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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:357 题号:13690395

The widespread use of Internet technology has made our lives easier but causes a big challenge to senior citizens(长者), who are not always comfortable with smartphones and so many new apps.

Only a few senior citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that new technologies offer. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of people aged 60 and above was 253.88 million in 2019, about 18.1% of China's population. But only 23%of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet. That means more than three-fourths of the elderly are deprived (剥夺) of the digital benefits.

Many senior citizens who can't use smartphones are facing difficulties during this pandemic (流行病). Even with a smartphone in hand and Internet available, many of them still feel helpless. They don't know how to call a taxi through the apps. There have been reports of many shops turning away elders who don't know how to pay using smartphones, instead of letting them pay with cash. Worse still, as they don't know how to get the Internet-based health code (健康码), they are refused to enter many public places. Presenting individual health code is part of the epidemic prevention (防疫) and control measures.

New technologies become popular because they are often of great use in our daily lives. But many senior citizens, especially those living in the country-side or those whose grown-up children don't live with them, are not able to use the Internet or smart-phones, either because of financial (经济的) problems or because they cannot learn new things beyond a certain point. The digital gap between the elderly and the young is becoming more obvious.

However, the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived of digital benefits. It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap, and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.

1. What do the statistics show in Paragraph 2?
A.There are a small number of senior citizens in China.
B.Only 23% of the senior citizens can use the computer.
C.Three fourths of the eldly are unwilling to use smartphones.
D.Many elders fail to enjoy the convenience of the digital devices.
2. What does the author try to tell us?
A.Cash is no longer accepted in most shops.B.It's a must for everyone to have a health code.
C.Most elders need guidance on how to use the apps.D.Many shops now refuse to offer service to the elderly.
3. The elderly can't enjoy digital benefits for the following reasons EXCEPT _________.
A.their living areasB.their financial conditions
C.their relationship with childrenD.their difficulty in learning new things
4. What's the author's proposal to change the current situation of the senior citizens?
A.They should not use modern technology.B.They should keep silent using digital products.
C.The young should help them patiently.D.The young should persuade them to pay with cash.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When asked how technology might improve the lives of people with vision impairments(视力障碍) . Joann Becker, a vision impairments tech specialist, presented a misleadingly simple challenge, saying “I’d like to be able to find my bus stop through Be My Eyes”.

Be My Eyes, which went live in 2015, establishes a direct video connection between visually impaired users and sighted volunteers. The assumption is simple: Many people who are blind don't need any actual assistance in completing their daily tasks, but merely need a little help.

A sighted volunteer might be asked to help identify which of two cans contains tomatoes. In this case, the visually impaired user can cook a meal just fine on his/her own- -all he/she needs is a quick confirmation that he/she has the correct can. The model appears to be working; more than 540.000 volunteers and nearly 40.000 people with low vision are registered on the app.

“An elderly woman can now help a visually impaired technician set up his computer.” says founder Hans Wiberg, who has very low vision. “She doesn't need to know a thing about computers. She only needs to read what is presented on the screen. Then he can do the rest. ”

Early assistive technology centered on dedicated devices(专用设备), because of the niche market(小众市场) , which sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But the Smartphone, multipurpose and near-universal, has completely changed the economy of scale. “There are larger market forces driving high-powered computation, high-quality                                        engineering and high-quality battery management in the smartphone market than those in a specialty product.” says Aaron Stcinfeld, a research professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

“The reality is most sighted people don't know somebody who is bind.” Becker says.” They think the solutions that a blind person needs are far more expansive. It turns out they need to be. “I think these apps are enabling sighted people to see that blind people just need some simple clues to help them do any number of things in their lives.”

1. What is the first paragraph used for in the text?
A.Giving one example.B.Showing the main idea.
C.Making a conclusion.D.Introducing the topic.
2. How does the app Be My Eyes work?
A.By creating a video link between the visually disabled and sighted volunteers.
B.By recognizing which of two cans has tomatoes that can be cooked.
C.By establishing high-quality engineering and computation.
D.By flashing the everyday tasks of the technician and volunteers.
3. What can we know from the text?
A.Slight assistance can help the blind free from some troubles.
B.Volunteers should be very familiar with high-tech computers.
C.Only people with low vision are registered to use the app.
D.Joann Becker thinks it hard to find a bus stop using Be My Eyes.
4. What does the 5th paragraph mainly mean?
A.The smartphone becomes a special app.
B.Fine devices have changed the economy.
C.Cost matters when it comes to assistive technology.
D.Smartphone market has great economic potential.
2021-08-19更新 | 182次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Is it important for teenagers to own the latest cell-phone models? There are different ways of looking at this question.

First, why do teenagers need to have the latest models? Often it’s just to show off. The paradox is that there are many teenagers who own the latest cell-phone models but don’t even know how to use them properly. This is true. They just want one because their friends have similar ones, or because they take very good videos and photos.

On the other hand, if they do know how to use them, the latest cell phones are really good. They not only help teens to stay in touch with friends and family, but also help them to access the Internet and download pictures, videos or music they need when studying. These new phones are so powerful that having one is almost like having a whole library in your pocket. It’s an instant (即刻的) source of information that helps young people get the latest news. But many parents, thinking only of such positive sides, do not take into consideration the potential dangers. For example, children may constantly be distracted (分心) during class by sending and receiving text messages.

Each young generation loves the new technologies available — just think back to when you were a kid. But your job as a parent is to make sure your child gets the most out of this technology with the least possible harm.

1. According to the second paragraph, teenagers want to have the latest cell-phone models because ________.
A.they want to show they are fashionable
B.they think the latest models help them a lot with study
C.they think they can keep in touch with others more easily
D.they want to learn how to use new technologies
2. The underlined word “paradox” in the second paragraph can be replaced by _________.
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that the author thinks _______.
A.a new generation always loves new things
B.parents also liked technological products when they were young
C.parents should make sure children use the new technologies properly
D.parents shouldn’t allow children to own a cell Phone
2023-04-17更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We are busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer network didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working on the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” in the Internet more convenient.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

1. A new network system was set up to _________.
A.make computers cheaper
B.make itself keep on working all the time
C.break down the whole network
D.make computers large and expensive
2. __________ made “surfing” the Internet more convenient.
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.In the 1960s, computer network worked well.
B.In the early 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.
C.Today it’s still not easy to get on-line.
D.Sending e-mail is now more popular among students than before.
2018-09-21更新 | 82次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般