang Zan?
A.Growth problems.B.Poor memory.
C.Impolite behavior.D.Weak immunity.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Needed: More Time in Bed!B.Say Goodbye to Mobile Game!
C.Keep Away from Your TV!D.Needed: Fewer Morning Classes!
2021-11-07更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Workers at the National Galleries of Scotland recently experienced quite a surprise after they X-rayed a painting by Vincent van Gogh. Hidden on the back of the painting Head of a Peasant Woman, which Van Gogh completed in 1885, was a self-portrait (自画像) of the Dutch painter. No one had ever found it.

The hidden self-portrait had been covered by glue and cardboard that had been attached to the back of the painting. “It was absolutely exciting,” Lesley Stevenson, the museum’s worker, said about the discovery. “We weren’t expecting much of the little painting when we performed the scans,” she said. But museum experts quickly changed their expectations when they looked at the X-rays. “We didn’t see much of the peasant woman, but we saw the lead white that Van Gogh used for his face showing up after the X-ray went through the cardboard,” she added.

Van Gogh painted Head of a Peasant Woman as part of a series of works focused on the working-class residents of Nuenen, a small farming community in the southern part of the Netherlands where he lived briefly in the 1880s. The woman in the painting is Gordina de Groot, a farm worker. She wears a white headpiece. In a letter that Van Gogh penned about the series in 1885 to Anton Kerssemakers, a friend, he described his excitement at his working-class subjects. “I’m working with great pleasure these days, for I would rather paint people than paint anything else,” he wrote.

Van Gogh also loved creating self-portraits, producing about 20 paintings of himself by the end of his life while he was living in Paris. Recreating his own image was a cheap way for him to practice portraiture as he didn’t have to spend money hiring models, according to a report.

Art historians at the National Galleries hope that the hidden self-portrait may help us understand the life of the artist. The museum is currently considering how to best remove the unwanted protective materials without harming the painting.

1. What can be learned about the self-portrait on the back of the painting?
A.It isn’t in very good condition.B.It describes a well-known woman.
C.It wasn’t known to exist for a long time.D.It was sold to another artist by Van Gogh.
2. What do Stevenson’s words mainly show about the discovery?
A.It was a wonderful surprise.B.It failed to meet her expectations.
C.It was the result of her great efforts.D.It deepened her understanding of Van Gogh’s life.
3. What did Van Gogh tell his friend in the letter?
A.He was encouraged to try different subjects.
B.He was glad to find his love for figure paintings.
C.He was attracted by the lifestyle of people in Nuenen.
D.He wanted to improve the living conditions of the farmers.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.X-rays can do harm to artworks
B.Van Gogh sent a secret message to his friend
C.Modern technology has a great influence on art
D.Van Gogh’s hidden self-portrait draws public attention
2024-04-28更新 | 50次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】You may think of me as delicious and nutritious, the sight of me packed into cans of school lunches. But here’s what adults hide from the kids: There’s very little that’s gentle about me. One of the ocean’s fastest fish, I can grow to be 1,500 pounds, and I fetch millions at Japanese fish markets. Forget the “chicken of the sea”. I am the Schwarzenegger of the sea, the strongest and most powerful.

I’m honored in cave paintings dating back to 3000 BC. Coins from 2000 BC feature me on one side. Five years ago, modern Navy scientists confirmed just how perfectly evolved I am for efficient speed: They modeled their new underwater spy drone (无人机), The GhostSwimmer, on me.

How is it that the price of my raw meat ranges from a dollar to a hundred? In fact, the fish you generally call tuna is actually seven species of fish, Bluefin, as the largest, is at the top of the food chain. Along with Bigeye and Yellowfin, it is one of the three most favored tunas by customers. Skipjack, commercially my most important variety, is easier to catch, thus accounting for $18 billion of the $42 billion worth of me that gets sold each year. I can be delicious canned, provided you don’t be mean with the mayo (蛋黄酱) or, for a more heart healthy tuna salad, the olive oil. Considering mercury (汞) levels in canned “light” Skipjack, it’s also recommended that women of childbearing age dine on me in that form no more than once a week.

If you want to do right by the ocean, however, choose troll-caught or pole-and-line-caught tuna. These “one fish, one hook” methods hunt me without nearly as much unwanted fish. Longlines or huge nets, often wipe out entire schools. Don’t forget that getting rid of a top-level fish like me has severe consequences all the way down the food chain.

1. What does the underlined word “fetch” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.Be eaten up.B.Go and get.C.Be sold for.D.Run out of.
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Tuna’s important role in humans’ life.B.Tuna’s applications in modern science.
C.How tuna evolve over the course of time.D.Why tuna are the ocean’s fastest fish.
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Skipjack takes up about 42% of the tuna market per year.
B.The bigger a tuna fish is, the higher its quality and price.
C.Women should have canned tuna less than once a week.
D.The big price gap results from different ways to hunt tuna.
4. According to the last paragraph, what do “I” want to say to humans?
A.Give me more mayo, I will be healthier.B.Ouch! The hook hurts me. Net me, please.
C.Don’t tell kids I’m not what they think of me.D.Never wipe me out, or you are inviting trouble.
2024-05-16更新 | 85次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般